• Published 25th Dec 2017
  • 1,434 Views, 15 Comments

Mt Canter, Clear and Crystal - BlackWater

Time for a Christmas vacation with the Shimmers. That means heading off to snow-laden nature and getting into mischief.

  • ...

4 - Steam

Sunlight stood at the edge of the hot spring at first. The view really was as spectacular as his mothers had described earlier. He knew he could see it from in the water too but the white and pale green mountainscape stole his heart on site. In spite of being in his swim trunks, the steam coming off the water was just enough to keep him from being too cold and forcing him into the water sooner.

A light snow was falling but the gentle almost-not-there wind current pulled the flakes away from the side of the spring that was open to the outside. He saw the closest flakes that did land begin to melt from the proximity of the hot spring’s heat merely a foot from where he stood. His gaze landed on the pool behind him, which was his destination.

With the exhale of relaxation escaping him, he warmed up fast as he lowered himself in. It was almost too hot at first, but not because of the water itself. Merely the contrast to the frigid cold that existed outside of the hot spring’s sphere of heat. He was facing away from the great view at first and soon corrected that error. A portion of the interior underwater side was without steps and thus made it comfortable to rest against the edge and look out to the picturesque landscape beyond.


The young man turned his head towards the back of the spring where a door led to the attached changing room and shower. There stood the young woman of his dreams. Well, not his dreams exactly. She was real. But he still had pleasant dreams about her when he wasn’t actually with her in waking life.

Currently, she was sporting a black one-piece swimsuit with mesh-like sides that helped emphasize her curves and skin exposure even though it was a rather redundant task. The way Sunlight’s eyes sparkled at her look made it obvious he was merely liking what he already liked.

“My grand entrance was ruined because you weren’t even looking in this direction,” she frowned in what was obviously a mock irritation. The smile tugging at the corners of her lips gave her away.

“Oops,” he blurted in response.

“Just so you know, I considered skipping the suit entirely, but then I decided against it,” she explained after getting into the water and wading to him. “I didn’t want you to pass out because of me. The hot spring is supposed to do that for us.”

“Mom did say it has an evil desire to hold people here forever,” he joked back, putting his arms around her in return beneath the surface. “Still, I guess it was a good idea you kept to the suit. It’d be unfair to me since I’m wearing mine.”

Midnight took a glance down. “That would be painfully easy to fix.”

“Replace painfully with pleasurably and I think we’re golden,” he grinned.

That made her bop him playfully on the nose with a wet hand and a small splash accompanied by a giggle. “You have a comeback for everything, don’t you, hot stuff?”

“You’re the one making me hot,” he answered, the blonde and pink locks of his hair finally getting heavy and drooping from the steam.

“See?” she rolled her eyes in a humorous mood.

“All I see is a beautiful – and more than just a little sexy – young woman I’m lucky enough o call my girlfriend.”

“Oh Celestia-” she half groaned and half chuckled.

“-pales in comparison to your brilliant perfection.”

“Stop it!” she tried to command but the words came out in a fit of laughter as he switched to tickling her sides.

“Pre-emptive tickle counterattack!” he declared and only let up when she pushed herself away from him to escape.

“I thought we were supposed to be enjoying the view,” Middy suggested, still laughing but giving a nod to the edge of the spring facing the downward slope which they had met away from.

“I am enjoying it,” he wiggled his brows as he looked up and down her body. Or at least the visible part above and just below the steamy water.

“I walked into that one,” she rolled her eyes again.

That gave the young man a thought. “One of these days I’m going to have to be in a state of undress so you can conveniently walk in on me...”

Midnight gave a “pffft” of dismissal. “Is that how you envision our future? A bunch of cliches?”

“Only the enjoyable ones. But, hey, I didn’t suggest walking in on you naked,” he defended while swimming backwards to lead them to the viewing edge.

The silver-haired girl followed him in an equally relaxed pace. “I don’t remember objecting to such a thing. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. If you could keep from passing out from my gorgeous body.”

“Oh well now,” Sunlight turned his grin to a smile of extreme curiosity. They had reached the lip of the hot spring, so he pulled her in the short distance and pinned her against the side. Though he remained careful so neither of them would get a scrape from the occasional roughness there. “Sounds fun, but I think it’d be better to slowly undress you myself. That way I could savor every inch of reveal.”

Midnight’s heart skipped a beat. She had been playing along. It had become so easy to do with him. But now she realized just what it might be like if her suggestion came true. And she second-guessed her confidence. “Well...I...”

Worrying that he might have gotten carried away in the moment, he released her from his embrace and settled against the edge beside her. He spoke only after switching his gaze to the snowy world beyond the warm waters. “Enjoying the view sounds pretty good, though. Yep.”

Midnight’s face went from one expression to the next in a sort of dumbfounded confusion. It finally settled on indignant. “Hey, what’s with the carrot and stick, Lighty?”

“I, uh, thought it was maybe...too much?” he said more as a question at the end.

She grabbed his hand on the edge and brought it back to her hip under the water. “Do I have to spell it out? It’s what I want, okay? Don’t go getting cold feet on me.”

He nodded and pulled her to him again. “How about I...dang, how do I say this?”

“What?” Midnight pursed her lips, hoping to get the mood back.

“Is it okay if I put my hands all over you?”

Midnight turned confused at the question. “They were all over me in the cottage. Of course I’m okay with it. I had mine all over yours,” she added with a reassuring wink.

“It’s just that I didn’t think of asking what you were comfortable with and then just now it got me thinking-”

“No need to think,” she put her fingers to his lips. “We both know what we like. So come on.”

She hesitated for just a moment and he knew why, so he took the opportunity and kissed her. The kiss was accompanied by the tightening of their embrace. Their bodies pressed together in the comforting hot spring as the kiss deepened. The coldness of the snow falling upon the white forest before them was all forgotten because of it.

It felt like that moment back at the cottage. Only better.

Midnight kept her hands up around his neck to give ever more passion to their kiss but she wanted her hands elsewhere at the same time. His certainly didn’t remain stationary. Sunlight’s hands moved across her hips to her rear and she hadn’t a single objection. In fact…

“The kids can do it, so why can’t we?” Sunset countered in a low and husky voice as she cornered her wife in the cottage. “They’ll be gone for hours. Maybe they’ll get out of the water in good time, but they won’t be back for a while. We certainly weren’t.”

Well, saying Twilight was cornered might be a strong term to use. Twilight Shimmer had actually walked into the bedroom corner to get her cellphone and tell her son and his girlfriend to take their time. She knew when Sunset was in the mood. They had certainly lived together long enough for that. And, of course, she knew when she was in the mood as well.

Text sent.

“Put the phone down, babe,” Sunset whispered as she leaned into her wife’s ear and forced her hand holding the phone back to the nightstand.

Twilight breathed deep and felt the familiar calm of their love wash over her. “You want some nostalgia, don’t you?”

“I saw you packing the outfits so I figured that was you wanting it. Not me.”

“Rarity went through lots of trouble for us,” Twilight blushed. “It was a special request, after all.”

“She did them over a weekend. You know how she is,” Sunset chuckled. “So what are we waiting for. I want to see my high school sweetheart again~!”

“She’s been right here all along,” Twilight deadpanned.

Sunset laughed at that. “You know what I mean! So are we doing the Redemption Gets Hot scenario or Bad Girl vs Nerd?”

The response came out in a cute, quiet, and tiny voice almost like Fluttershy’s used to be back in the CHS days. “Bad girl?”

Sunset smirked. “Anything for my wife,” she assured and kissed lightly up one side of her face.

“Sunny~!” Twilight giggled in response and gently pushed her back. “We should change before getting into it. Besides, you need to get in character.”

Sunset rolled her shoulders and went over to the closet they had put their clothes up into. “It’s not easy, you know. It’s been so long that pretending to be a bully is hard to pull off with even fake seriousness.”

“I know,” Twilight gave a groan and caught the uniform her wife tossed her. She proceeded to undress so she could swap. “You ruined the last roleplay right when we got to the best part. You don’t need to remind me. Just lose yourself in the part.”

“You wanted me to call you a bunch of ridiculous names,” Sunset defended with a humorous spirit. “Not that I don’t get it. I loved it when you did that to me in The Bully Gets Her Comeuppance scenario you invented. But it’s still, heh,” she began to break up in laughter, “kind of funny...whoremonger...bahahahah!”

Twilight groaned at her spouse’s boisterous laughter and finished the tie that was a part of her recreated adult-sized CPA uniform. “Come on, Sunny. You’re not helping the mood here.”

“And the safe word was ‘Celestia.’ How could I not laugh my ass off?”

“Ugh,” Twilight facepalmed.

Sunset finished changing as well, finally slipping on the CPA vest that completed the uniform that had been made for her as well. She gave a brief twirl with her dark-patterned skirt, comfortable in the warmed air of the heated cottage. The bedroom wasn’t huge but the space was comfortable enough.

“Setting?” Sunset asked.

Twilight looked around with a thought. “Locker roo- No. My project room back at Crystal Prep.”

“Ooooh,” Sunset mewled with a smirk. “Someone is getting dirty with her fantasies...”

“You say that every time, Sunny,” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Now who’s not helping the mood?”

“Sorry,” the scientist took a deep breath. “Safe word?”

“Apricot. Not that we need it. This is a tame one.”

Twilight frowned. “You skimread my script didn’t you? It’s supposed to be forceful.”

Sunset blushed. “Yeah, I got you. Now get in position, Sparkle. Because when I barge back in here, I’m going to show Miss A++ that she should have spent more time studying self defense. I rule Crystal Prep and I always get what I want! That includes the number one student and what’s beneath her uniform.”

Twilight felt her heart beat faster. This just might be the best vacation yet.

Sunlight returned to Midnight on the edge of the spring, still out of the water. Here the rock was warm and the towels made it more comfortable than bare rock. He just went to check the flashing light on his phone after they had exited the water in the interest of not passing out from overheating.

Midnight laid with her chest to the towel, top having been promptly removed earlier. She enjoyed teasing him still. It made it fun and it was not as if he had not seen her already. He came up and laid down next to her, sighing at the warm plushness of the towels and the surrounding air even as it continually vented to the snowy air of the breathtaking mountain view they faced.

“She said to take our time.”

“Private time, huh?”

“We have some of that ourselves, it seems,” he answered with a content smile, cozying up next to her.

“Good. Because we’re far from done.”

It was just as cold leaving as it had been arriving. Midnight gave a shudder with the chill trying to bite at her face as she stuffed her bag into the backseat. Sunlight finished packing the trunk and came back around to her after closing the back with a “chunk” sound of the hatch. He hugged her from behind and blew a breath of warm air at her face.

“Evergreen mints?” Middy giggled. “You look ahead quite well. Aunt Rarity would be proud of your attention to detail too. Matching your mints to your mountainous vacation spots.”

“I do my research,” he gave a wink in return. “That or it’s just what I happened to have anyways.”

She gave him a playful slap with her gloved hand.

“You two can pretend to be newly weds in the back,” Sunset smirked. Her Twilight-colored scarf was thick around her neck and shoulders but understandable given the low temperature. “Now get in so I can start blasting the heater.”

Twilight was already in her seat, purse open in her lap as she double-checked and triple-checked their most important belongings to confirm nothing was missing.

Midnight slid into the backseat, which was better than the outside but still not yet warmed by the vehicle which had been started only recently. Sunset got back into the driver’s seat and checked the floor vents for temperature before turning on the mains.

“You guys are lucky I’m nice,” Sunset looked back to the “kids” again. “Otherwise I would have let the vents blast you with the cold air first.”

“We are eternally in your debt,” Sunlight rolled his eyes and then raced around the vehicle to get in on his side.

“All set?” Sunset asked her wife with a more serious but casual tone.

“Everything is in order,” Twilight nodded.

Both Sunset and Sunlight’s door clicked shut at the same time, the opposing doors already closed by the girls on the vehicle’s right side. Windows started their journey towards fogging up with the rising heat of the interior even though the rear vents were being largely blocked by two eager backseat occupants. With a rocky crunch from the moving tires, they began pulling out of the parking space.

“Boop,” Sunlight pushed his girlfriend’s nose.

She stuck out her tongue in response and then shifted her gaze to the white forest moving by outside his door’s window. His gaze turned to follow hers. “I’m going to miss this,” she sighed.

Sunlight was silent a moment, just watching the snow-laden trees they had hiked through the previous day. “It’s not going anywhere. And we’ve got time.”

“You can always check it out in the summer too, if you wanted. Or wait a year if you prefer being an icicle again,” Sunset snickered while driving down the bumpy road.

“Yeah, we’ve got time...” Midnight trailed with the thought.

A lifetime.

Comments ( 3 )

Do they get married? :trollestia:

An alternate reality version of Twilight and Sunset Shimmer. Refer to Comparing Notes by Rose Quill for more of that story. :twilightsmile:

What a sweet fic:heart::twilightsmile:

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