• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.

Comments ( 177 )

I'm absolutely floored by this. Floored, because this is so well written, the story has started off with a very bloody bang, and i'm loving every word. I love what i've read so far, and i'm looking forward to future chapters.

By the way, I love how you made it very clear, right from the start, that this isnt a nice world shes ended up in. Horror, murder, and monsters right off the bat that left me both horrified and intrigued, wondering what would happen next. I knew something was off about Jessie right from the start, and i admit, i should have pieced it together before it was right in my face, but well done on the execution of that bit of story. I cant wait to see how our favorite sparklehorse will change and grow from this adventure.

I really appreciate you saying that, especially as someone who's still new to writing. :twilightsmile:

Yes, Commander, there will be moar.

Question: Is this going to be a Warriors Return story? Cause I hope so, I haven't found any new ones that are any good.

I know the feel and I've definitely been playing with the idea. One of the reasons I decided to write this story is because I don't see enough like it. The ones I do see tend to be short and/or unfinished, have major timeskips, or start right after the interesting stuff has already happened. I dislike all of these things.

If I do make a warrior's return scenario, it'll be a sequel for sure AND it'll take place right after the first story ends (again, because I hate timeskips).

Sounds promising so far. Go on.

(looks at chapter two) Good lord! Why is it so long?

Explained at the end of chapter two.


Dangit Sparkle! Never reveal important plot information to a suspect, ya damn dummy!

This has been a very well made story so far, I've always been a fan of episodic shows or books, they always felt more concise and dramatic. I can't wait to see what kind of tale this will be, if, ya know, it doesn't become as dead as the Headhunter.

Like I said, it may take me awhile because of how I'm writing the story, but it will be updated. I hate it when a story I enjoy doesn't get updated (who doesn't?) so barring any unforseen unpleasantness IRL I won't let you down.:twilightsmile:

Besides I like this story too much to let it sit.

This was an amazing read, and I look forward to see what is in store for --- Sparkle!

What a great start!
Can’t wait to see what happens!

Excellent work. I have written a review / recommendation for this fic here.

So far, I'm impressed. Have a follow, and keep up the good work.

I saw the review and I'm glad I was able to make such an impact on you.:twilightsmile:

Something like that definitely gives me the motivation to keep doing what I do and I appreciate your input.

I'm liking this, plz keep up the good work :)

Thanks! :twilightsmile:

Updates have been slow but I'm getting there.

You, my good sir/madam... are a bloody genius.

This story really has the making of an amazing series, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this!
Have a Fave, track and follow on me!

I see you a lot in stories i read. It's funny how we have similar tastes.

I hope you put up a new chapter soon. The premise and execution is near flawless. And I'm really interested to see where you take this story.
Also I'm taking that Twilight's first name will become a bit of a plot point?

Thanks for the praise! :twilightsmile:

Episode II is slowly but surely taking shape and I'm about 7k words in so far.

Her first name will be a plot point for sure, but by the time she remembers her full name, several things will have happened, so we'll just have to wait and see what the future brings.

Lol, it's not the first time I've had someone say that to me

And it probably won't be the last I'd imagine.

HMMMM is twi going to turn into this worlds version of a witcher, and im assuming the poison is slowly turning her into a head hunter but only when she is affected by negative thoughts

Well what a little twat Owlowiscious turned out to be.

But I still love it.

Comment posted by Nugt2018 deleted May 1st, 2018

Great chapter, always nice to see exposition,

So, from the prototype hand-held firearms to self-contained metallic cartridges in 10 years? They have to right whatsoever to talk about 'normal' xD

I saw flashes of white, blue, black, green, and red.

Is this a Magic: The Gathering reference/ crossover?

Nope, just a coincidence. Though the colors are important.

I like this setting, it's very low fantasy and the technology varies from mid 1600's to mid 1900's (Electricity and running indoor plumbing with swords and horse drawn carriages). It is very unique yet with enough familiarity that it never seems, I don't know, I guess the best word would be alien(?). I know I haven't seen anything like this before. (unless you count Equestria from canon, but that's more 'let's through in this bit of technology for a gag' rather than deliberately have a weird mix-and-match of tech with a design choice in mind.)

Also, I am torn, on the one hand, faster updates are always desirable, but on the other hand, longer chapters are also always desirable too. A real 'eating your cake and having it too' dilemma. Do what ever your heart tells you, I will be happy either way.

I actually tried to pull a lot from the 19th century in this story with smatterings of earlier ages here and there to better fit what kind of setting I wanted to make. You'll probably also see a bit of steampunk as the story progresses as well.

As for the chapter length, I'm gonna try to discipline myself and stick to long chapters.

I'm using information that's not divulged until a later chapter. Don't read further if you don't want to be spoiled.
Those are the other spellblades then. Calling it know.

Damn mate this is story is amazing, like really amazing and so I can’t for the next chapter.

My guesses for the colors are Celestia (white), Luna (blue), Changelings (black and green) and blood (red). Though I doubt that's all it was, because a violent battle with changelings doesn't explain why she's human, or why she is where she is.

Honestly all I can think of is that one clip from Nostalgia critic

:twilightblush:Sparkle :twilightangry2:Sparkle :twilightsmile:Sparkle

when can we expect the next chapter?

I'm not sure at this point to be honest. I'm working on a lot of stories right now and this one's kind of been on the back burner. I just finished wished another story of mine so I'll try to make time for this one, but I admit it's also a matter of motivation as well. These chapters are extremely draining to write and I need to force myself to write them. Once I start writing though, it's easier to keep going... up to a point. So in short, I'm not abandoning the story, but I don't k ow when I'll finish the next episode as of right now.

I really hope this story continues, it has a very interesting concept that I hope gets expanded.

And so it begins. Or rather, renews.

I like this opener.

And boy did I NEED to find a good story to sink into today

she doesn't realize how odd it is that she's filling her pack with smoked meats and trail bread, does she? 'tis somewhat, different, from what she'd otherwise enjoy.

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