• Member Since 19th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Dr Equinox

Nice,creative guy who enjoys normal AND strange/weird things.


You know, I wasn't a particularly special person. Had a mind on me that got plenty of compliments, but always had a problem with putting ideas into action. I wasn't super strong either, only went to workout occasionally. What I was, apparently, was the one guy who could get hit by a lightning bolt in the middle of fucking New- Goddam- York, city of skyscrapers.

Now I'm in the land of the ponies, along with all my mental bullshit clogging up my brain. These people, or ponies as they prefer, are helping, but dude, I gotta tell you, this place... oof. It's something else. I suppose a nice and quiet life was too much to ask for, huh?

Strangest thing is that I swear I've seen all this before... somewhere.

Ah, who cares? Not like it's important or anything, probably just Deja vu or something.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 8 )

"I wasn't the smartest or the strongest..."
Yeah, the bio speaks volumes. The title has a typo in it already, so it's obvious you didn't even bother checking your work. Dude, just take better care of your stories. Everyone has a story to tell, and until you can learn to take proper care of your stories, nobody is going to read them.

(Look man, I hate being an asshole. Especially on the internet, because on here nobody's voice means jack-diddly squat. But really, you couldn't just get a proof-reader to fix these mistakes for you? Tons of suckers will do it for free, so I mean, why not?)

Well, I can at least appreciate your honesty. Truth be told, I did look over my work, but I was kinda tired when I did so and thus didn't notice things.

If you wouldn't mind though, where exactly is this typo?

This one is located in the title. If you need someone to help you with your work, I would love to help you. Just read your stories thoroughly to check for any spelling errors or grammar errors. Again, I hate being an asshole, and if you ever need help reach out for it. This is how aspiring writers grow to write well thought out and well perceived stories.

Thanks for pointing out the error. Also, I sincerely appreciate the offer and will gladly take you up on that whenever possible. Plus, sometimes being forward is what people need (even if it may seem like you're being an ass), so thank you again.

No problem! Its a good thing that you can be reasonable and accept the mistakes you make. If you ever do need someone to help you, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help. I'd be glad to, but I'm rarely on this site. I'd still help you, but you should know I'm not really a Brony anymore, I more or less go on here to try to finish my own story. (I'm a completionist, so I feel obligated to finishing it)

I feel ya! I myself am not too invested anymore, hence my lack of any substantial updates. I'm trying though, and any help with my attempts at continuing my stories is greatly appreciated. I understand you not being no that much either, as I can relate (school and all, though you may have other reasons) and will do my best to show I'm worth the effort.

If you'd like to continue any conversation, I am always down for P.M'ing.

Thanks again.

glad to see what happened after all good overall :raritywink:

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