• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 1,382 Views, 23 Comments

Creature: beginnings - Lovecraftia

A fluke of nature, and a monster is born. This creature of darkness must learn if it is to survive in the Anti-Evil world of equestria.

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Hunted Part 2, The Final Test.

Fluttershy stared at the virus for a moment before opening her mouth to speak. But she could not form words. ‘Hello?’ It thought as the pegasus kept staring. ‘Heh, must’ve broken her.... pity.’

“H-hello there l-little guy.” She finally stated. she was afraid, That much was certain. The Virus decided to speak to her the only way it knew how.

Click! It sounded off. Fluttershy frowned.

“.. you don’t speak much do you?” She asked. ‘Was my accent really that bad?’

Click click tick.

“Oh... i see... well your w-welcome to stay here if you like.. i’ll help you fix the way you speak.

‘Now thats a plan.’

Click! click click tick click.

"You need somewhere to stay?" she said as she walked to the other room, and began doing... something with the items in there. "You could stay here. I always have room for new animal friends." 'Animal friends huh? Okay, i'll roll with that.'

Click click!

"I see." The Viral spider than bounced up to the top of a large flat surface next to her and sat down. "Do you prefer anything to eat? are you hungry? I have meat in here if you need it." Fluttershy began to shuffle through some items in a storage container near the ceiling and pulled out a small container. "What is your name?"

'Oh, well, looks like I have to make something up. Umm........'

Click! 'Yes, that'll do.'

"Okay, well Nemesis, if you need anything tell one of my other friends and they'll help you. I have to go talk to a friend of mine, but i'll be back soon. Don't worry." she then took the small container she held? in her hoof before walking out of the cottage. Nemesis looked around before setting it's eyes on a small, circular, soft looking object. 'I wonder.' Nemesis hopped onto the the object and immediately went wide-eyed. 'Oh my, its so soft! I love it!' it nestled into the object more before closing it's eight eyes and drifting into the Web of intrigue.

'Now lets deal with this mess.' sorting through the memories, it found multiple things of alarm, mostly that the spider that Nemesis had 'Eaten' was venomous and deadly enough to kill most of it's natural predators. 'That's.. useful and slightly shocking.' continuing through the Web, Nemesis discovered that the spider it had absorbed was male. 'So i'm a guy? guess that works.' He frowned when he encountered a specific memory, the memory of another spider this one apparently had it's eyes on for some time. 'Sorry, looks like you won't be getting that Girl.' A loud noise drew Nemesis out of the Web and he jumped up, looking around quickly to see what was happening, and his eyes landed on a white... rabbit? 'what the hell?' the Rabbit continued to shuffle through the items in the container and throwing stuff out.


The rabbit stopped and looked at Nemesis before shrugging and returning to throwing things.

Click click tick!

The rabbit stopped, but this time hopped over to me before petting me on top of the head and hopping back. '... what was that about? I need to get this rabbit to stop making a mess.'

Nemesis stepped out the softness and onto the hard counter to crawl up to the Rabbit, where he then proceeded to click again. the rabbit turned and looked at Nemesis before shrugging and stomping its foot once.


The rabbit finally stopped and turned it’s attention to Nemesis and frowning. ‘Did i earn your ire? Little rabbit? How about you see the predator that stands before you?’ The Rabbit glared at Nemesis until the staredown became nothing more than Nemesis looking at the forehead of a white rabbit while said rabbit turned to mess with the drawer again.

Click clickclick click!!

The rabbit did its best inpression of growling and hopped over to Nemesis and kicked him off the counter.

‘Thats it!’

Nemesis crawled back up the counter and hissed at the Rabbit before lounging. The Rabbit swiftly jumped to the side and stomped on Nemesis before hopping backwards at Nemesis’ lounge. The Viral Spider hissed once more and lounged at the Rabbit and missed by a hair before spinning around sharply and biting it’s foot. The Rabbit let out a yelp and kicked wildly at Nemesis before hopping off into another portion of the house.

‘And stay out!’

Nemesis hopped up and down before clicking a few times in glee. ‘Now I need to remove the rest of the untrustworthy monstrocities that live here. Fluttershy deserves trusting companions for such kindness she displays.’ Nemesis crawled to the soft material on the counter and curled back up. Letting darkness overtake It’s vision.

When Nemesis awoke, there was nothing around, not a living soul in sight. Confused, he stood up in his arachnid form and began to crawl around.

'Huh, weren't there a bunch of creatures here before?' He stopped to ponder why before the sound of hoofsteps caught his attention. Nemesis turned to see a figure standing next to the counter, staring dead at him.

'Who the fuck are you mister happy go ninja?' Nemesis thought before the figure's voice cut through the silence.

"Looks like I missed one." The figure said before grabbing a bag from somewhere and shoving Nemesis inside.

'Oh hell no this is not happening.' Nemesis shot a small bladed tendril through the bag and stabbed the figure in the leg, causing itHim by the voice, to yelp and fall.

'Got you now bastard.' Nemesis began to consume the figure as fast as he could, causing said figure to attempt to scream. Nemesis covered his mouth with a tendril before he could so much as peep, and then proceeded to smile. He entered the figure's brain and learned Ponish, and with a smile said right into the figure's ear.

"Next time you try and rob a house, make sure the ultimate predator isn't looking." Nemesis smiled and turned his body to face the figure, who he learned was Dead Silence, and spoke again. "But there won't be a next time will there?"

Dead Silence only was able to shed a single tear before being wholly consumed by Nemesis. 'So you were going to kill Fluttershy? just to prevent the use of the Elements and overthrow Princess Celestia? how lucky I am to have been here when you decided to do so, or should I say how unlucky for you.' Nemesis exited the Web of Intrigue and made a decision right then and there.

'Whoever decided to do this is going to die.' Nemesis thought for a moment. 'Now that I think about it, this seems like the plot to a bad story... Bah forget it I'll think about existential crisis' later.'


Nemesis, AKA Dead Silence, sighed after reading the front page. 'Not even twelve hours and they've already found all that? They are fast.' He set the paper down on the bench he sat at during the night after wandering for some time, and stared at the daytime sky. He liked it, no matter how hard it was to look at, the sun held a place in his mind that he'd never forget. He had yet to still understand why, however. 'Maybe it was one of Dead Silence's memories?' Diving back into the Web, he noticed significantly more information there than before he consumed Dead Silence. He came across different memories, ranging from his childhood to adulthood, and found where Dead Silence ended up as a professional Hitpony.

He had to give it to himself. He was pretty good at this. Dead Silence stood over the pony beneath him, a stallion named Straight Shot. Both were good at what they did, even if it was not the prettiest thing in the world.

"Dang, it gets harder and harder each time to keep you off of me Dead, I'd think your taking steroids if I didn't see you training real hard every day." SS said, everyone called him SS because he said it sounded "cool."

Dead rubbed a hoof along the back of his neck, "Yea, I guess I want this job pretty badly huh?"

"You definitely seem like it." SS Laughed, "Are you going to get off of me or do you like being on top?" Dead began to blush and hopped off, "That's better." SS stood up and brushed himself off, smiling. "Maybe you should train to be a Pony Cage? You definitely could hold someone down even though your skinnier than a stick." SS Laughed again. before a voice cut through the air.

"Well done, it only took about 3.5 seconds for you to break through Straight Shot's block and have him on the ground, We'll make an assassin out of you yet." With a click the voice cut out. Dead sighed and looked at SS.

"How much faster do I have to break your block to be able to pass this stupid test?" Dead stomped the ground with his hoof.

"Who said you didn't pass already?" A new voice spoke, causing Dead and SS to turn sharply and salute.

A mare named Delicate Touch stood before them both, she ran the training program and paid all the bills. She asked you to do something, you'd do it without question. "I've watched your tests, and I have to say I'm incredibly impressed. Your doing better than most recruits do on their first test, and you remember how easy that was for you don't you?" She walked closer to him and spoke before Dead could reply. "Of course you do. you had to kill for the first time to get in after all. But, they were scum and deserved to die. Now," She dropped into an offensive stance. "Time to see what your really made of. Beat me, and you'll be a Hitpony as soon as you walk out the door of this room."

Dead dropped into the stance he had used so many times and waited for a second, he then shot of like a bullet, using his wings to propel him faster than Delicate could move, and slammed into something hard. He frowned when he realized it was a barrier spell, but smiled when he remembered that using a very small point and hitting the barrier incredibly hard would shatter even the strongest of shields. he grabbed a tiny blade from a pocket under his wing and threw it as hard as he could while maintaining a straight throw, the blade hit the barrier and shattered in instantly. he rushed forward and used his wings to launch into the air and slam down onto the Unicorn, only for her to sidestep and the last moment and slam a hoof into his chest.

Dead coughed and spun around, grabbing her hoof and yanking, Delicate used the force of the pull to hop into the air over Dead's back and land on top of him, jumping of while slamming him into the ground with the force of a small boulder. she then shot a couple spells which Dead rolled to the side to dodge, Delicate landed with not a sound and smiled.

"Try harder, I barely felt that."

Dead hopped up and rushed her again, he watched as she tensed up to jump into the air smiled, he knew exactly how to beat her. Turning at the last moment, he watched as she jumped up into the air and he quickly shot up to her using his wings to propel him. He spun around and just when he thought his hoof would connect with her chest she teleport-ed above him and elbowed him on the chest, thrusting him into the ground with a loud thud.

"You can do better than that, show me what you can do!" she shot down faster than he expected but Dead rolled to the side and threw a hoof into the side of her head, she went spiraling and he jumped up and shot after her, not letting up for a moment he lunged on top of her, held her legs down with his, he grabbed her horn and used his free wing to draw a blade and hold it to her neck.

"Is that good enough?" He said with a smile. something about this seemed off but he shook the thought from his head.

"Not quite." Delicate rolled away from the direction his blade faced, causing Dead to lose his balance and fall, she then hopped to her hooves and slammed one into his chest a couple times. "You know much, but not everything!" She sidestepped his lounge. "Keep your guard up! never let any or anything dissuade you from your target!" He jumped into the air and shot towards her. Delicate grabbed his body and spun around, using the force he put into his slam against him and tossing him back into the air. "Your target could have guards! they could fight better than you or be bigger and stronger!" she teleport-ed behind him and punched his back leg, making him collapse. he used his wings and grabbed her head and slammed his hoof into it, she lost her balance for a second but recovered faster than Dead anticipated. She hopped back out of his reach. "You must use everything to your advantage! Terrain! Items on the ground and around you! Use your body to it's fullest!!" As soon as she said that, and idea popped into Dead's head and he shot forwards, passing her completely and slamming into the wall of the room, he continued to do so back and forth between walls until he became a blur, adjusting the final jump, he twisted and slammed into her faster than a speeding train, causing a sonic boom in the process and slamming them both into the wall.

When the dust settled, Dead had two blades held against Delicate's neck in such a way that if she moved her head she would cut herself, and he could pull the blades and slit her throat at any time. She smiled.

"I think your ready." she said with a smile.

All dead could do was smile back.

Author's Note:

BAM! CHAPTER TO THE FACE! I have finally gotten things sorted out and i can work on this again! don't worry, the next chapters should be better and longer, and i might go back and re-write the other chapters after seeing how...... meh they were. welp, Hunted part two is here! also I believe that this chapter was far better written than the others, tell me if you agree.

INSIGHT INTO THE LIFE OF DEAD SILENCE! NEMESIS' ALIAS! more things about Dead Silence and why he was a Hitpony and how he became one will be forthcoming into the future. I'm going to do some serious rebuilding of the previous chapters and clean this story up a bit. Enjoy!