• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,724 Views, 277 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 7 - EquestrianKirin

It's a whole new ballgame for Gem and Pony alike. Saddle up!

  • ...

We Deserve to Shine

"It was something to do with that Harmony Gem lot! I feel it in my bones!"

"So. Those ponies and Gems haven't the nerve to fight us face-to-face anymore. They're hoping to exterminate us one by one."

"You don't know that, mom."

"I most certainly do."


"... Because WE would like to exterminate THEM."

"Oh lord, this is crazy! I thought we were looking for Changelings. Dad, wouldn't it be easier if we just made peace with the Harmony Gems? You know. Live together in harmony?"

*grrrr* "Wimp. All this peace talk makes you sick! And yellow, which is trouble. come on, let's split up - we can cover the ground better that way."

"... *sigh* right."


Starswirl's journal. Rockhoof's shovel. Mistmane's Flower. Somnambula's glowpaz. Meadowbrook's mask. And now Flash Magnus's shield.

It did take them a while to get all of these items in one way or another, going all over Equestria and then some in order to even figure out the items' connection, let alone getting them. But with the weeks come and gone, they've finally got all items together. Each one representing the biggest moment in one of the pillars' lives, and a true mark on history within Equus itself. And now that they FINALLY got them all, Twilight's plan to get the Pillars free could finally go underway. Except for one little problem …


So many pieces put together already, and the one obvious part was left a bit untouched. Twilight Sparkle may have heard of Ponhenge, but hearing about a place, and going to a place are two entirely different things, and nobody and nopony knew exactly where the place even was, nor if it even existed. Though, if the ponies could figure out the pillars and Pony of Shadows themselves exist, then odds were Ponhenge existed too. The only question now was where.
And apparently due to the Canterlot Voice being used by accident, they weren't getting anywhere at all. Twilight's main room was full of books upon books, and with Starswirl the Bearded's journal as some referencing they at least had something to work with. Too bad it wasn't getting anywhere AT ALL. Twilight could barely keep her eyes open, staring into a book about historical landmarks of the pre-equestrian era, pencil in her mouth as she did so to give her body something else to do. With a yawn, Spike went over to Twilight, getting the candle from her side which by now was down to a dud.

"Anything, Twilight?" Spike asked. Twilight just groaned, before tossing the dead candle into a nearby bin (which had at least thirty of them by the way). This stirred up another helper underneath numerous scrolls, bolting upright in a startle from what could only be a nap.

"Huh, EEHH! Oh, did you figure it out?" asked a very tired Connie, who tossed off a scroll from her head. Of course Twilight didn't do this alone, and for the moment her friends for that afternoon included: Connie, Applejack, Ruby, Starlight, and Sapphire (you can guess who wasn't tired). A mixed bag, but it was something as the others were off doing their own things.

"Nothing," Twilight groaned. "Starswirl is a genius, obviously, but this writing. I know some old ponish, but this doesn't look like any language from anywhere!"

"Twilight," yawned Applejack, as she moved some books aside, "You've been studying, and referencing, and cross-referencing, for three days straight now. Bout time you'd be giving it a break?"

"She's right. I love reading and all, but I haven't read this much since the last Spirit Morph Saga book was released," Connie agreed, yawning too. Twilight switched that book and was just about to get another from the stack, before realizing there wasn't anymore to check. The alicorn was dismayed, slamming her head on the table. What kind of clue was missing here? They've gotten it figured out so far with the map, items, and what happened supposedly, but this final clue was a very well-kept secret.

"Three days? I don't wanna waste three seconds!" retorted Twilight trotting away from the books for a moment and checking out a chalkboard off to the back. Much like Ronaldo's sketches in his own tower, this board had plenty of drawn out pictured, arrows, references, and so on, with Starswirl's hat at the very center.

"We got all the items we need, and have the plan to get them out. The only piece, the ONE FINAL PIECE we have left is to find Ponhenge! I'm so close, I can feel it," Twilight said, hoof on the drawing of the hat. Her hero, and savior from so long ago, and she was just one step away from making the final move. But how to even find that step?

"Twilight, the mystery's not goin anywhere anytime soon. Why don't you just stop what you're doing for a while and get back to it later? you might even find it out before you'll come back," Applejack suggested. Twilight took a glance over to the chalkboard once again, before nodding her head, and backing up.

"Ok, I see you're point. It doesn't help that some of the Gems had already went on a trip to Empire City," Twilight agreed.

"Oh yeah, they did," Starlight said, "Greg got a check for a commercial, didn't he?"
The details on how exactly it happened was a bit vague since Greg and Steven were a bit caught up in it, but the main idea was an old commercial with his music earned him a ton of Earth US money. This gave Greg the idea to go off on a winter trip to Empire city, and he brought a few of the Gems with him (Steven going with of course). This however did leave not too many behind to aid Twilight in this endeavor, but at least the trip wasn't caused by a lie by a particular Diamond, and instead for a good gift by the TV staff.

"I think so. They should've left by now," replied Twilight. She surely felt that she was getting very close to the end of this one, but in that same vain, it did remind her of a lesson she knew about from Fluttershy's own case involving her first visit to hayseed swamp. Twilight was wearing herself out, and it was probably for the best of she and the others would stop for a little bit to recharge (she didn't want to go through another "ghost" incident again). Twilight yawned, stretching her wings and hooves.

"Alright, we can stop for a little bit. Here, maybe there's something going on in Ponyville today," Twilight decided.

"Good plan, you'll collapse after ten minutes if you'd kept going," Sapphire said, grateful that it didn't have to come to that. Before they could go though, there still was one person seemingly too busy looking into some of the books to actually pay attention - Ruby. The red Gem, much like the others earlier, was nose deep into one of the books, and wasn't exactly paying much attention to the others and their conversation, looking at a particular book about teleportation. Ruby was only snapped out of her reading when Spike poked her in the side with his claw, making her jump.

"We're gonna head off to Ponyville, Ruby, you can stop now," Spike said.

"Oh, really? I can go through a few more books," Ruby said, showing the book in hand.

"It's alright, Ruby. Like Applejack said, the mystery's not going anywhere if we take a break from it," Twilight replied. Ruby took a small glance over to the book she had with her, but while she did want to continue studying, some time away might be good for her. Ruby reluctantly placed the book back onto the shelf.

"Okay, if you say so," Ruby replied. She could always come back to the place later. As the others were starting to go off, Ruby was ready to go with them, but then she felt someone grab her arm, only to turn back and see Sapphire behind her.

"Ruby?" Sapphire said. Ruby felt shivers.

"Uh, yeah, what?"

"I know you've been wanting to be by yourself, but I've been hoping … maybe we can spent a night together," Sapphire offered. Ruby scrambled her mind to try and find an answer that would be believable. She can't just flat out refuse … right? She did mention she wanted to be by herself, so it was a bit of a mixed mess.

"*ahem* Whelp … I dun need nobody … but, if you insist," Ruby decided, a bit formal from her usual behavior. Sapphire was sure pleased hearing that, but didn't go all out over it outside of just a smile.

"Thank you. I have a surprise for you, I know you'll love it," Sapphire promised. Before Ruby could say or do much of anything, she suddenly found herself being pulled away, and off outside. Ruby did kinda freak out when Sapphire decided for the window instead of the door, but again, Sapphire was just a little too excited, and floated on out.

And the only ones who saw this was Starlight and Spike.

"Ok, that happened," Spike said. He was ready to go off, but Starlight Glimmer actually placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Wait a second. Can I, uh, talk to you?" Starlight asked, bringing Spike over to the window. They both saw Sapphire and Ruby go off, Ruby kinda freaking out still.

"Ok, I didn't want to say it in front of Twilight, so she wouldn't freak out, but … does Ruby's behavior seem a bit, uh, off to you?" Starlight asked. Twilight had enough on her plate, and Starlight didn't want to bring up anything further.

"I dunno," Spike replied, "Looks fine to me."

"Well, I don't think so," Starlight admitted.


"W-Well think about it: Lapis told us they had a slight run in with -" Starlight suddenly stopped and re-checked to be sure that somepony wasn't close by, before leaning in and whispering "The Changeling Kingdom." she went back to normal after that, "And now she won't fuse with Sapphire at all? It's like she's … avoiding her."

"Well she did drive Ruby away," Spike reminded.

"Maybe … but, a Changeling did show up disguised as Twilight to keep me and Trixie apart. AND another one disguised as Lapis to attack Sniper."

Suddenly Spike didn't feel so confident anymore. Steven and Ruby were acting slightly … well, off, lately.

"Y-You don't think …"

"I could be right, or wrong - really don't wanna be right - but, think you can just tag along with them? You know, just in case?"
Spike could see what issues Starlight Glimmer had with this situation, and it lead to two options: either Ruby was not Ruby, or a Changeling could come in and take them both at once while alone. both sure sounded pretty possible, and it was making Spike himself break out in a cold sweat. He heard how much the Crystal Gems had already done, there was no point in getting them into another.

"You can count on me!" Spike confirmed.

"Super, thanks! Good luck, Spike," Starlight said, heading off to rejoin the others, leaving Spike, the Brave and Glorious, to his task. …

"... Wait. How do I get there?"


As for Ruby and Sapphire, the two flew off for quite a bit of ways from Canterlot. Sapphire made sure to land properly, and smoothly for Ruby, who at this point was pretty terrified all and all.

"Here we are … Ruby, why're you so scared?" Sapphire asked, though she couldn't help but chuckle. She just was so cute. Ruby managed to get an answer.

"I-I was … just caught by surprise," Ruby said. Sapphire then gave Ruby another surprise: kissing her on the cheek. This made her even more red in the face.

"Save your surprise for what I'm gonna show you," Sapphire replied, before she began to bring Ruby along. Ruby thought they were gonna fly again, but instead it was just a simple run, Sapphire bringing out something to get them there: a Portal Key. It was still Garnet's key, though she was still a component of Garnet so it can work just as well. Sapphire found a good hillside to use the key on, and once she got the door good and open, and brought Ruby right on through, the other Gem a little freaked out, but not as much as flying from Canterlot.
The flight through the portal was not as long as the first one, and as Sapphire hoped, the two Gems landed off in a … well, a new location. ruby didn't recognize this place at first, looking at what could be described as a forest. An open forest with scattered pine trees and copses abound, with some distant mountains off to the distance. Winter had made it here pretty hard, much of the area put in a lot of snow over the last week or two. Ruby was left in awe of pure nature, but Sapphire wasn't done yet. And where did she take her? Sapphire knew this place like the back of her hand, and since it was changed O so little, she knew exactly where to go.

And soon, she found it. Sapphire brought Ruby into a small cave in the wilderness, still uninhabited and isolated from so much of the world. The ground was lined with line needles, and twigs from outside, and the snow kept itself by the entrance. Ruby was a little perplexed at first.

"Here we are. Do you remember this place, Ruby?"

"Oh. Uh, y-yeah, of course I do! It hasn't changed a bit," ruby said, slightly hesitant at first but recovered quickly. Sapphire walked on inside resting down easy.

"It's the same cave where we spent our first night together," Sapphire said. "You can't imagine how happy I was when I found it's still here. … Join me?"

"Um, ok," Ruby replied, taking a seat over by Sapphire. This was much more relaxing than just flying off somewhere. It felt comfy, and warmer than the cold from outside now that the wind stopped blowing at them. That didn't mean it wasn't chilly at all, and Ruby could feel some shivers up her back.

"Do you … want to build a fire?" Ruby asked. Sapphire smiled.

"By all means," Sapphire replied.



And finally enter Spike with a telescope, who at long last got a portal open himself with someone else's help. It wasn't easy getting someone to get their key working, but either way, he finally made it from Equestria to Earth. Well, as far as he knew. After getting the snow off of him, he took a look around the forest, not recognizing any of it at all.

"They need to work on location," Spike said, "So … where do I start? Guess it could be anywhere."
not too far from the truth, as Spike began to go off around the place. He ended up in one of the copses of the forest, so, there was quite a few spots to hide if one were a Changeling. A piece of leaf? A branch? A rock? For a Changeling, it was practically endless really. As he continued looking, he eventually took sight of something off just between some trees. Spike had found his target.

"Aha. Thought you could sneak by me? OK shadow, how do I know you're really a shadow?"

No response.

"Not talking huh? Well you can't fool me!"
Spike quickly made a jump right at the shadowed figure, just to slam headfirst into what turned out to be a snow-covered stump. Somehow, the snow was piled in such a way it looked like, well, a Changeling. Spike got himself together and out of the snow, embarrassed and now with a headache.

"OK, not a changeling. Lots of places to hide," Spike said. But then he got an idea. If he can't figure out where a Changeling was down here, them maybe he can get himself to higher ground to get a better lay of the land. In this case, Spike climbed up one of the pine trees, getting a good forty feet off the ground. Once on a sturdy branch, he spun the telescope, got it out, and examined the area.

"Let's see … Snow piles. Rocks. OH, WAIT - … no, that's just a funny-looking bush." since when does a bush look like a Changeling? No one said it would be easy, and a Changeling in a forest had a LOT of places to hide. The only one thing Spike didn't look out for was the branch he was standing on …


And just like that, Spike found himself falling down from the tree! The branch seemed so sturdy at first, but some of Spike's steps were just enough to weaken it and snap it near the base. Spike could only wait until he would completely hit ground, closing his eyes, but for some odd reason, it never came. Spike knew he couldn't fly, so how was he even flying like this? He found his answer above his head, as he gently placed Spike down into the snow.

Thorax. And without the Ruby disguise this time (he can't fly as Ruby and get away with it). Spike was … confused. To say the least.

"You … saved me?" Spike asked. He couldn't believe that this Changeling, of all things, would actually rescue him from a nasty fall like that. The tone kind of told Thorax the end result already.

"it's okay, I know you don't wanna be friends," he sighed. He was ready to just walk away, but Spike still wanted some answers to this situation. So, he went over in front of Thorax before he could go too far.

"Wait. But, you're a Changeling, and they're supposed to be evil, right?" Spike asked.

"Evil? N-No, not me," Thorax explained, "The other Changelings always bullied me because I'm not as brutal, and as rough as they are. Ever since I came out of the nursery, I didn't have anyone to help me, and all I ever wanted was a friend. … I was, apart of the attack on Canterlot, but I never before saw true friendship like that. A-And I couldn't just steal it and feed off its love. I wanted to share it. … Ever since we've been banished to the Badlands, I felt I no longer had a place in the Hive."

Spike was brought to tears by all of this information, immediately regretting calling him "evil" like other changelings. Thorax rarely had chances to just talk to anyone, so a chance like this surely felt like something was getting off his chest, even if a little.

"Sorry about that. But, why don't you just … well, leave?" Spike asked, concerned a little.

"I've thought about that. But, there's still my mom, Chrysalis. She's the mother of all the Changelings in her hive, I-I can't just leave her. … And …"

"And what?"

"I'm starving! A-And Sapphire has so much love in her right now for Ruby. It's driving me crazy!" Thorax said, stuck almost shaking in his hooves.

"That's because they've been together for over 5,750 years, and been fused together in a love fusion to be Garnet," Spike answered. The very mention of the word "love" made Thorax hiss and snarl for a bit, like some ravenous animal. However, he quickly got himself fixed.

"S-Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean that! Something like that kinda brings it out, I'm just so hungry."

Spike then got his brilliant idea.

"... Hey. Maybe if you have a friend, maybe you won't need to feed off of love!"

"Well, I guess, but who would want to be a friend with … a Changeling?"

"Believe me, from what the others had gone through over the years, you're nothing to be afraid of," Spike encouraged, giving him a friendly nudge.

"Really?" Thorax asked, a bit surprised.

"Of course! And we can start right with Sapphire and Ruby. Uh, you didn't see where they went, have you?" Spike asked. Thorax looked down to his holed hooves, but rather than talk to Spike, all he had to do was transform into Ruby for Spike to get the full picture.

"... OOOOHHH. Yep, that'll be a bit harder."

"It's kind of also why i'm out here. I can't just stop now, w-what'll she think of me? I-I've seen how she can be … well, determined."

"Oh yeah. … Here, I know. I'll make sure you can go through this time with Sapphire, and when we're done, you can introduce yourself to them that way. Then Sapphire won't be upset, because she wouldn't know it was you here instead of Ruby. How's that?"

"Sounds great! Wow, I-I can't believe you wanna help me."

"Sure. Hasn't anybody just been nice to you?"

That just made Thorax hiss and snarl again, the Changeling quickly covering his mouth. It was a bit creppier seeing "Ruby" doing it over Thorax. Though, it still did answer the question.

"Ok. Well, at least we know you're the only one out here. … you are, are you?" Spike asked, as they began to head on back to Sapphire.

"Yeah, it's only me out here with her," replied Thorax.


And no sooner after Sniper saw all this, he quickly bolted off away through the nearest corner back to his home. His home wasn't too fancy for a pony or human, but the Tindalos's main home was best it can be: a large cavern-like den with numerous corners for the Tindalos to travel through. And Sniper wasted no time in reaching his father and mother, who were sitting side by side.

"You were quick, Sniper," his father said, "You really cover the area?"

"I did, and guess what? I found that Changeling who attacked me! As plain as the nose on your face - just hanging out there in the afternoon sunshine," reported Sniper. The father couldn't believe his ears.

"Basking in the sun? I can't believe he'd have the cheek! Not after what he did," the father growled. Attacking his son on sight, and he decided to chill in the winter sun? It was just insulting, and the mother couldn't help but agree.

"You feeling better, by the way, Sniper?" asked the mother. Sniper looked to where the Changeling cut him, and while it wasn't as noticeable anymore, it still was slightly sensitive thanks to the cold.

"I'm fine, but here why don't you go after him? He's the one that got me."

A good idea, but his father was slightly suspicious.

"You're quite sure you're not making this thing up, Sniper? To keep me quiet?" the father questioned. Sniper perked up.

"What?! Why should I?" Sniper asked.

"Because," said the father, "It sounds suspiciously like more of your "peace talk" to me!"

Not exactly Sniper's idea, but guess that could be apart of it too. Sniper just huffed.

"There's no point in making war over nothing. If my injury had nothing to do with the Harmony Gems, then -"

"Excuse me," cut in the mother, "But … now I've come to think of it. I have heard of a something called a menagerie lately; when creatures like Gems keep exotic creatures to themselves to be used. Am I right?"
This got the father thinking. If this Changeling was apart of this menagerie of theirs, then it was even more the reason to pin the blame on them. After all, you can't blame a dog for guarding his master, but the master who made him guard him. Sniper didn't believe such, but the father made up his mind.

"Now that you mention it … Nothing to do with the Harmony Gems. PAH!"

"Hold on," retorted Sniper, "The Changeling isn't apart of their menagerie - Starlight said so!"

"And who is this Starlight?" the father asked, jumping down to him. Sniper didn't mean to call the unicorn by name, and ended up clamming up.

"A-Another Tindalos I met on the way here," he replied, trying to fix his mistake, "She went into their world too. Been keeping an eye on them, you see."

"Oh? And a she," said the mother, "Been meaning to find you a mate before long, but looks like you're covered."

"W-We're just friends!" retorted Sniper.

"That's what they always say," joked the mother. Oh why does this always happen when it came to love? Well, the father was more focused on the task at claw, and moved off to one of the corners, fazing through it. Sniper could only hope he was just after the Changeling.


for much of the day to follow, and onward to the setting dusk, Sapphire, Thorax (who was still Ruby), and now Spike, went on through the day with a bit of their own fun. Sapphire shared much of what they used to do in this forest, albeit in a different way since it was winter, but all of this fun was really helping out Thorax more than she realized. With this fun and love sharing to him, he didn't have too much trouble keeping himself undercover, though the temptation was still there. On which case, spike would remind him to keep calm and not lose himself, something the other Changelings would probably be a lot more vicious about. It honestly was all good.

Well, to a point.

Sapphire, and Ruby found a good viewing spot to watch the night sky nearby the cave, and decided to do a bit of star-gazing. Nice, but, they were left in a bit of a spot. Ruby was a bit stiff, sitting completely still, as Sapphire was enjoying the view of the winter sky with her. The stars were always a better look in such a forested landscape, them sparkling in the sky. It was a picture perfect moment … you know, if Ruby wasn't looking so uncomfortable, that is. All this affection, it's a wonder he could even keep himself together. Spike couldn't intervene, and he was just crossing his claws just hoping this all will work. Sapphire gently placed her gem hand onto Ruby's gem hand.

"Can I tell you something? Ruby?"

"Uh, y-yeah, go ahead," Ruby muttered. Sapphire looked off into the sky.

"... When I realized you ran away, Ruby. I got very worried. I thought that I was going to lose someone I cared the most about. I know you don't want to fuse into Garnet right now. But I just want you to know …" Sapphire paused, and looked Ruby right in the eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said. And no matter where you are, I just want you to be happy. I love you, Ruby."

Then it happened.

"S-s-s-so much love. A-All at once, I - … I …"

All of this talk, all this affection, care, kindness, love, it was just all too much for Ruby. Ruby got up and actually began to back up. Her heart was racing, her hunger sky-rocketing, and her mind going all over the place. Sapphire was left a bit confused by this action, seeing Ruby basically suffer a panic attack. And before they knew it -


Thorax was exposed. Driven by his hunger, he hissed long and loud right at Sapphire, fangs drawn and tongue whipping the air like a snake. Thorax hissed and snarled at Sapphire for a bit, but the Changeling was in a severe mental fight, not wanting to hurt one of his first friends. His hooves kept backing him up away from Sapphire, but his mind and mouth kept wanting to get that love. Such succulent, tasty love.
Thorax actually was ready to jump her, but Spike quickly rushed towards Thorax, grabbing him by the tail. This made Thorax turn and snarl menacingly at Spike, until -


"AH! Huh? W-Wha? W-What happened? I blacked out for a second," Thorax asked, his voice still the exact same as Ruby would be. … only then seeing his hoof. Then the rest of him.

"Yeah, the jig's up," Spike said gravely. Thorax felt fear creep up on him, now realizing what actually happened, and he was afraid to turn around. The cold winter just got a little bit colder, Sapphire taking in what was going on. It took a bit of courage for Thorax to slowly turn around to face Sapphire, who was eerily silent. just standing there. Silent. And no emption on her face. Thorax no longer felt that love drive like earlier, but this fear made him keep his distance. … And then she started walking towards them.

"... I've been through a lot," she began, her tone calm, but hints of her inner rage made them both scared. "I've tried to work out so much confusion when I first came back. I felt so lost for many weeks, my future Vision being a complete mess. But I've managed to work it out. …"

Thorax knew who she was aiming for, and slowly started to back up, but each step didn't add any distance between him and Sapphire, Spike meanwhile getting scared himself.

"Not long after that, then I found out how much of a fool I really was. My old leader, Rose Quartz, had lied to everyone, hiding her true identity as Pink Diamond. I've felt horrified, betrayed, and it was that that made the others leave for a while. And now. When I finally thought everything will be better, that everything will be okay ... You show up. And thought it would be a great idea to replace the one Gem I've held closest to my heart!"

Thorax was terrified when he finally saw her eye, the cold hard spears and daggers skewering whatever confidence he ever had left. It was staring cold death in the face, and that bellow of a roar threw Thorax off his hooves right into the snow, and looking back up, he found that Sapphire was actually crying. The weight of the situation to any other Changeling like Pharynx would probably mean nothing, but Thorax … well, tears shown on his eyes too.

"NO, Sapphire, stop!" Spike finally called, rushing in between Sapphire and Spike, "You got him all wrong, I-it's not what it looks like!"

"So he's not disguising himself as Ruby, while the real Ruby is imprisoned off somewhere?" Sapphire sternly questioned.

"... OK, I guess it is what it looks like," Spike admitted. He was gonna try to correct himself, but Sapphire spoke again, more tears coming up.

"I can't believe how blind I am. I should've known something wasn't right when Ruby came back, I know I should've! and now she's probably being tortured somewhere because I can't see past what was right in front of me. Oh Ruby …"
Sapphire just waited for a minute, tears streaming freely from her eye, but she still didn't go beyond small whimpers. But as for Thorax …

"WAAAHHH! I'm so sorry!" he wailed, tears now flowing from his eyes. This was a big surprise towards Sapphire, as Thorax cried. He knew this was wrong for a while, but this was on a level he could never of thought of. And it didn't help it was him who was impersonating her either.

"There, there, Thorax, it wasn't you who got her, right?" Spike said, trying to get some of the tears to stop. Some did, but not all of them.

"I know. But it doesn't matter, all I did was stand there as I watch it all happen - I didn't do anything! Doesn't help I had to follow Chrysalis either and get roped up in all this. Sapphire, I'm so, so sorry about everything," he sobbed, rubbing some tears from his own eyes. Sapphire was slowly calming down herself, but she still didn't say anything.

"... Sapphire? You ok?" Spike asked. Sapphire was just quiet for a moment, the ground under her feet now frozen solid. Spike got that fixed best he could with a quick firebreath, just enough so she wouldn't be completely stuck in the spot. Spike waved his claw in front of Sapphire, but with little reaction. It was difficult to say if she was either contemplating what she heard, or if this was just too much for her to handle all at once. Thorax was just waiting for the initial attack, verbal or otherwise, but she then turned over to Spike.

"How long did you know about this?" she then asked.

"Uh … since this afternoon?" Spike replied. More silence, Sapphire left to think again. …


"Huh? W-What's that?" Thorax asked, frantically looking around the area. He and Spike tried to find the source of this growling, but both Spike and Thorax were looking in the wrong place, as they began to hear rustling right behind them.

"TINDALOS!" Spike exclaimed. And this was Sniper's father charging out of the foliage! Thorax and Spike bolted for it, jumping different ways to get out of the frantic charge from the Tindalos. Sapphire actually didn't react much to the Tindalos charging out, even when Spike landed by her, and the Tindalos skidded to chase after Thorax, the snow landing on them in said skid.

The Tindalos rushed right off after Thorax with ravenous rage across his muzzle, Thorax freaking out and screaming, flying as fast as he could ever manage to try to get away. But this Tindalos was keeping up very well, and in one jump, grabbed Thorax by the tail, and swung him back into the snow hard, making the Changeling tumble a bit as the hound closed in. Thorax's only sanctuary left was a small burrow just by a tree. It was too small for a Changeling like him to fit in comfortably (or quickly), but he had no choice and scrambled to get in. He almost managed too, but the Tindalos sprung at him, and got his teeth right into one of Thorax's legs. One chomp, and a snap echoed around, just before the Tindalos spat out what remained of Thorax's hoof. Thorax was hurt, but he was more scared than anything.
Spike and Sapphire managed to catch up, seeing this happening from not too far away.

"You miserable, creeping worm," the Tindalos snarled, the hole only big enough for the Tindalos's snout to fit through. Thorax moved as far back as the burrow would allow him, but he was still just a foot away from his jaws. "You think you can hurt me like you hurt my son?"

"S-Son? What? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Thorax shivered. But the Tindalos was not buying it.

"Don't pretend, Changeling. My son told me that you attacked him!"

"H-How do you know I did it? I'm not the only Changeling," Thorax said, trying to get some bit of innocence to come forward.

"You're the one with the Harmony Gems all day," retorted the Tindalos. This was overheard by Sapphire and Spike, and while "Harmony Gems" didn't fit the name, it was more than enough of a hint to see what he was talking about. The blame seemed more apparent.

"Well, maybe, b-but I don't know what you mean, I-I never even met Sniper!" Thorax quickly covered his mouth, but the Tindalos heard him loud and clear, and he wasn't having any of it. He then began to dig his way in, much to Thorax's horror.

"HELP!" Thorax called. The only sound he could hear though was the snarling jaws of the Tindalos, which jabbed and jabbed at the burrow, trying to reach him. He would only pause this just to dig in a little bit deeper, getting closer and closer to the Changeling inside.

"Thorax! Sapphire, we got to do something! … SAPPHIRE!" Spike called. But Sapphire seemingly wasn't listening, caught up in the so many visions, and thoughts, it was like Padparadscha all over again. Spike didn't had time to wait, and went off down to confront the Tindalos. No amount of tricks could make Thorax get out of this one. All Thorax could do was covered his head and close his eyes, waiting for the Tindalos to reach in and grab him.

"Ok, Spike. One. Two … *inhale* HEY DOGBREATH!"

One glare from the Tindalos's glowing blue eyes immediately stopped Spike cold. The effect of that glare was just too much for the baby Dragon to handle. It was a quick distraction, but Thorax took the chance and pulled himself out, just to be stomped on by the giant hound. Spike had to act fast, and almost blindly, he rushed in right behind the Tindalos.

"I must be crazy. … Yep, I'm crazy," and he bit the Tindalos hard on the tail.

The howl from the Tindalos echoed through miles, scaring every creature within the forest. This startled even the calm Sapphire, and especially freaked out the now three-legged Thorax. In an instinctual response, the Tindalos reared back, and kicked Spike right into the nearest tree, making him see stars and let go of him. It was clean and quick, but spike jumped back up, and quickly got in between the Tindalos and Thorax.

"Watch it you! I'm Spike the Brave and Glorious, and if you want him, you're gonna have to go through me!" Spike shouted. Thorax smiled to his friend, though he wished he could say the same for the beast. The Tindalos just stood there at first, snarling and ready to attack, but bizarrely he didn't step any closer towards them. Thorax and Spike didn't realize it, but the Tindalos was actually having his focus split between them and something else. There was a bit of a stand off at first, but eventually the Tindalos began to slowly back away. Grudgingly, he came to his decision after seeing the hoof in the snow.

"Fine. You'd probably freeze to death without your foot anyway."

The Tindalos then left them with that, and disappeared back into the foliage, leaving only a injured Changeling and a surprised Dragon.

"Huh. Can't believe that worked," Spike noted, impressed that his own title could drive the beast away. … That was, until he turned around.
A giant monster was standing right behind them! Spike and Thorax screamed, hugging eachother and freaking out for a bit. Anything that could drive the Tindalos away was NOT going to work out well for them. Lucky for them though, upon a second look, out came Sapphire, the moonlight revealing the monster was nothing more than an ice statue.

"You can stop screaming now," Sapphire simply said. Spike did, though it took a nudge from Spike to make Thorax stop, realizing the danger was now gone. Well, relatively speaking - he still had Sapphire to deal with.

"So, that was you who did that?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Not bad for a first try," Sapphire replied, glancing to the ice statue. Spike was just glad they were alright, but Thorax still tried to slowly move away, stumbling a little on his missing hoof. He barely got too far before Sapphire and Spike looked to him.

"Thorax," Sapphire said. The Changeling stopped, but didn't ready for what happened next.

"... You okay?"
Was he okay? Thorax needed a minute to make sure this was a question aimed at him and not Spike, looking back to see them both looking to him. Anyone would be concerned after seeing his hoof was missing, but Thorax wasn't sure how to answer. After all, how many Changelings asked eachother if they were "okay"?

"I … I guess so."

"Really? Seriously, you have your hoof missing," Spike pointed out.

"Oh, that. It's okay," Thorax said. He took some bit of magic focus, and soon they watched his leg just grow back, good as new. It was clean, quick, and actually a bit impressive for a standard Changeling ability. Still, Thorax wasn't feeling too good with everything.

"Well, I guess … I'll just be going," Thorax decided, just about to fly away from the two. Far as he was concerned, Sapphire was probably still very upset with him for the disguise, but now that Sapphire had collected her thoughts, Thorax found her coming over to him. No longer the angry, resentful one he saw just minutes ago.

"Thorax, it's ok. I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that. I'm just under a lot of pressure, and I took some of it out on you. … Does having a friend really mean that much to you?" Sapphire asked. Thorax silently nodded his head. It was the one thing he truly ever wanted, after all.

Sapphire gently lifted his front hoof, holding it with a surprisingly warm touch.

"Well then, if Spike says you're his friend. Then so am I. I hope you can forgive me for earlier," Sapphire said. Thorax stayed quiet for a moment, the tears coming up now those of joy instead of misery. Spike was very glad that this was being worked out, and for Thorax, he thanked Sapphire for the hand of friendship with a hug. Sometimes, one action can say so much.

"Thank you," Thorax simply said. Sapphire smiled and returned the hug, Spike barely able to contain his excitement.


Wasn't it always annoying? In one moment, and Thorax began to hear the Changeling signal go off, his ears flickering and vibrating like a phone. Thorax grew alarmed when this happened, which would be normal for him, but a bit more alarmed now with Sapphire and Spike standing right next to him.

"Pharynx! Sshh, sshh, keep quiet," Thorax said to the others. Sapphire and Spike did so, and Thorax "answered". He had to answer it. He also made his voice like Ruby for some authenticity, as if he hadn't been figured out.

"Thorax here. … No, I'm good. … The others? … Uhh ..." Thorax glanced over to Sapphire and Spike. Far as Pharynx was concerned with this, Thorax didn't get caught yet. but then, Thorax got an idea.

"I have a visual on them. I was also wondering, should we capture them too? … Well the Sapphire has a lot of love, Chrysalis can have that. … She's alone. … Okay, I'll bring her to the Changeling Palace -" he winked to them as he continued, "- and put her with that Ruby soon as I can. Uh … you want her with Ruby or Steven? … S-Sorry, I just wanna know for sure, we need all the love to make that Warp Pad work, right? … Uhuh. … Ok, roger."

… Did … did he just mention Steven? Steven Universe was with them too? This would be Thorax's ultimate screw-up if he wasn't caught and found out, but Thorax knew what he did.

"... They took Steven? AND Ruby? …" Sapphire looked about ready to break.

"Well, yeah. They were kinda found by the edge of the kingdom, so -" Thorax stopped when he looked to Sapphire's eye, which was now enraged again. Bad enough her beloved Ruby had been taken away, now her most favorite Human in the world too?! It didn't help that, in technically, THEY HAD A DIAMOND IN THEIR CASTLE! And the Warp Pad too, it was coming together.

"So to recap: Chrysalis took Ruby and Steven, and she's using them to make another Warp Pad?" Spike summed up. Sapphire felt her hands shake, and turn into fists.

"That's pretty much it. She had me, Pharynx, and a few others to come into this world to find stray pieces to make it. That, and she's been using energy from gemstones to get it to work, like you do … uh, sort of."


"Huh? What's up?" Spike asked, he and Thorax turning to Sapphire.

"Don't worry about it. We have our information for now."

"But what about Ruby, and the -"

"It's. Got."

"... Geesh. O.K then," Spike simply said. And Spike fell silent. Dealing with Sapphire's far more difficult than dealing with Twilight, indeed. Sapphire then went over to Thorax.

"Thank you very much, Thorax," Sapphire said.

"Well, y-you're welcome, but. Oh, who knows what's going to happen now? I can stop, but the other changelings, and Chrysalis -"

"I know exactly what's going to happen," Sapphire reassured, beginning to walk off on her way.

"Wait. You do?" Thorax asked.

"Yes," Sapphire replied, "And if we can go back to the others, you'll have enough time to explain the whole thing before they leave for Ponhenge and complete their own mission."
Sapphire was confident this time, but Thorax was immediately up in alarm. This was a bit of a quick step

"Wait. You want me to tell them? Me me? N-not one of you?"

"You're a good-hearted, and caring Changeling, Thorax. They'll listen to you. And won't hurt you on sight. I promise."
Thorax found this to be a bigger step than he realized. it was a big enough one to get one friend, but not only did he get two, but now he was being asked to go to the heart of their team!

"You really think they'll be friends with me?"

"Absolutely! And they're also friends with the princess of friendship herself, so you'll have friends from both worlds," Spike said. Thorax was super excited on the possibility, barely able to keep himself still, to the point when he began flying in the air, wings fluttering like mad.

"Oh, ok, ok, you talked me into it! This is AMAZING! … But, where are they?"

"I'll show you," Sapphire replied.

Author's Note:

Welcome, Thorax, I know you've wanted to see the cute Changeling ^^. I personally found the new abilities a bit needed, as I felt it would explain some things about the Changelings (how often does a changeling lose such legs anyway?). About time, I say.

Hope those Tindalos keep out of the crossfire :rainbowderp: