• Published 7th Jan 2018
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Starlight and the son of Sombra - Will Atkinson

It is a special day in Canterlot as the mane 6 along with Starlight glimmer celiberate Princess Celestia's birthday but when an evil pony comes and captures all of the princesses it's up to Starlight to make the most important decision of her life

  • ...

Chapter 3 (Edited)

Back at Twilight's castle in Ponyville, Twilight's friends were waiting for Starlight to return.

"Oh, I just hope that Starlight comes back soon,” said Rarity.

"You’re not the only one who is worried, sugarcube," said Applejack.

Just then, Pinkie Pie popped up and said happily,"Oh, come on everypony, Starlight will be here before we know it! In fact, I bet you see will her walking through that door right this second!”

Then, as if on cue, the door of the castle started to open, making Pinkie smile.

"See? I told ya."

Everypony looked at the door, hoping that it was Starlight. But they were shocked to see who was standing outside of the palace.

"Twilight, princesses!" shouted everypony, as they ran up to the four princesses.

"Oh, Twilight, I've missed you," said Spike.

Twilight looked down at the baby dragon and said in a sad voice, "I missed you too, Spike."

"This is incredible! But how in the world did you escape from that horrible alicorn?" asked Rarity

When Rarity said this, Twilight started to cry.

"Uh, Twilight? Are you okay?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Just then, Celestia spoke up.

"My ponies, we have some bad news."

At this, everypony looked on in worry.

"I think it's best if we talk inside,” said Luna.

With that, the Mane Six, Spike, and the princesses went into the castle, where the princesses explained what happened. When they were finished, the whole room fell silent until Fluttershy spoke.

"You mean that Starlight gave up her freedom to save you?"

The four princesses said nothing but nodded.

"I can't believe she would do something like that!” said Rainbow Dash.

"It was very brave of her to do that," said Applejack.

Rarity looked down at her hooves and asked,"So, what do we do now?"

After that, the princesses looked at each other, and then Cadence spoke up.

"The only thing we can do is hope and pray Starlight is safe and go on with our normal lives."

After hearing that, everypony looked at each other and they nodded, all but Rainbow Dash.

"Are you serious? Why can't we just get Starlight back?"

"Because, Miss Dash, it was Starlight who made this decision,” said Celestia.

"But what about the elements? We could use them."

"I already have a plan, Dash," said Celestia.

When she said this, everypony looked at her until Fluttershy asked, "What is your plan, princess?"

Celestia smiled and said,"I think that Starlight can reform him."

After she said that, Twilight looked at her former teacher and asked, "Are you sure that Starlight could reform that alicorn?"

"Yes, I think she can, Twilight."

There was a long silence until Twilight said,"Well if you think she can do it then I think she can do it, too."

"I just hope she can," said Applejack.

Then, Pinkie jumped up and down and said, "Don't worry, everypony! Starlight will be fine, I just know it.”

"I hope you’re right, Pinkie," said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, me too,” said Spike.

"Well, we all should get going, everypony,” said Luna, as she, Celestia, and Cadence started to leave.

"Okay, bye," said everypony, as the three princesses left for Canterlot.

After they left Applejack looked at the time.

"Well, I guess I should get going."

"Yeah, I better get going too,” said Rainbow Dash.

"So do I, my animals are probably starving,” said Fluttershy.

"And I have a big order to fill by the end of the week," said Rarity.

"And I need to get things ready for the upcoming Welcome Back Starlight Party,” said Pinkie.

When everypony heard that, they just laughed.

Then, they said their goodbyes and went to their homes. After everypony left, Twilight looked at Spike, and said, "Oh, Spike, I hope Starlight is ok."

The baby dragon looked at Twilight, and hugged her hoof.

"I hope so too, Twilight," he said.

With that, they set off for bed.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Starlight was crying when she heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" asked Starlight.

"Mrs. Caroline, dear. I thought you might like a spot of tea."

Starlight cleared her throat, wiped away any remaining tears, and got up from her bed. She said in a sad voice, "Come in."

Caroline opened the door to Starlight's room.

“Nothing like a nice, warm cup of tea to make the world seem a bit brighter," she said happily, levitating a tray with freshly made tea.

When Caroline put the tray on the table, another mare came in. She was a silver unicorn with a silver and gold mane and tail.

"Hello, darling,” said the mare.

"Who are you?" asked Starlight.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Sarena. It is an honor to meet you, darling,” said the mare.

(Wow this mare could give Rarity a run for her money,) Starlight thought to herself.

Then, Sarena used her magic to bring a rack full of dresses.

"Now then, let's get you ready for dinner, miss,” she said.

As Sarena looked at all of the dresses, she found a nice blue dress with sparkles on it.

"Oh, here we go, darling. You will look so good with this one on!"

Starlight looked at the dress and said, "That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner."

When Sarena and Caroline heard this, they chuckled.

Sarena said, "Oh, don't be silly! Of course you are. You heard what the master said."

"He may be your master, but he’s not mine!” Starlight shouted, making the two mares back away.

"I, I'm sorry. This is happening so fast," Starlight said, as she sat back down on her bed.

"That was a very brave thing you did, my dear," said Caroline.

"We all think so," said Sarena.

"I'm going to miss my friends and the princesses so much,” said Starlight, beginning to tear up.

Seeing this, Caroline walked up to Starlight, and said in a motherly tone,"Cheer up, child. It will turn out alright in the end, you'll see."

With that, she set off to help finish putting dinner on the table. When Caroline left, Starlight turned to Sarena and asked, "Hey, Sarena?"

"Yes, darling, what is it?

"Um, do you know a mare named Rarity?"

When Starlight asked that, Sarena looked at her and said, "No, I don't think I have met her, darling."

"Well, the reason I ask is because you remind me of her."

"Oh, I see."

Just then, the door opened, and there stood Silver Hooves.

"Um, excuse me, mademoiselle, but dinner is served."

Meanwhile, in the dining room, Shadow Flames was waiting impatiently for Starlight.

"What's taking so long?! I told her to come down! Why isn't she here yet?!" he yelled.

"Oh, try to be patient, sir. The girl has lost her friends and her freedom all in one day," said Caroline.

"Um, master? Have you thought that perhaps, this girl could be the one to break the curse?" asked Torch.

Shadow Flames looked at Torch.

"Of course I have, I'm not a fool!” he said angrily.

"Good, so you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and poof! The curse is broken. You'll be back to your old self by midnight."

After hearing that, Caroline shook her head and said, "Oh, it's not that easy, Torch. These things take Time."

"But the pages of that spell book have already begun to vanish, and when all of the pages are gone, he'll be like this forever!"

"Oh, it's no use! She's so beautiful, and I'm, well, look at me."

After he said that, Torch shrugged his shoulders and looked at Caroline. Then, Caroline finally spoke up.

"Oh, master, you must help her to see past all that."

"I don't know how,” said Shadow, as he looked away.

Hearing this, Caroline walked up to Shadow Flames, and said in a stern voice,"Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up, try act like a gentle colt.”

When he heard that, Shadow Flames, sat up straight and straightened his face up very formally.

Then, Torch walked up to him and added, "Ah, yes, and when she comes in, give her a dashing, debonair smile. Come, come. Show me the smile."

Hearing that, Shadow Flames showed his fangs in a scary, and yet funny grin. After that, Caroline and Torch told him what else to do when Starlight came in.

Caroline: "But don't frighten the poor girl."

Torch: "Impress her with your rapier wit."

Caroline: "But be gentle."

Torch: "Shower her with compliments."

Caroline: "But be sincere."

Torch: "And above all…”

"WHAT!? Shouted Shadow.

"You must control your temper!" Torch and Caroline shouted back.

Just then, they heard the door open up.

"Here she is!" said Torch.

Quickly, Shadow Flames wiped off the silly grin off his face, and looked to the door expecting Starlight, but instead, Silver Hooves entered and said in a nervous voice, "Uh, good evening."

When he saw that it was just Silver Hooves, Shadow Flames' small smile turned into a frown.

"Well, where is she?" he growled.

Silver Hooves, looked at Shadow and said, "Who? Oh! The girl. Yes, the, uh, girl. Well, actually, she's in the process of, ah, um, circumstances being what they are, ah...she's not coming."

When Shadow Flames heard that Starlight was not coming down for dinner, he became furious, and said in a loud voice, "WHAT?!!!!"

With that, he burst through the door and started to run up to Starlight's room with the ponies right on his tail.

"Your grace! Your excellence! Let's not be hasty!" shouted Silver Hooves.

When Shadow made it to Starlight's room, he banged on the door, and shouted, "I thought I told you to come down to dinner!"

From behind the door, Starlight shouted back at him.

"I'm not hungry!"

"You'll come out or I'll....I'll teleport in there and drag you out!" shouted Shadow.

"Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the way to win the girl's affections," said Torch.

"Yes, please, sir! Attempt to be a gentle colt." pleaded Silver Hooves.

"But, she is being so...difficult," said Shadow, growling in anger.

"Gently, gently,” said Caroline.

Shadow Flames looked back at the door of Starlight's room and said in a dejected tone,"Will you come down to dinner?"


After hearing Starlight say no again, he looked at the four ponies, and said in a frustrated tone.

"You see?!"

"Um, ok, master, try to act suave. Genteel,” said Silver Hooves.

Shadow Flames looked at Silver and said to him, "I'll give her one, more, chance."

With that, he turned back to the door and said, in a much calmer voice, "It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner."

"Ahem, ahem, we say 'please,’ " said Silver Hooves.

Shadow looked at Silver. Then, he took a deep breath and said, "Please."

After he said that, Starlight shouted, "No, thank you!"

Hearing this made Shadow Flames furious.

"You can't stay in there forever!"

"Oh, yes I can, just watch me!" Starlight shouted back.

"Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!!!"

After that, Shadow Flames looked at the ponies and said to them,"If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all."

With that, Shadow Flames stormed off back to his chambers.

"Oh dear, that didn't go very well at all, did it?" said Caroline.

"Nope, not at all,” said Torch.

Then, Silver Hooves, turned to Torch, and said to him, "Torch, stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is a slightest change."

With that, Torch saluted and said, "You can count on me, my old friend."

"Well, I guess we better go downstairs and start cleaning up,” said Silver Hooves, as he and Caroline started to go back to the dinning room.

Meanwhile, Shadow Flames arrived in his chambers and started destroying things.

"I ask nicely, but she refuses. What a...what does she want me to do, beg?"

Then, Shadow Flames picked up a mirror with his magic and said, "Show me the girl."

As soon as he said that, the mirror started to shined, and then glowed green. It revealed Starlight in her bedroom, talking to Sarena.

"You know, darling, the master really isn't that bad once you get to know him. Why don't you just give him a chance?” Sarena pleaded.

But Starlight just scoffed and said to her, "I don't want to get to know him. I don't want to have anything to do with him."

After seeing this, Shadow Flames put down the mirror, and said in a tender voice,"I'm just fooling myself. She'll never see me as anything....but a monster."

Then, Shadow saw another page from the forbidden spell book vanish.

"It’s hopeless,” he said, as he put his head down in sorrow.

A couple of hours later, after Sarena decided to leave the bedroom and give her some privacy, Starlight peeked out the door. When she saw there was nopony around, she got out, closed the door behind her, and started down the hall. As she walked, she went past a curtain where Torch was with his marefriend Iris.

Iris: "Oh, no!"

Torch: "Oh, yes!"

Iris: "Oh, no!"

Torch: "Oh, yes, yes , yes!"

Just then, they emerged from behind the curtain.

"Oh, Torch, you always know how to treat me,” said Iris, as Torch took her in his hooves.

Just then, he looked up and saw Starlight, walking down the hall. He then gasped and dropped Iris.

"Dear sweet Celestia, she has emerged."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Caroline, Blitz, the castle chef, and Silver Hooves were finishing up cleaning.

"Ok, Blitz, it's time for bed,” Caroline said to her son.

"But, I'm not sleepy!" said Blitz.

"Yes, you are, my son. Now run along, off to bed."

With a loud moan, Blitz went off to bed. Just then, Caroline heard the chef complaining.

"I work and slave all day long, and for what? A culinary masterpiece gone to waste.”

"Oh, stop your grousing. It's been a long night for all of us."

"Well if you ask me, she was just being stubborn. After all, the master did say 'please,’ “ said Silver Hooves, as he was finishing putting the dishes away.

Hearing this, Caroline, shook her head and said to the blue earth pony, "But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper, he'll never break the-"

Before Caroline could finish, Starlight came into the kitchen.

"Splendid to see you out and about, mademoiselle. I am Silver Hooves, head of the household,” said Silver, as he bowed to Starlight.

As he was about to kiss her hoof, Torch came in and butted in front of him.

"This is Torch,” said Silver.

"En chante, cherie,” said Torch, and he kissed Starlight's hoof.

As Torch continued, Silver slapped his hoof and said to him, "Oh, stop that!"

After Torch moved his hoof away, Silver looked at Starlight, and said to her, "Now, then, is there is anything, anything at all that we can do to make your stay more comfortable?"

Starlight smiled at the blue earth pony and said, "I am a little hungry."

After hearing that, Caroline smiled and said, "You are? Hear that? She's hungry! Chef, stoke the fire."

Hearing this, the chef excitedly stoked up the fire while Caroline took out the silverware. But Silver Hooves was not happy about this, and said, secretly, "Remember what the master said."

"Oh, pish tosh. I'm not gonna let the poor child go hungry,” said Caroline.

At this, Silver said, in a frustrated tone,"Oh, all right, fine. Glass of water, crust of bread, and then-"

But before he could finish, Torch stopped him.

"Silver Hooves, I'm surprised at you. She's not our prisoner. She's our guest. We must make her feel welcome here."

Then, he turned to Starlight, and said to her.

"Right this way, mademoiselle."

"Well, keep it down. If the master finds out about this, he’ll wring our necks!"

"Of course, of course. But what is dinner without a little music?" asked Torch.

"MUSIC?!” shouted Silver Hooves.

In the dining room, Starlight was seated at the end of a long table. Torch was standing on the table with spotlight shining on him.

"Ma chere, mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure... that we welcome you tonight. And now...we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair, as we proudly present...your dinner!" said Torch, as he used his magic to bring trays of food on the table. Then, he started to sing.

Torch: Be our guest, be our guest
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest

Torch used his magic to lift up the lids off the trays.

Torch: Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres
Why we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff, it's delicious

Torch started to power up his horn again, and when he did, the dishes started to dance and sing.

Torch: Don't believe me? Ask the dishes
They can sing, they can dance
After all, miss, this is Equestria
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest, oui, our guest
Be our guest

Just then, more plates of food came in.

Torch: Beef ragout
Cheese shuffle
Pie and pudding en flambé
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret
You're alone and you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
Nopony’s gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes, I do tricks
With my magic

Chorus: And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet

Torch: Come on lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be our guest
If your stressed
It's fine dining we suggest
Be our guest
Be our guest, be our guest

Meanwhile, in the kitchen Caroline started to sing as well.

Caroline: It's a guest, it's a guest
Sakes alive, well, I'll be blessed
Wine's been poured and thank Celestia
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert, she'll want tea
And my dear, that's fine with me

Caroline powered up her horn and made the cups dance.

Caroline: While the cups do their soft-shewing
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
I'll be warm, piping hot
Celestia’s sakes, is that a spot?
Clean it up, we want the company impressed
We've got a lot to do
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest

Torch: She's our guest

Caroline: She's our guest

Silver Hooves: She's our guest

All: Be our guest, be our guest
Our command is your request
It's been years since we've had anypony
Here and we're obsessed
With your meal
With your ease
Yes indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, well keep going
Course by
Course! One by one
'Til you shout,
"Enough, I'm done!”
Then we'll sing you off to sleep
As you digest
Tonight you'll prop your hooves up
But for now let's eat up
Be our guest
Be our guest
Be our guest
Please be our guest!

After the song was over, Starlight clapped her hooves together and said, "Bravo! That was wonderful!"

"Thank you, thank you, mademoiselle. Yes, good show, wasn't it, everypony?” said Silver Hooves, as he bowed to Starlight. Then, he looked at the time and said with a yawn,"Oh, my goodness, will you look at the time? Now, it's off to bed, off to bed!"

Starlight, looked at Silver Hooves and said, "Well, I would like to look around first, if that's all right."

"Oh! Would you like a tour?" asked Torch, excitedly.

"Wait a second, wait a second. I'm not sure that's such a good idea," said Silver Hooves, nervously. Then, he whispered to Torch.

"We can't let her go poking around in certain places, if you know what I mean."

Starlight, smiled and said to Silver Hooves, "Perhaps you could to take me. I'm sure you know everything there is to know about the castle."

Hearing this, Silver Hooves blushed and said to Starlight,"Well, actually, ah, yes, I do!"

With that, Starlight, Silver Hooves, and Torch walked through the halls of the castle while Silver was talking about the many things that the castle had.

"As you can see, the pseudo facade was stripped away to reveal a minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings. This yet another example of the neo-classic baroque period, and as I always say, if it's not baroque, don't fix it!"

Silver then laughed at his comment until he saw Starlight and Torch looking at him with annoyed glares on their faces. When he saw this, he stopped laughing and continued with the tour.

"Anyway, may I draw your attention to the flying buttresses above the-"

Just then, Starlight pointed a hoof at the grand staircase and asked, "What's up there?"

"Where? Up there? Nothing. Absolutely nothing of interest at all in the West Wing."

When Silver said this, Starlight replied,"Ah, so that's the West Wing."

After realizing what he just said, he put his hooves over his mouth Then, Torch turned to him and said, "Nice going."

"I wonder what he's hiding up there,” Starlight said.

"Uh, hiding? The master is hiding nothing!" said Torch, nervously.

Just then, Starlight started to go up the stairs.

"Then it wouldn't be forbidden."

But before she could continue up the stairs, Silver and Torch dashed up to stop her.

"Um, perhaps mademoiselle would like to see something else. We have exquisite tapestries dating all they way back to-" said Silver Hooves, as he tried to convince Starlight not to go up to the West Wing, but she continued up the stairs.

"Maybe later."

Again, Silver and Torch dashed up the stairs. Torch said to Starlight, "Uh, what about the gardens, or the library, or maybe you would like to see our kite collection?"

When Starlight heard this she was very interested.

"Wait, you have a kite collection?"

When Silver and Torch heard that they found something that interested her they were relieved.

"Oh yes! Indeed!" said Silver.

"We have them in all shapes and sizes, even in all different colors," said Torch.

Hearing this, Starlight became more excited.

"I would like to see them."

"Well, follow us, and we'll show you," said Silver.

So Starlight turned around and started to follow Silver and Torch.

After a few steps, she turned back around and started towards the West Wing.

As Starlight began walking through the halls of the West Wing, her excitement soon tuned to concern, but she continued until she stopped at a big door with bats as door handles. With her hooves shaking, Starlight opened the door and entered the room, where broken furniture lay everywhere.

As she continued to look around, she saw a book sitting on a table.

When she got closer, she lifted up a hoof to touch it.

Suddenly, she gasped as she saw Shadow Flames. Shadow heard Starlight gasping. He turned around, and with his magic took the book off the table, glaring at Starlight, who now had a look of fear on her face.

"Why did you come here?” Shadow asked, with anger in his eyes.

"I...I'm sorry,” said Starlight, as she was backing away.

Now Shadow was angry.

"I warned you never to come here!"

"I...I didn't mean any harm!" said Starlight, who was now very scared.

"Do you realize what you could have done? You could have cursed me forever! Now get out of here! Go!" shouted Shadow.

With that, Starlight turned and fled from the room.

When Shadow Flames calmed down he realized what he had done and lowered his head in shame.

Starlight had just made it downstairs and grabbed her things, and gone to the door, where she saw Silver and Torch.

"W-where are you going?" asked Torch.

"Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute,” said Starlight, as she opened the door to get out of the castle.

"Oh no, wait, please, please wait!" pleaded Silver.

But Starlight slammed the door and ran out into the blizzard.

As she did so, she stopped to see something in the distance. She saw some creatures that looked like wolves, only they were crystal-like and they were surrounding her. She tried to power up her horn, but nothing came out, and then she remembered about the ring on her horn.

With no other option, she turned around and headed back to the castle.

As she was almost there, one of the wolves lunged and tackled her to the ground. Starlight looked up. She saw one of the wolves on top of her getting ready to kill her. But before it could, a big ball of magic hit it, sending the wolf flying until it hit another one.

When Starlight looked behind her, where the ball of magic came from, she saw Shadow Flames coming out of the shadows.

When she saw him, she let out a small smile, but then, she looked back in front of her and saw the rest of the wolves approaching.

Seeing this, Shadow Flames glared at the wolves.

Then, he lunged at them with his horn glowing a very deep shade of red.

As the wolves tried to attack Shadow, he used his magic to knock them out. But more wolves came out of the darkness and also attacked him.

Just then, one of the wolves was able to dodge Shadow's magic and bite his right hoof. At this, he roared in pain and tried to get the wolf off him. By then, he got overrun by the wolves.

Meanwhile, Starlight looked on in horror, thinking that Shadow would die, but then, a big burst of magic blasted the wolves away.

As Starlight watched, she saw Shadow Flames limping towards her. Just then he collapsed right in front of her.

Seeing this, Starlight got up and prepared to leave, but then she looked down at Shadow, and knew she couldn't leave him like that. So, she scooped up the unconscious alicorn and took him back to the castle.

Once she was back, Starlight brought some water in the living room where Shadow was sitting on his chair.

Then, Starlight put down the bucket and took the rag that was in the water in her hooves. She started walking towards Shadow, who was looking at his arm.

"Here, let me see,” said Starlight, as she looked at the scratches on his hoof.

But before she could put the rag on the wound, Shadow Flames knocked it out of Starlight's hooves.

"Don't do that,” she said, picking up the rag again. "Just...hold still."

Just as Starlight put the rag on the scratches, he roared out loudly, making Silver, Torch, Caroline, Iris, and Blitz jump.

"That hurts!" Shadow shouted at Starlight.

"Well, if you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!" shouted Straight.

"Well, if you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened!" argued Shadow Flames.

"Well, if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!” argued Starlight.

At this, Shadow opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it, thinking.

Finally, he said to her, "Well, you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!"

"Well, you should learn to control your temper!" said Starlight angrily.

After that, the ponies came out of hiding to see Shadow looking at Starlight crossly as she brought the rag up to Shadow's wounds again.

She said to him, "Now, hold still. This may sting a little."

Starlight carefully put the rag on Shadow's hoof, and he gritted his teeth and groaned.

Starlight then looked up at him and said, in a soft voice, "By the way, thank you for saving my life."

Hearing that, Shadow opened his eyes in surprise, then also in a soft voice he said to Starlight.

"You're welcome.”

Meanwhile, back by the outside of the castle, Sombra's horn started to ooze out black smoke until it generated into Sombra himself.

Then, the horn floated up and attached itself to Sombra's head. Then he laughed and said, "Ah, at last. I have been reborn! Now, to take care of the ponies who took my kingdom away from me! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

With that, he transformed into a puff of smoke and headed straight for Canterlot.