• Published 5th Jan 2018
  • 2,547 Views, 14 Comments

Children of the Sun - Cirrus Sky

A little bit of a disturbed night isn't too bad for Sunset, considering the cause.

  • ...

Sunrise is not quite here

Sunset woke alone in bed, the haze of sleep in her mind leaving her confused for a beat. Why was she alone? What had woken her? There was some urgency in her though. A need to get up.

Instinct had her moving before sound registered to her sleep addled brain. There was the shrill wail of an unhappy baby. Sunset was stood by the crib when she was finally fully awake and aware of what she was doing. “Oh, hush baby, Momma is here.” She said, loud enough to be heard over the noise. “Oh my Meridian, hush now.” She reached in to lift the squalling bundle and almost at once the baby's cries petered down to whimpers.

It had come naturally to her, handling the tiny baby, soothing upsets and calming frustrations. Even without her particular talent, she simply knew what was needed. She'd also been fine with holding such a delicate and valuable being, none of the worries or concerns that sometimes plagued a new parent coming to mind.

“See baby girl, Momma's got you.” Sunset cooed, resting the tiny form against her shoulder and jigging her a little. “Now what is the problem huh?” Something had to have woken the baby, but there was no tell-tale smell or feel that meant it was changing time. She wasn't pouting her lips and twitching her chin in search of food and there was no rumble of uncomfortable gas that would need help to expel. The temperature in the room and of the baby felt just right, but Sunset had more than an inkling as to the issue.

Meridian was restful now, held close against Sunset's shoulder, head cradled against her neck. “Lonely were we baby girl? That makes two of us” A tiny sigh was her reply, a chubby cheek pressed against her skin, snuggling closer.

Smiling, Sunset returned to the bed, arranging the pillows so she could sit comfortably and hold the baby. Skin to skin contact was a great comfort and there was only so long she could indulge in this before her little girl would be too big. It wasn't often that it was only the two of them either, Sunset having to share (sometimes grateful, sometimes feeling a little selfish and wanting the baby all to herself).

But they hadn't been anywhere since the birth of their little bundle of joy and it had been necessary for one of them to take this overnight trip. Sunset had stayed behind, even if she'd wished they could all be together. It would be too stressful for them all, just for the sake of a little professional showing to keep everyone happy.

Settled on the bed, she shifted the baby a little and was treated to the slightest yowl as Meridian moved, only to stop when Sunset rested her against her collar. Downy soft hair brushed under her chin. At six months old, little Meridian had beautiful tufts of pastel streaked hair. She was a touch lighter toned that Sunset in skin-tone but her hair was almost a match to her godmother's, bar a few more streaks of vanilla yellow breaking up the array. The little soft patch where she rubbed her tiny head when she lay was still smooth though, it was a little favourite of Sunset's to smooth with a finger to comfort her child.

“That's better isn't it Meridian hmm? Snuggled close to Momma.” Sunset whispered, she lifted a hand to gently brush a finger over smooth skin, from the little patch at the back of her head across to a chubby cheek.

One finger that was suddenly grabbed by a small but strong hand. Alert chartreuse eyes locked onto hers and a gummy smile appeared. “Hey there baby girl.” Sunset smiled back, still amazed that this tiny human was hers. Her family no matter what. A gurgle came in answer and Meridian kept tight hold of Sunset's finger.

“All awake even though it is late.” Sunset teased, using her free hand to boop Meridian's button nose. “But we've got to sleep baby, to be ready for the day.” She angled herself to kiss a tiny forehead. “Okay, so you can sleep whenever you want to because you're too cute to deny, but Momma has to be awake and Momma needs some sleep.” Meridian replied with a huge yawn for such a small person, making Sunset chuckle.

“See that? You're sleepy too.” She smoothed her finger across Meridian's cheek again and was rewarded with another yawn and cute lip-smacking.

A lullaby was probably in order, but Sunset couldn't think of anything traditional to sing. This late at night and still pretty tired, she couldn't really think of any of the cutesy songs for children. Honestly, Meridian seemed most interested in the sound of her voice and the tone of her words more than the song. It was only others who would have an opinion about lyrics.

A certain snippet of song came to mind, one Sunset loved and unashamedly applied to herself. Gently rocking Meridian she started to sing.“You hold on to me...hold on to me” Just a rendition of the chorus, this late and with Meridian actually sleepy, the whole song wasn't needed.

“We are children of the sun...” She trailed off, little even breaths against her skin told her that the baby was asleep. It had only taken the chorus and a repeat paired with the gentle rocking motion to send Meridian back to dreamland. “Goodnight baby girl.” Sunset whispered, standing carefully so as not to disturb her.

Gently laying Meridian in her crib, Sunset arranged the blankets just so. It wasn't long to dawn and a new day. Enough time for her to get a little more sleep before starting their day properly. By the next night their little family would be whole again.

Getting back into bed, Sunset arranged it so she could lay and look at the crib, watching Meridian sleep.

Sunset fell asleep smiling.

--I'll be singing you
Songs of tomorrow--

Author's Note:

First off: I left Meridian's full parentage and Sunset's partner intentionally ambiguous. This story is a Sunset and her baby, not shipping or for shipping. Het or not. I'm still undecided as to whether she carried the child in this little universe I wrote.

I wanted a study of Sunset and a tiny person she is responsible for. Babies have been a big part of my life (Oldest child of many after all) and some of my good memories are of chilling with the then current smallest sibling or soothing them to sleep when they were cranky for want of a nap. (It is when they get bigger that they are a problem).

This whole idea came to me as my colleague has returned to work from parental leave and a song I enjoy turned up on my music player. Poets of the Fall - Children of the Sun, go look it up.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this.

Comments ( 14 )

cute enjoyable little one shot

All her daughter wanted was her mother. Lovely story and would love to see them down the road in a few years.

This was nice and cute.

So cute :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much, that story really brightened up my day!

I was not expecting this,albeit I found it quite endearing, I thought it was another Momlestia and Sunset story. Give yourself a pat in the back my fellow brony,for I am at awe.

Lovely story just a moment between a mother and a child, also I checked out the song you recommended and it was wonderful

Thanks, I had to write the story after the idea jumped into my head. The song is also one I like to use for a little calm down at the end of the day, and even if I am 'reading into it' I like to match it with Sunset from the lyrics.

Absolutely adorable.

Instinct had her moving before sound registered to her sleep addled brain. There was the shrill wail of an unhappy baby. Sunset was stood by the crib when she was finally fully awake and aware of what she was doing. “Oh, hush baby, Momma is here.” She said, loud enough to be heard over the noise. “Oh my Meridian, hush now.” She reached in to lift the squalling bundle and almost at once the baby's cries petered down to whimpers.

huh, this story must take place in the future and Sunset is married now and has a child, but who is her spouse?

I didn't really put one in. I was writing the family feels between Mom and Baby so shipping wasn't on my mind.

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