• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 2,903 Views, 4 Comments

Milkshakes - Storylover-Vodhr

Twilight's shakes bring da Dash to the yard.

  • ...

Want it, need it.

"Come on, Twi..."

Twilight sparkle was ultimately unmoved at Dash's "earnest" plea, and instead took another sip of her milkshake without a word. It was hers, dang it, and right now, in the middle of july where the sun was baking, she wasn't about to give her only source of "cool" to a girl who insisted that she was 20 percent more-so than her.

Yes, it was petty. But right now, in the middle of a hundred and ten degree weather, she was a petty girl. Dash could go and buy her own milkshake, if she wanted one that badly.

"Please? I just got back from soccer practice!"

Oh yes, Twilight knew. She had watched her, secretly. She did alright. And then, Dash bragged about it five minutes ago, not so secretly, and supposedly did amazing. But that was completely beside the point. This was her frozen dairy confection, not Rainbow's. And no amount of begging, pleading, and puppy dog eyes from the cute rainbow girl would deter her from her ultimate goal.

Drinking her milkshake. And, luckily, she was almost done. Just a few more sips.

"Nope. If you wanna milkshake, you should go buy one. The Dairy Queen is literally twenty feet away."

The rainbow haired girl groaned at that, and Twilight's eyes twinkled with malicious mirth. She could now see why Dash loved to prank people; It was fun to watch them suffer. Not truly suffer, but the slow, painful drudge of inconvenience and discomfort that a prank, or not sharing a milkshake, would bring.

"Pleeeeease? Twi, I'm baking and broke! Have mercy!"

Twilight only gave her a smirk, and sipped a little more shake, before, in an impulsive and admittedly immature move, stuck her tongue out at her as the girl subtly looked her over. Dash was indeed baking.

"This is all the shake you're seeing from me, Dash."

The soccer uniform-clad girl groaned again, and leaned back further, as if hoping for some sort of non-existent shade to grace her. But no, there was no such mercy, and Twilight wasn't about to share.

Twi was probably still angry about the honey prank. Admittedly, that one was a bit far. But, it still didn't excuse the lack of sharing a desperately needed drink.

Seriously, she was dying, slowly baking under the hot sun. And the city bus wasn't due for another ten minutes, at least.

But... maybe she didn't have to wait. The thought was evil, but there.

Twilight was a smart girl, after all, but she had no sense of street smarts. She could just... take it. Sneak it away, and finish the frozen angel sent from heaven off. Then she'd be the one laughing. With a mouth full of Milkshake.

But she'd need to distract Twilight. But how?

The thought struck Dash like a lightning bolt, and the girl couldn't help but grin evilly. Oh, she knew how.

"So, uh, Hey, Twilight. So, you going out with Flash, or what?"

The purple haired girl stopped for a moment, and looked at Dash incredulously. "He's going out with Sunset, you know that."

Drat. And that was Dash's one good idea for the day, too.

The purple haired monster took another drink from her Milkshake, and Dash whined. She had to have it. And it was almost gone. Heck, she could feel her already weak grasp on her psyche and self control slipping as the girl continued to slowly drain what little of her precious lifeline was left.

She had to have it. She needed it.

"So, what's Pinkie been up to? Haven't seen her all day."

Rainbow Dash whined slightly, but forced herself to answer the question, all while staring intensely at the shake.

"Uh, I think she was... uh... with Skystar today. You know how those two are."

Sparkle nodded smartly at that, making the milkshake jostle a bit. It was hypnotic. "Yeah... makes sense. They always get wrapped up in each other and all."

Yes. Wrapped up. Like in a milkshake.

A cold, delicious milkshake.

That was it, she had to have it. Her eyes got immediately caught on the straw, and with practiced ease, she shot herself forward, her mouth prepared to catch it. But, in her haste, she found that Twilight was on the same course, and was a quarter second faster.

No, it didn't matter anymore. That shake was hers, and she'd fight tooth, nail, and tongue for it. And so, the second Twilight's mouth wrapped around the straw, Dash's met Twilight's, and immediately attempted to reclaim the straw as her own. But Twilight, she either suspected such treachery, or had amazing reflexes, and as such, made little more than a short "mmph" before starting her own fight for the straw.

It was, at least in Dash's mind, an epic struggle, her own tongue furiously clashing against Twilight's as the pair fought for dominance over the straw of destiny. For a moment, she managed to get it into her own mouth, but Twilight would manage to interfere before she could do anything, pulling the straw back into her own mouth.

In the end, it was a genuine struggle, with grunting, bit tongues, angry, almost desperate sucking, and awkward grappling and hugging while the pair tried to maintain contact, lest they lose the straw. But, after what seemed to be a full minute, Dash managed to come up on top, and claimed the straw she desperately desired. And, it was amazing.

And surprisingly blueberry flavored, for what looked like to be a vanilla milkshake. She didn't know what to make of that.

And so, with cup in hand, She finished off the milkshake, and let out a content sigh. But, after another moment, the craving returned. She needed more.

"Ugh, Twi. It's not enough."

Dash sighed weakly, and looked over to where Twi was previously. But, to her surprise, the girl was gone. Dash quickly looked around in worry, but before she could panic, Twilight returned from the Dairy queen behind them, a new milkshake in hand, a blush on her face, and a sneaky smile.

"Come on, Twi... Please?"

Author's Note:

The closest I am willing to get to citrus. XD

This is for Knight N Gale.

Comments ( 4 )

This was a blast to read!

The best kind of sloppy make outs there is! :pinkiehappy:

That's not playing it nice Twi!

I find this relatable... tragically so

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