• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 1,908 Views, 595 Comments

Princess Essenta - Pone_Heap

Long, long before Equestria, ponies in that land lived in a number of smaller kingdoms. Princess Essenta, the first daughter of the Dale, sets out to prove herself when her father, the king, sends her on a poorly conceived "suicide mission".

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Chapter 25: The "City of Last Chances"

"Last Chance" Stopover Arc

Essenta remembered nothing of meeting the knight from Albin… not his name, not his face, nothing at all; she’d already entered blackout territory around when she’d been thrashing the old “half-and-half” Pegasus they’d encountered before.

The girls had debated about telling Essenta of the menace they felt, or that he tossed Loress like she was a piece of fruit. They settled on saying he was a handsome, young knight from Albin she met while drinking… he was a gentlecolt and wished her to be safe with her friends… and to take it easier on the bottle. It was no falsehood and simplified things.

Essenta was tickled some knight that would’ve been her enemy a decade back was kind enough to watch out for her; she was even willing to stay away from booze for a while, to repay providence for seeing her through her stupid endeavor. The girls wondered how long she’d keep away this time.

Dechaa apologized to Essenta… and Essenta did the same. It was a small to-do for them; it took more than a few nasty, if truthful, words to tear them apart. Satisfied with this, the girls tried to forget about Dechaa pleasuring some prince behind a curtain and the other mischief that occurred. Essenta reasoned he was an ass anyway, in the end.

With all that and many other strange and troublesome things behind them, the company paddled along. They were about to enter the southern mountains, the steppe beginning to rise in front of them.

Essenta was in the middle of the line they’d formed; it was her turn to pull the wagon for a while.

The princess yawned, “I’m bored… anypony have a song or something?”

The others muttered descent, other than their little, pink Pegasus.

“How about a game? I spy with my little eye… something brown,” Wilka giggled.

The other girls groaned; Wilka had “tried” to start the game up a few times and it was getting old, though it never ceased being funny to the little Pegasus. Everything was brown. Everything was brown. The soil, the plants, the rocks… everything was brown. About all else there was to look at was the mountains ahead of them and the rump in front of each of them.

Zyra, too lethargic to even joke about Loress’s “pretty white ass”, missed the green they’d walked through in the weeks past. Late autumn was approaching, though. Many of the places they’d been through would have seen some snow by then… the Dale would be buried in the stuff soon and had likely had a snowfall.

The steppe, not exciting to begin with, dried up in the later months of the year, giving it a brown appearance further yet. As far south as they were, it ceased to get cold at night, but some cold places waited between them and the jungles… the desert was chilly at night, they’d heard.

Listening to Zyra’s grumbling, Ama giggled, “Do not fret, Zyra. Soon, everything will be green and gray in the mountains… and then sandy-colored, as sand is all there is in the desert.”

The company tried not to give Ama a hard time about her occasional jokes that floundered; her humor was much better than it was at first, but she was still learning.

Zyra gave a little chuckle, “I am looking forward to seeing the jungle. All the flora and fauna you can imagine… Dechaa! It should be an apothecary’s dream, visiting such a place.”

Dechaa was less excited about their destination. She was a mare that didn’t very much enjoy heat, humidity, bugs, danger, wild animals never seen by the eyes of a northerner… then there was the sickness and disease that came with the tropics. Ama tried to assuage her thinking.

“Oh, Dechaa… I grew up in such a place. I am sure our shared knowledge can keep us from some of the danger. I would not believe it is all that different from my home.”

Loress, taking point, turned her gaze back, “Oh, you’d be surprised, Ama… There’s a fair-sized sea that separates Mazan from the continent. Could be differences like night and day. We’ll find out soon enough.”

It was only the early afternoon and the company had just about run out of interesting things to chat about; unless somepony had an idea, it would be another boring day and night on the steppe. They could see the mountains and the topography had changed but they were still more than a day away.

Something struck Orni, “Ama… I guess we’ve never talked about it, but what kind of stallion are you even looking for? Once everything else is over with…”

The Mazan stopped, Zyra bumping into her rear; she looked bemused, “Hmm… I cannot say I am sure. I never gave it much thought… I only came to the continent because I came of age. After seeing this interesting land, I did not think of much else other than seeing it.”

It was a thoughtful answer; the little Knollwing hung her head, “I’m sorry for intruding… I suppose it’s nopony’s business.”

Ama simpered, “There is no reason to apologize… This could be fun to discuss…”

The tall mare began moving again, smiling a bit as she thought to herself; the others resumed walking, taking great interest in what Ama might say.

“I can say this… many of my clan speak of nothing but skill… some are wiser than that, but skill and strength are the aspects most mares seem to desire. My father, of course, was a Terran… and an exceptionally powerful fellow at that! My mother saw something else in him, though; she once told me he was so very foolish… But he made her laugh… and he was so very, very kind, in his way.”

The girls were enjoying this; it wasn’t often they got to hear Ama muse about much of anything.

Ama grinned a little at the idea of her father, “Kindness… That was a pleasant thing to hear. It is most unusual for a Mazan to meet her father, but I would not turn away the chance. It would be nice. It might amuse him to see the sort of daughter he sired.”

This got a laugh out of the others; that would be interesting to see.

“Myself though… We have encountered many ponies in our travels… some virtuous and some less so. What I have further realized is strength, power, and other base qualities only take a pony so far. It matters not what race he might be; we are all born Earth ponies, whether our fathers are unicorns, Knollwings, or anything else.

“Truly… I am unsure of the kind of stallion I desire… But I have just realized this: I would like very much to meet my father, someday. I suppose I would like a stallion… my own daughter would like to meet someday, if she so chooses.”

That was some answer; it had Orni putting on the dreamy eyes, “Oh, wow… that’s such a lovely thought. That would be nice.”

There was a murmur of ascent.

Ama called to the little Knollwing, “What about you, Orni?”

The little fireplug-looking pony blanched, “What?”

Ama gave an uncharacteristically fiendish smile, “What sort of stallion do you want?”

Orni blushed and the other girls giggled at her trepidation, though not unkindly.

“Well,” Orni said demurely. “I’d like somepony who’s kind… that loves foals as much as I do… and loves animals!”

Wilka had moved up alongside her and nudged her with a leer, “You mean like Uther, back in Renata?”

Five pairs of ears perked up.

Orni blushed more deeply, smiling despite herself, “Yes, Wilka… like Uther…”

“Uther… did we meet him?” Dechaa asked the general group.

Wilka shook her head, “Maybe… He’s been sweet on Orni for a few years, I hear.”

Orni pushed her best friend good-naturedly, unable to wipe the goofy look off her face, “Oh, stop it, Wilka…”

The girls were eager to hear more but doubted Orni’s willingness to participate.

Zyra pondered, “Who wants to hear from Loress?”

The Terran mare squeaked, eliciting mirth from the rest.

Their boring afternoon had become rather fun.

“There it is girls,” Dechaa consulted a map, unfolded on the wagon. “The ‘City of Last Chances’. They call it ‘Last Chance’ City… That’s… kinda stupid.”

The trip over the mountains had been easy enough; there were some very well-maintained paths through. The height hadn’t even been an issue and the forest below the snowline had been welcome change after days and days of scorched prairie.

At the foot of the mountains, on the south side, the desert lay before them. Sand, sand, sand as far as the eye could see. But at the very base of the mountains was a city whose real name nopony cared to bother with. Until they saw it with their own eyes, the well-beaten paths and routes through the mountains made little sense.

“Last Chance” City was a refuge. It was the last established settlement between the mountains and the jungle; away from the rest of the world, answering to nopony else, it was the southernmost independent city-state on the continent. Its reputation was more than dubious… this was where less than savory ponies holed up to enjoy the spoils of an ill-lived life.

The wealthy residents lived by the adage to “not shit where they eat and sleep”, keeping business away from the city. The girls had encountered nopony in the mountains, but the city was a pilgrimaging destination for many ponies looking for a wild time and rich living. Plenty of ponies aired their dirty laundry, but they had far less to lose than the ones whose wealth rivaled kingdoms.

Essenta thought it sounded like fun, but it was no place to stay long, “Okay, girls. We go in, find a safe enough place, rest up, get what we need to cross the desert, and we leave.”

The other girls though, Yeah, right… They had little faith Essenta would be able to avoid whatever ales the city produced.

Approaching the city in the early morning, Loress led the way, “I hear this place is quite a sight at night… Bright lights, good times… Don’t think we’re not having a little fun while we’re here.”

Zyra mused, “We’ve been on the road for so long… Why don’t we just stay here? I mean… I don’t even remember why we're this far south.”

Ama spoke up, “We are on our way to Salvatrix, of course… The Dragon Lance awaits us at the temple! Though our journey is not quite legitimate… But, oh, the tales I have heard of the place! The danger-

Loress kneaded Ama’s shoulder with a shit-eating grin, “She’s joking, Ama. I doubt anypony’s forgotten the purpose of our trip.”

“A joke?” Ama considered; she allowed herself a little smile. “It needs work.”

Everypony cracked up, save Essenta; she knew of the temptations the city held and wouldn’t enjoy having to be the foalsitter, for a change, if the rest decided to cut loose. Regardless, she was glad to know Ama and Loress would be there, clear-headed along with her.

The princess spoke to the group, “Like I said… we find a place to stay, get supplies, and leave. I don’t want to spend more than a couple days here.”

Essenta slumped on a barstool in the corner of some pub they’d found. She was dismayed to see her friends having such a good time; it wasn’t that she hated them for it, but she was the kind of mare that couldn’t have fun without drinking… when everypony else was.

She’d never seen Dechaa so sloshed, happily chattering with the three youngest members of the party, all stumbling around in the same territory. Loress was drinking her favored cider along with some old-timers and Ama was rubbing elbows with the pair of brothers that ran the place. Ama was enjoying herself a great deal despite her untested manner. They had her trying a few of their concoctions, eager for a foreigner’s opinion.

Sucking down a mug of ale, though taking her time with it, she let out a little burp, “Pardon me… This ale is delicious; it has a wonderful pungency and… just a hint of… ooh, tangerine. Most interesting. I like this quite a bit… The stout had a nice character, but the darker brews just do not quite agree with me.”

“Wow, young miss… You can drink,” one of them was awed by her capacity.

She said matter-of-factly, “My father was a Terran… In addition to height and a fair bit of strength, I inherited some of their ability to process alcohol and other poisons. Alcohol is a poison- not that I mean ill against any of your wares. It simply is, as the sky is blue.”

“It’s alright; we understand. We appreciate your kind words. We’re pretty proud of the new ale,” the other brother smiled.

“As you should be, sir. There is… one suggestion I would make, if I am permitted.”

Both brothers encouraged her; one said, “By all means, please do. You have a good palate for drink.”

She shyly suggested, “Do not be afraid to increase the bitterness a small degree; it would better complement the other characteristics… but instead of more hops… consider using more tangerine peel.”

Both weren’t put off by the idea at all.

“I know you’re partial to our beers, but would you consider trying something new?” one of the brothers ducked behind the bar.

Coming back with a cask of what looked to be ordinary apple cider, he set it on the bar.

Ama cocked her head, “Cider?”

“Not quite. It’s called ‘apple pie’, for its taste. It’s concentrated apple juice, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, a spritz of nutmeg… and corn juice. Please try; we have plenty.”

Taking a nip, Ama’s face lit up, “This is outstanding! It has just enough cinnamon…”

Before the cask could be retrieved, Ama put it to her lips and sucked it down. The brothers watched in horror as she drained the cask to the last drop.

Unaware at first of their dismay, Ama beamed at them, “Its sweetness blocks out most alcohol flavor… but it does burn a small amount… Oh, what is it? Are you two unwell?”

“Uh… the sweetness is supposed to block out the alcohol taste…”

Ama was confused, “Then what is wrong? This ‘apple pie’, as you call it, is exquisite!”

“Because… corn juice is just grain alcohol. That cask was around 85% alcohol. You just drank enough to kill 10 stallions…”

Nonplussed, Ama pondered, “Oh… What will happen?”

Essenta was bored; she had cultivated a sour mood and refused to have any fun. The only reason she stuck around was because Ama and Loress didn’t deserve to be left alone… in fact, the princess probably owed them for some things in the past.

Just about nodding off, despite the noise in the pub, Essenta was jostled back to the world by Loress.

“Yeah?” the princess grumbled.

“Uh, Princess… we got trouble…” she looked uncertain.

They certainly did have a problem; Ama was drunk. This was uncharted territory for everypony.

“Thanks for all the good stuff, fellows… It’s been most pleasant chatting with you two but I’ve to take a piss!” the Mazan maiden was trying to wrest herself from the barstool, simpering across to the two brothers; the brothers looked aghast, knowing almost any other pony on Earth would already be dead.

Essenta didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this; she’d never even imaginged Ama could become tanked. Loress was less amused, having a bad feeling about all of it.

Ama had loosened herself and was staggering towards the door; the outhouses were outside, after all.

Spotting her friends, Ama grinned, “Hey, girls! I kinda like this but I kinda don’t. Everything’s all spinny-spinny… And I’m really full. Gotta pee.”

Essenta settled on laughing, “Ama! I’ve never heard you speak with contractions.”

Loress was stunned that’s all the princess could say at Ama’s first time drunk.

“I guess I am… I can’t stop slurring either…” she slurred. “Now… I gotta go…

Turning around abruptly, Ama wiped out a table.

“Hey, bitch! Watch what you’re fuckin’ doin’!” a Pegasus stallion hollered at her; noticing she was much larger and fearsome-looking, he shrank.

Essenta and Loress got scared a moment; knowing nothing about Ama being intoxicated, she might have disemboweled somepony as easily as walking away when accosted.

She did neither.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, sir! I’m… unused to inebriation. Please… lemme buy you and your friends more. It’s the least I can do…”

Taken aback at her genuine conscientiousness, the stallion looked guilty, “Oh… it’s okay, miss. I’m sorry I said that to you.”

“Please, don’t apologize… I’m sure I startled you… I do want to buy you something, though…” Ama marshaled a smile for them.

Essenta and Loress breathed a sigh of relief. That could’ve been bad. Ama did indeed buy them fresh drinks and they began to chat, once Ama had relieved herself.

“Well… that’s good to know, I suppose,” Loress smirked as she and the princess sat down at the bar.

“Yup…” Essenta responded. “She’s still quite the lady… I wonder what you’re like.”

Loress shrugged, “I dunno. You don’t want to know what a full-blooded Terran has to do to get drunk…”

“Whaddya mean?”

Blushing a little, Loress replied with a nasty, uneven smile, “The mouth isn’t the only way to introduce alcohol to the body…”

Essenta blanched, “Ish…!”

Just then, a commotion resounded from the other side of the pub. The princess and the Terran turned and saw Wilka dancing up on a table. The other three mares whooped and hollered as stallions began throwing coins at the petite Pegasus.

Ama had noticed the uproar as well, “Damn it all… my friend’s making an ass of herself. Please excuse me…”

She left her new acquaintances and made a beeline for Wilka. Sensing trouble, Essenta and Loress moved too. Ama got there first. The sober mares kept their distance, hoping for the best.

“Wilka! You get down from that table this instant!” Ama barked.

Wilka turned towards her, giving a most lascivious leer, and shaking her flank, “Hey, Ama! You want some of this?!”

Wilka began to strip off her tunic; stallions cheered.

“Wilka Starling! You’re a lady! Stop this!”

To the boos of many ponies, Ama deftly pulled the little Pegasus off the table. Dechaa, Zyra, and Orni quickly followed.

Approaching Essenta and Loress, Ama had the struggling Wilka held around the trunk, “I think we’d best take our leave, girls… We don’t need trouble.”

Deciding they couldn’t agree more, they all followed their well-grounded inebriate friend towards the door.

Near the exit, Ama swooned; she let go of Wilka, who suddenly seemed too drunk to stand.

Watching Wilka collapse, Essenta asked, “What’s wrong, Ama?”

“I… don’… feel…”

Lurching to one side, Ama projectile-vomited; it splattered square in a card game some stallions were playing. Essenta and Loress were shocked, watching the cards, the chips, the money, and the drinks on the table scatter in all directions by the incredible amount of puke.

All activity in the pub ceased. All the patrons looked on, their faces dawning realization and utmost horror, knowing just who the tall mare had booted on. The only sound to be heard for a few seconds was the drip, drip, drip of the pooled barf puddle finding its way to the floor.

The stallions around the table weren’t too happy about this puddle. One stood, covered chin to balls in a little of everything Ama had had to drink or eat that night.

You little cu-uh-uh-uh-n…!” his words fell off like syphilis as he took in Ama’s height.

Ama was too out of it to hear what he said. Essenta quickly looked over to the other girls; other than Loress, they were worse than worthless, all dead on their hooves. This wasn’t good.

A few murmurs could be heard in the pub then. Ama coughed.

Looking down in astonishment at the mess she’d made, Ama winced, “Whoops…”

The stallion regained his senses and swung a cane, catching Ama across the face, “‘Whoops’?!! Do you have any idea who I am?!”

On pins and needles, the patrons held their breath.

Ama’s face twitched at the blow. Eyes watering, she turned to him. Her face was no longer kind or ladylike, as much as murderous.

Some asshole!” quickly changing her tune, Ama wound up and aimed a punch.

The stallion leapt out of the way; Ama’s hoof connected and the table splintered. Jaws across the pub dropped; ponies ran screaming for the exits. Seeing Ama’s blow, the six stallions that had been playing cards split in six different directions.

Roaring, Ama went after them, but was stopped by Loress; the Terran managed to hold on, but it wasn’t easy, even for her.

Ponies were still streaming out when a loud BANG! rang out.

Looking towards the source of the noise, Essenta saw a rather handsome unicorn with a smoking horn; he was surrounded by about 15 beefy stallions.

He called out, “Pub’s closed, everypony. Clear out…!”

Taking no time doing it, and already doing so, the pub emptied. The brothers running the place appeared from their hiding place behind the bar.

Ama had just nodded off in Loress’s grasp, Essenta noted. She also saw the rest of the girls collapsed in a heap. A fresh pool of sick spewed from Zyra’s mouth with a healthy splort; she was facedown on the dirty floor, mumbling.

The air was tense as the handsome unicorn eyed the situation. The tension broke when the “asshole” Ama had tried to squash whined.

“Clovis! I want you and your boys to take these mares out back and put ‘em in a shallow hole!”

Clovis turned his sharp eyes to the other stallion, “Shut it, Pallo; this is your fault.”

Pallo looked scandalized, “You dare speak to me that way?! She blew chunks on our game! I’m an underboss! You’re just an enforcer!”

“And I don’t work for you… I answer to the boss. And kill ‘em for what?! You’re fine, you cock-stain! All that happened was your dirty game got tossed up.”

“You little bastard!”

Clovis laughed openly at him, “You can try to do them in… But be careful; that looker, there? She’s a Terran. And that mare slouching towards the floor she’s holding up? The one that almost brained you? She’s a Mazan… and a tough one; it takes more than a normal pony to fragment oak.”

Pallo looked a little scared.

“Want to give it a try?” Clovis leered.

Pallo seemed to have a hard time making up his mind; he settled on leaving with his five card-playing buddies. They didn’t even bother picking up their game or their money.

Clovis sighed, looking around the pub, “Well, there goes a half-night’s profits… Boss ain’t gonna like this… I suppose we could hose off the money the boys were throwing around… might make up for a little of it.”

Essenta couldn’t think of much to say; her eyes implored Loress to try.

Loress, able to usually deal with most things since she’d found some confidence, spoke, “Uh, Clovis, was it? We’re, uh… sorry about all this. We-”

“I understand, miss.”

“Then… yay,” Loress’s eyes darted among the stallions facing them. “So… we’ll just leave… and-”

Clovis laughed, “Leave? You’re not leaving, Loress Claystable.”

Loress’s jaw dropped.

Clovis continued, “And you… Princess Essenta of the Dale! My, it’s good to meet you! You’ve come a long way the last few months.”

“How do you know…?” Essenta began. “No… it’s stupid to ask you that. Yes, I am Essenta Dale.”

Clovis smiled back at her, looking cocksure of himself. Loress was getting scared, her confidence disappearing fast.

Essenta wasn’t in the mood for any shit, “I don’t like the way you’re looking at me, Clovis… And I don’t tolerate threats to my girls. We can do this the easy way, or-”

The stallion laughed; it was an odd picture, the young, handsome stallion standing before a wall of stoic, hefty stallions, “Yes, I’m sure you and Loress could probably whoop us, but we have magic. It seems you’re a little low in that department for the time. Sure, we’d all leave our share of blood on the floor, but what would that solve?”

“You’re after the bounty, aren’t you?” she glared daggers, bristling at him. “If you think you’re getting us, you’ve got another thing coming. I’ll show you your own nuts and make you eat them, you cock-suckin’ faggot! I'll- mmm-mmm-mmm! Mmph?!”

Clovis was guffawing at Loress’s sheer horror, his glowing horn proof he was the one to button her lip, “You’ve got pretty big balls of your own, Princess. Relax… I’m not interested in such things… but the boss may be.”

Loress was now effectively terrified; there didn’t seem to be a way out of this that didn’t involve a lot of mess.

“But the boss doesn’t need to know who you and your friends are. You see, we have a… situation in town… and I need… a mare’s touch to deal with it. Several mares. If you help us… win or lose… you can be on your way in a couple days. Nopony, not the boss, not that pecker Pallo, needs to know who you are.”

Essenta was released from the spell, “Why should we trust you?! You’ve got a backing there and you have all the cards in the first place!”

Loress clung to her friend, “Essenta…”

Essenta realized Loress was pretty shaken up to use her name, so she cooled her manner, “Okay… Please tell me… How can we trust you?”

One of the many stallions proudly said, “Clovis is the most honorable stallion we know. We work for him! We don’t answer to the boss; we answer to Clovis. If he says something, we take it and run with it.”

Hearing Clovis was honorable in the den of sin they jokingly called a city didn’t mean much, but at least it was said with conviction.

Clovis turned to the stallion who spoke up before turning back to Essenta, “Thanks, Salvo. And take that for what you will, Princess, but you don’t have much choice. That Pallo’s already whined to the boss, I’m sure… and somepony’s gonna answer for the pub closing early. Think of your friends. Five mares are no small baggage, even if you do get away.”

Clovis had started to make sense, whether Essenta and Loress liked it or not.

He finished with, “The boss isn’t exactly a fan of his son, but he loves Pallo. To appease his son’s complaining, he might just cave to whatever the little turd wants.”

Realizing going along with Clovis was the best option of many bad ones, the girls’ eyes showed they agreed.

“Fine, Clovis…” Essenta submitted. “What’s going on?”

Essenta flopped on the feather bed, snuggling into the blanket, “Ooh, this is nice! This beats the Hell out of those lousy sawdust mattresses at the inn.”

The girls were in a mansion near the edge of the city, bedding down in a room for six.

Loress sat on the bed next to hers, listening to snores blast from four other mattresses, “And to think, you were ready to kill this Clovis character not an hour ago.”

Essenta turned, her face a mask of innocence, “I don’t think he’s such a bad guy… he had his crew get our stuff and bring it to us.”

“He threw Ama into a jail cell! She’s not gonna be happy, waking up in there…” Loress had difficulty saying that with a straight face, imagining her dignified indignation and splendid manners upon awakening.

Essenta had decided to go with the flow; it was easier than worrying sometimes, “He only did that to appease Pallo; it was the best way for Pallo to go along with this.”

Loress sneered, “We don’t even know what Clovis wants from us, Princess. And we haven’t met this boss… Suppose he decides to put our heads on spikes… or give us to his soldiers… You ever seen a proper fuck-den, Essenta?!”

The Terran’s anxiety was evident in her language; she half-expected to wake up chained to a wall, with some drunk stallion trying to push rope on her.

But Essenta was convinced, “Really, Loress… there’s something about Clovis… I trust him.”

“You’re not the kind of mare to just fall for some stallion… What’s going on in that head of yours?!” Loress was not going for this.

“I just… can tell he’s not a bad pony… at least not very bad. The stallions with him? Fear doesn’t command that kind of loyalty.”

“‘Loyalty’, my pink flaps… You don’t know what you’re talking about, Princess…” Loress turned over with a groan.

“Whatever… let’s just get some sleep… Boy… the girls are in for a surprise in the morning…”

Loress grumbled and blew out the candle lighting the room, “I can do with sleep.”

Author's Note:

Check out the Appendix for Princess Essenta, updated as the story moves along. It shows the story's timeline and character designs. Contains spoilers.

Just when things were looking good for the girls again, they find themselves in trouble. How will they get out of this one?

If you enjoy Princess Essenta, please take a look at Larkspur Blossom. A story of a colt finding his worth and making a better life for himself.

Also look for The Virgin Company. A tale of a military pony and his platoon in a war centuries ago.

Like, follow, or leave a comment if you please. It's been fun writing and I'm glad some enjoy it.

Thanks for reading, and take care.

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