• Published 13th Jan 2018
  • 3,744 Views, 40 Comments

We're Trying!!!! - PixelMoon

With the discovery of Twilight and Rainbow Dash being sisters and the return of Princess Starry Night, Equestria has a lot to take in and adjust to TWO new princesses.

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I: Publicity

Starry stared in awe at the walls of the Canterlot Castle. "It's beautiful..." she stated. She stood in front of the castle for a few moments until Celestia spoke up.

"Hey sis, you coming or are you just going to admire a wall?" she giggled.

Starry rolled her eyes but smiled. She started walking again.

She did not understand.

Luna sat across from her eldest sister. The mare of stars, as she put it.

Starry Night didn't understand the night.

Well, as much as Luna did, anyway. But that wasn't the point. Twilight even knew more than she did! Nothing against her daughter of course, but the alicorn hadn't been on Equus as long as Luna or Starry.

Luna sighed before walking out of the room.

Lord Fancy's day was going great.

First of all, it was his birthday. Secondly, he had a Royal Summons sent to him alone. As far as he knew, Princess Celestia and Luna had something to speak to him about.

Fancy stepped out of his carriage and onto the stone path the lead to the castle. He trotted towards the gate, before being stopped as usual.

"State your business," the guard said in a monotone voice.

He cleared his throat. "Hello, mister. I have been royally summoned by the two sisters."

He showed the guard his letter sent to him to inspect. Once the guard knew it was valid, he grunted and moved his spear out of the way.

Fancy opened the doors to the throne room. Princess Celestia and Luna stood inside with all of their glory. Celestia had a warm smile upon her face, Luna, whom was still sour about Fancy's past reaction to her daughters.

"Lord Fancy Pants, so glad you could make it on such short notice," Celestia greeted.

"Why of course, your Shining Majesty! But whatever could be the matter? One does not get a Royal Summons anyway, you know."

Luna took a deep breath and walked forward. "We have something to show you, but I swear to Celestia-" Celestia gave Luna an annoyed look.

"-if you react the same as you did with the still unannounced Princess Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle..."

Luna stopped speaking when she saw Fancy shaking with fear. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Allow me to introduce you to Princess Starry Night."

Fancy stared in awe as an alicorn with a coat of dark blue and a mane black as night stepped out from begin Celestia and Luna. He immediately bowed down to the floor.

"Um..." Starry glanced at Celestia for help on what to say.

"Rise, Lord Fancy," Celestia commanded, to which the lord did.

"Of course, your Highness. But who is this princess? Is she a daughter of one of you? A sister of Twilight Sparkle?"

"She is our long lost sister; Starry Night. She used to wield the stars above and will once more."

Fancy nodded in response. "I see. But is there a reason you wanted me to know?"

Celestia unfurled her wings and gently glided off the throne and to the floor. She walked towards the lord. "There is; I want you to tell the other nobles of Princess Starry and make an attempt to not cause arguments to break out. Is that clear?"

Fancy bowed again and spoke his reply. "But of course, your Shining Majesty."

The sun goddess nodded and told Fancy to rise. Once he did, he said his goodbyes and walked towards to door. But before leaving, he asked one more question.

"Before I leave, would any of you princess's happen to know where Lady Rarity would be? I would absolutely adore seeing her again." Fancy blushed when he realized what he said. "Uh, to see her designs I mean! I would love to see her designs for future dresses!"

Celestia chuckled before speaking. "Of course, Lord Fancy. Rarity should be in her chambers in our castle. Feel free to ask a guard to take you to her room."

Fancy Pants nodded and smiled. "Thanks so much, Princess Celestia!"

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack walked into the room they were sharing. Pinkie bounced onto her, Fluttershy sat down carefully, and Rarity fainted while Applejack remained standing.

She rose an eyebrow. "Sweet Celestia, y'all. Ah know, we hadn't saved Equestria in a while but ya didn't even act like this when we first stopped Nightmare Moon."

Rarity lifted her head. "That may be so, but we literally just traveled all the way to the Crystal Empire and figured out Twilight and Rainbow have another aunt!"

Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever ya say, sugarcube."

Pinkie jumped up and down on her bed. "I think it was super fun!"

Rarity scoffed. "Pinkie Pie! Be a dear and quit bouncing on that bed! It's so revolting!"

"Um, it would be nice..." Fluttershy slowly said, fluffing her pillow.

"But it's so funnn!" Pinkie whined but slowly stopped bouncing. She hmphed at Rarity before suddenly gasping.

"What is it now, Pinkie?" Applejack asked while sitting on her bed.

"Pinkie Sense!" Everypony visibly flinched. "I think somepony is coming to talk to you, Rarity!"

Rarity squealed in delight. "Ooh! A prince, perhaps?"

"-Not quite, my dear." a voice replied.

Rarity turned around to see the pony who spoke. She gasped when she saw who it was.

"Lord Fancy! Such a pleasure to see you, dear!"

"The pleasure is all mine," Fancy replied. He held out his hoof, which Rarity took without hesitance.

He moved his hoof up to his lips and lightly kissed Rarity's hoof. She gasped, a tinge of blush on her face.

"Why Fancy, you flatterer!" she giggling, clutching her hoof. "But I must ask; why ever have you come to see me for?"

"Why, I just wanted to see if your okay! Plus, I would appreciate visiting an old friend of mine." He winked at Rarity, who giggled.

"Oh Fancy, that is awfully sweet of you. I'm perfectly fine though, just tired. But maybe we could go somewhere sometime? To catch up?"

Fancy hummed. "I would enjoy that very much. Alas, I must go. Fler dis Lee requested me to help her find a dress for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala."

"Oh the Gala! Of course! I've been finishing orders for several ponies for months now! How about you two visit Canterlot Carousel? It's one of my many shops across Equestria!"

"Hm, why of course! I'll tell Fler right away!" he exclaimed before waving goodbye. He trotted away and left with a clink from the door.

Rarity smiled and turned around, only to face four ponies smiling.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" Rarity asked.

"C-mon, sugarcube. We all saw how ya were starin' at Fancy," Applejack stated.

"Well, despite your nosiness, I'm afraid I wouldn't get together with him."

"Oh dear, is it because he's married to Fler dis Lee?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, it isn't. Though that is one of the reasons." Rarity sat on her bed and grabbed one of the many suitcases she had.

"Who is it then?!" Pinkie questioned, unable to keep her excitement away.

Rarity pulled out a picture frame with a photo of two ponies on it. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, of course."

She sighed dreamily as she stared at the picture of herself and Twilight. "What would I give to spend a day with her as my marefriend..."

There was a knock at the door. Fluttershy opened the door to reveal Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

"Hi everypony!" Twilight greeted.

"T-twilight! You didn't happen to hear what we were talking about, did you?" Rarity asked, a blush forming on her face.

"No, why?"


"Eh, okay... Do you guys want to explore Canterlot? There's plenty of places we can visit!"

Everypony nodded in agreement and followed the two princesses out the door.

Author's Note:

The beginning was mostly a tsunami I needed to get down in order to get more into the story, so I apogize for the craziness.