• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 3,856 Views, 350 Comments

The Great and Powerful Centaur - Viper Pit

About thirty years ago a human found herself in Equestria. Eventually she meets a low ranking noble and made a deal with him, she became his wife and eventually gave birth to a centaur Trixie. This is Trixie's story

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The Great and Homless Trixie.

Owwww... My everything.


It would appear that I have woken up with a great and powerful pain in my side. I hesitantly open my eyes as the pain calms down to a more manageable level. What I see when I do open my eyes to a white ceiling with light blue curtains off to my left side. I look down after a few minutes to see what I look like, and what I see is not pretty. Over half of my lower half is wrapped up in bandages and my broken leg is in a cast. I reach up and feel my face and I notice a bandage on my right cheek.

"Oh good you're awake." The sudden voice causes me to jump which causes me to wince at the sudden spike in pain. "Oh sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you." I look at the voice and see that it's a nurse with a white coat and light pink mane and tail. She’s wearing a nurse's cap with her mane done up into a neat little bun. Her cutie mark is a red cross with hearts around it.

"It's okay, I wasn't expecting an Ursa to attack last night," I said, not sure what I was getting at. "So what happened after I passed out?"

"Well after a group of ponies brought you in here we patched you up. You had three broken ribs, a broken leg and severe blood loss. There will be some scaring, but that's to be expected with injuries this bad."

I give a slight nod before answering "At least I'm still alive." I say while putting on a small smile. The nurse does a quick checkup. You know, the standard stuff, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, medical history. I do tell her about the blood pressure medication I'm on and how I have to take it.

As the nurse is on her way out she speaks up again. “Oh before I forget you have some visitors. Would you like to see them while I get your medicine?"

I think for a moment before nodding. I wonder who could possibly want to see me? I think as I lay back trying not to cause my self too much pain. As I lay in the hospital bed I let my mind wander. What in all of Equestria caused an Ursa to suddenly attack the night I give my first performance? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the door open and I look to see six mares and the dragon from the other day. No one or pony spoke for a solid minute. My guess they are stunned by my rather... shabby appearance.

"Hello," I said, trying to break the ice of awkwardness. To my luck, it worked somewhat well than expected as Twilight speaks up.

"I am so sorry about what happened to you, Trixie." I can see she's on the verge of tears.

"Hey, it's not like you brought the Ursa to town... You didn't right?"

"No I didn't, but a couple of imbecile colts did. They somehow got it in way over their tiny heads that you could really defeat an Ursa Major. We just got lucky that it was just the cub they brought."

The realization that the bear that leveled half the town and tried to tear me in half was a cub! Seriously, that bear... THAT STUPID THING WAS THE SIZE OF A TWO STORY HOUSE was just a baby?!

"That is quite a lot to take in," I admit. "So what happened to the colts?" I ask to try and get my mind off the somewhat embarrassing fact that I was almost killed by a baby.

"They were handed over to their parents and told what happened." A pink earth pony with a darker pink mane and tail stood forlornly in the corner. Her mane and tail were so flat it made me wonder if it could be thinner than paper. I then noticed that the dragon suddenly looked very guilty for some reason.

"Dragon." I point out. "Whats your name?" I ask in a somewhat accusing tone. If I learned anything from my father it's that guilt is a powerful tool to get the truth.

"It's Spike.” He answered somewhat hesitantly, staring at the floor with a glum look.

"Well, thank you for getting me to the hospital like I asked," I say trying to guilt him with kind words to get him to spill whatever he's hiding.

"She's right, darling. Why if you hadn't come and got us she might not very well be here." The white unicorn says adding more guilt to the pile. Hmm, just a little more and he's sure to crack.

"Yeah, I think we should have a party to celebrate." The pink pony adds the cherry on top of the guilt Sunday. Her mane and tail seem poofy all of sudden. It kinda reminds me of cotton candy. Anyway, Spike shortly after broke down in tears apologizing profusely.

"Why are you apologizing Spike, you didn't do anything wrong," Twilight says while trying to comfort the little guy.

"But I did I told Snips and Snails that if they didn't see it then it didn't happen." This was a shock to me. it must have been shortly after he left the show because the White unicorn said she'd talk to him. "It wasn't until after we got Trixie to the hospital that Rarity explained that the whole better then everypony act was just that an act."

That got my blood pumping literally. I ended up throwing up some blood, much to the surprise of everypony in the room. So much so that both of the Pegasi fainted on the spot. “Sorry about that, I haven't had my medication for a while,” I say while trying to clean up a little. I nodded at the two pegasi. “Are they going to be alright?"

"Oh them, yep they should be right as rain in a little bit. Ya see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are afraid of blood they can handle there own, but others just cause them too well" The orange earth pony says as the two unicorns put them on the unoccupied bed in the room. I frowned, I knew that was a fear, but I didn't know that it could make ponies faint on the spot.

"So can I get the rest of your names?" I ask once I get the last of the blood off of me but the gown is a different story. "And maybe a fresh hospital gown?"

About half an hour and a bath later the two pegasi woke up. I think my little incident took the fight right out of Rainbow Dash because as soon as she saw me after coming to I swear that color from her rainbow mane drained to greys and whites. Once I explained to her that I don't vomit blood on a regular basis she seemed to have calmed down. The butter yellow pegasus seemed more curious as to how I came about. I mean I obviously don't have any Minotaur in me, so once again, I explain what my mom is and how she met my dad. Or at least what they told me anyway.

"So... your mother is the only one of her kind that she knows of?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah that's right I mean she’s seen some other "humans" but they were more like her ancestors or something like that," I reply as I take a bit out of some pizza the nurse was kind enough to bring us.

" Oh I get it like how zebras are related to ponies but are not ponies per say." the buttercup mare says.

"I guess, I'm not a history major, I just like to make ponies smile with tricks and fireworks. Now if you excuse me, I have some business to attend to." I excused myself to use the bathroom.

Curses on these restrooms for being too small. I get lucky this time and I don't get any on the floor. The first time I tried to go was messy, to say the least. "So do any of you know when I can get out of here? I need to get going to the next town to build my reputation." I ask when I leave the bathroom.

They all look at each other with worried looks before Twilight speaks up.
“Your trailer was destroyed in the attack sometime after you left it and before you encountered the Ursa. We did scavenge the wreckage for anything that might have survived though.” She finishes with a sad look on her face.

"Okay, very funny, my trailer was nowhere near that overgrown teddy bear," I stated, not finding any humor in this situation. I mean who would play a joke like that.

"This isn't a joke Trixie we found a bow with some arrows, a weird looking plus sign, as well as some of your clothing." Oh my god, she isn't joking.

Why god? Why oh great and powerful god did this happened to me? is it because I forgot to pray to you before going to bed the past couple of days?

If it was that then I'm truly and deeply sorry but I was occupied with the preparations for my first ever show. I just wanted to finally prove to everypony and everyone that I am Great and Powerful like Mother has told me every day before I go to bed. I prayed every night, so why can't you make an exception

Do you have a plan for me like Mother told me whenever I have my bad days? Because I've had MANY bad days and have been desperately waiting for that "plan" to come. If your plan was to make me miserable all the time, well you're in luck my friend because you did it.


I don't know what to do with my life. I can't come back home. I don't have any bits to get back. Maybe there's some left under the debris. I could...


No no. I'm pretty sure some conniving ponies already scavenge my belongings while I was knocked out. I can't do my shows without my equipment and attire. And I definitely don't want to perform on the streets like some cheap entertainer.


"What?!" I yelled because Twilight won't stop chanting my name. I regret snapping at her when I see her face, but can you blame me I'm under a lot of stress. "I'm sorry Twilight I didn't mean to snap at you it's just a lot to take in all of a sudden."

"I understand completely Trixie but if you need some extra bits I have some work at the library that could be done." She says with a smile.

"Hey yeah," Spike exclaimed. "There's always something do in the library. So you can earn a lot of bits in a couple of days."

"Excuse, Sugarcube. Ah, can always use an extra pair of helping hoof with some chores at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack joined in on the job offer, tipping her light brown Stetson hat down to her face.

"Oh... Umm, I also have some things that... maybe you can do with my animal friends." A yellow whispered, hiding behind her hair. "If it's okay with you."

"Yes yes." Rarity said. I can see her eyes sparkle. "There's some bits of manual labor at my Boutique that I could never complete due to my busy schedule. Your help would be definitely required for such tasks."

"Oh-oh-oh." The pink pony excitedly shouted out. Her hair began to pop into a poofy state. "You could be my party planning assistant. You can help me set up parties, you could be the main performer for the ponies. I saw your show the other day..."

Okay. Now she's continuously mumbling about the job offer. Let's just move to the next one to get it over with it.

"Hey, there's..." Rainbow Dash was about to offer me a job but I interrupted her by raising my right hand to stop this.

This is nice and all...

However, I don't take handouts....even if I do need the bits. Besides, I barely know most of these ponies other than that embarrassing backstage talk with a couple of them.

"Thanks but no thanks I don't need your handouts, Twilight, and friends," I stated firmly. They look a little disappointed at my response for some reason. I have heard that she loves to study things and centaurs aren't all that common so maybe that's why she looks a little down. "But if it does make you feel better I will keep all of your offers in mind."

"Okay, then we should get going and let you get your rest." With that Twilight and the rest of her friends leave and I'm left alone with my thoughts and what I'm going to do about money or a roof over my head for that matter.

I'm so boned.

Author's Note:

did they do zecora before or after trixie in the show?