• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 4,869 Views, 143 Comments

Hearts Brought Closer - TheGentlecoltAlex

FlutterMac romance story. A long and hopefully in depth forray into the relationship that blossoms between Fluttershy and Big Macintosh.

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Upon A Snowy Night

Children come
I have a tale
of two Pony's
who Love will unveil

Love is fun
and Love is good
Love can change you
into good

But Love can change
and Love can turn
so turn and turn
and with a spin
a Discord triumph
for the win

The snow crunched beneath their hooves as they slowly made their way around the lake. Light grey clouds hid direct sunlight from the earth and gave the landscape a flat appearance. A heavy wind blew across the lake, making the already frost air frigid. Fluttershy was tightly bundled up to protect herself from the cold. With two thick coats, a long woolen scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and rubber snow boots she was the epitome of warmth. In contrast Macintosh had a scarf and light gray sweater on, which stood out startlingly off his crimson coat.

It was like the flower of their relationship was thriving in Equestrias winter season. With Fluttershys animals gone into hibernation and Big Macintosh’s minimal chore-work around the farm the two of them spent most of their time together. The snowiest of days they would spend in Macintosh’s home lying in front of a crackling fire, his heavy body nestled against her petite one. She would enjoy the warmth of his body while listening to Granny Smiths stories about the stupider things he had done in his youth. Her recounting of his earlier years caused Fluttershy to laugh and Macintosh to blush profusely. During one such session Granny had decided to tell the story of his first date.

“Ah tell ya I’ve ne’r seen this boy get so scared in his life. His knees were all shakin’ together an’ he was blushin’ so hard he shone right through his own hair.” Big Macintosh had grown more and more flustered as his grandmother told the story. At the end of it Fluttershy had leaned up and lightly nibbled on his cheek to try and calm him down. She stopped when Macintosh received a quick rap on the head from Granny Smith’s cane. “Now boy you stop that right now! Ah don’t wanna see my great grandfoals runnin’ round this farm before ah see ya married.”

Big Macintosh had grumbled something under his breath about how a peck on the cheek was very different from the process of making a foal and Granny had promptly smacked him on the head again. Fluttershy was a hundred miles away in her mind though. Foals? It wasn’t as if the thought hadn’t crossed her mind before. He and her sharing small bundles of life, but the thought had only lasted for a second. She wasn’t sure Big Macintosh was ready for that yet, and quite frankly she didn’t think she was either.

It was those cloudless nights that had become her favorite time with him. It was as if the night was trying to make up for any lost beauty during the day. Everything would become thicker looking and more beautiful, with the snow glistening under the moon. They would bring a blanket and lay atop it with a thick quilt pulled over them. In those moments they had no need for words. To her it was the smallest of actions that meant the most. A quick puff of hot air across the back of her neck, or the way he sometimes would wrap his tail in hers. The two of them would just lay there and share those silent signals through the night. Some nights they would fall asleep together in the cold. When the pale rays of dawn would peak over the horizon one could find the two of them laying there, his body wrapped protectively around hers, shielding her from the snow and cold.

Now they were just enjoying a simple walk together. Normally after a lunch date at the sandwich shop they would stop to feed their leftovers to the ducks, but considering that they had all flown north for the winter that wasn’t really an option. A strong gust of wind blew Fluttershys hair messily across her face and she squeaked helplessly as she tried to get it back together.

“Fluttershy! Big Macintosh!” An ecstatic voice cut through their silence. The suddenness of it caused Fluttershy to stumble little on an icy patch and Big Macintosh stretched out a hoof to help steady her.

Pinkie Pie bounced up to the couple wearing her invitation basket on her head and a grin that stretched from ear to ear. “Hey you two; what’s crackin’?” she asked as she landed in front of them.

“We’re just taking a walk.” Fluttershy said, bracing herself for what she knew was coming next.

“Oh well that’s nice I guess. I used to go out on walks, but they were always to quiet and Boring for my tastes. I mean, it’s just one hoof in front of the other, over and over and over and over and over again. Anyways, I’ve been tracking you down to invite you to my super dooper Hearths Warming Eve Party!” She proceeded to thrust a brightly colored invitation at Fluttershy. Without a moment’s hesitation the energized pink pony opened the card for her and a puff of confetti hit Fluttershy in the face.

Fluttershy blew away the small strips of paper with an adorably petite sneeze and wiped her nose. Oh Pinkie, I don’t know if that’s the most appropriate of nights for something like that.” She said nervously “I mean it’s supposed to be sort of a quiet and respectful night…”

“Fluttershy, you underestimate me. This is going to happen after all the mushy, peace and harmony stuff.”

Fluttershy shuffled her forehooves, “I don’t know Pinkie. I mean, after the pageant last year and everything, I’d been hoping for a short, peaceful night.”

Pinkie’s hair visibly deflated a little and her smile dropped slightly. “Don’t you like my parties?” she asked, her bottom lip trembling a little.

“No, no Pinkie, it’s just that I...we um……” she looked up at Macintosh pleadingly. He gave her a light smile that told her “I don’t mind.”

Fluttershy turned back to her pink friend, “We’ll be there.”

Pinkie’s smile shot straight back up and she regained her normal composure. “Okie Dokie Loki.” She cheered, pulling Fluttershy into a tight hug. “Be sure to bring your best party spirit, be cause I’ve got a super duperific party surprise.”

As Pinkie detached herself from her friend and dashed away, Fluttershy was left literally spinning. When she tried to regain her footing she slipped on the ice patch beneath her and fell heavily towards the lake.

Big Macintosh shot out a hoof in an attempt and catch her, but missed. “Horseapples.” He hissed, grimacing as he lunged forward to pull her back into safety. He had successfully caught her and pulled her back. However, he had miscalculated his own forward momentum and strength. His desperate lunge had saved Fluttershy, but had put himself in her place.

He landed on the ice with a deep thud and slid quickly towards the center of the lake. When he had slowed to a stop he shook the stars out of his eyes and groggily pulled himself to his hooves. When he was fully upright he heard the ice cracking beneath him. “Be careful Mackie!” Fluttershy called from the shore. He then saw exactly what the lake looked like after his collision with it. The surface was a spider web of cracks and he felt the ice groan every time he shifted his weight.

Fluttershy quickly flew over to where he stood stock still on the ice. “How are you going to get back to land?” she asked with a scared voice, looking at the precarious ice beneath him.

“Very slowly, and very cautiously.” He raised a front hoof and lowered it slowly onto the ice in front of him. It creaked beneath his weight and some of the cracks deepened, but the ice held. He slowly started to make his way across the lake. But it was only a few more steps before he stepped on a weak patch. The ice beneath him suddenly cracked open and dropped the red stallion into the lake.

The icy water enveloped his body quickly as he sunk deeper into the lake. It soaked through his jacket and scarf in a second and he already started to feel himself turning blue. Regaining himself Macintosh swam upwards towards the surface. His hooves came into contact with a slippery sheet of ice. His forehooves scrambled left and right to try and find the hole through which he had fallen. But in his drop into the water he had lost where the hole was in his attempt to regain himself. He didn’t want to move further in either direction for fear of swimming farther away from it.

He pulled a hoof back and hit the ice as hard as he could, but the water resistance and his quickly fading strength stopped him from gaining any momentum and it merely tapped the glass like ice. “No!” he thought, tapping the ice repeatedly. His lungs were burning for oxygen and his vision was dimming. “No! By Celestia’s mane no! Not here…not now…not with...her…watching. She…doesn’t deserve…that…” He pulled back for one more hit. His hoof only grazed the sheet of ice before he started sinking into the dark depths below.

*Thump* A sound? *Thump* Macintosh focused his gaze as best he could and saw two yellow hooves beating down on the ice. A muffled scream pushed itself through the water. “Fluttershy?” Macintosh’s brain pushed through his muddy thoughts to try and comprehend. “Ah’m so sorry. Ah just can’t…”

“Big Macintosh!!!”

Her voice pierced through his skull, giving his mind a little clarity. “No. Not here! Not now!” The earth stallion pushed his burning muscles upward. When he made it back he started hitting the ice again; his hoof connecting just after Fluttershy’s. “One more time. That’s all it’ll take.” He told himself with each hit.

Finally, just as he was ready to give up again, Fluttershy smashed through the ice. They broke apart a hole big enough for Macintosh to push his head through and he resurfaced. His lungs starved for air as he vomited up water. They pushed the ice up around his body until he was able to weakly drag himself onto the ice, still choking, and slid on his stomach to the shore.

Fluttershy threw her arms around his neck and cried into him. “I was so scared! Please don’t ever do that again!” she screamed through her sobs. He let her cry against him for a minute while he breathed deeply to regain his breath.

“Fluttershy,” he croaked out, “Ah’m getting’ ya all wet.”

“Oh goodness, you’ll freeze to death out here! We need to get you home!” She said quickly, pulling herself off his shoulder.

He stood up and they quickly walked back to Sweet Apple Acres. By the time they passed through the front gate Big Macintosh was shuddering so hard that it took all of his strength to put one hoof in front of the other. When they got inside Fluttershy led him into the living room and lit a fire in the fireplace. He took off his scarf and jacket and set them on the floor with a wet flop. Fluttershy threw a thick quilt over his body. “Now, you wait here and warm up slowly.” She said as she collected his wet clothing. “I’ll be right back.” She shuddered, “Warming up to fast can be…dangerous.”

Macintosh watched the fire as she went into the kitchen. The warm sizzles and cracks made by the burning wood unsettled him a little but he shook off the feeling. He heard her come back into the room and she set a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of him. He sniffed the contents and smiled; with a dash of cinnamon, just the way he loved it.

Fluttershy had taken off her layers of clothing and was crawling beneath the blanket with him. “Ah’m gonna get ya all cold Shy.” He smiled down at her. She pushed against his side and spread a wing over him.

“I don’t care. Right now I’m only concerned about you.” She whispered. Fluttershy snuggled closer and tried to share her body heat with him.

He didn’t respond, instead he just rustled his nose through her mane and smiled. They lay there comfortably for an hour before the weariness from Big Macintosh’s ordeal set in. He let out a large lawn. “I think you need to get some rest.” Fluttershy giggled, pecking him lightly on the cheek.

“Ah reckon so.” Big Macintosh stood up and stretched his legs a little. They ascended the stairs into his room and he lay down. Fluttershy pulled the blankets over him and began to sing.

Hush now.
Quite now.

It’s time to rest your head.

He’d heard the lullaby plenty of times but it still never failed to make him drowsy. As he drifted off, he heard Fluttershy say something, but before his mind could comprehend what she’d said he had gently fallen into his dreams.

Fluttershy was covering her mouth with her forehooves as she looked down at her sleeping coltfriend. She’d let something slip while she’d watched him fall asleep. She couldn’t have; could she? She couldn’t have just told him “I love you.”

She twiddled her hooves as she considered what she’d said. It wasn’t that she didn’t, she did love him, very much so. She felt it every time they were together. She felt it with her whole heart. She just wasn’t sure whether or not he felt that strongly about her. Fluttershy wanted to tell him, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it; she was just too scared.

“Oh Mackie; what do I do?” she whispered, small tears welling in her eyes. She propped her head next to him and wrestled with her heart.


Big Macintosh was walking through the orchard as the sun set. It was Hearths Warming Eve, the peaceful celebrations and plays had concluded and now he was on his way to pick up Fluttershy to go to Pinkie’s party. But first he had to take care of something he hadn’t done since he had first met the timid pegasus that he had come to care so much for.

He was dressed in what he considered to be his best clothing. His normal yoke was replaced with a black tie embroidered with his cutie mark at the end. He had a nice jacket on with a fancy dress shirt beneath that. His hair was washed and combed; he seemed to be doing that a lot more often now that he and Fluttershy were together. Macintosh felt like a whole new stallion, completely out of character, but fresh altogether.

He now stood in front of the gravestones that marked where his grandfather, father, and mother, rested in peace. “Hey, Ah’m sorry Ah ain’t been visitin’ as much as Ah used too. And Ah’m sorry but this visit ain’t gonna be as long as Ah’d like.” He shuffled his forehooves nervously as if he were standing in front of them. “Ya see, Ah got this party Ah gotta attend…Ah’m takin’ mah marefriend.” He smiled wryly “Yeah, Ah know, Macintosh Apple got himself another pretty little filly. This one’s special though. Her name’s Fluttershy. She’s a shy and beautiful little pegasus, long pink hair, she’s great with animals, guess that’s why she can put up with me.” he chuckled and looked up at the stars, “She’s why I ain’t been around so much. Ah think that if you could meet her you’d like her, Granny certainly does.” He looked over his shoulder and reached into his inside coat pocket, pulling out a small black box.

He opened the box and exposed its contents to the tombstone. Inside the black container there was a small fire orange flower. He grinned proudly and closed the box quickly. “Ya know what that is? A fire lily. Ah’ve been keepin’ it alive all winter, just for tonight.” He replaced the box inside his coat pocket. “Ah will admit that gettin’ it cost quite a few bits and keepin’ it alive and hidden ain’t been easy but she’s worth it.” He turned back to the road, “Ah’m sorry Ah can’t stay any longer ta talk but Ah’m late pickin’ Fluttershy up as it is.” He set off at a light run. The gravemarkers watched him silently through the cold moonlight.


Macintosh rushed up the path towards Fluttershy’s cottage. The gravel crunched beneath his hooves as he slowed his pace and stepped onto the porch. He took a steadying breath and knocked on the familiar door. “Just a minute, please. I’m almost ready.” A small voice said from inside the cottage. Big Macintosh used a handkerchief to wipe away the condensation from his brow and moved some hair off his forehead into place.

The door creaked open and Fluttershy walked out. Macintosh was stunned by the sight of his marefriend. He knew she was beautiful, but right now he could barely recognize her past her radiant looks. She was wearing a white dress, so long that it was barely suspended above the ground, her wings resting comfortably on her back. Green vines were laced into the fabric of the dress, tracing out her features and making her body seem to throb with life. White shoes adorned her hooves and wound their way halfway up her leg. Small yellow flowers adorned her hair and small amounts of eye shadow made her eyes seem to glow. All Big Macintosh could do was gawk.

Fluttershy nervously crossed her front hooves and shyly looked down. “Do...do you like it?” she asked cautiously, her cheeks turning slightly red.

“Yer tha most beautiful thing I ever seen.” he said, still amazed at the transformation Fluttershy had gone through.

Se blushed even deeper and gave a small smile. “I’m so happy to hear that. I was afraid that maybe I’d overdone it.”

“And,” a voice called from the house behind Fluttershy, “if he had thought that, I would have had to point out his misconception and show him personally why this dress looks fabulous on you.” Rarity stepped from around the doorway. A shiver touched Big Macintosh’s spine when he saw the white seamstress. Though he knew he had nothing to fear from Rarity, her threats earlier in his courtship of Fluttershy were still fresh in his mind.

“Rarity was the one who made this dress.” Fluttershy said, turning her neck to look at her friend. “I really hope you don’t mind. I know how you don’t really like getting all dressed up.”

Macintosh smiled “Eenope. I reckon you were right ta trust Miss. Rarity with your fashion.”

“Oh, you flatter me Mr. Macintosh.” Rarity nudged Fluttershy, “Go stand by him would you dear; I want to see what the two of you look like with each other.” Fluttershy stood next to her coltfriend and looked bashfully at the white unicorn. Rarity looked at them with a critical eye for a minute, and then a smile spread on her face. “You two look simply darling together. I am so glad you didn’t choose a stallion whose colors clashed horribly with yours, I’m not sure how I would have responded.” She stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind her. “You two should get going now, or you’ll be late.”

“Oh, but Rarity, shouldn’t I come help you get ready for the party. I mean, you did help me get prepared with the dress and the make up and I’d hate not to do anything in return for you.”

“No, no, I’ll be fine. I can get prepared for this myself. Also, I believe I can pull off being fashionably late.”

“You’re sure?”


“Alright then.” Fluttershy went back inside and grabbed a thick coat and put it on. Taking her place next to Macintosh the couple made their way to Pinkie’s party.


Sugarcube Corner was bustling with party life. Before Macintosh or Fluttershy walked in they could hear the music pumping and the party goers loud talking. More in a hurry to get out of the cold than to join the party the two hustled into the bakery.

The music was much louder inside than out. Mares and stallion walked about the room, most of them occupying the dance floor. Pinkie came charging up to the two of them as Big Macintosh helped Fluttershy remove her coat. “Hey guys, you made it!!” A giant grin was plastered to her face.

Fluttershy offered her own small smile in return, “Of course Pinkie, we said we would. I’m sorry that we’re lat…” Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide as her eyes stopped in the middle of a quick scan of the room and she squealed in fright and hid beneath Big Macintosh. His eyes followed hers and saw exactly why she had panicked this way. Across the room, casually floating on his back in the air was the draconequus, Discord.

“Umm, Pinkie.” Fluttershy squeaked, “Why is…he…here?”

“Who? Pony Joe? Well duh, he sells some of the best doughnuts in Equestria, and he brought some.” She licked her lips hungrily.

“No! Discord. Why would he be here? How is he here? I though we locked him back in stone.” Fluttershy’s tone was panicked and she shivered.

Pinkie gave a face like she was in deep thought. “Hmm, well, while he did try to overthrow Celestia, took over Ponyville, transformed us all into complete opposites of who we are, and almost enwrapped the world in complete and absolute chaos, you’ve gotta admit he makes the world a little livelier. Besides, even after all of that, it’s still Hearths Warming Eve, and he hasn’t been around for thousands of years and never been to one before. Besides, he’s completely harmless, and weren’t you paying attention to the last chapter? It was totally foreshadowing! Here, I’ll show you.”

Quick as a flash Pinkie had grasped a confused Fluttershy by the hoof and was pulling her out from underneath Macintosh. She struggled weakly against Pinkie and squeaked in protest but the party pony managed to drag Fluttershy over to the mismatched villain.

He laughed heartily as he created small crackling sparks over the heads of several colts and fillies, who stood wide-eyed and transfixed by the display. Seeing Pinkie approaching with the yellow pegasus he waved off the children. “Alright kiddies, it’s time for you to run along back to your parents now.” Blowing across his palm he created a small swarm of multicolored bee’s which buzzed excitedly around their heads. The foals laughed and chased after the exuberant display.

He turned to the two mares. “Now, now, now what have we here? A few familiar faces I see? And one not so familiar, though I think I recognize it. Oh what fun, a guessing game?” Big Macintosh had walked next to Fluttershy and narrowed his eyes at Discord. “Hmmm,” Discord narrowed his eyes back in concentration “could you be the one who I gave extra legs…no to large. Did I give you dragon’s wings? No, that mare was green. Oh it’s been so long and I did mess with so many ponies. May I please have a hint?”

Big Macintosh gave him a look of obvious annoyance, “Woof” he growled.

Discord snapped his fingers, a look of delight spreading on his face. “Ah, you’re the Apple boy that I gave the canine personality too. Tell me, how was burrowing? A jolly great way to get some exercise, is it not?” Macintosh didn’t respond, still holding an annoyed glare. He moved to stand closer to Fluttershy and took a defensive stance over her. Discord raised an eyebrow curiously at this action.

“My, my, has our little Fluttershy found herself a special somepony? Why I believe she has!” he clapped his hands excitedly “Oh good for you.” He twisted through the air and swooped next to Fluttershy and pat her on the head. The small pegasus recoiled from his touch and squeaked. Big Macintosh pushed his clawed hand away and glared. Discord gave an amused smile and held his hands up defensively. “What, are you scared that I’m going to change you again? Sorry, but that’s not my goal for tonight. And even if I wanted to, I really couldn’t.” He pointed to the metal cuffs that adorned his wrists and around his neck. “You see these? Power Dampeners. They won’t permit me to use any major magic’s, like personality swapping, or floating buildings. Though don’t you think that this party would be a lot more interesting suspended 20’ above the ground?”

When he suggested that Pinkie’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. “That would be Awesome!!”

“I know right?! It’s a shame though. It’s part of the deal I had to strike with Celestia to be free. Gotta wear the dampeners, no permanent or semi-permanent changes to anypony or the world around them, and at the end of the night, back into the eternal limbo that my stone imprisonment creates for me.” He gave a mournful look at the ceiling. Running a claw over his face he turned his facial hair black and posing dramatically he pulled a skull from a nonexistent pocket and held it up. “To trick, or not to trick. That is the question for a god of chaos. Shackled to reality as he is.” Discord casually tossed the skull over and it exploded harmlessly in midair. “But, I digress. Even though I can’t do anything major, I can still make this party fun. You know, soapy floors and chocolate rain.”

He casually scooped a cupcake off the table next to him and offered it to Macintosh. “Pastry?” Macintosh cautiously took the cupcake from Discord and took a bite. “See, no harm done.”

“Alright…” Macintosh said slowly, “But if Ah catch any signs of trickery from ya, or Ah see ya anywhere near Fluttershy, Ah’ll personally buck ya so hard yer scalely tail will fossilize back inta stone.” Discord was genuinely shocked by the fierceness in Big Macintosh, and interested.

“Alright, keep your horseshoes on.” he raised his right hand, “I promise not to cause too much of a disaster, though sometimes I can’t help it, chaos follows me naturally.” Big Macintosh snorted and walked off, with Fluttershy close to his side. She cast a cautious look over her shoulder and Discord gave a wave.

He turned to Pinkie. “Twilight’s reaction was way worse.”

“I don’t know, Dashie did try and attack you.”

“Was that worse than a shot of pure magic blasted at me? I was lucky she hit the dampener.”

Pinkie gave a curt pout, “Alright, fine.” She handed him two bits. Discord chuckled triumphantly and took them.

“I don’t know what I wanted them for, all I know is that I have them now.”

The song playing shifted and Pinkie perked up. “Oh goodie, I love this song!” She bounced off to go dancing. Discord watched her bounce off and then smirked.

He pulled his left hand out from behind his back and examined his crossed fingers. “Oh yes, my little ponies. No disasters at all.” He gave himself an evil laugh as he went to entertain some more guests with displays of weird magic.


The party had been pumping for several hours now. Ponies were coming and leaving the party randomly. The occupants of the party had heard all kinds of music from different artists. DJ Pon3, Octavia and her orchestra, Lyra, the green haired pony from the Nightmare Night festival, all different kinds of genres.

Fluttershy and Big Macintosh had mostly kept to the edge of the dance floor, talking with one or two ponies, but mostly they stayed together. They were standing in a corner of the room when Rarity approached them. “Oh, hello Rarity, I didn’t see you come in.” Fluttershy said as the white unicorn walked up to the two.

“It’s all right Fluttershy. I got here a few hours ago but I’ve been preoccupied talking with some of the finer names in the fashion industry. Who would’ve thought that Pinkie would know characters like Fleur De Lis and Lofty Cloth?” She clapped excitedly “I can only hope that I made the best of impressions on them.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I really hope you did. It would be nice to see your fashion lines make it all the way into Canterlot again.”

“Yes it would be splendid, though I promise to come back to Ponyville and visit of course. Fluttershy dear, would you do me a favor and get us some punch please?”

“Ah’ll get it.” Big Macintosh offered, standing up. But Rarity stopped him with a hoof on his chest.

“No, no, I’m sure Fluttershy is more than capable of getting us some drinks, aren’t you dear?

“Oh umm yes, of course.” Fluttershy stood up and walked around the room to the drinks. As she left Rarity turned to face Big Macintosh.

“Now that we are alone I may have a word with you, Mr. Macintosh.”

Big Macintosh gulped, “Now Ah ain’t done nothin’ wrong, Ah don’t think, Miss. Rarity. Nor does Ah have any inclination too.” He stopped talking abruptly as Rarity held up a hoof to silence him.

“I am well aware Mr. Macintosh, and I am quite happy that you have given me no reason to have to uphold my threat.” Macintosh heaved a sigh of relief. “Fluttershy and I meet on a weekly basis at the spa, and I must say she never has anything but great and wonderful things to say about you. I would venture to say that she never stops talking about you whenever she actually does speak.” Big Macintosh felt a little pride swell in his chest when she said that. “However,” the pride vanished swiftly, “that does not mean that our previous agreement is void. I would simply like to remind you that if you unnecessarily break her heart you can consider your reputation dead in Ponyville. And remember, she never stops talking about you when we meet.”

“An like Ah said Miss. Rarity, Ah don’t wanna do a single thing that could break that sweet little mare’s heart.”

Rarity smiled, “I’m glad to hear that. Now don’t you think that Fluttershy is a little late getting back with our drinks?” She looked around and frowned in confusion, “In fact, isn’t that her leaving now?”

Macintosh looked up and caught a glimpse of a swishing pink tail leaving through the doorway. “Ah think so, Ah don’t know where she might be goin’.” Macintosh stood up and followed after the mare that had left.

*reverse back*

Fluttershy walked over to the snack table slightly confused. Why would rarity ask her to get drinks if Macintosh was willing to do it for them? If there was one thing about her fashionista friend, it was that she was a strong advocator of male chivalry. She didn’t notice as a floating draconequus snuck up behind her. She was pouring a second glass when he finally said something.

“I dare say, all this shuffling has gotten me parched. A good party like this should always have one dancing, but alas, I am not as young as I once was. Now when I was only 2,000 years old, you should have seen me then.” He scooped out some punch straight from the bowl with a cup and promptly drank the cup. Then peeked down an eye at Fluttershy, who was, against all odds, trying to ignore him as she continued serving herself drinks. So he decided to try a different approach to gather her attention.

“So tell me Fluttershy, you and Big Macintosh, how exactly does that work out?”

She quickly turned around to face Discord, but not before she had daintily placed the drink ladle back into the punch bowl. “What, I don’t understand your question.”

“You and that large red farm boy over there; how exactly would a relationship like you two work. Both of you, so quiet and shy, I feel like there would hardly be any communication between the two of you. And really, what’s a relationship without communication?”

Fluttershy tilted her head cutely and smiled up at Discord, “Oh, but there is plenty of communication. Maybe not all of it in words but he shows me how he cares all the time. Like, this one time one of my chicken coups got a hole in it and…”

“I’m not interested in hearing what the boy does for you.” Said Discord, cutting her off before she could start, “What I want to know is what you do when you’re mad at each other. I would simply love to see how you express your feelings then.”

“But we don’t really ever argue or get mad at each other, and he’s always willing to help me when I have a problem with the animals, no matter when or what it is.”

“Oh come now, surely Fluttershy, you must get mad at each other sometimes, no relationship is perfect after all. And you don’t have to worry about me spreading rumors, I’m a Master secret keeper…especially when imprisoned as a giant rock”

“Hmmm, nope, sorry. I can’t think of a single instance when we’re fought.”

“Well then, this ought to be interesting to witness.”

“Wha…” but before Fluttershy could finish her thought, Discords lizard like finger was atop her head. Fluttershy’s eyes pulsed with swirling muddy colors, a sign of deep hypnosis.

“Now then, my dear.” Discord leaned in close to talk directly into Fluttershy’s ear, “You know what happens now. Every single anger and frustration in your life is seeping into your personality, making you a very, very, angry mare.” Fluttershy’s mouth hung open as she processed the words. “Except this time, it’s not the world you want to take it out on; it’s your dear little coltfriend, Big Macintosh. He is single hoofedly responsible for every singe misdeed against you, and you are tired of it and want some payback.” He leaned in even farther, “Break his heart.”

He released his finger from Fluttershy’s mane and watched as she turned a grayish yellow color and her eyes filled with anger, cynicism, and hate. She didn’t say a single word to him as she turned and left through the door. Big Macintosh soon followed her. Discord picked up one of the drinks Fluttershy had been pouring and inspected the dampener on his lizard arm. “I must remember to thank Twilight for blasting it with such powerful magic’s, or else it wouldn’t have become so overcharged that some of my greater powers would trickle through. Sadly enough I guess I could only store up enough for one use tonight.” He thought. Turning himself invisible he followed the two of them outside.

*Big Macintosh follows Fluttershy outside*

“Fluttershy, wait up!!” Macintosh called after his marefriend. He was certain it was her. Her dress was the same and he’d recognize her mane anywhere. But her colors seemed a little off, a little darker than normal, but he chalked that up to the fact it was late and she was probably tired. She stopped walking, but didn’t turn to face him. He caught up to the pegasus and caught his breath. “Are you alright Sugarcube? If ya’ll was ready ta leave tha party ya could’ve told me. If you’d left without me seeing ya I woulda been worried sick that somethin’ happened to ya.”

Fluttershy looked up at him and he was taken aback. Something in her eyes put him on edge. “Fluttershy, sweetie, are ya’ll alright?”

“Oh, I’m fine.” She spat curtly, “Or at least I was.” She turned to face him.

Still confused, Big Macintosh reached into his coat pocket. “Alright, if you say so.” He pulled out the little black box he had tucked into his coat and presented it to her. “Anyways, Ah’m glad Ah caught ya out here cause I got somethin’ special for ya tonight.” Fluttershy gave a bored look at the box as he opened it.

The orange flower was dazzling in the dark night, it reflected the light from Sugarcube Corner and seemed to glow brilliantly, like a great fire he had contained into a small space. “This here is a fire lily.” He said proudly, “Ah saved it special, just for you tonight. Cause if memory serves, ya said this was yer favorite kind of flower.”

“Yes, I did, didn’t I?” Fluttershy took the box from Macintosh’s hooves and inspected it. She took the flower box and tipped it over, letting the delicate flower spill out onto the ground. Macintosh’s eyes grew wide in surprise as she stomped a hoof onto it and ground it into the frosty dirt.

“Wha..?” The stallion of a few words, was utterly speechless.

“It was a pretty flower wasn’t it?” She asked sarcastically, “Sadly though, it came from you.” She whipped her head away from him.

“Fluttershy, Sugarcube, what…what did Ah do?”

“Everything!” She yelled and stood on her tip hooves to get closer to his face. The look of rage took him off guard. She settled back down and took the demeanor of a snake. “And nothing at the same time.” She began to circle his body, like a shark circles its prey. “You know Mackie,” she spat out his pet name with a voice dripping with sarcasm, “I only started dating you because I heard you had some very desirable attributes.” At this she very purposefully brushed her flank against his and he shuddered a little. “But you didn’t even have the guts to try anything. You know, that’s another thing I hate about you, you’re to darn held back. A mare can’t like a stallion that can’t get a little aggressive when he needs too. Maybe you can try that with your next marefriend.” She flicked his chin with her tail and strutted back into Sugarcube Corner, leaving a crushed Macintosh outside.

He wasn’t able to process what had just happened. Why Fluttershy had become so…not Fluttershy. All he could do was stare at the crushed remnants of the fire lily and try not to cry. He took a few shuddering breaths to hold himself back and bent down to pick up the torn pieces of the once glorious flower, placing it back piece by piece into the box it had been dropped from.

He slowly walked, as if in a trance, back into the party. He had to find out what was wrong. Something had happened to his beloved Fluttershy, and he needed to know what. The first pony he had to ask was Twilight. She was pretty smart, she might know what was going on.

He spotted the violet unicorn across the room and approached her quickly. “Miss. Twilight?”

“Oh, hello Big Macintosh, how are you enjoying the party?”

Big Macintosh stiffened, “It was all going fine, but there’s been a …problem.”

“A problem? What kind of problem? Do you need help?”

Macintosh kicked the ground slightly, “Yes ma’am. I don’t know what happened.”

“Well what happened.” The concern in Macintosh’s voice made Twilight panic a little herself.

“It’s…it’s Fluttershy. Somethin’ happened and Ah don’t know what ta do.”

Hearing that her friend was the center of the problem Twilights concern doubled. “What happened is she alright. Did she get hurt?”

“No, no, I...just don’t know what happened. One minute she was Fluttershy, and then Rarity asked her to get some drinks and the next minute she was just…just somepony else. She says that she hates me, and gave some reasons too. I don’t know what went wrong. You’re real smart Miss. Twilight, why is she like this?”

Twilight blinked. “She’s gotten mean you say?”


“Tell me. Was she discolored? A little greyer?”

Macintosh thought hard for a minute. “Ah couldn’t rightfully tell but I’d reckon so.”

Twilights face fell into a deep scowl and she looked around the room, horn glowing an ominous purple. “Discord.” She hissed “That scaley tailed, no good, friendship wrecker. I’d bet anything that he’s what’s behind this. I told Celestia that it was a bad idea, that he’d overstep his bounds, but no ‘It’s Hearths Warming Eve’ she said, “Pinkie won’t leave me alone’ she said.”

Macintosh was confused at this point. “But what can Ah do to get Fluttershy back?”

“Last time this happened I managed to bring her back with a memory spell. But first we’ve got to find her. You go search the dance floor, I’ll go find Discord and give him a blast of magic that’ll straighten his confused race into one solid animal.

She dashed off along the side of the party. Macintosh faced the waves of bustling ponies and dove in. He looked left and right for the familiar shape of Fluttershy.

Twilight was in search of the god of chaos. She stepped out into the night and called into the air “Discord!!!”

“You know, if you wanted to find me, you could’ve just asked. There’s no need to yell.” Discord was standing next to Twilight, wincing and rubbing his ear.

Twilight hissed and turned sharply, glaring, her horn glowing. “Why did you change Fluttershy? You couldn’t just leave be for one night? And not only that you had to try and break her and Big Macintosh apart! Why, just why?!”

Discord only looked amused. “My dearest Twilight, what fun is there in having a reason for everything? I only wanted to see what would happen when an angry Fluttershy met a heart broken Macintosh, and I must say that the response is simply magnificent.”

Twilight only glared and her horn started to glow even brighter. “You better change her back right now or so help me Celestia I’ll make sure there’s no need to turn you back into a statue again.”

Hmmm, let me think about it...nope.” He floated into the air above Twilight. She shot a fierce bolt of energy straight at him, but he easily side stepped it. “Come on, you’ll have to do better than that now.” He flew off into Ponyville, laughing as Twilight shot beam of energy after beam of energy at him, chasing him down.


Big Macintosh was pushing through the sea of dancing ponies searching for Fluttershy. He spotted her near the center, bumping suggestively with some pegasus. At a closer inspection he realized that it was the same pegasus he had met at the bar months ago. He angrily walked up and towered over him. “Excuse me,” He said, anger very apparent in his voice, “but Ah believe that’s mah marefriend you happen to be getting close with.”

“She said she wasn’t seeing anyone.” He retaliated, a smirk on his face.

Big Macintosh wasn’t going to put up with this. He got real close, pressing his forehead against the pegasus’s and glaring a death’s glare. “Ah said, she’s taken.” He growled. The pegasus shook a little from the intensity and backed off.

“Alright man, just calm down alright?” Macintosh turned to Fluttershy, softening his gaze a little.

“You, come with me. We’re gonna have Twilight straighten this out.”

Fluttershy backed up, a look of utter contempt on her face, “Straighten what out? I broke up with you, that’s the only problem I saw that there was. Now back off.”

Macintosh sighed, “Ah didn’t want to have ta resort ta this.” He gave the same glare he had just given the other pegasus to Fluttershy. To her own surprise she also quailed a little under the intensity. “Listen Fluttershy, Sugarcube, what Discord done to ya ain’t right. He made ya somethin’ I know ya don’t wanna be. So I’m doin’ the only rational thing Ah can think of and getting Twilight to sort this out. So now, we’re gonna get off this dance floor, an’ look for Miss. Twilight. Am Ah understood.”

Fluttershy glared back but didn’t respond. “Go on now.” He nudged her with a hoof. Fluttershy slouched off to the side, away from the throng of party goers.

“I told you she’d drop you, farm boy!” Big Macintosh felt a surge of anger, but didn’t respond and followed Fluttershy off the dance floor.

Macintosh spent the next fifteen minutes searching for the lavender unicorn, but to no avail. What was making things worse was that every time he looked away, Fluttershy would try to sneak away from him. He had to be constantly monitoring her or she might fly away. He sat down, exhausted from both searching, and keeping Fluttershy in check. He put a hoof down on her tail. “Ah’m sorry, but Ah ain’t lettin’ ya go nowhere Sugarcube.”

Fluttershy sat down on the floor as far away from him as possible, refusing to look at her once coltfriend. He rubbed his head with a hoof. “What am Ah gonna do?” he thought. “Ah can’t find twilight. I ain’t got no way of communicatin’ with Celestia, and Ah doubt that any other unicorn here is powerful enough to get rid of Discord’s influence.”

The two sat in a mute silence. Big Macintosh’s eyes never leaving Fluttershy, and Fluttershy’s eyes never looking at Macintosh. The DJ’s voice filtered through the speaker system. “Alright everypony, this’ll be the last song of the night, so why don’t we finish things off with something a little slower?” Soft piano music played and couples of ponies grouped together and slowly rocked to the music.

I know there’s something in the wake of your smile
I get emotions from the look in your eyes, yea
You’ve built a love, but that love falls apart
A little pierce of heaven
Turns to dark

Macintosh sighed again. “Wanna dance?” he asked offering his hoof to her.

“Hmff.” Fluttershy turned away from him.

Listen to your heart
When he’s calling for you
Listen to your heart
There’s nothing else you can do
I don’t know where you’re going
And I don’t know why
But listen to your heart
Before, you tell him good bye

He offered his last hope defeatedly, “If ya give me this one last dance, Ah promise that Ah’ll leave ya alone forever. You’ll never hear from me again.”

Fluttershy scoffed. “If that’s all it will take to get you out of my life for good, then I think it’s worth it.” Macintosh released her tail and offered his hoof again. This time Fluttershy took it, albeit somewhat just as a formality and he guided her to an open spot on the dance floor. He stood up awkwardly and took her by the shoulder and waist. She grabbed his shoulders and allowed him to lead her in a circular rocking motion.

Macintosh said nothing. If this was the last time he was going to be able to dance with Fluttershy, he was going to pretend it was the Fluttershy he knew, not this thing Discord had replaced her with.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
The precious memories are all lost in the tide, yea
They’re swept away and nothing is what it seems
The felling of belonging
In your dreams

Listen to your heart
When he’s calling for you
Listen to your heart
There’s nothing else you can do
I don’t know where you’re going
And I don’t know why
But listen to your heart
Before, you tell him good bye

Macintosh looked into Fluttershy’s eyes and gathered a little hope. He thought he saw something. A spark of the old Fluttershy. He just had to fan that spark. He let his emotions control his actions.

Half closing his eyes he looked deep into her and hoped he was correct. He leaned in slightly, closing the narrow space between their muzzles. Fluttershy wanted to rear back in disgust. To push away the stallion holding her and run. After all, he was the source of her humiliation, her anger, everything wrong in her life. But something in the smallest corners of her mind stopped her and she leaned in too, finishing the closing of the gap.

Their lips touched. Fluttershy’s eyes closed into darkness. The world seemed to stand still for minutes, or hours, on end. His air blew into her mouth. The experience was unlike anything she could have imagined. Her first kiss. She pulled him closer and deepened the contact. He wings spread and gently flapped. Pulling her into the air. From her lips outward her colors returned. Her vibrant yellow came back, her bouncing pink hair restored. She lost herself in the moment. To that point, not once thinking about where they were, simply holding the gentle stallion.

But magic cannot last forever. She broke contact and opened her eyes and saw he was looking at her with a goofy smile. “Welcome back, Sugarcube.”

The memories came rushing back like a flood. Every single hateful thought hit her and she pushed off of Macintosh, tears streaming down her face. She was very aware of where she was and what she was doing. Crying, she flew as fast as she could to the door and left. Macintosh watched her leave, took a moment to regain his senses, and chased after her.

Snow started to fall as he ran towards her cottage.


Fluttershy’s home came into view as a charging Macintosh put forth all his energy into getting there. He clattered to a stop on the porch and knocked. “Fluttershy, sweetie?”

“Go away!!” Fluttershy screamed. The tears on her voice were painfully obvious. “Go away, I’m a horrible pony and you never want to see me again!!”

“Fluttershy, would Ah be here if that were true?” he asked gently through the door.

“But I said all those horrible things.” She sobbed, “And I was cruel, and mean, and I crushed your flower, and now you hate me! I’m horrible!!” She was breaking down.

“Sugarcube, Ah don’t think that you’re mean or a horrible pony. You’re still the nicest mare I know. And I certainly don’t hate ya. You was justy under Discords influence, you didn’t know what you were doing.” There was no response.

Big Macintosh gently pushed open the door and slowly walked in. He saw Fluttershy was collapsed on the sofa, her face buried into a thick pillow and her body was rocking with sobs. He gently moved over and sat next to her, placing a hoof on her back. “there, there, little one, it’s alright. Ah promise Ah forgives ya. There ain’t no way Ah can’t.”

Fluttershy’s sobs softened. “You *sniff* you don’t hate me?”

Macintosh smiled, “Of course not. There ain’t nothin’ you can say or do that’ll make me hate ya.” He pulled her up into a hug and rocked her back and forth. Fluttershy pushed back off him and plunged into another kiss. This one filled with a more fiery kind of passion that the last.

“I’m so happy.” She said, tears still staining her cheeks as she pulled off.

He pecked her on the lips and reached inside his coat. He presented to her the torn remains of the once beautiful fire lily. “Ah saved this for ya still.” He whispered. Fluttershy took it and cradled it like it was a newborn foal.

“Thank you Mackie. I’ll treasure it forever.”

“You know Fluttershy. We never did finish our dance.” He stood up and presented his hoof. “May I?”

Fluttershy took it and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. “You may.” They swayed to the song playing in their heads, in unison.

Listen to your heart
When he’s calling for you
Listen to your heart
There’s nothing else you can do
I don’t know where you’re going
And I don’t know why
But listen to your heart
Before, you tell him good bye


Outside in the falling snow, Discord watched the two dance through a window, after thoroughly losing. He grinned a benign grin to himself. “The Tale of the Red and Yellow Lovers” he thought to himself. Leaning against the windowsill he looked into the night sky and finished.

Deep and deep
will Love grow
but the den
of the red eyes glow
can change your heart
if Love isn't set fast
for a dart of poison
could be your last

For I will win
and they will lose
until fate comes
and they will choose

Whether to love
or to hate
and it will determine
if Love will break

He looked down at his bear paw, which was slowly beginning to turn back into a grey stone and sighed. “Ahwell, it was fun while it lasted. Arrivederci, everypony. And good night.”