• Published 7th Dec 2011
  • 4,463 Views, 64 Comments

A Tale of Two - lRainbowDashl

Scootaloo breaks some stuff at Rainbow's house, but that isn't the only thing that shocks Rainbow.

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Chapter 2- Social care

Rainbow could not sleep that night she knew that Scootaloo would be fine on the couch but she fealt aweful about having to put Scootaloo into care when she would be so happy living with her.

"I can't adopt her i can barely look after myself let alone her , and who is she to intrude on my house like that" Rainbow muttered to herself she heard her door creak open so pretended to be asleep. The pitter patter of footsteps were getting close until they were right next to her, Rainbow fealt a drop of water on her nose so she opened her eyes Scootaloo was stood infront of her. Her face was drenched with tears.

"Rainbow.... sorry to wake you but can i uh..... Sleep in here tonight, i don't want to be alone" said Scootaloo trying to put on a brave face for her idol.

"Alright kid im awake now and have been thinking shall we go into the living room? i will get you some hot chocolate and we can sit and talk by the fire." Scootaloo just nodded a tear dropping onto the floor ahead of her. They walked out of her room and into the living room Rainbow put on the fireplace and sat Scootaloo down next to it whilst she went into the kitchen and put on the kettle.

"So kid do you like hot chocolate?" Rainbow asked trying to break the awkward silence that had formed around them.

"Last time i had hot chocolate dad poured it on me" Scootaloo said trying to pity Rainbow into keeping her.

Rainbow poured the hot water into the mug making hot chocolate she then carried it over to Scootaloo and placed it next to her. Rainbow went and sat oposite Scootaloo both of them had their flanks to the fireplace.

"Scootaloo i know that i'm awesome and i know that you know that two but i am no parent my parents died when i was six years old i never went into foster care because i was scared. I dont want you to make the mistake I did I dont have a family now and havent had one for a long time and it feels horible trust me."

"You know if i live with you then you will be my family so i will have a family you will be it, you must feel something for me otherwise you wouldnt of risked your life to go down and deal with my dad." Scootaloo had Rainbow in a metaphorical corner.

"Scootaloo if i did take you in what would you expect from me?" Asked Rainbow.

"Absolutely nothing you give me what you see fit i would never ask you for money or material products"

"No not like that i mean emotionally, i'm no good at this mushy gushy stuff and im sure Fluttershy can look after you better than i can and she lives on the ground which is a lot safer and easier to access."

"I'm sorry for wasting your time Rainbow i thought that you cared for me and would want what's best for me" as Scootaloo said that she walked slowly towards the door she reached for the handle when Rainbow shot infront of the door.

"You think i don't care? You think i don't want whats best for you? Scootaloo come on i just got beaten up and almost raped just for you now i wouldnt do that for anypony i just don't think i will be a good mum for you or this place very safe for you" said Rainbow defensivly.

"Raped?" asked Scootaloo

"Ohh crap sorry Scootaloo i didnt mean to tell you that." said Rainbow blushing she knew that she messed up.

"My dad tried to rape you?"

"Scootaloo i slipped up im sorry i didn't mean to tell you that"

"RAINBOW ANSWER ME! did my dad rape you?" Scootaloo's yell shocked Rainbow. Rainbow took a deep breath.

"Your dad hit me when i was on the floor he dragged me into an alleyway and told me that he was going to rape me i didnt give him a chance i got out whilst i could but yes he tried to." Said Rainbow instantly regreting telling Scootaloo that. Scootaloo started crying again not attempting to hold back, Rainbow walked over to her and gave her a hug letting Scootaloo rest her head on Rainbow's chest.

"Rainbow i love you and really want to live here with you i promise i wont be trouble and it means that i can pay off the damage way more easily." Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow giving her puppy eyes, Rainbow put a look of defeat upon her face.

"I'm sure its not as easy as you just living here, but i will see what i can do but this relationship is two way tell me what else you broke of mine." Scootaloo looked down in shame hoping Rainbow would show mercy but she peeked up and Rainbow wasnt going to let it slip taking a deep breath she said.

"Your trophy stand i crashed into it i didnt smash any of the trophys but i did crumple your feather and smash the glass" Scootaloo looked up Rainbow was showing all kinds of emotions she looked mad, sad and disapointed.

"It's ok Scootaloo we will fix it up later lets get some shut eye I'm knackered" Rainbow cuddled up next to Scootaloo and the fire place wrapping her wing around Scootaloo using herself as a blanket.

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Scootaloo awoke from her slumber Rainbow was fast asleep "how do i get out of this then her wing is over me, i dont think i can escape without her waking up." said Scootaloo she fidgeted a bit then just dashed from under Rainbow's wing she took a step foreward and tripped over the blanket landing with a thud. She turned around to see Rainbow sat up looking at her in confusion.

"Uh Scootaloo are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine i just didn't wanna wake you that's all" Scootaloo put on a beaming smile. Rainbow clambered to her feet.

"Scootaloo i dont know how you wanna handle this but you have nothing here we are going to have to go to your house and pick it up." Scootaloo instantly froze.

"Rainbow i uhh don't want to see my dad i hate him what are we going to do?" Rainbow put a hoof to her head and thought.

"I told him to leave by tomorow so i guess we could wait it out and go down there tomorow and see if he is gone?"

"Yeah that's a great idea what do we do in the mean time?" said Scootaloo raising her eyebrow

"I have plans with my friends i guess you can tag along and then we will go down to social care and see if i can keep you?"
Scootaloo nodded Rainbow headed to her room collecting her satchel and a harness.

"What is that for?" asked Scootaloo Rainbow ignored Scootaloo and started putting the harness on.

"This is so that when i fly you can tag along as well ,I made some adjustments to make it more awesome, like here is a board you hold on to the harness and strap yourself onto the board and i pull you along its super easy" Scootaloo's face lightened up and she ran towards the board examining it thoroughly.

"That is awesome can we use it now? please can we? can we? PLEASE!" Rainbow laughed.

"No we can't use it now im putting on the harness for the sake of it" Rainbow said sarcastically then Scootaloo started laughing with her.

"Alright done" said Rainbow heading for the door "you ready to rock?" she said Scootaloo's smile was extending Rainbow walked out the door Scootaloo skipping with excitement behind her.

"Hold on tight i don't want you getting hurt" Scootaloo grasped the handle tightly then nodded Rainbow saw the signal and swooped over the cloud Scootaloo shooting behind her Rainbow keapt increasing in speed Scootaloo was cheering her on.

"Faster faster come on Rainbow faster" She yelled Rainbow took this as a challenge she flew upwawrds doing somersaults then flying towards the ground shooting up just in time.

"Alright kid enough" she said peering over her shoulder Rainbow slowed down then landed Scootaloo shortly behind her.

"What did you think of that?" Rainbow asked with a raised brow Scootaloo didn't need to talk Rainbow already knew the answer.

"THAT WAS AWESOME" Said Scootaloo with so much excitement in her voice she was about to scream but managed to keep her cool.

To be continued.