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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 57 )

Well, this is fantastic

Comment posted by dirty little secret deleted Jan 31st, 2018

Just wait until the next chapter! ^.^ Twi did one of those moments when the character does something the author doesn’t expect, and it was super adorkable!:rainbowkiss:

If you go to the Patreon post, you can find the link to read that part already, although the chapter’s only partway done.

As an aside, I really dislike baku.

Honestly, whenever I see a fic from dirty little secret I add to read later. I’m a simplepone.

Okay. :twilightsmile:

Especially when it’s a single sex scene that’s 30,000 words long! :rainbowwild:

That’s what I like the most. There’s gotta be good stuff if it’s that long. I personally prefer longer stories anyway. Evidenced by reading Fallout Equestria twice, listening to the audio adaptation, and reading FoE Project Horizons twice. I realize it’s probably a huge waste of time but I don’t care.


I notice that I too stumbled across another DLS story and clicked the button. Simplepones unite!


I really want to like him/her because the art itself is generally fantastic, but the actual content is often... meh.

Ah ... so that’s why I see you in every story I post! ^.^

I don't normally read stories this long, but this was worth checking out I must say

I would liked this more if the sex scenes were ONLY between Celestia and Twilight (Futalestia would be more acceptable that another male)

Good job, I guess.

Probably Twilight fantasizing about the cock being Celestia's and Celestia deepthroating the majestic donger. It also feels a lot more slowly paced than most(all) sex scenes on the site and I've never really read a sex scene at this kind of pace before. I like this pacing a lot more than the typical pace, so that's a huge plus. Also, I really appreciate the budding Twilestia romance.

Hm ... maybe so. I was trying to make this one as realistic as possible, but I’m beginning to think there must be something wrong with it, since it looks like it’s going to be my first story in a while to not hit the feature box.
Something is deterring readers ... maybe it’s the presence of that extra male, maybe it’s just the daunting word count. *shrug*

"using condoms successfully and as intended"

L-lewd! O///O

There can’t be many fics on fimfic where a condom is used and doesn’t break or otherwise go wrong.

Honestly, the only thing I could think of for a reason for the lackluster response (as far as your fics go at least) is people feeling bad for the guy. He's little more than a breathing dildo as far as the girls treat him. But he's pretty obviously not put off about that himself, so I have no idea.

It could be his presence altogether because it's readily evident he's just along for the ride (I refuse to apologize for that pun.)

All in, I liked it a fair bit, Celestia and Twilight's interactions(especially toward the end of the final chapter) are very caring and loving, and I liked that you made the whole thing very accurate. You avoided many of the tropes involving condoms = accidental impregnation; loss of virginity is ALWAYS painful and requires a fucking geyser of blood(a personal pet peeve of mine) among others. I found it refreshing, but I can see how some might not find it to be what they want.

I dunno what to tell you, it's decent, sweet(when it wants to be) and surprisingly wholesome.

They do too much stuff for Rhurrs for me to like them (the dickgirl alicorn Rarity).
I usually like the classical unicorn style but the human shaped dicks ruin it entirely for me

A story with bakuhaku art that doesn't involve mares with dicks. This is rather surprising, I must say.

Will still read it, by the way, but I had to comment on that.

In my case, was the extra male, but i don't gonna hit the dislike button for that. Your story was well wrote either way.

And well, I really dislike threesomes in the TwiLestia fimfics, save some certain and veeery especific circunstances

And a Dirty Little Secret story with no futa! Wonders will never cease.

Holy shit. What a read. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I decided to give this story a chance, but I'm glad I did.

What I like most about it is Twilight's characterization. I love the fact that she's so shy about everything going on in this story, so apprehensive, so innocent to carnal desires. Way too many stories slut her up way too fast, but this actually felt real in the approach.

Thanks! ^.^ I was going for realism like that.

And yeah... It looks like this one is going to end up being the ‘hidden gem’ of my stories, the one that only true DLS fans will know about.

That was absolutely fantastic. Thank you for writing it.

This is exactly how sex should be, Celestia is awesome!

This is an exquisite story, adding to Extraordinary folder:pinkiehappy:

I try! ^.^ What was your favorite part?

Well, I don’t know about exactly how sex should be ... using the guard as a toy is kind of weird.
But yeah, it is refreshing to do a sex-positive fic where nothing terribly fucked up happens.
Guess I’m kind of making up for fics like Community Service.

Magnificent. I really enjoy your sex-positive fics, starting with Sex Ed: Pony Style. It's rare that clopfics take the time to discuss safety, and this does so threefold: choosing one's partner, in attentiveness to your partner's needs, and condom use. the latter especially pleases me. Keep up the good work!

Gotta do *something* to clean up the, uh ... reputation I’ve gotten after a few of my other latest fics.

Hey, he certainly had no problem with it:raritywink:

Eh... :unsuresweetie:
Imagine (in light of the metoo movement) if the genders were reversed: A guy in a position of extreme power and authority pressures/persuades a female employee to have sex with him and his young student.
In that case, nobody would be saying ‘Hey, she certainly had no problem with it.’

I have no idea what you're talking about, what movement is that? And even if that means something, what could Celestia have done instead? Work behind the scenes without telling either of them to set them up/get Twilight laid (creepy) or just put them together and trust Feather Notch to do right by a reserved virgin like Twilight (considering his hastiness at some points, that would've been terrible...). I feel weird debating with you (the author) over the morality of the actions in it, but honestly, this was beneficial for everypony, everypony had a choice from the beginning, and Celestia was nothing if not as professional as she could've been under the circumstances, and if that isn't enough to make a meeting like this okay than I don't know what could... except Celestia not being involved at all but that breaks down the whole structure and implies that by definition of being who and what she is she can't ever do anything like this to anyone ever:applejackunsure:

To be fair [to the characters, and yourself as the author], each of the participating parties understood what was going to happen*, had the explicit consent of each other party, and had a way to shamelessly back out if things became uncomfortable. I seriously doubt Feather was coerced into participating in any way, and even were the character's sex swapped I doubt that would have changed.

*Twilight may not have known the specifics, but she certainly was willing to learn, and understood her right to stop if she became uncomfortable.

Oh, yum! Twilight's a wonderfully, adorably nervous point of view. Maybe a little too much? Hmmm... You're walking a good line with that.

If there's one thing I think this is missing, is a bit more description of what Twilight feels being done to her, mixed in amongst all the things she's feeling as a result. But then, I'm a fan of gooey, wet, and messy, and this so far is more exploratory and loving.

Oh, wow. Just... Yes.

"Trust me, stallions love that.”

Oh, Celestia, yes!

Like Feather, I think I'm going to, uhhh... need a few before I read the next chapter.

Yes, that was an 8,000 word blowjob scene. That’s a thing I do now.
And unless the proper Vernal Equinox sacrifices* are made, the next one shall be an entire novel that’s nothing but ball-play!

*The God of Horsewords demands 10 vestal virgins be delivered unto my altar (AKA, my living room), washed and ready before midday on the Vernal Equinox. At least 7 of them should be female, and their average hotness rating on the universal 1-10 hotness scale should be no less than 6. ...Or, you know, maybe throw some loose change at my Patreon, whichever you prefer.


I've... only got access to two vestal mares... :pinkiesad2:


I try! ^.^ What was your favorite part?

The part where they fuck! :rainbowlaugh:

But seriously, it's hard to pick out Just One Thing. Like... each encounter is hot, and leads nicely into the next. There's good buildup along the way as Twilight gets shown, involved in, and eventually instigates hotter encounters. You describe most every little thing without being bogged down, allowing the reader to be drawn in and along for the ride. Ooof. *fans self* This is how you write someone fucking!

Now, my appreciation for gooeyness just has to say that it's a bit disappointed that there wasn't any cum play at the end.

(Aaaaaaand... I'm spent. :rainbowwild:)

Yeah, this one was pretty much maximum effort, in a wholesome and not over-the-top kind of way. ^.^


Ah yes, I'll be waiting for that. The golden moment when the characters stop doing what the author tells them, and it turns out magnificently.

^.^ I wonder if you’ll be able to spot what it was.

Amazing story! Loved how you showed Twilights personality quirks: lack of self esteem and sudden panic attacks. Then how Celestia was able to pull her out before she got to down on herself. Would love to see more of these “lessons”.

^.^ You’d love to see more? You and me both, you and me both...
Stories with this kind of pacing aren’t easy to whip out, though. :ajsleepy:

Celestia’s a bit... rude. Wasn’t expecting that sort of reaction from a princess. Good clipfic so far.

Huh ... what exactly came off as rude? I’d like to improve, after all, and I don’t think I intended her to be rude.


“After a few minutes of that exquisite torture, Princess Celestia puffed out a harsh breath. “Enough! Get off of her!”

”You'll find,” she said, “that stallions with a true talent for cunnilingus are a rare commodity. It's just so difficult for them to know what a mare really wants.”

I wasn’t excepting Celestia to be so impatient that she needed to ”[puff] out a harsh breath” and demand that the guard should get off of Twilight. Furthermore, Celestia used “needy, greedy eyes” to observing, and when Celestia was about to perform cunnilingus, she disrespects nearly all stallions, saying that ones that perform cunnilingus well are rare while also implying that stallions are unable to understand what a mare really wants.

Or maybe I’m looking too deep into this. Maybe I’m the one being rude (Sorry about that). All I’m trying to say is that I was surprised by such an outburst. But other than that, I’m enjoying the clopfic so far. Good job!

ī feel like a sequel with a futa luna teaching twilight would be fun to read

Eh, maybe... I figure that’s been done, though.

As I blushed from the complement


Huh ... I learned a new grammar thing today.
It turns out that complement and compliment are two different words with different meanings.

complementary meanings, even.

OK, fine, they aren't complementary, but I can't resist the urge to pun.

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