• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 1,003 Views, 38 Comments

Pony heart - sunsetsjournal

Since Twilight left after the battle of the bands, Sunset has been constantly writing to her in her journal, but suddenly something happens, something that causes Sunset Shimmer great suffering: her new friend stops answering her, but why?

  • ...

Through the glass of the mirror (altrnative ending)

Author's Note:

Note before reading: this chapter is an alternative ending to the Pony Heart story; the events are set after chapter 4 and feature Sunset, travelling back to Equestria, as If she had never been stopped from entering the mirror portal by Applejack and the others.
Let me know which between the two endings you prefer and look forward to our next fun fiction, coming on next Sunday!

Special alternative ending chapter:

Through the glass of the mirror

Having jumped into the portal, it did not take long for Sunset to be blinded by an unbearable shining light; all around her started to spin uncontrollably, what’s more she began to feel a terrible nausea:

“I hate this” she thought at that moment.

Her arms and legs began to bent and her hands slowly disappeared, leaving their place to a pairs of hooves, while a tear, caused by the pain that inevitably came with the transformation, slipped from the girl’s left eye and her pupils enlarged, having been penetrated by a multiple coloured ray.

Sooner that she had expected, Sunset found herself out of that tremendous tempest of lights, rotating into the air:

“Ah!” she screamed, right before crashing into a mountain of books:

“Mmm...” she whispered after a while, lifting her poor dizzy head and adjusting the tawny saddle bags she was wearing around her hips:

“I remembered that whole thing being less unpleasant; but at least I got where I wanted...right?”.

Raising her blue eyes, Sunset realised she had been teleported somewhere she had never seen before: the room was majestic, large, with a high sealing, the walls decorated in some of the most beautiful tapestries she had laid her gaze on; simple, yet stylish at the same time thanks to their bright indigo and sapphire tint. The place was full of bookshelves and each one of them was overwhelmed by encyclopedias, novels, history books and, of course, magic ones; a crystal desk stood in one corner, whereas on the other one a comfy looking armchair. At the very centre of the room was the mirror portal, surrounded by a complex machine which looked like had been built in a hurry, for all its pieces were made completely out of wood:

“This places feels new” Sunset said to herself, as she was turning in all directions:

“it must be Twilight’s castle: she told me the mirror had been moved to her place, but I never really imagined one day I would get a chance to visit it; I must admit it feels cosy”.

The girl turned her head toward the tower of volumes she had ended up demolishing:

“Yep, this is Twilight’s home, no doubt; only she could have left something like this: I wonder what she’s been reading lately” she whispered, trying to grab one of the books with her hoof.

“Wait...wait?!” Sunset exclaimed, noticing she was strangely unable to hold something in her ‘hand’:

“Oh, right; these had completely slipped my mind, silly me!”

Fast as lighting, she lit her horn and a red aura surrounded the small object that started levitating into the air:

“I also had forgotten how much fun it is to do this” the girl giggled, headed to the crystal table:

“let’s see...gosh it’s dusty!” Sunset pointed out, having sneezed from the dirt covering the front page of the book:

“It looks like it hasn’t been touched in a while”. The girl made herself comfortable on the nearest chair and turned the cover on which an unusual mark, shaped like a hoof print, could be seen:

“it’s a journal” she exclaimed, after reading a few pages quickly:

“and it seems like different people wrote it, judging by what I can see here”.

The more she read on the diary, the more the girl found herself intrigued by what it contained:

“they sure had accomplished lots of difficult tasks Twilight and her friends; this kind of reminds of my own journal”.

Having said these things, Sunset placed the book on the table and got back on four hooves, then walked to the door and exited the room:

“Wow!” she exclaimed loudly, finding herself in a long empty hallway:

“When Twilight warned me this place was big, I didn’t think it was this big...If I hadn’t hung out in the royal palace for so long, I wouldn’t be able to take a step without getting lost in here” she giggled, before started her interminable walk across the corridor.

While strolling, Sunset noticed that despite the place being enormous, not even the slightest voice could be heard coming from any of the rooms: actually the only sound she could catch with her hearing was that of her hooves touching the floor: the palace was empty as a catacomb.

In the end the girl decided to turn around and opened the third door on her left: “This castle certainly doesn’t lack surprises!” she said to herself stunned, after noticing a large table, surrounded by seven thrones: each one of them had a different symbol carved on it, except for one that was smaller than the others:

“now I understand what she meant, when she mentioned the importance of her responsibilities in Equestria, the last time she visited CHS: sure I figured she played a key role out already, but this is beyond my imagination!”.

As soon as she got closer to that peculiar table, Sunset began to feel an unexpected awkward sensation: “I wonder if it has something to do with this...” she thought, shooting al ray of light from her horn.

A flash ignited and something incredible happened before her eyes: a map, the likes of which nopony had ever seen, materialized in front of her, all of Equestria was there from the Crystal Empire to the village of Somnambula, from the Luna bay to Manehattan:

“High level stuff, I see” Sunset added, observing that incredible trick, once she was sitting on the main throne:

“It’s got even home” she sighed, laying her eyes upon the royal palace in Canterlot:

“I wonder what she might be doing now...maybe I should take this chance to...”while she was reflecting, a bright glistening caught her attention:

“Uh?” the girl questioned to herself, seeing a magenta spark and group of three butterflies, rotating around a pair of high mounts on the map:

“What are those? One of them resembles the symbol Twilight bore on her skirt: I suppose it must be her cutie mark, but I don’t recognize the second, though it does remind me of…”;

at that point the sound of slow paces approaching, made her mane and fur raise, Sunset quickly directed her gaze on the entrance door that she had left open and noticed a shadow appearing on the wall. The girl immediately got back and four hooves and stood still before the door with her head firmly high, sweat was dropping from her forehead and her heart was pounding fast in the furry chest:

“who...who goes there?” she asked, trying to hide her fear for the fact that she was being caught wandering in the castle suspiciously.

After a while, a small character appeared: they had a rather large head, covered in purple scales, their snake-like eyes were green as emerald and so were the spikes on their back:

“Woo!” the little one screeched, seeing the girl: “who are you?!”

“I’ve just asked you the same question...wait a minute...” the young mare interrupted herself, carefully watching the dragon: “Are you perchance...Spike?”

“Well, yes and you are?”

“Spike, it’s me: Sunset!”

“Sun...Sunset?” the boy whispered, reflecting: “Wait a minute: do you mean Sunset as in the Sunset?”

“Seriously, Spike” replied the other one, reassuring him: “do you know any other pony named as me?”

“No, of course not; it’s just that...you caught me in such a surprise you gave a scare; plus what are you doing here anyway? Not that I mind your company, obviously”

“Y’ know...I just thought I’d pay Twilight a visit, that’s all”

“Sure…” added the other one, having caught his breath: “but why now; I mean, didn’t you know she isn’t home?”

“No, but I’d figured that out”

“didn’t she tell you anything on the journal?”

“Ah” Sunset sighed at the sound of those words:

“Truth to be told, Spike...I haven’t heard from her in a while; that’s mainly why I decided to drop by unannounced: sorry about that”

“Sunset...” questioned Spike, seeing her worried: “Is something bothering you?”

“Actually there is”

“And that is?”

“Y’ know how she always writes to me and replies me to my entries like you said? Well, not receiving news from her in such a long time made me kinda...” as she was speaking, her voice became lower, preventing her to complete her sentence

“I think get it” the little dragon intervened: “you thought something bad had happened, so you decided to pay a visit; that’s all, nothing strange about that”,

the girl smiled, relieved by the friend’s kindness: “thanks, Spike”

“I’m just sorry you felt so bad; Twilight usually holds her journal so dear to her: she never lets anypony else touch it, always closes the door, when she’s writing to you every night, and keeps it safe in her bedroom; don’t ask me where exactly”

hearing these things, the girl blushed, becoming red as a tomato:

“honestly, I had no idea she hadn’t been writing lately; I suppose it’s because she had been so busy”

“Yeah” Sunset intervened, looking hopelessly disillusioned: “but with what?”

“Oh, lots of princess duties: take the map for example” Spike said, inviting the girl to look at the luminescent table behind her:

“what’s so special about it?”

“This is no ordinary map, it’s connected to all of Equestria, it summons somepony, whenever a friendship problem happens around here. Hasn’t Twilight mentioned...” having noticed the other one had started scowling with sorrow, Spiked stopped talking for a moment: “...sorry, Sunset”

“Oh, don’t worry” she answered:“Twilight did mention something of the sort in her last entries, but not as precisely as you”



“Wanna go for a walk around town?” before replying, the girl stood silent for a while, keeping her head down, facing the cold floor:

“Ah...I might as well do something, while I’m waiting for her”

“that’s the spirit...” the little dragon added: “...sorta”.

“So, that one over there is Sugarcube Corner” Spike said, once they had arrived nearby the sweetshop: “while that one is the Spa and at the end of the road there’s Carousel boutique: that’s where Rarity lives: I mean this world’s Rarity”

“Not so different from the one I know, I imagine” Sunset intervened with a frown on her face:

“Oh, they are are absolutely the same; you wouldn’t be able to distinguish them at all: trust me, I know”

“Right” she answered, making an effort to put on a brief smile:

“So...” the dragon kept on conversing in an attempt to lift the girl’s mood: “how are you all doing at Canterlot High?”

“Pretty well I guess”

“You guess?”

“Well...they’re all pretty excited about the Friendship Games”

“What’s that?”

“Apparently it’s a competition between CHS and another school from the city, called Crystal Prep Academy; it happens every four years”

“Sounds great!” the little one exclaimed: “I’m sure you and the girls are totally gonna win!”

“That’s that we’re planning to do”

“Hey, here’s an idea! Why don’t Twilight and I come give a helping...”


“...that’s right, hand?”

“That would be amazing” Sunset sighed in reply: “to be honest, I had already asked Twilight to come join us for the games, but...”

“let me guess: too busy to answer” at the sound of those words the girl looked down, feeling more miserable by the minute: “Hey Sunset, there’s some reason to worry, I’ll talk to her and convince her she needs to come”

“I don’t know, Spike” Sunset answered in a low tone of voice: “there must be a reason to all this: If she hasn’t come along already, I suppose...”

“If I know her as well as I think, Twilight would never let a friend down”

“Yeah, a friend” whispering this very last word, Sunset headed to a nearby wooden bench.

Having sat on it, the girl’s sobbing became louder, her gasping heavier like her soul was about to leave her and tears dropped from her beautiful blue eyes, lining her face, like a river from a mountain spring.

Seeing her in this state, Spike remained speechless: he never would have thought one day he had to dial with such a situation: the young mare was sitting right there in front of his eyes, looking fragile and weak like a small flower and yet; he, who was supposed to be her friend, did not know what to do:

“Why are you acting like this, now?” he questioned, taking a seat next to her.

At first the girl ignored him and kept crying, yet she eventually stopped: “It’s because...”she struggled to whispered: “...because I feel so left out by her; don’t you get it Spike? I’ve been relying on her all this time and now I’m alone!”

“Well...” he shyly contested: “that’s not entirely true, you still got other friends at CHS and me for that matter” hearing this things, made the girl feel even more restless:

“It’s not the same thing! Look at those two fillies” she insisted, pointing to young ponies not far from them:

“Bon-Bon and Lyra Heart Strings?”


“what’s so special about them?”

“You tell me, take a look”

“It seems like they just had a tasty treat at Sugarcube Corner: they still have sprinkles around their mouths”

“Not that, I mean: how do they look to you?”

“They look happy”

“And?” before answering, the little one did his best to grasp the correct answer, observing the two fillies, as they were walking away, hugging each other:

“Close” he said in the end: “they look really close”

“bingo” was the answer he got from the girl:

“and by that example you mean?”

“I mean I, too, used to feel close to the one who showed me the righteous path, the one who lent me her hand and rescued me from a horrendous faith of loneliness, the one who was my first friend”. While speaking, Sunset’s weepy eyes became so inflamed from the pain she carried inside, that, seeing them, almost gave the dragon another unexpected epical scare:

“Sorry” he answered, seeing the girl turning around: “I had no idea she was so special for you”

“Now you know” Sunset said with her gaze lost into an abyss of thoughts:

“Forgive my question, but, If you say Twilight was your first friend; then what about Pr...”

“Please, Spike” the girl interrupted him:

“must you really open my most painful wounds?”

“I apologize, I was just asking”

“That’s another story; maybe I’ll tell you another time”.

A moment of silence followed shortly afterwards, until Sunset decided to break that awkward atmosphere: “So you see now why I can’t leave until she comes back?” the little dragon nodded in response: “I have to meet her, I just have to”

“Sunset” the other one intervened: “perhaps it’s better If we head back to the castle: it’s going to be getting dark soon and at this point I doubt Twilight will be coming back home by tonight”

“I have to...” the girl insisted:

“I know, that’s why I wanted to ask you If you could spend the night at the castle: there are plenty of rooms, plus It’ll be a nice surprise for Twilight to find you here, as soon as she gets back”; liking the idea, Sunset agreed without thinking twice and followed him to Twilight’s place.

That night was stormy: a cold wind could be heard, howling in the dark, from inside the walls of Sunset’s room, thick rain clouds blacked the sky, illuminated dangerously often by frightening lightnings:

“Mmm...” the girl whispered from under the blankets of her bed, unable to sleep:

“where did this terrible weather come from? Where Spike and I were having a walk earlier it was as sunny as a spring day”.

At the sudden noise of a thunder, Sunset got out of the bed, gasping scared: “What are you doing?” she said to herself: “It’s just a banal storm; you’re acting like a restless child”.

Still unable to find an explanation to her unreasonable behaviour, she was caught unprepared by another loud thunder; yet this time she couldn’t help but scream, terrorized. Quickly, she run out of her room and galloped in the dark hallway, having forgotten to lit up her horn, until she hit a heavy door with her head:

“Ouch” the girl complained, touching the painful spot and opening the cursed door with her hoof.

Once she had entered the room in front of her, Sunset finally remembered to enlighten the environment around her with her magic:

“this place seems very nice” she said, observing the comfy looking bed, covered in a pair of warm white blankets and surrounded by purple curtains. As she neared a desk just below the window, she recognized a pleasant smell, coming from a small glass bottle:

“this scent...” Sunset whispered at that moment: “It’s Twilight’s, this must be her room!”.

The girl looked around, confused by a certain excitement; yet it did not take long for her to notice one of the shelves of the piece of furniture next to the bed was open. Pushed by her curiosity, the girl neared it, but immediately stepped back:

“Oh, Sunset” she whispered to herself: “you really shouldn’t be snooping in your friend’s stuff”, though eventually her curious spirit got the best of her.

The shelf contained a book with a sun mark on its brown covered: “This is...” the girl said: “...her journal!”.

Having made it levitate thanks to her magic, Sunset approached the table and opened the book: “It’s still filled with all the things I’ve written to her” she thought, signing.

Sunset slowly began to turn over the pages of the diary, until she found a peculiar note between some of them:

“what’s this, now?” the girl wondered, opening the small wrapped piece of paper:

“Day one:”she read: “first time princess Celestia asked me to organize the great Equestria friendship summit, involving cities from all over the land, it’ll be hard work: I just hope I can find some time to write about it in the journal. Day two: during the summit, Spike ended up making decisions on my behalf, while I was asleep, had to make up for the trouble he caused in Canterlot all by myself. Day 3: helping to rebuild the Ponyville school playground; I hope Sunset doesn’t get mad I haven’t contacted her, yet. Day 4: attending to the Cutie Mark Crusader’s celebration for having finally found their special talents: too tired for writing tonight. Day 5:..”

As she kept reading, poor Sunset felt something growing inside her, something horrid like a parasite, devouring her from the inside, feeding off her sense of guilt: “So, you have been, thinking about me, more than I had imagined”

“Day 10, things to do: apologize to Sunset, make time in my schedule to attend to the Friendship Games...”

While reading them, those things were music to the girl’s ears; but they was not nearly as pleasant as finding a picture of her, attached to the corner of a mirror, right above her head, amongst several others: after noticing that, she didn’t go on with the reading.

The following morning, when Spike came looking for her, Sunset was getting ready to travel through the mirror portal once more: “Good morning “he greeted her: “Twilight just sent me a scroll, saying she will be getting here in a few hours...wait, where are you going?”

“Home” the girl cheerfully replied:

“What?!” he exclaimed astonished: “after all we’ve been through yesterday, you’re telling me you just got over it in one night?!”

“Nope, I just found was I was looking for”

“I don’t get it, the last time we talked about this you said you wouldn’t leave before meeting her!”

“Oh, trust me, Spike!”the other one, answered, smiling, but sincerely this time: “I’ve met her, the true her”

“I still don’t get it”

“Just tell her I’ve dropped by, if she asks, but first warn her somepony left a surprise in her room and...”


“Please, remind her of the Games”

“Of that you can be sure!”.

Seeing the little dragon, being so self-confident, the girl entered the mirror and disappeared behind its mystical glass:

“Goodbye, Sunset!” Spike whispered, before her flank had vanished completely.

“Spike! Spike!” Twilight kept shouting from her room, sitting on a table at the light of her own horn, illuminating the shadow of the night:

“What’s with all the fuss?” the boy complained, arriving, dragging his precious blanket along with him:

“What’s this?” she insisted, waving a piece of paper in the air:

“It looks like a note”

“Who left it?”

“Must have been Sunset, she was here looking for you yesterday and decided to leave this morning, even if I have insisted on her staying here a few more hours”

“You mean Sunset, as in the actual Sunset?!”

“The one and only”

“Spike, why didn’t you say anything about this sooner, do you realize how important this is to me?!”

Having said these things, Twilight left the room, spreading her wings, with an expression of both agitation and happiness on her face, while letting the very piece of paper that had lead to all of that commotion, fall on the ground; written on it, there were the words: “Thank you!”, right next to which there was the drawing of a small heart and that of a familiar setting sun cutie mark.

Comments ( 4 )

this ending is the one i like most.because it really shows how much twilight and sunset care for each other.i know a lot of readers like sci-twi and sunset but for me princess twilight and sunset equal best couple. once again thank you for this great story.

i like the most, too. *sigh* i always have the same feelings, somepony used to close to you fades from your life. and... anyway, it's so real and i like it. thank you.

Great! Seems I did the right thing writing this extra chapter, then! Thank you a lot for reading and get ready for our newest story.

Have to agree with you, actually, I've always been feeling Twilight had to get her space back in her relationship with Sunset, but I suppose they wanted to make the EG an series indipendent from the pony world, when they Sci-Twi to the main six

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