• Published 27th Jan 2018
  • 1,117 Views, 10 Comments

Surprise! - Nailah

It's Spitfire's birthday and Soarin decides to take on the role of leader for a day, while he has Rainbow Dash distract Spitfire with a test of skills between the two before the big surprise.

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Chapter 2: A Distraction Tactic

“Man, I hate all this paperwork. I really miss the academy right about now.” spoke Spitfire as she was still shifting through this week's paperwork. She had managed to get through about half of it, when Rainbow Crash came bursting in the door. She lowered her sunglasses towards her with a raised glance.

“Can I help you Crash?” she asked as she picked up the pile that was finished, shuffling them all neatly together, and placing them over in a file folder to be mailed out tomorrow morning.

“Yeah...I was hoping you and I could get some practice in, and I've been dying to show you this new trick I learned.” smiled Rainbow. Which none of this was a lie, she really always did look forward to showing off her skills to the boss. She admired Spitfire and she wanted to show her that. Besides she wasn't sure how else to distract her, so she simply went with her gut on this one.

“You realize I don't have time for that right? See this stack of papers? I have important Wonderbolt business to attend to. I don't have time for fun and games.” replied Spitfire defensively. Though inside she did want to see what Rainbow Dash had learned, this kid was an amazing recruit and the fact she was the only one ever to do a Sonic Rainboom was beyond spectacular but she couldn't let that show on her face, as a leader she had to remain focused, calm and level headed. Most importantly, she had to look out for her team and if these papers didn't get done who knows what would become of them. As much as she often loathed it, it had to be done and she highly doubted any of them would step forward to do it.

“Aww come on Spitfire! You have got to see it. Unless you're scared that I might be better than you now.” smirked Rainbow Dash. Rainbow easily knew how to really get her attention, by challenging her. A test of skills, to find out who was the better Wonderbolt.

“Listen, Crash you know I'm leagues ahead of you. I'll admit you really have impressed me on multiple occasions, that doesn't make you better than me.” began Spitfire.

She had her now, she just had to fuel that competitive side in her. Besides, Dash knew as well as anyone that not even Spitfire wanted to sit around all day doing boring paperwork. I mean come on, who would? Maybe Twilight...no totally Twilight. She just nodded her head.

“Rainbow?” questioned Spitfire. “Is there something you actually needed to ask or are we done here?”

“I already told you, I have a new trick to show you and not just that but I think I'm better than you.” replied Rainbow Dash.

Typicial Crash, cocky, and confident, it's what made her such a good flyer, but there was more to being a Wonderbolt than that. You had to have the skill sets of a leader and not even Spitfire was sure she was quite there yet for the longest time, but her skills as a flyer put her far ahead of most of her recruits. Certainly not above her own level though. She couldn't simply let Crash think she had the advantage here. She smiled towards her as she responded.

“Alright Crash, you're on, on one condition,” began Spitfire. “If I win, you have to finish the rest of the pile here by the end of the night.”

“Deal.” replied Rainbow Dash without even a second's hesitation. She gulped, she could so do this. Her idol...she could so beat her in ten seconds flat.

“Confident, I like that. It won't score you any bonus points during our race though. Alright, first one to Ponyville and back wins, sound fair to you? But to spice it up, fifty laps.” suggested Spitfire.

“Hmm...you're on.” replied Rainbow Dash. This was perfect, she didn't expect a thing out of the normal. Now she just had to win because she didn't want to have to do that paperwork...

Spitfire decided the two of them would start the race from the weather factory, located right in Cloudsdale, and away from Wonderbolts Headquarters.

“Alright Rainbow Crash you understand the rules? Fifty laps, first one to cross this line wins.” explained Spitfire as she drew a line into the clouds.

“Sure, got it. Now come on let's get going already.” replied Rainbow ready to show her just what she was made of. She wasn't about to let Spitfire think she was better just because she was the leader. I mean come on that was like saying Twilight was better than her just cause she was an alicorn now. Pfft!

“Ready....Set...Go!” announced Spitfire and the two of them both took off into the sky, flying at top speed, though Spitfire allowed Rainbow Dash to think she was ahead of her for now. After all fifty laps was a lot of flying. She knew from experience that she needed to take her time but remain at a consistent speed. Rainbow would likely breeze through the first twenty five laps and would begin to feel the burn, where she would pace herself. Though out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Surprise heading towards Ponyville, she couldn't help but wonder why she was going there but she wouldn't worry about it now, after all she had a race to win. With a grin she continued on, not thinking much about what she had witnessed.

Rainbow couldn't help but glance back to see where Spitfire was, and she was like ten paces or so behind her. With a grin she flew by even faster. This was so easy but wait what if she went too fast? Ugh...why did this have to be so hard? Oh forget it, all she was going to do was win this race then she could worry about everything else later.

Finally, the final lap was coming up, Rainbow Dash was exhausted. She wasn't sure how much longer her wings would carry her. She had used up nearly all of her reserved energy and just when she thought she had won, Spitfire blew by her crossing the finish line first. Nooooooooo!!!!!

Spitfire smirked as she looked back towards Rainbow Dash as she patted her shoulder.

“I hope you enjoy paperwork and it had better all be done by morning. Now if you'll exuse me I'm going to go get a well deserved massage.” replied Spitfire. She couldn't help but love the look on her face. Someday, Crash might understand just exactly why she was such a good leader and why she would never lose to her.