• Published 24th Jan 2018
  • 796 Views, 15 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree: Hearts, Hooves and Heat - headdie

In telling a story, there are many side stories. This is one such side story Between a friend of Wondering Sunrise's named Chifundo and his budding romance with A unicorn mare feeling past her prime

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Part 3: With a Cross Stitch and a Quick Stitch

After an hour of showering and grooming, merely 45 minutes more than I planned, I stepped out of the showers scrubbed raw and groomed within an inch of my life. Looking around I could see the settlement clock and that I had over an hour before my date. Deciding that I should look for the group I followed the clock to the centre of the settlement’s public area, a Market with a mixture of stalls and shanty shops.

Looking around I couldn't see anyone I knew so decided to head to the clinic. Walking past a shop selling books I nearly fell over with a bump, taking a glance down I saw Sunrise sat on her haunches rubbing her head at the centre of a scattering of items. Bowing I made my apologies, “You have my apologies for the Surprise, for I did not see you little Sunrise.” as the fillie dusted herself off I helped pick up the curious selection of items she had been carrying.

“It's alright Chifundo, getting ready for your date?” Sunrise asked me while she checked that everything was in place.

“I believe I am ready indeed, unless you think more I need?” I replied while Sunrise looked me up and down with an expression I found curious.

The filly sighed, “Chifundo, go inside that tailor shop, I'll be back in a second.” I tilted my head sideways a little and she motioned in that insistent way that spoke beyond her waking days giving me little choice but to do as she instructed. Making sure I entered the shop she disappeared for a short while.

For now I was in a tailors, which despite its wasteland construction was decorated in a way which spoke of refinement and elegance, an attention to detail rarely seen. A unicorn ghoul in a well made black suit jacket over a high collared powder blue shirt worked away on a dress they were making over a pony manakin, the gown was a simple design of off white fabric with sparse details which on their own would be inconsequential but together gave the whole a sophisticated beauty which on the right mare would be stunning.

As I stood admiring the tailor’s work he spoke up, “Can I help you? Or do you plan to stand there and watch until I close soon?”

I almost jumped despite the tailors soft request, though his voice affected by his years as a ghoul, the smooth tones and refined mannerisms still remained in the background, this ghoul probably saw the spells hit, probably once had a place of respect.

“Ah... yes... I was hoping you could advise, something so tonight's date does not chastise.” I managed with an embarrassed grin and a hoof scratching the back of my head, trying not to blush too hard.

“Hmmm, one of those zebra I see, well tonight doesn’t leave me much time but let's see what I can do,” The ghoul spoke with an over emphasised sigh, gesturing the turntable his mannequin was on as he lifted it off, “Come on, hop hop, we don't have all night and I don't have anything in for your unusual colouration so this will be a custom piece and the chance to work my magic like I haven't in a long time.” The ghoul’s manner had in those seconds turned from a cool professionalism to something approaching joy, I think at the chance to work on something that wasn't the wasteland norm.

Carefully I stood on the indicated turntable, no sooner had I steadied myself the thing started jerking this way and that. Several tape measures playing across my body as the unicorn ghoul’s practiced art allowed him to measure me up, record the measurements while laying templates and samples against me in rapid succession; the display would have been impressive if it wasn't for the fact that I was at its centre and trying to remain still was proving a challenge.

As one measure went up the inside of my hind legs brushing against a rather sensitive of me causing a flush despite my present situation the door of the shop opened admitting Sunrise. The tailor glanced in her direction without so much as slowing down, “Yes little mare what can I help you with?”

Sunrise paused for a second, seemingly lost in thought before answering the ghoul, “Oh nothing, should I help pick out stuff for my friend and his date here?”

The ghoul looked at Sunrise quizzically, then appraisingly and after a moment spoke up “Is she your date? Isn't she a bit young?”

Queue furious blushing in my stripes, Sunrise on the other hoof slumped to the floor laughing causing myself and the tailor to look at each other with raised eyebrows, between bursts of giggling the filly managed “Oh, No no no no” and as she calmed down “I needed that, thank you...” looking up at the ghoul as she slowly climbed back to her feet.

Slowly getting the hint the ghoul introduced himself, “I am the great one and only, Cross Stitch! Renowned across...” He trailed off for a brief moment, “Well I suppose after 180 years I am not renowned as I used to be. But yes, Cross Stitch will do.” in that moment I could hear the pride Cross Stitch had in his name, the memories of what he had once achieved and a hint of resignation that the wastes no longer held awe for the achievements of himself and those like him.

It was Sunrise’s turn raise an eyebrow as she chuckled anew, “We have a stallion named Quick Stitch, I assume no relation?” And like that, almost on queue, Quick Stitch walked in. Quick Stitch’s arrival prompted another giggle from the filly who was riding high on the moment, something she needed with all the horrors the innocent youngster had been subjected to in recent days.

Quick Stitch’s arrival also seem to send a new idea racing through her head as she looked at me, then Cross Stitch, then Quick Stitch and back to me, “Chifundo, would you prefer a suit like Cross Stitch or something more like what I'd wear to a date?” Her eyes betrayed the tease she had aimed at me, wait, did she know? When did she look, the clinic?

Either way, Cross Stitch certainly did look! lifting my tail making me very uncomfortable causing my back end to shift and my stripes to flush again. When the tailor had finished and released my tail I clamped it down hard as I could, while my mixed gender is not embarrassing to me I find it less troublesome to keep it out of conversation and present myself as entirely a stallion, there is however a difference between discussing the topic and having a stranger lift my tail and stare at my rear lips without being invited!

Cross Stitch however only seemed mildly affected if at all as he lifted several new patterns and floating them over to me pressing them against my rear half, “Don't worry, I will measure you for both and fashion something that will be quite stunning. Wait, who is your date?”

“With Picline I am due to dine.” I managed past my embarrassment.

“OH! Picline! Well then, I shall have to make sure something special is ready for her to see!” just like with the lovers in the shower, Picline’s name seem to bring joy to Cross Stitch’s life, it seemed new life had been breathed into the old ghoul’s body “I have the very reason of inspiration now! A blending of the best gala dress mixed with the front of a gentlecolt suit! A truly unique piece!” He declared and scissors began to furiously cut away at fabrics.
“Is, Chifundo going to be wearing a dress or a suit?” Quick Stitch asked as I struggled to stay still for the freshly animated tailor, the effort strippng me of words as I eyed shears and needle the subject of my combined male and female biology still causing a slight flush
“Apparently if I understood Cross Stitch right, both,” the rest of the conversation was lost to me as I was forced to concentrate on maintaining my balance and answer Cross Stitche’s questions.

As time went on, Nyota arrived and Sunrise left, then after a short time and quick discussions with Cross Stitch both Nyota and Quickstitch also left after speaking briefly to the Tailor, Quick Stitch needing feathers for a plush toy for Nuka Nugget back in Silver Fang Shanty.

For my dinner attire, First was a stiff collared white shirt, then a green and white tartan patterned skirt which reached to my back knees with what Cross Stich was pleased to note discrete cuts and layers to allow trouble free access should the need arise. Over the shirt went a sharp, black waistcoat with white pinstripes; then a black jacket with tails reaching just past my own, all finished with a pink fedora, for contrast Cross Stitched explained joyfully. Into the ensemble was sewn pouches for caps, holster for my 9mm pistol under the jacket and breast pocket with a white handkerchief on the left side.

Paying Cross Stitch for his expert work, I stepped out of his shop feeling very over dressed for my surroundings, that said, a quick glance at the main clock said I had just enough time to reach the clinic if I got a move on.