• Published 26th Jan 2018
  • 4,586 Views, 107 Comments

A Broken Mirror - Ma Zedong

[Cancelled] During the Changeling invasion, Chrysalis discovers an ancient mirror-prison and decides to test it on Twilight and Cadance. An AU Canterlot Wedding focused on Twilight, Cadance, Sunset, and their efforts to get back to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 3: In Which Sunset Gets Bugged

As Sunset moved the last of the boxes back into place, she began to grumble to herself. Everything had changed so fast and, while she had already come up with multiple ways to turn these changes to her advantage, for every new advantage there was a new and pressing issue. She now had two 'sisters' who could be powerful allies if Sunset kept playing her cards right. That also meant, though, that she now had two more people to take care of. Two more mouths to feed, bodies to clothe, and shelters to furnish. The two former-equines' reaction to the condition of Sunset's "hideout" had only served to remind Sunset of just how difficult living would be for the next few months if a new portal back to Equestria wasn't forthcoming.

Sunset had managed to scrape by and, through ruthless tenacity, even begin to thrive in the world that she'd been dropped into, but now all kinds of new variables were coming into play. She turned a mix of tutoring, bullying, and outright blackmailing into a somewhat reliable source of income, and had even become fiscally confident enough to consider making a down-payment on a small apartment, but whatever she made now was nowhere near enough to support three people.

That wasn't even to consider that Sunset's primary sources of income nowadays, bullying and blackmailing, were now potentially no-goes. While she had no qualms about taking from her lessers, she knew that doing so now would only raise tension between her and her potential allies. She'd probably have to go back to tutoring, and hope that Cadance and Twilight had some serviceable skills to make their own money...

She filed those thoughts away as something to address with them later, and pulled a small and slightly-beaten flip phone from one of her pockets. She fiddled with it for a few seconds, then raised it to her ear. "Hey Thornton, you free today? Yes, business not pleasure... Yes, it is always business with me... I've got two 'sisters' living with me that need some papers... I'll explain it when I meet with you in person, it's a bit complicated... No, they don't know where I'm going... I took a few pictures of them, if you give them a touch-up it should be fine... You can? That'll work. See you in a bit."

She hung up and began her trek towards the nearest shopping district. It wasn't the cleanest or safest part of town, but it had everything she would need for a relatively low cost. As she walked, she continued to think about implications of what had happened. She couldn't help but smirk at the thought that, though the next few days, weeks, or months would be hard on her, she would be able to return to Equestria in triumph. If things were going as bad as Cadance had implied they were, Sunset could even come out of this as Equestria's savior, while Celestia would forever be tarnished by her failure. It was, in short, exactly the kind of opportunity that Sunset needed, and it already more than made up for whatever pain it would cause her.

After a few minutes of walking, Sunset finally made it to her first destination, a run-down apartment complex one block from the shopping district. She walked her way up to room 213, taking care not to trip on the lopsided metal stairs on the way. Once there, she gave the placid blue door her customary knocks, which Thornton had insisted be done to the rhythm of some funk song he listened to obsessively.

Almost as soon as she'd completed the knock, the door flung open to reveal a tall, thin man with dark grey skin and piercing blue eyes. This would make an imposing combination, Sunset figured, if Thornton hadn't decided to dye his hair lime green and start wearing flamboyantly colored suits soon after he'd met her. Today, Sunset noted with some slight satisfaction, he was wearing a relatively modest orange two-piece suit and matching fedora. 'At least it isn't teal this time...'

Sunset's thoughts were interrupted as Thornton leaned through the doorframe and sang, "Sunny, are you okay? Are you okay--" she shoved a hand onto his mouth to stop him from finishing his verse.

Despite having a hand shoved into his face, Thornton continued to stare at Sunset, eyes betraying the smile that Sunset's hand now concealed. Sunset stared back for a few seconds, unamused, before pulling her hand away. "You know, that's only the ninth time you've tried to greet me like that. Maybe the tenth time I'll actually laugh."

"Oh, I sure hope so! Ah, what am I doing, keeping you waiting out here? Come in, come in! Sorry about the mess, if I'd had a bit more time I'd have cleaned up more" Thornton said, ushering Sunset in while simultaneously trying to push a stack of pizza boxes further into the corner of his apartment. As Sunset stepped inside, she took a quick look around to confirm that, yes, it was a mess, not that she was surprised at this point. How Thornton managed to keep all of his suits so clean in a room with so much dust, Sunset couldn't begin to guess.

Sitting down on the faded red couch-- after whipping cheese dust from her spot, of course-- Sunset pulled out her phone and pulled up a photo of her new 'sisters'. After shoving a few more pieces of junk into the corner, Thornton plopped down next to Sunset and leaned over her shoulder, "Ah, so those are your sisters, yes? Are they little horseys like you? I can't imagine why else you'd come to me for something like this."

Sunset groaned, "Yes, they're also 'little horseys', and they're going to help me get back to 'magical mirror horsey land'. I thought I told you to never bring that stuff up again."

Thornton leaned back, "Well, you did tell me, I just thought you meant to never bring it up in public."

"And I've been in public with you... when?" Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow towards Thornton.

Thornton scratched his neck, "Err... When I met you?"

"A dark alleyway is not a public place!" Sunset said, staring a hole into Thornton's head.

Thornton leaned back further from Sunset's stare and tried valiantly not to sweat on his clean suit, "Well... It was behind Public's Deli, that has to count for something, right?"

"That just... Ugh," Sunset massaged her temples, "This is all besides the point. These two girls came from the same place that I did, wherever you think that actually is, and they need papers and disguises."

Seeing that Sunset wasn't going to bruise his elbow (again), Thornton relaxed and looked back over Sunset's shoulder at the phone. "So I understand why you need the papers, but why the disguises? Did they have a run-in or something?"

Sunset hesitated. On one hand, Thornton was the only one who knew the truth about Sunset's homeland, and showing him that her 'sisters' were exact doppelgangers for two locals might finally convince him that it was more than just the mad ramblings of a starving teenager. On the other hand, did it even matter? Maybe if she...

"Sunny are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Su-- Ack!" Thornton recoiled back as Sunset punched him in the elbow.

"Tenth time wasn't the charm either. They need disguises because, like I've told you before, there are mirror versions of everyone here. I need them to look as different front these people as possible, alright? I really don't care if you believe me." Sunset said, flipping to the pictures she'd saved of the human world's Twilight and Cadance.

Thornton rubbed his chin, "Hmm... I do see the resemblance, though I think some of my cousins could probably do just as good with a bit of makeup... Well, either way, I can work up some disguises..." he furrowed his brow, "You said they were your sisters, correct?" Sunset nodded, after which Thornton continued, "Well... I don't really see much family resemblance..."

Sunset raised an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure your family is an exception to the rule, Thornton. Most people I know look almost nothing like their siblings."

Thornton looked up at Sunset, "Well... If that's how you want it to be, that's how I'll put it down on paper. Don't blame me if somebody gets suspicious, though! Anyways, I can work up some disguises and get their papers together, but what's in it for me?"

Sunset did the best pout she could manage, "Come on, isn't this what you do now? Help poor unfortunate souls like myself to find new hope?"

Thornton stared at her "Well yes, but you could at least hang out with me every once and a while with how much I've done for you at this point. I just want to know how things are up... going... hanging! How about... We go down to the second-hand store and pick up some supplies for your friends' disguises, and then you introduce me to them while I help them change their looks? I rarely get to meet the people I help nowadays."

"I'll go with you to buy disguises, but I don't think having you meet them is such a great idea..." Sunset said after some deliberation.

"And why not? You know I'd never harm a fly!" Thornton said, staring even more intently.

"It's not you", Sunset said, flipping back to the picture of her 'sisters', "You see in this picture, the bruises they have? It was Changelings that caused that. If they found out you're also a Changeling, they'd want to turn you in immediately."

Thornton's expression softened, "Was a Changeling. I can understand the concern, though. How about... I get you the disguises and papers, and sometime later you introduce me to them, discreetly. Not as Thornton, the document-forger who helped get you on your feet, but as Thornton, that weird friend you found in a Public's dumpster. Or Thornton, that guy you play tennis with. I don't know, you've always been much better at making up convincing lies than I have."

"... I think I'll go with the dumpster story, actually. The closer it is to the truth, the better. I just won't mention any of the illegal things you've done for me. If they figure you out, it's your fault though," Sunset said, rising from the couch, "The photos I have on my phone will work for their IDs, right?"

Thornton raised an eyebrow, "Err... No?"

Sunset looked back at him, "And why not?"

"Well, you have a picture of two ladies who look exactly like other people in this city, and are asking me to make disguises that make them look not like that, so if I make the IDs before they have disguises, their IDs simply wouldn't match up. Not to mention the horrible lighting... I'll probably need to take the picture myself, after they have disguises, if they're going to have proper papers." Thornton said from the couch.

"Well... I probably need to have them before Monday if they end up going to Canterlot High with me. If we get the disguises right now, and I introduce them to you tomorrow, could you get the papers ready by then?", Sunset said, rubbing her chin.

"Well... Probably, it'll be a bit of a rush-job though. Maybe you could buy me a new suit while we're shopping at the thrift store to make up for it..." Thornton said, awkwardly ribbing Sunset as he did so.

"Don't push your luck, I'm gonna need all the money I can get just to feed and clothe those two. Shopping"? Sunset said, heading towards the door.

"Fair enough, shopping." Thornton said as he went to follow Sunset out. As he was about reach for the door handle, though, he suddenly felt his head become bare. Looking to the side, he saw Sunset fling his orange, purple-feathered fedora to the other side of the room.

"I'll go shopping with you, but only if you look decent. You aren't a pimp."

Author's Note:

Well, it's been a while hasn't it? Certainly longer than I would have liked.

Use of 'Thornton' is blatantly copied from inspired by River Road's Two in Exile. I read it a few months ago and the idea seemed too brilliant to not use. I'm giving him my own spin, though, which is hopefully quite evident. So, why is this chapter shorter than the others? Two main reasons: One, I promised to have this out by the end of today, and then hit a few snags in actually writing it out. Two, I hit the point I wanted to end at, as the shopping sequence wouldn't have added anything to the story.

Interested in being a prereader? Hit me up through PM.

"那我们让太阳马代表美国的资产阶级,所以..." - Mao Zedong

Comments ( 29 )

... I published and then realized I had written "Thorax" instead of "Thornton" eight separate times. If you saw the word "Thorax" and thought you were seeing things, nah.

Sight, ok why is he a changeling? the name of the band? a slang in eqg world?

I tried to imply it a bit through dialogue, but my take is that Changelings in the Equestria Girls world are a crime family that has a focus in such things as identity theft, forgery, and seduction schemes. I could have given them a different name, but I'm not sure what that really would have added over "Changeling", which I think does work if you consider it as an informal name for a criminal organization.

I’ve seen enough EQG fics to know that Changelings in that context are usually some sort of criminal organization like the Mafia.

Woot! New chapter! Have to admit it feels a little short but considering how you said you hit a few snags writing this its fine, better small but awesome chapter on time then a long rushed chapter late. Thornton was rather enjoyable to read and I loved seeing Sunset trying to spin this to her advantage.

Though word of advice, if your going to have Sunset remark about how she is going to use this to her advantage, maybe go into a little more detail on how she plans to do that, and what roles Twilight and Cadence are to play in those plans. I've got more to say but I'll pm you the rest.

Edit: Just checked and this story is currently one of the featured fics on the opening page.

I see what you mean, though I prefer it when the fanon just expands logically on what we already know from canon and merely makes up new stories with the characters, not the characters themselves (though I'm fine with it when it's a completely background character who isn't supposed to matter much in the canon, like Derpy or something). For example, most fics with Starlight Glimmer that I've read didn't have to make anything up, they just follow her canon depiction because it's sufficient to make a good character. Though you probably have a better impression of her backstory than people who've seen it in the show first, since that was delivered pretty underwhelmingly. Still, though, there's at least enough information to piece her motivation and thought processes of the past together.

It was kind of a blow to my enjoyment of Sunset when I realized that the whole image I've had of her character was formed mostly from fanfics. You do manage to make her interesting very well, undoubtedly, so it's a good read even with my personal biases.

...oh, you sneaky little–
Now I have to finish up the next chapter of my own story! :trixieshiftleft:

Also, where did you get the transcript for said unfinished chapter because I absolutely refuse to believe that reference was a coincidence.

All according to 计划*

Also, now I really want to know what coincidental reference I made... Even more reason to get you to finish that next chapter, I guess.

*计划 means plan


Wow. Thornton has terrible fashion sense. Rarity would cry.


That was a great chapter, although your edit knocked it off my unread stories list thanks to a persistent fimfic bug (I think it has to do with unpublishing and republishing, but I'm not sure since I haven't written anything here). Anyways, your Sunset is amazing, and I'm really liking Thornton as well. I'm definitely looking forwards to seeing how he gets along with the others in the next chapter, especially since I don't see him keeping his changeling identity a secret for long.

Sunset raised an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure your family is an exception to the rule, Thornton. Most people I know look almost nothing like their siblings."

:derpytongue2: The thought that the EQG changelings look odd for having a familial semblance to each other is a funny thought. :trollestia:

Yeah... that did not come across in the text. Given the context, it sounded more like Thornton had gone through the portal himself, even if that made no sense.

In any case, an intriguing story you have here. A bit exposition-heavy at times, but I look forward to seeing where you go with it.

The "Geodes" only exist, due to the Dimensional Leakage from a mostly repaired statue pedestal (as implied by the pseudocredits scene), so I don't see that source of Magic happening yet.*

The Sirens only became a concern, because the existence of Equestrian Magic jumpstart revived their ambitions, so it's hard to see that becoming a noticeable issue.

I think, as long as a hypothetical future redeemed Sunset doesn't stick around for Wallflower to get snippy about, she won't discover the Memory Stone in the School Garden just yet.

*EDIT: so, after Mirror Magic, we now know that the leakage didn't necessarily become the Geodes, or only became the Geodes (the amateur geologist in me dies a little everytime). Okay, that's fine.

How long until the next chapter is ready?.

wait so he isn’t a changeling ah.
Oh wait a second this is the last updated chapter.

Why was this cancelled?


That's why it's called au (alternate universe) things are supposed to be different if they aren't then its not a alternate universe.

I mean, sure, if you want to get lazy, then any difference, even if it doesn't make any kind of sense, sure; make a Hebrew character a Nazi, even if it doesn't make any kind of internal sense, because AU! That'll get me views!

Look, all I'm saying, is that most of those magical artifacts or characters don't need to be worried about just ye-

>Status: Cancelled

... wut?

Why does it seem like every single time I find something good that's about exploring the villains and heroes from a different direction, such as an alliance or villainous interest, that it gets cancelled or just falls apart? This is the third damn time!:twilightangry2:

I get Zedong's reasons for stopping, but damn it does it bum me out:ajsleepy:

Well this was a fun short reed, even if it has been cut short. Been playing with similar ideas myself, giving Sunset a more slow burn redemption through circumstances. Guess there's sort of an idea in my head that in cannon she tries to discard everything she used to be and strive for to redeem herself and I don't like that so much. Ambition and cunning aren't evil after all.

Damn, this was such an interesting idea to explore, it's a real shame it ended up cancelled.

Who knows if We Lucky it will be come undead

Every time I find a really, really good villain Sunset fic with backstory and the like it gets cancelled in some form, damn.

Welp, if we're lucky the story might continue/get rewritten/what have you.

The guy wasn't even online since 2019. Yeah, not much chance for a reboot, sorry.

What a pity you missed a great opportunity to write a great story. It is a pity that you left and decided to put an end to history.

Why is cancelled? I hope yoi reboot it

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