• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2017
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Hades Shadow 92

Writer of Fallout Equestria stuff, and occassionally other stuff. Just a friendly Zony, who loves a good story.

Comments ( 110 )

Well, you're off to an interesting start, I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

Thank you. I'm glad I've caught your attention. I hope everyone will enjoy it.

I am pretty sure that it was first the massacre, then the war, but I could be wrong

Yea no... Sorry but why would anyone go to the enemy and ask them to help build your bunker? That would be like a guy running a drug lab calling to the police, asking them to check his gear out and all was sat up properly. That, and the fact that we get a really really dry exposition dumb thrown at us after going trough a prologue that already explained stuff, sadly made me give up on this story when "the guardian" was mentioned and how our main character undoubtedly are gonna end up as one of those things.

Sorry your not enjoying it. Also not sure what you mean by going to the enemy and asking to build a bunker. Stable 100 was founded by a pony corporation and a tribe of zebras working together to bring back the Trial of the Stars, and the Guardians along with it. They paid Stable-tec to build it because they had the knowledge and the technology. Not all Zebra tribes were with the Caesar during the war. And more information about Guardians and the Trial will be released in future chapters. I didn’t want to just throw it all at you guys in one long explanation. I hope you give me another chance as I hope to improve over time.

The war was declared over coal shipments, but neither side were particularly invested and both armies tried to keep casualties to a minimum. This went on for about a decade, being more of a cold war than anything.

Then a group of zebra (working for a cult worshipping the Eater of Souls) bombed Luna's school with Pink Cloud, which also killed a bunch of zebra refugees the school had been assisting, and set fire to old Hoofington. This event caused Celestia to leave the throne to Luna in grief, who starting throwing everything into the war effort in rage. Luna's rise to the throne fuelled the zebra fear of the stars, causing them to throw everything they had at the forces of 'Nightmare Moon'.

It's only at that point that the ministries happened, and the war we know it to be truly began.

dude first impressions are key and you got me hook, line, and sinker

Simultaneously the best, and worst chapter I've edited.

Nice, Hades. Nice.

For some reason I thought he would get a sawed off

Its a decent close range weapon. He prefers close range, so I figured it would be a good starting gun. I hope you're enjoying the story.

Good story and it is a good starting weapon only downfall is 2 shells

Haha! I knew it! Stable 100 was stormed by Salamamdra!

And frankly the Overmares are idiots, woukd be safer to send a small group than a loner.

Well they didn’t want to draw attention to the Stable with a group. Plus they figured it would be an easy, “track down and eliminate” mission. Doesn’t work out that way

I see you liked the small reference to Witcher 1. Wasn’t entirely intentional at first but still came out that way.

What’d you think of the cloaked mare? Who or what is she? How does she know Shadow?

She is the best part yet, she is like a masochistic Rampage. And more Rampage is always good.

Chapter 10 was my favourite thus far. Excellent visuals, good environment and interesting characters.

What is the relationship between the thestral and the bloodwings?

Nothing honestly. She had gone into the cave to hide. Not saying who or what from, but she picked a bad place to hide.

Also, what do you think of Ratchet? I enjoy writing dialogue for him.

Not a bad character, got his own sensible and quirky personality going on. I haven't played the Ratchet & Clank games however, how much of a copy is he?

The quirky and a bit clumsy at times attitude, talent with machines, habit of blowing things up. I always enjoyed the character and when I needed an engineer/tinkerer character, he was the first to come to mind

Of course he runs off in the middle of the night like idoit:facehoof:

He didn’t want to put them in danger. It doesn’t concern them.

I know but it's still stupid
Because its the wasteland

He has to learn the hard way. You need friends in the Wasteland

Yep i can't wait to see how he get hurt this time

Only took a black eye and being beaten like a piñata XD

And there’s the fun question. Why didn’t she kill him? She could have, easily.

Im guessing that she was told not to.
Here's a better one who told her not to kill him

You know what Ratchet needs? Mines, or improvised traps for that matter. Something that keeps ferals and other beasts from just strolling into them. And it is quite impressive for Moonlight to survive on her own in the wasteland, unarmed and without being used to killing things. Hm, can't remember if it has been touched upon. But does she eat meat? Does Ratchet? Does Shadow?

Comment posted by Hades Shadow 92 deleted Feb 5th, 2020

He will use mines later. He was broke when Shadow met him. Moonlight’s inexperience will come up next chapter. Also Ratchet eats meat. Moonlight is a fruit bat. And Shadow is from a stable, and was kinda disgusted by it back in Hydra Junction.

This fic is amazing, I enjoyed reading to this point and hope for more!

Silver Platter got served some justice.

Rather cold and brutal justice

Yup, just the way the Wasteland likes it...cold and hard...

I just hope MoonlightS okay.

Darkest yet, that would be an understatement. It could even use content warning due to the sudden escalation.

Shadow got a little carried away. And it will come back to bite him in the flank.

While was a bit of a over reaction in the there he was right in doing what he did in my opinion, but still he isn't a hero at least not yet anyway. Curious enclave thats something ,well time will only tell what mysteries this has in store.

Yep, Enclave. Think she’ll be grateful after they heal her?

What’d you think of the memory?

And who did Shadow see in the rain?

The memory is definitely something considering these people Erec are very suspicious and are probably connected to these mares somehow that are messing with are zony here but that just a theory.
The figure in the rain might have been a mirage or someone is shadowing them which i don't know which is more concerning.

Well the Dr is still alive and with ghouls thats something well good chap I hope to see more even if it takes a awhile

Thanks. Any thoughts on what is with these ghouls? Or what those electric clouds are?

And how about those raiders outside? Got a lead on Swift Saber finally XD

The ghouls sound like a experiment gone wrong to worse with the Dr may have making them more dangerous than the original ones especially when comes to magical radiation.
With the clouds all I can think is anomalies from stalker or metro and it probably has to with the radiation or with taint for I know.
With raiders tha5 was finally a break and starting on the path to find Saber and find out what is going on.

Two thoughts from me. Just who is Ratchet? He knows how memory orbs work, he has run into the Enclave before, and he acts like he is just a random mechanic. Yet he keeps knowing things. If anything, he is just as suspicious as Shadow is.

Comment posted by Miss Final Verse deleted Feb 14th, 2022
Comment posted by Hades Shadow 92 deleted Oct 17th, 2022
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