• Published 4th Feb 2018
  • 2,890 Views, 28 Comments

All Hail Prince Rumble! - Stratocaster

One of Ponyville's youngsters gets the job of a lifetime.

  • ...


Chapter 3: Secrecy?

As Rumble sat at the polished mahogany desk in the study, mindlessly flipping through parchment documents, the very thought of watching paint dry was growing ever more thrilling. The royal sisters had put him on paperwork duty in order to help adjust him to the tasks of nobility. At first, Rumble became distressed at the idea of handling important political documents. But in reality, the job only came down to filing each wall of text into 'decreed' or 'non-decreed'. This took up a good eight hours of his day.
Rumble looked out of the tall window to his side. The private study had a view of the nearby public street outside the castle wall. He watched as the local foals of Canterlot played a game of cricket in the street. Rumble longed for the kind of childlike fun that he used to have before being swept up by destiny. Little did he know that cricket was the only sport allowed in Canterlot as it provided no chance of injury or rousing excitement whatsoever.
But as Rumble drifted off, the door opened and he snapped to attention. A royal guard entered the study carrying a rolled up newspaper in his hoof.

"Paper for you, my prince." The guard said in the same typical monotonous drone as all the others. "The Foal Free Press, just as you requested."

"Thanks, Saber," said Rumble as he took the paper on the desk. "I've been waiting to hear about what's been going on back in Ponyville lately."

"My name is Cutlass, sir." The guard corrected flatly. "And you're welcome."

"Say, I've been thinking," said Rumble. "You guards are all supposed to escort royalty to places outside the castle, right?"

"Of course, my prince." Cutlass answered. "You can never be too careful."

"Well, I was wondering if you could come with me to the arcade today?" Rumble suggested diligently. "Or maybe the public pool? I'm almost done with these forms anyway and my stamping hoof is cramping up."

"I'm sorry, my prince," replied Cutlass. "But our order are not to let you leave the premises while the princesses are on official business in the Crystal Empire. It is a rule that there must be a standing monarch in the castle at all times."

"What?!" Rumble griped as he slumped forward over the desk. "What's the point of being a prince if you can't do whatever you want?! I can't just walk out of here?"

"You are free to stroll through the castle gardens, my prince." Cutlass suggested. "I'll guide you through the hedge maze if it gets too confusing for you."

"I already walked through that thing seven times!" sulked Rumble, as he unfolded the newspaper and browsed through. "And that creepy scarecrow in the middle is definitely not making it any more fun."

Cutlass darted his eyes in confusion. "...What scarecrow?"

"Hey look at this!" Rumble beamed as he looked at the paper. "The Wonderbolts are performing an aerial stunt show in Ponyville tomorrow! Ah I can't miss that! No doubt Big Bro will be performing!"

"If you'd like, sir," said Cutlass. "We can send a squire to bring back a detailed account of the show for you."

"Are you kidding?" retorted Rumble. "When am I gonna get another chance to see the Wonderbolts in my hometown? I gotta see this in person!"

"My apologies, my Prince. But rules are rules. I cannot let you go unless it is for official royal business."

"Ugh, this bites!" Rumble slumped back. But then, an idea hatched in his mind. "You said only for official business, right?"

"Yes I did, my prince." Cutlass nodded.

"Well, as a matter of fact," said Rumble, with a hint of deviousness. "I do have to meet with Mayor Mare of Ponyville tomorrow for, uh, princely duties."

"I see, sir." Cutlass said. "May I ask what for?"

"Um, I uh, er," Rumble rolled his eyes around the room and across his desk for an excuse. "I need more...pens! Yup, pens! I'm going to request a shipment of Ponyville pens for Canterlot!"

"You mean like the pen on your desk, sir?"

"...Uh, yeah! Er, sort of." Rumble stammered. "I need more- we need more ballpoint pens. These ink fountain pens are far too inconvenient. This situation must be remedied!"

"...Sounds good to me, my prince." Cutlass said, still emotionless. "Shall I set up an escort right away?"

"Uh no, make it tomorrow." Rumble said sheepishly. "You know, no rush or worry. I mean, it is just pens after all, heh heh."

"Very good, my prince. I shall be on my way now." Cutlass turned and exited, muttering to himself. "I hope it's not that haunted scarecrow from the old abandoned turnip farm."

The very next morning, Rumble was on his way back home in an attempt to disguise his momentary escape from royal life as official prince business. Unfortunately, as he now realized, this was going to be easier said than done. The Royal Guard had chartered him a gilded chariot piloted by two pegasi followed by several winged bodyguards. While the ride through the breeze was enjoyable, it dashed Rumble's hopes that he would enter Ponyville inconspicuously. After all, a prince doesn't enter a small town unannounced.
Rumble thought quickly. He was not compliant to watch the Wonderbolt exhibition with ponies flocking to his princeliness. He leaned over the front of the chariot and gave an order.

"Hey, uh, pilots?" he called. "Do you think you can land somewhere on the outside of town?"

"May I ask why, sir?" one of the pilots replied over the wind.

"Uh, well, I just want to, uh, stroll through the woods for a bit." Rumble lied. "I do miss the seasonal colors of my hometown after all."

"Right away, my prince." The other pilot said. "I too miss the color green."

Without hesitation, the chariot glided over the clouds above the Ponyville treetops and came to a soft landing in a random patch of grass by a dirt road. The team of escort guards also landed and formed a wide perimeter around their noble prince. Rumble stepped out of the chariot hoping to keep a low profile as he entered town. But he took no more than three steps before his cover was already blown.

"Rumble? Rumble!" came a familiar drawl.

"Apple Bloom?!" Rumble gawked as his old school friend came cantering up to him. He now noticed the Apple Family farm just a few yards up the road.

"Long time no see, pal!" gleamed the filly.

"Halt!" bellowed one of the guards as the entourage enclosed their circle around Rumble. "None shall approach the prince unannounced!"

"Are you guys serious?" glowered Rumble. "She's a friend of mine, and she's younger than me! Stand down!"

The spear-happy guards complied and broke their protective circle. Apple Bloom froze in her tracks and darted her eyes around in surprise.

"Tarnation!" she gasped. "Well well, 'Honorable Prince Rumble', you really gotten high n' mighty ever since ya left. What do ya need a gaggle o' guards for comin' to Ponyville anyway?"

"Believe me, it wasn't my idea." Rumble approached her. "Listen, Apple Bloom, you can't tell anypony that I'm here. I'm trying to keep a low profile."

"Well what are ya doin' back here in the first place?" asked Apple Bloom.

Rumble turned toward his guards, knowing that they were listening well despite their stoic nopony-at-home expressions. He was careful to keep his reuse up. "I'm, uh...I'm here to negotiate a shipment of pens from Mayor Mare...Official royal business..."

"Pens?" Apple Bloom looked confused. "Huh, maybe that's why Granny Smith was complainin' about tax dollars to the go'erment n' such. Whatever that means."

"Say, Apple Bloom," said Rumble. "Do you think I can come inside for some lemonade? The flight here made me pretty parched."

"I don't see why not!" smiled Apple Bloom. "It's great to see ya again, Rumble. I was afraid bein' a prince and everythin' was gonna sweep you up completely."

"Yeah, no kidding." Rumble muttered. "Guards, you guys stay out here until I come back. I'm pretty sure I'll be perfectly safe in my friend's home."

"As you wish, my prince!" a guard replied as the unit stayed put by the chariot, while the prince followed his non-royal chum to the farmhouse. They were prepared to stand there on alert for as long as they necessary.

When the two foals rounded the big red barn, Rumble pulled aside Apple Bloom out of view of the waiting escort. "Apple Bloom, I need you to help me." He said urgently. "I'm not really here for official royal business."

"Oh my gosh, I knew it!" said Apple Bloom with fright. "Yer on the lam, aren't ya?! You stole the crown jewels and came here to pawn 'em off!"

"What? No!" replied Rumble. "I just wanted to get out of the castle and have some fun, but the guards insisted on keeping me in that stuffy place. I heard my brother was doing a Wonderbolts show here and I had to see it. But I don't want everypony to notice the Prince of Equestria walking around in the open."

"Well whaddya expect?" Apple Bloom shrugged. "The whole town is gonna be in the park to watch the Wonderbolts. Somepony other than me is bound to see ya."

"Which is why I need you to find me a disguise." Rumble said. "I may not be able to hi to my big bro today, but I'll be darned if I don't see him and the Wonderbolts perform death defying stunts."

"Rumble this is just bananas!" retorted Apple Bloom. "I can't hide a prince in Ponyville. I'd get in even more trouble than you if you get caught!"

"Don't worry, I'll take the heat if that happens." Rumble assured her. "That being said, it might even get me kicked off the throne." He considered the possibility with delight. "But it's only until after the show, then I'll hightail it out of here back to Canterlot. I promise I won't be a burden, Apple Bloom. I'm only asking you to keep me in your barn until we get to the park. Please, Apple Bloom? I'm begging ya, not as a prince, but as a friend."

Apple Bloom looked at her new christened chum with concern. But she knew that she could not turn down the opportunity for him to see his brother for one day of normalcy. "Alright, Rumble," she sighed. "Wait here in the barn. I'll go see what clothes I can fetch ya."

"Thanks, Apple Bloom," smiled Rumble. "You're a life saver."

"It does sound kinda fun to harbor a runaway, though." Apple Bloom grinned. "Yeehaw! I'm a criminal!"

"Heh heh, yeah! Don't shout that!"

Over the next several minutes, Rumble sat on a bale of hay inside the large barn as he waited for his pal to bring him his disguise. Surprisingly, the feeling of the hay beneath him gave him a sense of comfort that the overstuffed pillows and bedspread in the castle could not offer. Even the ever present smell of manure felt like home to him. He lied back on the hay and tossed a few scattered nails into a faraway bucket. It seemed one could take the colt out of the country, but not the country out of the colt.
Before too long, Apple Bloom opened the barn door and entered, carrying an elaborate and brightly colored garment. Rumble stayed put in the hay, enjoying the rough comfort for as long as he could.

"I hate to break it to ya, Rumble," she said as she exhibited the article of clothing. "But it looks like yer gonna have to wear mah gala dress." She held a small, filly-sized green gown with glitter, shoulder pads and frills around the waistline.

"Ach, are you serious?" whined Rumble as he sat up. "Since when do you wear a dress, anyway?"

"Hey ya think I like wearin' this gaudy thing?" she replied. "Granny Smith only got me this for Apple Crumble and Strawberry Tartlet's weddin'. But since I haven't worn it since, at least nopony's gonna wonder why you're in my clothes."

"I guess, but are you sure you don't have anything else?" asked Rumble.

"Sorry, pardner, all my other two outfits are in the wash." Apple Bloom said. "So it looks like yer goin' as a girl today. Oh, and you'll also need to put on mah brother's lady wig."

"Alright fine, as long as I don't..." Rumble paused to consider that last remark. "...As long as I don't get recognized by anypony, I can put up with it." He took the wig and the dress. "Ooh, is this patterned silk? This waistline will look really slimming over my- oh cripes, I'm turning into a princess!"

"Apple Bloom! You in there, sugarcube?" came a voice from outside the barn.

"Aw shucks it's mah sister!" Apple Bloom turned to Rumble. "Quick! Hide behind the hay!"

Rumble bolted behind the stack of bales with the disguise in hoof. Sure enough, Applejack along with Big Macintosh opened the barn door and entered, looking around as if expecting to see somepony else in there.

"You alright, lil' sis?" asked Applejack. "Talkin' to yerself in the barn again? I told ya before, there're no aliens hidin' out in here."

"Nnope!" added Big Mac.

"That's not what I was doin'!" replied Apple Bloom. "Though I do think that the truth is still out there. But I was really just-"

"Achoo!" A sneeze came from behind the tower of hay, causing some of the stuff to blow away. Big Mac hunched down and began growling like an attack dog, pointing his muzzle toward the bale stacks.

"Alright now, show yerself!" ordered Applejack intimidatingly. "Come out here, ya trespasser!"

Apple Bloom bit her lip in anxiety, as cold silence fell for several seconds. Then, to the adult ponies' surprise, a nervous-looking gray filly in a flowing green dress stepped out from behind the hay. Applejack and Big Mac immediately let down their guard.

"Well lansanks!" came Applejack. "Now who might you be? You a new friend of Apple Bloom's here?"

"Uh, o'course she is!" said Apple Bloom sheepishly, as she put her hoof around her disguised runaway. "This is, uh, Rumblina! I was just showin' her around the farm."

Rumble desperately mustered up a fake filly's voice and spoke with a quiver. "Um, nice to meet you."

"Howdy, Rumblina!" smiled Applejack. "I haven't seen you around town before. Are ya new here?"

"Um...yes." Rumble squeaked. "I'm here for the Wonderbolts show. My bro- uh, my...daddy is one of them."

"Well that's just hunky dory!" said Applejack. "You must be a lucky gal. It's certainly not often we get famous folks like the Wonderbolts 'round Ponyville. Is it, Big Mac?"

Big Macintosh still stared at the "little filly" with sneaking suspicion. "Eeyup." He said absent-mindedly.

"So who's yer pop, Rumblina?" asked Applejack.

Rumble quickly racked through the list of full-time Wonderbolt members in his mind for an answer, knowing that saying Thunderlane would be right out. Unfortunately, he settled on an equally conspicuous choice. "Uh...Soarin'!"

Applejack shook her head in shock. "Soarin' has a daughter? Oh boy. Ain't gonna be fun bringin' that up to Rainbow Dash. Well anywho, it's good to meet ya, Rumblina! You and yer dad are welcome here for as long as ya like. I guess I'll be seein' ya at the stunt show in a little bit. You two play nice now!" She trotted away.

Big Mac did not follow her. Instead he lowered his head and took a closer look at Rumblina. He stared intently at the large, curled blonde wig resting upon her little head, which looked awful familiar to him.

"Uh hey, Big Mac," said Apple Bloom, breaking his concentration. "Don't tell AJ, but I think I saw some crop circles over in the wheat field!"

Suddenly, Big Mac sprung up in alarm and stampeded out of the barn with fright. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!" He shouted as he ran out of earshot.

"Phew!" came Apple Bloom. "Good thing mah sister is bad with faces. But mah brother almost recognized ya in his wig. You'd better not hang around him for much longer."

"No matter," replied Rumble, taking off the wig for a moment. "I just have to get through the day. And then it's back to the castle for me."

"Hey yeah, what's goin' on in that castle now that ya left it?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Well, the princesses are gone too, so there's no acting monarch right now." Rumble admitted nonchalantly. "But I'm sure the castle will still be there when I get back." He said, unaware that the royal staff were throwing a huge keg party in the castle at that very moment.

"Boy oh boy, this Wonderbolts show better be worth it." Apple Bloom sulked.

"Trust me, it will be." Rumble said. "I bet my brother is gonna perform his 720 Immelman three thousand feet up! It's gonna be wild!"

"Well why don't we head on down to the park and catch it before it starts." Apple Bloom suggested. "As long as Applejack and Big Macintosh think we're just out playin'."

"Good idea," replied Rumble. "I'm sure everypony will be too distracted to suspect me anyway. Let's go! Hmm...I hope I'm not forgetting something."

A few hours had passed, and the Royal Guard escort still waited by the gilded chariot on the dirt road outside the farm. They stood n there same positions, having barely moved a muscle the whole time as they awaited for for their prince to give them further orders. But there was only silence in the shaded grove as they continued to stare straight ahead towards the farm, void of any emotion or exhaustion in their faces.

"...Do you think he's coming back?" one of the guards finally spoke to his nearest comrade.

"I wasn't trained to think, soldier." The other guard replied.

"What the hay is this?!" Granny Smith suddenly appeared, hobbling onto the road and waving a shovel around with a violent temper. "Get off mah property, feds!"

The elderly mare shouted and cursed as she managed to intimidate and chase off the team of guards. With no sense of direction, they ran into the Everfree Forest, their fate left uncertain.

The Ponyville public park was abuzz with activity as the entire town gathered to marvel at the celebrated flying circus that was the Wonderbolts. Bleachers and tents for the spectators were raised throughout the green, encircling a wide view of the sunny blue sky above. Ponies everywhere queued at an array of snack stands as well as the gift shops selling merchandise such as Wonderbolts posters, clothes, figures, over-sized cups, etc. The foals were scurrying about the field in costume and battling each other in the ever popular Wonderbolts trading card game (now available in your local game or comic book store).
Among the crowd, Apple Bloom and a disguised Rumble wandered through the green, both surprised at how large the turnout had become so quickly. The excitement seemed to keep ponies from raising suspicion over the strange gala-dressed filly accompanying Apple Bloom.

"Oh man, I'm so pumped!" beamed Rumble, forgetting his feminine guise momentarily. "I just know we're in for a really epic show!"

"Well shoot!" added Apple Bloom. "I ain't seen a turnout like this in Ponyville since that colt band from San Palomino had their tour carriage break down here. I don't see yer brother or any of his pardners around."

"Nah, they've gotta be kept somewhere secret so they don't swamped by legions of fans." Rumble replied. "Let's hurry and find a good seat before it's taken. Somewhere with the best view of their flying space."

"Alright," said Apple Bloom, apprehensively. "But as long as we're not drawin' attention to you. Remember, yer disguise isn't exactly subtle."

"Hey, blend in by standing out, right?" shrugged Rumble. "Besides, this dress makes me feel really graceful. I feel poised and poignant and- oh crap it's happening again!"

"Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom!" came the voice of Scootaloo, who bounded up to the two with Sweetie Belle alongside. "Check it out! I just got a Silver Zoom shiny card in my new Wonderbolts deck, with a boosted speed version of Blaze! And look! The new apposable Fleetfoot figure with..." She then noticed the stranger next to Apple Bloom. "Say, who's this?"

"Oh, uh," Apple Bloom thought quickly. "This is Rumblita!"

"-lina." Rumble corrected.

"Rumblina!" said Apple Bloom. "Uh, she's related to one of the Wonderbolts and I've been showin' her around town. And she's definitely not the Prince of Equestria in disguise after running away from Canterlot." Both she and Rumble questioned severely why in the world she added that last remark.

"...Well it's nice to meet you, Rumblina!" smiled Scootaloo. "Ya know, if you're ever interested, we run a day camp for fillies and colts who haven't earned their cutie mark yet. Whether you're in town or not, you can always be a member!"

"Uh...thanks." Rumble darted his eyes, having just remembered his commitment to the day camp. Suddenly he was missing those days when nothing was expected of him.

"Wait a minute," said Sweetie Belle, eyeing the dress of Rumble curiously. "Isn't that your dress, Apple Bloom? I remember my sister making it for you. How come you're wearing her dress, Rumblina?"

"Um, well, you see, uh," Rumble stammered, struggling to maintain the falsetto in his voice.

"Hey, I know what's going on here!" said Scootaloo, her eyes narrowed.

Rumble gulped, ready to be caught red hoofed.

"So I see you two have become such fast friends that you're already sharing each other's clothes!" Scootaloo said accusingly with a hint of jealousy. "And yet you refuse to play dress-up with us, huh?"

"Really, Apple Bloom, I'm shocked." Sweetie Belle added, acting equally as petty. "I guess Scootaloo and I are just not good enough for you, are we?"

"Come on, Sweetie Belle," huffed Scootaloo, walking away. "Let's find a seat opposite away from this traitor and her new 'marefriend'."

"Good day to you, madame!" Sweetie Belle jabbed and spat at their hooves, unladylike.

Rumble blinked as the two fillies wandered away. "Wow, that was rather out of character for them, wasn't it?" said the colt prince masquerading as a filly.

"Boy I can't wait for you to leave." Apple Bloom glowered at him for unwittingly driving a wedge between her and her best friends.

"Mares and gentlecolts, please take your seats!" came an announcement from a loudspeaker. "The Wonderbolts will be appearing in five minutes!"

"Whoo! Let's get to it, Apple Bloom!" beamed Rumble as he charged off to find a seat.

Several minutes later, the Wonderbolts' aerial stunt show was underway, and the Ponyville crowd was alive with amazement. The tog gun flyers zoomed across the air above the park like swarms of electronic particles, weaving past each other in near misses and joining up again in formation. They formed shapes like stars, birds, lightning bolts and even a full pegasus with moving wings, showcasing the Wonderbolts' ability to coordinate and synchronize. They even performed an impromptu game of midair hoofball complete with blitzes and tackles.
Some of the members took part in more death defying stunts throughout. These included high altitude stalls and last minute pull-ups away from the ground. A gasp roused through the audience as the team's two senior members, Spitfire and Soarin', charged towards each other on a collision course. But instead of mangling each other in a horrific crash, the two stars grabbed each other by the hooves and began performing a midair tango to passionate music, drawing both relief and huge applause from the crowd.
The air was electric as the elated ponies, sitting in rows of reclined lawn chairs, cheered for the high flying daredevils. Rumble especially was getting the most out of his day of hookie from Canterlot.

"Oh yeah! This has gotta be their best show yet!" he cheered, barely able to keep himself in his lawn chair.

"Criminy, I can't keep track of any o' those guys!" said Apple Bloom, becoming dizzy from the fast paced action. "Which one is yer brother?"

"Didn't you see?" replied Rumble. "Big Bro was the one spinning that cloud vortex!"

"I'll take yer word for it."

After another big finishing stunt and a round of applause, the Wonderbolts dispersed and hovered at low altitude. Spitfire zipped up before the crowd and procured a megaphone.

"Are we havin' fun yet, Ponyville?!" she rallied to a wave of cheers. "I don't know, you guys sound pretty bored to me. Maybe we oughta just go home!" The crowd then replied with pleas to carry on the show. "Are ya sure? Well if you insist, we got a special treat for ya! Seeing as we're in his hometown, our boy Thunderlane is going to perform a stunt with a volunteer from the audience!" Another round of cheers erupted. "Yes that's right, he's gonna pick one lucky foal to help him achieve his newest thrilling stunt!"

"You the man, Big Bro!" shouted Rumble.

Something crazy is about to happen

"Alright, Thunderlane," said Spitfire into the megaphone. "Who's gonna be your assistant for the day?"

On cue, Thunderlane flew in a spiral over the array of lawn chairs as every foal jumped and screamed for his attention. After a few suspenseful moments, the Wonderbolt finally made his decision, hovering before a filly seated in the front row. In actuality, he made his choice completely by random, his judgement distorted in mid performance. "Come on up, little missy!" he beckoned.

Rumble looked straight up at his big brother, his jaw quivering in overcome fright. Ordinarily the chance to fly with his heroes, particularly his brother, would have been a dream come true. But now that he was incognito, this dream come true was now a nightmare. But Rumble knew full and well that he could not turn down the chance to assist Thunderlane in front of a whole crowd. The missed opportunity would haunt him for the rest of his days. With shaking hesitation, he reached out and grabbed his brother's hoof. The stallion then placed him on his back as he flew upward with a cheer from the stands.

"I knew this day was gonna be bad for him." Apple Bloom pinched her brow.

"Looks like a brave filly has offered to help out Thunderlane today!" announced Spitfire. "What have they got in store for us?"

Several yards out in the field, Thunderlane plopped Rumble on a small round stand on a pole roughly thirty feet high. The runaway prince looked around in anxiety; he knew he was in no real danger of falling, but it seemed as though nopony noticed that he was a pegasus, having his wings tucked under the dress. Rumble was a solid flyer for his age, but he feared if he revealed that fact, then everypony, at least his brother, would find him out. And so he decided to brave the ordeal, though he still didn't know what the stunt would be. He then looked up as Thunderlane gave him a large sack of apples.

"Alright, young mare," said Spitfire to Rumble, still speaking into the megaphone. "All you have to do is hold up these apples high over your head. And Thunderlane here will fly towards you to snatch each one...as fast as he can! The Wonderbolts stunt show and incorporating subsidiaries are not responsible for personal injury, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Now let's get underway!"

Rumble panicked internally. Ironically he had helped his brother practice this stunt before, holding up carrots for Thunderlane to snatch up. Only then, Thunderlane held back in speed. Now that he was in a real show, Rumble knew that his brother would be torpedoing straight for him with all he had. With great reluctance, he reached into the sack and held an apple up high wavering in the breeze.
Far across the field, Thunderlane hunched up on a platform of his own, waiting for the starting cue. A buzzer counted down from three and signaled the stallion to take off in a burst of acceleration. Rumble flinched his head to the side and winced but kept his hoof stable in the air. But in just five seconds, the apple was no longer in it. Rumble looked back as Thunderlane rounded the small post while chewing the apple triumphantly and the crowd applauded his speed and accuracy.

"Not bad, hotshot." Spitfire commentated. "But we all know you can do better! Let's see you set a best time for apple snatchin'! You think you're up for it, little one?"

Rumble simply nodded to her, still shaking from the tension.

"That's the spirit!" said Spitfire. "Hope ya got room in your stomach for more, Thunderlane!"

Over the next several minutes, Rumble stood like an antique vase on a tent pole as his brother rushed toward him over and over for the amusement of Ponyville. Each time, the stallion successfully caught the apple from his volunteer's hoof with expert precision. As well he attempted to alter his velocity to get his record time down as much as possible. And of course Rumble braced for potential impact, then hung on for dear life as the pedestal swayed from the force of Thunderlane's passing. It was a nerve-racking moment for all, but a thrilling one nonetheless for the crowd and performers alike. Why the Wonderbolts would choose this precarious task for a volunteer from the audience was beyond Rumble.
Eventually, the apple sack was nearly empty, and Thunderlane was looking almost as wiped as his unfortunate little brother. He flew back to his starting post, still not satisfied with his time. Rumble stood ready, still not satisfied with his life's course.

"Okay, Thunderlane," said Spitfire. "There's only one apple left. And you've got a current time of three-point-two seconds! Can you beat that record and give us all a really memorable finish? Come on, put a little boom down your boots!"

Shaking off any bit of exhaustion, Thunderlane psyched himself up to crush his current time. Rumble held up the last apple with both front hooves, grateful that he had not been literally crushed. He was prepared to see his brother through to a new record; he managed to overcome his nervous shaking and held his whole body absolutely still. Both brothers were ready for a moment of triumph. Meanwhile, Canterlot Castle's head waiter had gotten together with a squire after too much cider.
With the buzzer sounding off, Thunderlane shot through the field with all his might, creating an audible roar of air in his turbulence. In a blink of an eye, he successfully swiped the apple from his assistant's hoof with a record breaking time.

"Two-point-nine seconds!" cheered Spitfire along with the crowd. "He's done it!"

But the force from the older pegasus's grasp proved to be too much for Rumble. His pedestal wobbled and swayed extremely and managed to throw off his balance. In an instant, he slipped off his hooves and plummeted toward the ground. Every instinct told Rumble to flutter to safety, but he was still committed to concealing his identity. It seemed he was ready to embrace grievous injury rather than out himself.
Then, he was swept up like an apple. Thunderlane came about and caught Rumble just moments from hitting the grass. He carried the foal upon his back as the relieved crowd cheered him on even louder for his gallant act.

"Not to worry, folks," announced Spitfire. "You're always safe around a Wonderbolt! Well done, Thunderlane, and thank you to our courageous fan!" She then muttered to herself. "I am so not getting sued again this time."

Thunderlane once again circled the green with his assistant riding on his back. Rumble was now overcome with elation. He had not only managed to keep his cover, but also helped to bring his beloved brother another day of glory. In that moment, despite his outrageous disguise, he felt like a champion.

"Hey, Little Bro," said Thunderlane, turning his head back and grinning. "That dress is not your color."

Rumble gawked in alarm. "You knew it was me?!"

"From the moment I saw you in the crowd when the show started. Your horn is sticking out of your wig, by the way." Thunderlane replied as he continued flying. "What are you doing here, Rumble? Something tells me the princesses don't know where you are."

With a sigh, Rumble confessed. "Well, they're out for the day, and far as they know, I'm still at the castle. I heard you guys were performing here and I just had to come see. But I wasn't allowed to leave so I just...lied my way out, I guess."

"Just to see us perform?" scoffed Thunderlane. "Why shouldn't that be an excuse to leave your royal duties for the day? Besides, you've seen plenty of our little routines."

"I just...maybe I really just wanted to see you again." Rumble said. "I miss you, Big Bro."

"I miss you too, Little Bro." Thunderlane assured him. "But don't go trying something stupid like that again. You'll always get a chance to see me. And the other Wonderbolts, of course."

"I know." Rumble sighed. "All this royal business and stuff is just suffocating me, I guess. That's why I felt like I had to escape for a while."

"Well then, let's say we make the rest of your day off worthwhile, shall we?" smirked Thunderlane.

"You mean you're gonna tell anypony?" asked Rumble.

"And get in trouble for endangering the life of a prince?" Thunderlane winked at him. "Wouldn't dream of it!"

Rumble gleamed and hugged his brother over his shoulders. His day off had indeed been worthwhile.

The stunt show had continued without pause, with the Wonderbolts giving their fans a few more rousing stunt segments. It was around sunset when the show concluded, and the Ponyville denizens filed out with thrilling memories to keep forever. After informing his teammates that he was ducking out, Thunderlane discretely escorted Rumble out of the park, having made sure the younger gave the dress and sincere thanks to his pal Apple Bloom. The two brothers then quickly flew off together towards the direction of Canterlot from the Ponyville flying space, assured that they had not been noticed. Rumble felt like a weight had been lifted as he stretched his wings and soared alongside his brother.

"Looks like the sun is setting as normal." Thunderlane said, looking out on the horizon. "You think Princess Celestia doesn't suspect you're away?"

"Seems like it." Rumble replied. "She's been known to forget her duties in the case of an emergency."

"This was close, Rumble." Thunderlane exhaled heavily. "You owe me for this one."

"Oh definitely, Big Bro!" nodded Rumble. "You and the Wonderbolts can come and stay at the castle whenever you like! And better yet, I'll come to all your shows and help you practice as much as possible!"

"Heh, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Thunderlane grinned at his little brother's devotion. "And let's just be glad there's no sign you were ever in Ponyville today."

That night, in the darkened woods of the Everfree Forest, the Royal Guard huddled around a campfire, having ran far enough from the rampaging Granny Smith to have gotten lost. Shivering from the elements and hoping dearly to make thier escape, the disheveled escort team survived on each other's company. As they roasted edible-looking branches over the fire, one of them somehow procured a guitar and sang in the same dreary, monotonous drone.

"There's a fly on the tongue of the frog on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a fly on the tongue of the frog on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a hole...There's a hole...There's a hole in the bottom of the sea."

"Hey, did you guys hear that?" another guard spoke. "In the bushes! It sounded like a...like a..."

"Calm down, soldier," a third guard replied. "There's no such thing as haunted scarecrows."

"Alright men, it's settled." A fourth guard announced to the rest. "We're all gonna have to strip down and cuddle for warmth."


Author's Note:

Beware, beware, you pony folk,
Of the curse of the hedge thou shan't evoke,
For within there dwells a ghastly sight,
To fill turnip farmers with shock and fright,

When you hear the rustling of barley and hay,
And the moon has closed the light of day,
Run quick from the hedge and do not slow,
Or meet your doom...with the haunted scarecrow...