• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
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Time Agent pony

Time agent is the name, time travel and writing Fimfictions is the game


After being defeated by Cuphead and Mugman, The Devil decides to look for a new place to spread misery and misfortune. After searching, he finds the perfect place, Las Pegasus and who should happen to be there? Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord, as part their girls funtime trip there. After falling for the Devil's easy persuading the four friends find themselves prisoners of the Devil, causing the Mane Six, along with Cuphead and Mugman to fight to free the friends from the Devil's clutches, before he turns all of Equestria into a hud of sin and evil.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 96 )

about time someone did this

About time! I have somehow yet to see a Cuphead crossover! Though... Why is it under 1000 words but published to the site???😂

Well, to be fair, it IS only the first chapter. I have a feeling the story will get longer as it goes on.

Hello there. Thanks very much for getting this story started. And yeah, I kind of like the idea of you doing one of (if not THE first) MLP/Cuphead crossover fics.

At any rate, excellent job on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. And one shudders to think the kind of shenanigans the Devil can get up to with the power of three of the most powerful beings in the series (as well as a slightly-above-average unicorn, but why split hairs) at his command.

Of course, considering her experience with alternate universes (at least in the comics), I wouldn't be THAT surprised if Celestia turned out to be an old friend of Elder Kettle (which COULD be how Cuphead and Mugman end up getting alerted to this).

At any rate, I will VERY certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will ALSO be quite willing to respect that you DO have a life outside the computer room and I might need to be patient.

thanks for the comment and the ideas:twilightsmile::raritywink:

You're quite welcome.

I hope we get to see the other debtors, starting with Cagney Carnation! I'd like to see everyone's reactions to him fighting the Devil, because he may be a flower, but he's sure not defenseless!

thanks for the idea, I'll see what I can do:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Applejack - Pride

Rarity - Lust

Dash - Sloth

Twilight - Wrath

Pinkie - Gluttony

Fluttershy - Envy

Is this right?

Sorry I took a while to get around to reviewing this, but all I can say is WOW! Yeah, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places, but I didn't expect THIS. I'm going to guess that Cuphead and Mugman are probably going to end up busy trying to get the Mane Six back to normal (one at a time) and then all eight of them are going to have some not-so-pleasant words for the Devil (then again, with the power the Devil currently has, it probably WOULD take all eight of them AT LEAST to beat him), but that's going to take a few chapters and, in the meantime, the corrupted Mane Six are going to make A LOT of trouble.

But that's just a guess and I will admit that I COULD be wrong.

At any rate, I will VERY certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also respect the needs for real life to take top priority.

No prob, thanks for the comment and as always thank you for the support:twilightsmile::raritywink:

he think he won, but the cuphead and his brother are gonna kick the devil hell and save the mane6

thanks for showing me this song:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Yeah, nice work on this so far. I hope Cuphead and Mugman will snap those girls out of it...the hard way.

Even if Cuphead and Mugman beat the Main6 there is nothing stopping The Devil from just changing them again. My suggestion to plug that hole, is to have the ponies confess why they embodied the particular sins. For example, Twilight secretly resents Celestia for taking away control from her life or Rarity has to admit that her intentions with dating haven't been entirely pure. The catch would be that it only works if the confession is to the target of the sin.

Thanks immensely for getting the next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Once more, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the showing of just how much effort it took to get Cuphead and Mugman to Equestria as well as the scene in the Devil's dungeon and the set up to the no less than six fights awaiting CH and Double-M.

Yeah, I'll very certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also respect the fact that you DO have a life outside the computer room and I may need to be patient.

You, sir, just got my attention with this! I absolutely love it! :pinkiehappy:

OH NO!!!! The Mane Six has been corrupted by the Devil! Only Cuphead and Mugman can free them along with Starlight, Trixie, Discord and Thorax!

Awesome work so far! Looks like there's only one way to snap the Mane Six out of their evil, sinful states...... fight them and defeat them.

Keep on going!

look like the two bros will have to find a way to fight the mane6 and free them. the question is how?

As always, thanks for the comment and your support:twilightsmile::raritywink:
and yes, Cuphead and Mugman have their work cut out for them

I aim to please, and the party just begun:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Glad you seem to like it, here are possibilities for the others:

Pinkie Pie has been stealing inventory from Sugarcube Corner for herself, forcing Mr. and Ms. Cake to work harder to stay stocked. Doesn't she know better? Of course, but she claims that she can't help it, revealing major issues that need addressing after The Devil is dealt with.

Rainbow Dash has been doing the bare minimum amount of training to avoid getting kicked off the Wonderbolts. She joined the group expecting them to be like her; do a few tricks then go to sleep. She did not expect them to demand so much effort of her.

Fluttershy holds great envy of her friends' abilities, obviously.

Applejack, despite learning this lesson many times, is still too bullheaded to ask anyone else for help, even from her own family.

VERY good job on the latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter content were all well done in all the right places. I especially like how well you combine elements of the actual game with RPG-style adventure game elements . Yeah, Double M did a splendid job in the diner fight with Pinkie's corrupted self and I ALSO loved how Pinkie ended up joining forces with CH and Double M almost as soon as she came to her senses .

I'll very certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also respect if it takes a while.

as alway thanks for the comment and support:twilightsmile::raritywink:

short fight, but I believe that is pinkie join them to help them. now who will be next fighter? also what the devil plan?

I see that you're taking a little less dramatic approach to the story, yet the detail was excellent. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves, definitely hooks you to come back for more.

glad you approve, there's more where that come from:twilightsmile::raritywink:

All right! Pinkie Pie has been freed and joined Cuphead and Mugman on their adventure! Off to save the next pony!

Again, very good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, humor and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I particularly like Discord's self-argument as well as the fight with Rainbow. I wonder who the Devil will sic on the heroes next. But I DO have a possible idea for after all of the Mane Six are back to normal.

Twilight: If this Devil is as powerful as you say he is, PLUS now having the combined powers of Discord, Starlight, Thorax AND Trixie, there is something we NEED to do before continuing with our quest to save our friends.

Cuphead: Which is?

Twilight: Trek all the way back to Ponyville, go to the Tree of Harmony in the middle of the Everfree and collect the Elements of Harmony.

Cuphead: Elements of Harmony?

Pinkie: Yeah. They're pretty much the only way we stand a chance against somebody with Discord's power or greater.

Applejack: Yeah. We came into this unprepared to fight someone even more powerful than Discord. We can't make that mistake again.

Rainbow: And once we have the Elements, we'll trek all the way back here and sock it to that Devil jerk for messing with our friends.

Twilight: That's the general idea.

Mugman: So, basically, fine line between brave and stupid, right?

Of course, if you don't like the idea, I will completely understand and, at any rate, I'll still be looking forward to more of this.

Once again thank for the comment and support, I'll see what I can do with your idea:twilightsmile::raritywink:

slow and steady win the battle. I hope cup bros find the two friends and help find starlight, Trixie, thoxa and discord. but what up discord? is he lost his mind?

Hooray! Now the party got 20% cooler since Rainbow Dash is rescued and a part of them! Two down, four to go! Keep going!

On a side note:

"Maybe we could ask someone in there," Mugman suggested, pointing at an omanis looking hotel.

I believe you mean "ominous-looking".

I'm glad you like the chapter and thanks for the spell check:twilightsmile::raritywink:

glad you like the chapter and yes Discord is loosing his mind:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Once more an excellent job on this latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up are well done in all the right places. I particularly liked how Trixie, Starlight and Thorax are starting to get worried about how Discord is going even crazier than usual as well as how the last three sins decided on their own to fight the heroes all at once AND how Rainbow and Pinkie beat Applepride while CH and Double-M were incapacitated . Of course, now it's five on three, but I don't know how the fight's going to line up (save for it being logical that Rainbow would go after Flutterenvy in an attempt to save her oldest friend) .

At any rate, I will very certainly be looking forward to more of this.

thank you for the comment and the support, as always:twilightsmile::raritywink:

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