• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 1,943 Views, 28 Comments

6Switch - Ponaygurl

When each pony in the Mane 6 takes the shape of another (but keeps their colours), what will follow?

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle rolled over in bed, stubbornly refusing to accept that the night was over and that she had to get up. She had been having a wonderful dream - Princess Celestia was saying, "I proudly make you, Miss Twilight Aries Sparkle, my clever little personal protegee, Princess Magica! My lowly subjects, you may now applaud the new - best - princess," and everypony was shouting and stamping their hooves in joy, especially Trixie. However, soon she realized that she could not hear Spike's snoring.
"Spike?" she called, waiting for an answering "Yes, Twilight?".
But there was no "Yes, Twilight?". She went to use a Calling Spell to drag him up the library stairs, but did not feel the familiar buzz of magic that came from it - in fact, she felt no magic at all. For the first time that day, Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes. She silently took in the fact that clouds seemed to be the sole building material of the house, the rainbow decor adorning every wall and piece of furniture, and the wings now sprouting from her back in the stead of a horn on her head.

And her eye twitched. Nopony was nearby to notice, but it definitely twitched.

Applejack had slept soundly all morning. She had had a very hard week, what with the big order of Pink Ladies the rock farm over east had ordered for their family reunion when they didn't have them in the orchard and they needed to be shipped over from Pink and Rosie Lady, the twins from Trottingham whose only produce was Pink Ladies, and who also happened to be on vacation and now, as she yawned and stretched with the late-morning sun shining over her face, she realised a very important fact.
"Th' rooster didn't crow. What happened? How did ah miss that? An' why th' hay am ah in Twilight's house? ... Well, at least that explains th' rooster."
The last exclamation was because she had looked around and found that she did not recognise anything but the masses of book-filled wooden walls in this room, and had gathered from this that she was in Twilight Sparkle's bed, in Twilight Sparkle's library. However she wasn't confused, just upset, for some reason. She wished she could just be back at home, in her own comfortable bed, and -

It happened. She teleported, falling straight onto...


Fluttershy woke with a start, eeping in shock as something heavy landed on her. She opened her eyes in a flash, and saw Applejack's colours - on top of her. She eeped again, wings - Wait a second...
"My wings! Where are they? Is D-D-D-D-Discord here again? What is going on, Applejack? And why don't I have any wings? Oh, my... Sorry." Fluttershy exclaimed, realizing near the end that she had leapt up and thrown Applejack to the floor. But then she saw a green haze in her vision, and she was lifted to her hooves and onto the ground safely.
"Applejack? You're a..."
"Yes, sugarcube, ah'm a unicorn. See here, let me tell you what ah'm thinkin' about this here problem... Oh, so that's where mah Stetson is." The hat was levitated onto Applejack's head as she began her extra-lengthy explanation of what she thought was going on...

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie woke to a violent wiggling of her left hind hoof that would not stop. That was Pinkie Sense for 'Do a PPC, QUICK!'. A Pinkie Pie Check? Wow, that WAS important. She flicked on a torch with her muzzle under the cover and did a I'm Still Pinkie Pie check (in felt, obviously):
"Light pink body, check. Darker pink mane - and tail! - check. Balloon cutie mark, check! Now, the I'm Still in Sugarcube Corner check... UNCHECK!"
Angel was standing on her new bed, so Pinkie had enough sense to know she was in Fluttershy's house. But what if she was Fluttershy now? Only one way to check...
She rolled out of the bed, taking care not to step on some confused little animals, and checked her reflection in the mirror. Her reaction was one of mixed surprise, joy, happiness and Pinkie Pie, as her brand new wings flared in excitement.
"You know what this calls for?" she asked nopony in particular, and yet everypony heard the answer...
"A PARTY!!!!!!!!"


Rarity smiled at Fancy Pants as she revealed her last dress for the new collection, Sunset Sweeties, and he nodded in appreciation as the models eagerly paraded their dresses, which were the very picture of beauty.
"Now, Rarity, my dear, I need you to do one last thing for me, as you've been so generous throughout this whole journey..."
"And what, pray tell, is that?"
"Wake up."
She went to pull off her eyemask, slightly deterred by the ending of the dream but otherwise prepared to face another tedious day in the Boutique with Sweetie Belle... only to find that it was not the eyemask that hid her eyes from the morning light, but a small green alligator.
He opened his mouth silently in reply. Rarity raised a hoof to her eyes, sighing as she found that it was still white, and got out of bed slowly, wondering how in Equestria she ever came to be sleeping in Pinkie Pie's bed. Then, as she passed the mirror, she saw her new poofy hair and unfashionable face looking straight back at her! The shock was enough to blur her vision, and she made a classic fainting noise as she dropped to the floor of the bakery...

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash yawned loudly and stretched her hooves, smiling to herself in the peaceful morning silence. However, this peace was soon broken by a high-pitched voice that nearly blew her ears into the wall.
"Huh? Sweetie Belle? Bu - Hu - Whu... You can't fly! How are you in the clouds?"
"I'm not. You're the one who made Rarity disappear then styled your mane like hers and slept in her bed!"
"I didn't do that!" But then Rainbow realised she should probably pay attention to the fact that her bed was not made of clouds, and neither was the building. She jumped three feet in the air, yelling in shock, before coming to rest on the floor. Sweetie Belle went over her options and decided it was best not to mention to Rainbow Dash that she had become a unicorn.
".. Daaaash?"
"... What do we do now?"

Next time, on 6Switch --

"Uh... How am I supposed to LIVE without my magic?"
"Says the pony who DIDN'T spend her ENTIRE LIFE learning to fly and becoming THE FASTEST CELESTIA-DAMNED FLYER IN EQUESTRIA! How do you think I feel?"
"Sugarcubes, this's serious. We need to find out who did this, an' why they did it."
"Hey, guys, you know what this calls for?"
"Cover your ears, ponies."


Hai. I just wasted ten seconds of your life. *trollface* LOL!

Comments ( 28 )

Ah yes the old fashioned body swap story except this time the mane six are techincally still the same but are different species.

Interesting take on swaps. Somewhat short sections though, and seems like I'm reading notes here. Other than that, Shall follow to see what comes.:ajsmug:

Okay, here's what you need to do:

- Space out the paragraphs. It's so much easier to read that way.
- Consistent indents. Either always indent, or never indent. Otherwise it gets really annoying.
- Get an editor. A second opinion can always shed light on the unnoticed grammar mistakes, the developing plot holes, problems with characterization, etc, etc.

Otherwise, this is damn promising. I hope to see more soon.

I smell Discord!:pinkiehappy:


Congrats you did successfully waste ten seconds of my life, other then that interesting story.

Hai. I just wasted ten seconds of your life. *trollface* LOL!
besides that like it.

2256020 Thanks for the ideas - I'll work on that in the next chapter! But I only indent for speech. It's kind of a habit. Three spaces for speech, none for actions.
2256053 Possibly. Or coulda just been Trollestia and Trolluna.

2260205 2260990 2263952 2255842 2255956 Thanks!

2264680 (Ponaygurl)

**Reads fine print at the end of story.**


I saw what you typed out.

What did you type at the bottom?

2267466 Hai. I just wasted ten seconds of your life. *trollface* LOL

2267854 Superly-duperly-wooperly seriously. :pinkiehappy:

2278934 But I'm the author!

2292225 :fluttercry: Why does everybody hate me?

2303237 Oh. That's okay.

Means I warmed up this bunny fire for nothing though.

2307938 Cook pie over the bunny fire.

Comment posted by MythiskalCreature deleted Sep 14th, 2013


I second that motion, too...! :pinkiehappy:

2324151 that is the wrong bunny.

You fugged up the size at the end 8)

When will the next chapter be done

Dash just reverted to generation 3

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