• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Rainbow Dash was enjoying her new unlife. Partying all night, doing whatever, whenever she wanted. Her new gang, the blood pact, were more then happy to indulge the mare's lust for violence and mares until she gets a letter, delivered by an old friend. One she didnt think knew of her little secret.

Features some very minor violence.

Hey hey, top of the popular stories! Neato!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 54 )

It's pretty good, I was a little confused at first but after reading for a while I figured things out, very creative I liked it.

(Feel free to ask any questions about the story or the world in the comments! I didn't get the chance to explain a lot in this short fic but I did plan an answer to pretty much any question you may have.)

Ok, sure.


Anything specific you would like to know?

delivered by an old freind

Is it supposed to be friend?

Herp, yeah.


Well I cant answer everything but feel free to ask something specific.

When I think of something, I will.

Hmm to be honest I am finding it honestly hard to believe that any of these characters would even be capable of wielding the elements of harmony given how they are shown to act.

I also have seriously doubts either Luna or Celestia would tolerate their existence.

"Hmm to be honest I am finding it honestly hard to believe that any of these characters would even be capable of wielding the elements of harmony given how they are shown to act.

I also have seriously doubts either Luna or Celestia would tolerate their existence."

Alternate Universe tag my freind. In this world the elements dont care and are able to be used by whomever Celestia wills them to be.

Luna and Celestia not only tolerate them but are in league with the council. Trusting that Twilight can keep her progeny from running too rampant and controlling their population.

Can you give us more please

Maybe eventually.


I mean with the way they were acting, their names seem almost like formalities. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity I can see being similar but all the rest might as well have been entirely original characters for the resemblance they share to their names.


While I thought this was interesting, I DO have a few questions.

One, how did Twilight become the first vampire? How's something like that happen?

Two, how did Rainbow not know all of her other friends except herself were vampires?

I'm a bit confused...

What is the context of being taught a lesson in the Council?

Is Rarity actually trying to reeducate her on the laws of the Council and how they are important (as in trying to get her on the right path), or is some sort of torture to submit Rainbow to respect the Council?

It's obvious Rainbow would have to gain trust from the Council to even be on her own again, but does it seem possible that they will ever respect her again, even after an century or two?

Also if an old public ponysona is killed off, how does the new public ponysona enter into pony society (especially a fleshling), when they have nothing?

Thats the thing with such a short story, I dont really have time to establish the fact that they are the same characters, I think their original personalities still shine through for the most part though.

Very long story with Twilight but suffice it to say she was always a vampire and I'm still toying around with her origin story, either she was a creation by Celestia and Luna for a third immortal, one that could balance eachother out and help with ruling. Or she was the original third alicorn sister that meddled in things beyond her understanding and became a vampire.

As for RD, well, frankly... Shes an idiot. In this story I kind of crank up that a few notches as well. In addition the rest of the five are good at hiding, whereas RD is not.

What do you mean what is the context? Its fairly evident in the story. The fact that they dont care about the council's existance, RD explaining that they have been creating new vampires without the council's permission, potentially murdering their envoy, etc.

Rarity is not entirely defined, its sort of both, rogue vampires need to be taught a lesson but only if RD really fights back would it stray toward outright torture.

They fully intend on giving her a measure of respect, as well as her freedom, after she knows the rules and is willing to follow them. It may not even take that long. It would have to be long enough for anypony she knew to have died of old age, provided she also learned and accepted the rules in that time.

Depends, they could claim they were hermits, or simply from out of town. I imagine Dash's cover story would be something like that after she knows how to disguise her very unique coloration.

And its fledgeling.


Yeah, she is kind of a stupid.

Well, if you do more, I look forward to seeing it.

Maybe eventually.
I have too many big projects in the works to take on another right now.

Ever heard of Vampires: The Masquerade?

Like this. Which is where the cover image came from.

The game specifically is what served as my inspiration for this but it is purely as inspiration and I didnt really transplant any lore etc to this world.


This might just be vampire paranoia talking. But all of rainbow dashes friends are elder vampires. Vampires who are on the twilight council. If I were were a subtle or powerful enemy of the twilight council, I would say that this may very well be a deliberate... attack? Insult? To the council through the mortals around them. In this case by kidnapping RD, embracing her, and then encouraging her to disregard the councils laws.

Perhaps controlling RD by way of blood bond.

That or there's some apocalypse cult that wants all of the elements of harmony to be vampires.

Or the council wanted all of the elements of harmony to be vampires.

Who can say really?

Werewolves as diamond dogs?


Just thought of something else.
Why is Pinkie so slavish towards Twilight?
And if Pinkie's family were her...what, actors? Minions? What does that make Maud?

The elements dont care if they are vampires or not so long as their primary attribute is the same. That being said they are going to have to break RD of her loyalty to the blood pact. Soo....

The werewolf curse was born of the diamond dogs where it originated as a last ditch ceremony to use on their warriors to make them more fierce and powerful. Only used when their tribe was facing an insurmountable foe and then when they survive they must execute their afflicted brethern. Needless to say that didnt happen somewhere down the line and the curse spread.

Pinkie is basically part of the last remnant of a cult that surounded Twilight and hailed her as a goddess. Over the millenia of her absence it has faded but when she returned she embraced the cult and turned it towards 'good'.
As for her family, im still toying around with the idea of just her 'parents' being familiars or one of them being a true vampire and enslaving the rest. Right now I'm thinking about making Maud the one true vampire that controls the rest as she seems to connect better with her 'sister', Pinkie Pie.


I guess that probably explains the rest of their 'families' as well.

Is there anything that can take them?

Yes and no. The core (hehe) of the apple family are vampires and the 'ruling' members so to speak are all vampires as well or well regarded familiars that are on their way to becoming vampires.

The cakes are familiars of Pinkie Pie.

Sweetie Belle is a familiar of Rarity and the rest of the belle family are like minor houses in Rarity's empire. She draws from their young and talented and helps to raise them in order for them to eventually return as fully fledged vampires in order for them to lead the house Rarity took them from. Think of, old school vasal/lord relashionship but they are more then happy when Rarity chooses as that means they are going to have a wise and eternal leader, nevermind the generosity of their mistress is legendary.

Fluttershy's family is the only one (besides RD's) that are both not familiars and dont know as Fluttershy didnt return home untill after she mastered disguising her true nature. She also has no desire to bring her family into the dark underworld of vampire politics so she merely places a warden outside her family's home to ensure no upstart would find out their relation and try and strike her through her family.

RD hasnt been turned for terribly long and its been shown in the show that she doesnt exactly visit often or talk about herself too much to her family. So they are in the dark and she doesnt care about giving them 'protection' as she doesnt think anyones dumb enough to cross her.

Twilight is a special case. She spent centuries being guilted and eventually turned from the 'dark side' so to speak, by Celestia. After that she was locked in the body and mind of a child in order to truly experience life among what she considered 'lower life forms'. After seeing the error of her ways, Celestia set up one last task before she would fully unleash Twilight's old powers. Which was redeeming and removing the vampire curse from her sister, who Twilight had attempted to turn in order to take over Equestria. Even with her old memories Twilight knew what she had to do and with the redeeming of Luna and the removal of the curse, Twilight proved herself trust worthy. Celestia began removing the restrictions she placed on Twilight and eventually when she showed off her trust worthiness again she eventually let her alicorn level power to be unleashed and set her on the new task of uniting the underworld of vampires in order to bring them in line. WHich brings us to now.
As for her family, the parents were eventually told but Shining has been left in the dark, that being said Cadance was eventually told as well. They have mixed royal guard, loyal vampire protection detail but they are neither familiars or vampires as Twilight considers them as a second family and cherishs them immensely.

Doubtful, but then again in the story they have only managed to wrestle control of the underworld in Ponyville, the surounding countryside and a few other villages. Eventually Twilight will spread her influence and attempt to dominate every other town or city that has a population of vampires and she is old and doesnt know what's out there.


Then I think that leaves me with just one more question: what exactly is a familiar?

They are basically human or in this case pony servants or slaves that are used by vampires as walking blood banks to use whenever they are thirsty. They are also basically bound to the vampire and will do pretty much anything the vampire wants. The process of making one usually involves giving the familiar a taste of the vampire's blood which hooks them on it and temporarily gives them a taste of vampiric power, like speed, streangth etc.


Figures it was something like that, thanks

Hm when is this happening? With the premise that are here there is no way that anything canon worked as expected. The whole Nightmare Moon situation would just not happen... The premise that the Mane 6 are vampires may work... that Twilight is two thousand and some years old... not much... As Twi is an Alicorn... has she ascended as per the series? Discord would also not work out properly... And Twi would have got to interact with him on historical basis... as she would be present on Luna's transformation...
It would definitely NOT go as the show... So fundamentally here we have characters that share a name and some physical characteristics with the Mane 6 but that's just it...

The time line happens right after Twilight 'becomes' an alicorn.
Everything did function as expected as that is their cover. The elements dont care that they are vampires so long as their primary atribute is their element.
As for alicorn Twi, i mentioned down in the comments more about her, take a peek if you want to know how that all worked.
AS for Discord he knows their secrets but plays along anyway as he finds it perfectly chaotic and revealing them would end that little spark of chaos. In this world it is primarily what 'rehabilitates' him. He knows the world is plenty chaotic so all he really has to do is sit back, watch and occasionaly prank people when he gets bored.

I disagree with your last asertion and find people's intense hatred of anything that strays from the norm to be disheartening. They are pretty much the same characters, their personalities are more or less in tact, they also act exactly like the characters in the show when out in public. Almost all the events happened like in cannon only with a few minor changes.

Hmm the problem with that is that you CAN'T be that Twilight with two thousand year of age. Same can be said for Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity. It's quite difficult that things went the same... A lot of what happens in canon is due to lack of foresight, power or naivete... Once you start having uber old vampires there... well you can say that EVERYTHING is sort of scripted but then it start to be an EXCEEDINGLY complex plan. Again there is fundamentally NO friendship among this Mane 6 so at least either ONE element is radically different or Twilight would not qualify. The various let's call them "test" in the Everfree would fall FLAT in an incredible way... The scare solved by Pinkie would be completely nonsensical with this cast. The one for Applejack well.. what would it mean? How would it work? Then the REACTION from Nightmare Moon would be quite different with a two thousand year old Twilight... she would be something relatively known at the time... It implies a LOT of changes. The frantic overeager Twilight is NOT there this Twilight is a scheming mastermind aeons old who doesn't fundamentally give a damn about her friends, Fluttershy is hard, resolute and almost a dominatrix... They do not appear with the traits that should have...

One question here... WHAT dark underworld?... with the Apple family, the "empire" of Rarity, and the backing of fu*king Sun Goddess Celestia, Twilight and her coterie would be ALL the vampire underworld...
Equestria is small... you can't have too many vampires... it doesn't work well...
[I posit that at least here vampire works more or less as in Vampire The Masquerade RPG and CAN feed without killing or changing the victim]
Ponyville has less than one hundred inhabitants, we have the mane six minus rainbow and an undefined number of blood circle that got there in relatively recent time... That is what? one vampire every three pony? that is a LOT...

Why cant there be freindship amongst the mane six? What part of them being vampires stops them from ever having freinds. Why wouldnt Twilight qualify? Which element is radically different?
What test in the Everfree would fall flat and why?
Why would the scare be nonsensical?
The one with APplejack would be difficult to explain but would it be impossible?
Why doesnt she give a damn about her freinds? You seem to be making a metric ton of assumptions not based on anything in this story. Why wouldnt Nightmare moon react the same way? The Twilight of that time would be incredibly different from the one now, what proof is there that NightMare Moon wouldnt think she was a distant relative? What bonified proof do you have that Twilight didnt fake her own death before hand, making NMM think this pony was completly different?
How does Fluttershy acting resolute for a bit completely negate her kindness? Are the two mutually exclusive like you are insinuiating? If so, explain why being resolute is the antithesis to kindness. How can you prove that they dont have any of their traits?

The vampires have had over a thousand years to spread covertly even with a ton of backing do you think its possible that Twilight wouldnt have been able to find and subjegate all of them? Plus she has a cover to keep, vampire powers to relearn and a library to run.
How do you know Equestria is small and how do you know they are only in Equestria?

Yes vampires work like in the masquerade and the process of making a new one is quite the ritual. How do you know that Ponyville has less then a hundred ponies? Where in cannon does it say that? Where in cannon does it say that population did not increase after Twilight became an alicorn? Where in cannon does it state that this also accounts for everyone living on the fringes, in the Everfree or hiding?

How can you prove there are 3 to 1? How did you come to that number and where in cannon or in my story does it give evidence to that assumption?

By the behaviour she is keeping with Rainbow Dash. The whole "YOU BROKE LAWS AND WILL BE JUDGED!"[even though she DOESN'T know the law. NOBODY told her the law, this "Circle of blood" are a bunch of idiots that just waltzed in their territory without a hitch, got one of their most close friend to turn and make a mess.], The casual use of mind control, at a MINIMUM she is NOT friend with RD . If they are so damn good in keeping tab on everyone they just dropped the ball quite badly on RD case. How long does it take for the ritualized change to happen, Did RD just rush through everything?
The thing about Ponyville having few inhabitants is apparent from the show, Even counting the background ponies, you don't get to much.
It's simply stretches QUITE much the suspension of disbelief that having a change SO big in the baseline everything else gets back the same with "minor changes" here and there...

"By the behaviour she is keeping with Rainbow Dash. The whole "YOU BROKE LAWS AND WILL BE JUDGED!"[even though she DOESN'T know the law. NOBODY told her the law, this "Circle of blood" are a bunch of idiots that just waltzed in their territory without a hitch, got one of their most close friend to turn and make a mess.],"

Thats a bit of a stretch. If you were a cop and lets say murder was okay in canada but not in the states, I come down to the states and murder someone and say "Its not a crime where im from." Or "I didnt know." Does that dismiss me of guilt? Is ignorance of the law a justification for breaking it? They were also informed of the law through the emmisery Twilight sent but they killed. Also, they are going to go to the blood pact and murder them for fucking up so badly so dont you think they went a little light on RD? Doesnt going light on the punishment, be something freinds would do?

"The casual use of mind control, at a MINIMUM she is NOT friend with RD . If they are so damn good in keeping tab on everyone they just dropped the ball quite badly on RD case."

She is making her sit and not hurt herself by leaving the circle, she also forcing her to be honest. Are those two things really that bad? forcing a freind to be honest when you know she isnt about to be and making her not hurt herself? Do you know everything that has ever happened with every single freind? Or do you think your freinds might have secrets they wouldnt tell you? Do you believe that your freind having a secret makes them not your freind anymore?

"How long does it take for the ritualized change to happen, Did RD just rush through everything?"

I dont even know whats going on in this sentance.

"The thing about Ponyville having few inhabitants is apparent from the show, Even counting the background ponies, you don't get to much."

This is admittedly only an assumption on your part. IN CANNON it is described as a town, and a town has anywhere from 1,000 to 20,000 inhabitants. I doubt there are 20,000 obviously but if there is even 1 thousand then the numbers are fine.

The thing is they KNEW that they were in town, they knew that they were idiots, they knew that RD was getting influenced by them, RD IS an element [event though it's not really clear how much that is relevant in this universe... She IS the exemplar of loyalty canonwise, here it's not really clear how much it's important]

The question on RD rushing things is about what timeframe did they get from RD turning to the killing of the guard to Rainbow turning Thunderlane and "familiar" Scootaloo [i guess that is your term for making a ghoul] So they could have intervened EARLIER, instead of leaving their friend to make a mess.

And let's not talk about the issues with the need to stay hidden... that is a big problem in a LOT of Vampire situation... In the Masquerade it MAY make sense as humanity in the last two hundred years has got to be INCREDIBLY efficient in killing even smart things... At the time of the Dark Ages? hmmm a group of Vampires would be QUITE able to keep a LOT of humans subdued. Given that they DON'T need to KILL people to feed it becomes illogical to stay hidden... but that is a problem with the WHOLE Vampire issue... It applies on MLP as the MLP universe is QUITE low tech. The situation does not flow...
The point of staying hidden make sense for Dracula because his vampires are three against the world, have SEVERE weakness that need to sleep during the day leaving them completely vulnerable. It starts to be a bit of a fiat already on Vampire The Dark Age but still sunlight is CRIPPLING LETHAL, and going around in daylight is fundamentally impossible. Here they can go around in full sunlight during the day [else half of the episodes go to the bin], they appear to have a "normal" sleep cycle without an obvious set of weaknesses, they already have EMPIRES that numbers SEVERAL houses of ponies that have ZERO issues on being servant and i guess donors for the vampires... WHY keep it secret? On top of that they have the backing of Celestia... And let's put there also half support from DISCORD... ehr... there are a LOT of way that this could evolve more sensibly...

Again, everything you have stated is pure conjecture, everytime ive asked for evidence, proof or a solid line of reasoning you have yet to answer me.

You assume they knew about RD, you assume that the ponies have no way of fighting back despite no evidence of this, you assume for whatever reason that discord would fight vampires. You assume, you assume you assume.

What way of fighting back do the pony have given what is seen in the cartoon? They are completely at mercy of ANYTHING there. Be it Trixie, Spike, Tirek, a bug bear or whatever else happens in the series... Without the Mane 6 they would be boned...
YOU are positing that they WOULD have ways of fighting successfully a reasonable amount of vampires...
[And again... on the side in general in the various vampiric media... it MAKES no sense to NOT set up a worshiping system when you are that much powerful AND you DON'T need to kill people for food... The whole God Among Commoners works QUITE well if you can back it up with that kind of oomph... but let's not go there...]
I said half support from Discord... But it's not even needed.
You present the mane 6 minus RD in this fic as this hidden control of the place... but then you say that they DON'T have any control? a bunch of guys comes in, flouncing any kind of masquerade mind you, have time to turn one of their best friend, kill their envoy, and then have the time to turn also ANOTHER pony, all that BEFORE they even try talking to their supposed friend about the fucking mess she is in... Either they ARE competent and on the ball with a lot of centuries of experience OR they are a bumbling group of self centered vampires with an inflated ego and casual disregard for their "friends".

Jesus christ your one opinionated dude.

They dont 'have a way to fight back' in the show because there would be no show if they did but think about it. All the magic Twilight uses could be used by any significantly determined individual. Pegasi can summon cyclones, change the weather and use clouds to shoot lightning bolts. Earth ponies have been shown in the show to do some pretty incredible feats of streangth.

Also, as to your rambling about control. Do you have any proof, evidence or anything you can point at to back up any of that? Whats to say this wasnt Twilight's plan the entire time? Whats to say she didnt want to wait for an excuse to go in there and bust some heads? How does a single rogue element mean she has no control over anything?

I presented them as they have some control, its you who made this wild and frankly stupid assumption that any hiccup in control means that they have no control at all.

Twilight is not omniscient. I dont know why you seem to think that. She is not a litteral god, she does not know everything in existance. The fact that you seem to think that she knows litterly everything and chooses to do nothing about it is just plain idiotic. Have you even considered the fact that the blood pact's size is not expressely stated and they might just be a small time gang and Twilight might not want to bother with as she has bigger fish to fry? At least untill she found evidence that they were causing more problems then she thought? No of course not, Twilight is an omniscient god that sees all, knows all and can do all and the fact that she hasnt fixed everything, might have made a mistake is evidence in your mind that my versoin of Twilight is a complete dunce.

Look man, you evidently have a massive chip on your shoulder and you are more then willing to type out pages upon pages of angery text because someone had the audacity to make an alternate universe. You need to chill the fuck out. People are allowed to make AU's, people are allowed to stretch the characters, characters are allowed to be imperfect, they sing an entire song about it on the show. Just because every single character in every single story in the entirety of this site are not perfect cookie cutter copies of the one from the show is okay.

People are allowed to change the characters, get over yourself.

Comment posted by Bahamuttone deleted Feb 8th, 2018
Comment posted by Bahamuttone deleted Feb 8th, 2018

I hope to see a sequel or a prequel for this story one day.

Good story you have here, keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:

My thoughts exactly!
Well said jest
Here let's give an example about numbers
I have a very hungry swarm of 50k fire ants
You have 2 Wolves that are placed in a room with the nest
Who wins?
If your answer was the ants you are correct! Even though the wolves kill 10s of ants per paw step the ants will swarm and eventually take them down by sheer numbers.
heres an example of how effective these guys are

Got a link to wherever you got your profile pic? I like it.

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