• Published 8th Feb 2018
  • 1,753 Views, 37 Comments

Sometimes Monsters Need Love too - Jaycren

Where can a monster go after all is settled? What of those that where not Monsters by choice but by Birth, inheriting the debts owed to and by their Parents? What peace might they have after all is settled? Attend to my words and see.

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Discord and Fluttershy pulled away from the hug. The odd couple before them stayed close, one holding the other up.

Jormungdr broke the silence. "Well, Discord I know you must have questions. I will answer any that you have," He lowered his eyes, "Pertinent or not. Free of Charge."

Discord's breath caught, he glanced at Fluttershy, her own eyes confused, he shook himself, only he and his father could possibly understand what those words meant. He considered his next words carefully.

"If Ragnarok happened then you should be dead, How are you here?"

Jormungdr smirked. "Ragnarok is the ultimate balancing of the books, at the end all is even, all debt, all societies, and bindings, have been paid and reduced to 0. My 2 full siblings and I where owed a debt, so we were given some options. Ultimately My Oldest Half Brother, told us of Equestria, a land of second chances. So we came here."

"How many Siblings do you have and Who are they?"

My Oldest Brother is Named Sleipnir, his mother is my father,and no his father is not my mother" Fluttershy's eyes lit up at that, but Jormungdr held up his hand, "Questions at the end please. I promise I will answer your's next Ms Shy." After the gentle rebuke he continued. "Vali was my second brother after Sleipnir, he was older than me by only a little, we shared a father but not a mother, he died." Jormungdr turned away for a moment, Penelope resting her arm on his.

Discord glanced at Fluttershy, kindness was more her thing, he had no idea what his father might need. Fluttershy reached out and held his one arm, resting her head against his shoulder, she held her one finger to her lips and then placed her hand back on his arm.

After a moment, Jormungdr turned back, "I come next in the line up, followed by Vali's brother Narvi. He died when Vali did." Jormungdr took a breath then continued, with a wry smile on his face. "My full brother Fenrir is next, he came here with me and is currently crashing on a zebra Mare's couch over in the Everfree." Fluttershy gasped at this, then blushed, averting her eyes.

"It's okay Ms. Shy I don't take points off for expressing excitement, only interrupting the lecture." The Elder Draconiques then chuckled, and smiled at Discord. "My Little sister Hel, also my full sibling, is currently in Canterlot visiting our half brother's Sleipnir's daughters, which would make them your cousins. I am honestly glad to see that blood feuds don't run in the family and that you appear not the type to hold a serious grudge."

Discord stiffened, Fluttershy smirked, but kept her eyes ahead, when Jormungdr smiled you could definitely tell that this was her Draconiques's father.

"No, That's not possible!" Discord exclaimed, shifting his outfit to a white tunic, a strange cylinder hanging at his belt. Fluttershy kept smirking, he had changed costume without making her let go.

"Search your feelings! You know that it's true!" Penelope shouted, she was now dressed in black, a long cape hanging off her, her own cylindrical object on her belt.

"Alright, fine." Discord shifted back to normal, snorting, he shook his head at his mother, "Honestly, Mom, you forgot the mask."

His mother smirked back, "I didn't forget, the thing is way to uncomfortable," she was now in grey robes, had a green tint to her skin and her ears were pointed to the side of her face. "When 100,000 years you reach, then complain you can."

Jormungdr deadpanned at Fluttershy, "He inherited his sense of humor from his mother."

Fluttershy smiled back, "But he does have your smile, especially when he knows something nobody else does." The pegasi then continued. "He also prefers your sense of comedic timing, even though he and his mother evidently use the same prop department."

Discord chuckled, "I have more questions dad, but I believe you promised the next one to Fluttershy, under the same rules, I believe you implied." He thought for a moment, "With the same restrictions and allowances."

Jormungdr roared with laughter, "There is my side of the family! Indeed I did."

Fluttershy glanced at Penelope, "You'd think we'd get used to conversations behind conversations, Huh?"

Penelope pursed her lips as Jormungdr calmed himself, "When it happens dear I will tell you," Penelope snarked back. "But would you mind if we sat for this next part. I happen to know it, but it can take a while, and I just got out of a straight jacket."

"Oh of course! I'm so sorry, would anyone like some tea or refreshments?" Fluttershy went to move but Penelope intercepted.

"Why don't I come with you into the kitchen. I already know my husband and that I think is not the question you want answered, is it?" Fluttershy shook her head." So I will assist you and we can continue."

Jormungdr looked hurt. "I would not...." He wilted under Penelope's stare. "Alright I would, but still, you don't have to be mean about it."

"Definitely Discord's father." The element of kindness replied.

The two girls shared a look and, giggling, went off into the kitchen.

Discords father joined him in watching their two mares go to the kitchen.

"Discord I could not help but notice that it is heat season here, yet Fluttershy is not suffering from any of its effects."

Discord turned to glare at his father, a snarl formed on his lips, his fingers moving to snap. Jormungdr put his hand over his son's and stopped the gathering energy. Discord's wilted back. His father had just dismissed his chaos with a touch and gesture. For the first time since his father arrived he realized just how much more powerful this being before him was.

"I apologize, I should have known that you didn't know. I had to find out the hard way." Jormungdr tilted his head, "I will not make you ask, this goes to the obligation of a father to his son. It is the dreaded TALK. Draconiques Edition."

Discord shuddered and dove for the Kitchen, as he cried, "I'm going to go see if Fluttershy needs help!" He barely got off the ground when he heard a snap and a familiar rainbow aura surrounded him. Another snap and he was on the couch next to his dad, the room now covered in glyphs and completely sealed off.

"You need to hear this Discord. Our species is a type of Serpent and Serpents have a particular effect on those females that would be willing to bear their children. The females in question, stop ovulating until either the serpent breaks their heart or the female decide she wants children. This effect occurs independent of the serpent. Most of us tend to be Polyamorous, so it's a trait that evolved to insure that we didn't overpopulate. So, Fluttershy at some level, wants your children, or at the very least wouldn't be adverse to the idea. The other part of our biology is we can only produce children with women affected in such a way and only if we love them back. Meaningless sex for Serpents is just that, meaningless. You can not produce a child of your blood that way. But with a Mate that you love and that loves you back, when both agree, then and only then will a child be produced. It's how we work."

Discord looked at his father, then nodded his understanding. He took a breath. "You know until recently I never believed in love, just thought it was some silly thing that others made up." He smiled. "But if I was to love a pony it would definitely be her.

His father clapped a hand on Discord's shoulder. "Then what your mother said goes for me too. When you and she are ready, you will have both our blessings."

Discord sighed, "Thanks, that does mean something to me, even if I am just getting to know you."

Jormungdr just smiled and the two males sat while they waited for the two Mares that held their hearts.

Penelope smiled as she helped Fluttershy gather everything in the kitchen.

"So how long has it been?"

"Since what?" The yellow mare asked.

"You know what I am talking about Young Lady, your heat, when was the last time you had it?"

"I hardly think I should....." Penelope placed a finger over Fluttershy's mouth.

"Mine stopped as soon as I truly fell in love with Discord's father. I was about your age. Discord and Jormungdr are both a type of Serpent. Serpent's, well, they typically like to sleep around. Multiple partners, orgies, Trans Species relationships, that kind of thing. They can produce children with anyone and thing and have. Yet they are rare, Why do you think that is?" She just stood, waiting for Fluttershy's answer.

Many thought Fluttershy was naive, and treated her as if she was breakable. She was no such thing. She had a thorough knowledge of the reproductive habits of several thousand species in her head. Within the field of Zoology she was one of the foremost experts. She kept a bear as a pet for heaven's sake, not to mention Angel Bunny. So when asked such a question she was quick to add two and two to get four. "It's a question of overpopulation," She breathed, "But that would mean that only those he would want...." Her face began to turn the shade of her hair again.

"Not only that it would mean you were receptive to bearing my grand foals." Penelope smirked. "The trick is love, dear. You and Discord have both got to be ready to have foals for it to happen. The stopping of your heat is just a sign that you find my son sexually attractive. That you want to or would be willing to be more than what you are now."

"Oh my gosh this is too much! I am very fond of Discord, but love? I just don't know." The pink in her face had become a solid red, Penelope placing a hand on her shoulder, began breathing in and out slowly. Fluttershy copied the older mare and soon was much calmer.

"Don't let this fact of Discords Biology upset you. Don't think of what it means. It means nothing more than what it did when you didn't know about it. The only difference is now you know and can decide as you choose. I imagine my husband is in your living room giving Discord the same talk." Fluttershy looked ready to panic again. "Really? This sets you off? Look, honey. You and he both needed to know about this. Look at it this way, This insures that the right time and place will be right for the both of you, and if you or he separate before that happens, it ends. It is a choice between the both of you." Penelope chuckled. "It does seem that from somewhere Discord inherited a Mono amorous tendency. The mares all around the town have been going nuts for weeks. You and I are the only ones not. It's ironic, isn't it? For all their lies, betrayals, backroom deals, and weird rules, Serpent's are intensely loyal beings. The one thing that you can believe out of a Serpent's mouth is "I Love You." It is the one lie they will never tell and it is the one truth they can never conceal. It is hard to love a Serpent, and my husband is the King of them. He is the Worldbreaker, yet he's the gentlest stallion I have ever met. I can see from your eyes you now that about Discord too. Come let us get this inside, males should never be left alone for any period of time. Makes them think they can do things without us, They can't"

The two Mares smiled at each other, then turned and reentered the living room.