• Published 4th Feb 2018
  • 4,722 Views, 27 Comments

Deci Days - Prismfire Productions

Have you ever wondered what will happen if you recieved a changeling queen in the mail? I learn that lesson the hard way...

  • ...

Of chestflesh and liquid nectar

Damn I hate my job…

I had just got home from another boring shift at my dead end job. For the last seven years, I had worked at the same plant working my way up the ladder. When I first started, I was hired as a janitor and working for minimum wage, which was good since I was attending tech school at the time and needed the extra funds. Once I had graduated, I applied for a vacant maintenance technician spot and got it after a flawless interview. In the time since, I made my way up to Maintenance Supervisor, which involved exactly what one would expect: sitting behind my desk and pushing papers all day. To most it would be their dream job, but for someone like me who liked to keep busy it was torture.

My pay was great, I had a nice two bedroom house on the outskirts of town, but I was incredibly lonely. Know the saying “money can’t buy true happiness”? Well, I can verify that is legit, and I felt as if my life was in a rut. Since I needed to keep my mind active, I took up writing as a hobby and got pretty good once I learned the basics from some famous writers at a convention I went to. Turning on my laptop, I started working on the latest chapter of a story when the doorbell rang.

That is weird, I wasn’t expecting any visitors today...” I thought to myself as I got up and answered the door, a delivery man I knew was standing on the other side. “How you doing today Matt?”

“Enjoying my new USPS job William.” Matt said with a chuckle. “Been awhile since we last saw each other at graduation, but heck, this pays the bills so I really can’t complain.”

I chuckled and shook my head, knowing that all too well. “I know the feeling, so what exactly brings you here today? I wasn’t expecting any deliveries for the next few weeks, even then it is just my monthly supply of protein shake mix.”

“It is a bit of a strange one William,” Matt said as he led me back to his truck and opened up the rear door and handed me the clipboard for me to sign off on it. There was a large box, roughly three feet cubed, with a large “FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE” label slapped on it. “Addressed to you, no return address, and filled with packing peanuts with an ordinary My Little Pony plush in the middle of it. Sign on the line and it’s all yours.”

I was a bit apprehensive, the only ones who knew that I liked My Little Pony were the writers I frequently talked with online, but we had exchanged gifts in the past and always gave each other fair warning that something was coming. Signing off, and figuring that it was a surprise gift, I took the box and went back inside. The moment I sat the box down and shut the door, a vibrant golden hue came from the box and I could hear something moving inside it.

“Who are you and what do you want?” I said taking a defensive stance, grabbing my phone with one hand and my nine iron with the other. “State your business or I’m calling the police!”

“A little help would be nice…” A muffled voice, clearly female, said from inside the box. “Get me out of here and we can talk this out.”

I sat my phone down and put the golf club by the box, just in case I needed it. I had to search for the box cutter, and when I found it I tore through the extra thick tape before flinging the top open. What I saw surprised me, a changeling queen with harvest yellow hair and beautiful golden eyes was looking back up at me, the rest of her body crammed under her noticeably large bust.

“Oh hello there!” The changeling said as she worked herself up out of the box, standing up to her full height of 6’4” and revealing the full extent of her curves. Her H cup breasts, accompanied by two inch diameter nipples, jutted from her chest and seemed to defy gravity. Her ass was equally proportioned, big enough that I could easily use them as comfortable pillows. “My name is Queen Deciduous, can I be your friend?”

“Um, no offense…” I said as I did my best not to stare too long at her body. “but how exactly did you get here? Also, couldn’t you just use your magic to open that box since I know that horn isn’t just for show.”

“I have no idea how I got here, but there has to be some sort of reason from a higher power. As far as my magic is concerned, is drained from having to keep disguising as a plush.” The mare said with a sigh as she looked me over, a small smirk forming at the corner of her muzzle. “Since you seem to know what I am, I hope that you know how I replenish my magic supply.”

“Love correct?” I asked caressing the queen’s form, making her gently purr as she nuzzled my neck, nodding in the process. “Ok, so do we need to have sex or are there other ways you collect it?”

The queen hummed, gently rubbing her hands over my body, almost as if she was sizing me up. In one swift motion, she lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it aside before pushing my head towards one of her diamond-hard nipples. I looked at her confused, unsure as to what she wanted before she rubbed my head.

“We can have sex if you want,” Deciduous said with a warm smile before once again motioning me towards her breasts. “however I prefer a gentler approach. My method of choice is feeding of the love from my drones drinking my milk, although you not being a changeling might cause some… side effects.”

“What kind?” I nervously asked as I stared at a drop of milk that was about to fall from the nipple in from of my face. It looked just like regular milk that could me found in any grocery store, but had just the faintest hint of a citrus smell to it. Curiosity got the better of me, and I let it drop onto my tongue. The bold flavor exploded on my tongue, tasting like a rich tropical smoothie that was very tempting for me to drink more of. “Your milk has a delicious taste by the way Queen Deciduous.”

“You can call me Deci,” The changeling said booping my nose, which actually making me go briefly cross eyed. “as for the side effects, I have no idea. This is the first time I’ve let a nonling drink from me, and sorry if my girls are small, they are normally twice this size but I guess they are bound to the physics of your world. Hopefully, the love that I gather will replenish my magic levels enough to open a portal back home, but that isn’t a guarantee. I guess we'll just have to find out what is going to happen together, I’m sure it will surprise both of us~.”

I gulped at the tone, a very volatile mix of emotions coursing through my brain as I tried to decide what I was going to do. On one hand, considering I was an adult I felt it was wrong to drink from a female’s breasts. On the other hand, a powerful curiosity burned forward, one that was sparked and fueled by the drop that I had tasted. It was addicting, and the more I thought about it, the more it won. In addition another fact surfaced, by me drinking her milk, I will be giving her the love she needed to replenish her magic. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and I knew what I was going to do.

“I’ll do it,” I said in a quiet tone, my confidence suddenly abandoning me. “but only because it will give you the love you need to replenish your magic. Also, you say your breasts are normally twice that size? How do you not suffer from back problems?”

Deci gave me a smirk, one that carried a lot of mirth behind it. “Well to be fair, not just my breasts are bigger, all my features are back home. Keep in mind, I come from a land of magic so it is exceptionally easy to not have any back issues using simple spells.”

“Oh…” I said in a flat tone, clearly unamused by the explanation. “I guess we should get this over with then…”

Once again, I put the gold colored nipple to my mouth and gently sucked. A rush of warm, sweet milk instantly rushed down my throat and made my cheeks slightly puff out. Taking a moment to swallow it all, I felt something ignite in my core. The powerful urge built and pulsed within me, the warm sensation overwhelming my nervous system and making my muscles feel as if they were getting a deep tissue massage in reverse.

I started back drinking, the massage like feeling growing in intensity as more milk filled my stomach, almost as if the milk was fueling it. My scalp started to tingle, my normally short brown hair growing and changing in color and texture, becoming a deep midnight blue and feeling as smooth as silk. That wasn’t the only change, reaching my hand up to feel my hair revealed that my ears were now on top of my head, swiveling when I touched them.

“What the hell?!” Pure fear and panic set in as I rushed to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My equine-like ears were jet black and smooth, and to my surprise they were also soft like cotton, something that went against everything I had read about when it came to changeling chitin. Closer inspection of my face showed that my eyes had also changed, becoming a deep amethyst purple, and my pupils were now slitted like Deci’s.

“This is quite the unexpected surprise,” Deci said coming up behind me and pushing her breasts onto my shoulder blades, which relieved a mysterious pain that started to form. “seems as if my milk is adapting your body to that of a changeling, just going by your eyes shows you’ll be a queen.”

Queen… The word bounced around in my skull and into my very being, my eyes widened in a mix of horror and shock when the full implications hit me. Not only would I be losing my humanity, it also meant that I would become a female. Everything that I had worked so hard for was now worthless, I would have to put it all behind me and start over. A new emotion, anger, made my blood boil and clouded my thought process as I spun around and glared that the one responsible.

“Y-you tricked me!” I said taking a few steps back, a frown forming on Deci’s face that I paid no mind to. “You knew what would happen if I drank your milk, you lied to me and now look what you have done!”

“I honestly didn’t know…” Deci said in a low, sad tone while giving me a “puppy-eyed” look that melted away the hate and started to make me feel guilty for snapping. “Why would I lie to a stranger that was so eager to help me hmm? What do I have to gain by tricking you?”

“My trust and love.” I replied in a flat tone before sighing. “Look, I am sorry that I snapped at you, I was not expecting this to happen and took my fear out on you in the form of anger. Can you forgive me?”

“I can,” Deci said giving me another boop, this time making my nose scrunch. “and have. I understand that you are scared because you are not fully human anymore, so let’s just put this behind us. The question I now have for you is are you going to try and cope with the changes already done, or drink more of my milk and continue to change?”

“I’ll continue to drink,” There was no question in my mind this time, I knew that was the only way to show that I was truly sorry. “besides, once I finish changing I can always disguise as my normal self for when I am in public and go to work.”

Deci hesitated. “You sure that is your final answer? I mean, I am sure we could find a way to mask your ears and head changes.”

Rather than give a verbal answer, I latched onto Deci’s right nipple and began to suck as hard as I could. A cute moan came from Deci’s mouth as the milk started to flow again, and with it the massage feeling returned. I nearly bit down on the nipple as my bones started to hurt, as if sandpaper was grinding against them and rubbing them down hard until the pain suddenly stopped, making me relax. I assumed that they had merely changed structure, considering my skin had shifted to a feminine form, but I was wrong. As Deci ran her hand down to middle of my back, I could feel where her hand was, but at no point did she hit my spine as if it was non-existent.

“Um,” I hesitated, feeling pretty certain that I was about to ask a stupid question, but I had to confirm my theory. “Why can’t I feel you rubbing my spine?”

“The only time changelings have “bones” is when they are disguised as another species, and even then it is only to make the disguise more believable.” Deci said continuing the petting, her answer confirming my idea. “Since you are turning into a changeling, your bones have already dissolved.”

My whole body started to feel as if it was on fire, my internal organs feeling as if they were being tossed around in a salad bowl, twisting and knotting as they changed to a changeling’s biology. A pressure built in both my chest and rear, and I knew what was about to happen. Lightly panting and moaning, my nipples got more sensitive as the flesh behind them started to fill in, swelling into 36C cups as my butt ballooned outwards to fill in my figure. A powerful tugging, one that almost made me throw up the milk that I was guzzling down, formed in my crotch as it started to morph.

In moments, my sack had receded back inside my body, changing into ovaries for my new placenta as my folds finished forming. I let out a high pitched gasp, surprised by both my new voice and the new feelings from my reproductive organs.
My member throbbed as it started to shrink, becoming more sensitive as it turned into my delicate button to complete the gender change.

“I-is it over?” I shakily asked as I started to get acquainted with how my body looked, noting how much my had increased in sensitivity. Just brushing my hand over my skin made my nerve endings fire with a sensation that made me shiver in pleasure.

“Not yet.” Deci said scratching my ears, making me purr as I leaned against her lost in a sea of bliss. “You just changed gender, but changelings aren’t human now are they?”

I audibly gulped as I caught her meaning, just in time for the same spark from earlier to return, stronger than ever and seemed to fuse into my being. It took a few minutes for me to figure out just what the spark was, then it dawned on me, Deci came from a world full of magic so that must have been my own magic core forming.

A shockwave of pure changeling magic then exploded through my body, my skin vibrating as the magic went to work. My skin itched, and had the feeling of iron hot spiders moving under it, as it started to become the same shade as Deci’s chitin. One the changes reached my face, my nose tingled as it pushed out, fusing with my mouth as it formed my muzzle. My teeth mostly stayed the same, only some of the rear ones flattening to those of a herbivore, and my canine teeth changed into a set of top and bottom fangs.

My back arched, chitin replacing skin, as I felt two bulges form and start to push out. Deci held me to keep me from hitting the floor, bitter tears falling down my cheeks as my gossamer wings came out and extended, buzzing slightly as the knowledge of how to work them cemented into my brain. My vision blurred, my eyes becoming more rounded and adjusting to my new facial structure.

An onset migraine, stronger than the worse possible hangover, formed in the center of my head as my horn surfaced and grew. The razor-sharp appendage was already glowing a soft baby blue, my senses becoming more heightened as a treasure trove of changeling instinct flooded my mind as my tail formed to complete the transformation.

“My don’t you look adorable,” Deci said with a giggle, making me blush and slightly puff out in a failed attempt at a pout. “such a cutie ling~”

“So what now?” I asked trying to divert the topic away from my looks, although it did feel good to be praised about them. “Got enough love to teleport you back to Equestria?”

“Love yes, magic no…” Deci said squeezing my butt, making me squeak in embarrassment. “I have the love level I need, but somehow your body absorbed my magic like a sponge, which is why I guess you are a queen instead of a drone. So, we are going to have to wait until my body converts the love, which normally takes a week or two depending on the amount of love I absorb. In this case, it will take two, but only because of the large amount of magic I lost.”

I deadpanned, equally frustrated and flabbergasted. I had assumed that her taking the love, and likewise me changing, would have no effect on her magic levels. After some thought, I made a good comparison to it being like dilution. My body, with no magic, had acted like a cell’s membrane and allowed her magic to freely flood in. Once my body was saturated enough, it activated and that is what caused me to change into the changeling queen I now was. That transfer decreased the amount of magic in Deci, to the point it was more than the amount taken from the love and left her drained.

“So tell me,” Deci said intrupting my thoughts, the two of us comfortably relaxing on the sofa. “how is it that you know what I am? There are humans in Equestria, very few of them, but all are rather rude and refuse to take off their ugly green masks.”

I mentally cringed at that remark, but there was no way I was going to tell Deci that those were not masks. Her question left me in an awkward situation, either show her the references to changelings in mythology, or tell her the truth of the matter. Sighing, I took a moment to brace myself for whatever fallout that was likely to occur.

“Truth is, you aren’t even supposed to be real.” I calmly said fighting back a
wave of hurt that came from Deci, her eyes clouded in tears. “In fact, Equestria itself is nothing more than a cartoon. The two main changelings on the show
are Queen Chrysalis and King Thorax, those names ring a bell?”

“Thorax is a very well respected queen.” Deci said in a tone similar to that of a teacher scolding a student. “Chrysalis on the other hand is not only Pony Enemy Number One, but is also a blacklisted ling, meaning she has no pull and is to be captured or killed on site.”

Now she had my full attention, my ears swiping towards her in curiosity. “Jesh, did she blow up Canterlot or something? She really must have messed up to have that kind of rep, in the show she kidnapped and impersonated Princess Cadance, then a few seasons later nearly succeeded in victory only to be stopped by Discord, Trixie, and Starlight.”

Deci’s jaw dropped as she turned and stared at me in total shock. “That did happen, only the events were eight years apart from each other. Seeing as how some events correlate, I wish to see this “show” you speak of so I can point out any accuracies and differences from actual events.”

Shrugging‍, I turned on the television Thankfully i did not have to explain what it was since Deci told me there were televisions in Equestria, but less than half the population owned one. Opening NETFLIX, I selected the very first episode to start with just so she could have a base of how the show played out.

We stopped at the end of Season 1, the only breaks we had took were for the bathroom and supper, and it was late when I cut the T.V. off. We were both exhausted, yawning as I led the two of us to the bedroom, and ready for a good night’s sleep. I quickly started to doze off once my head hit the pilliow, being careful not to puncture it with my horn, but I forced myself to stay awake when I saw the troubled look in Deci’s eyes.

“You ok Deci?” I asked wrapping my arm around her back. “If there is anything you want to talk about I am here to listen.”

“I am just concerned about my drones…” Her reply was soft, a small sniffle coming at the end of her reply. “I can feel them in my hivemind, but the connection is too weak to fully communicate.”

“At least they know you are still alive, right?” I asked rubbing the middle of her back, making her hum as she nodded. “Good, that should help keep them from descending into a full blown panic. For now we should rest, then we can plan out the next few weeks over breakfast, sound good to you?”

“Sounds good,” Deci said snuggling against me. “so what are you going to do when I can return home? You are welcome to leave to be with me and Thorax, I’m sure should wouldn’t mind sharing me with someling as cute as you~.”

“I honestly don’t know yet, I will give you an answer before the deadline.” Her question had it me like a freight train, stopping my thought process in its tracks. “Reason why I am waiting is I’m still trying to adjust, once I do I will weigh my options and tell you then.”

“Alright…” Deci’s reply was barely audible due to drifting off to sleep. “See you in the morning then.”

I waited until I heard Deci started snoring before finally sucomming to sleep’s embrace, and it was a choice I instantly regretted. My dreams were in turmoil, nightmare after nightmare building on top of each other until I couldn’t take it anymore. Jolting awake, my breasts slightly jiggled with each ragged breath, a cold sweat making my chitin feel clammy. Glancing over to my side, I was thankful that I had not woke Deci up, but she did stir enough that she was snuggled in the way a child would their stuffed animal.

I got a feeling this is going to be a long night…” I thought to myself as I looked at my clock, which showed it was 12:19am, meaning I had been asleep for two rough hours and having to get up at five to send an email saying I had come down with the flu.

I had one last thought before heading back off to sleep, hoping for a better round of rest.

Yep, this day is going to suck.

Author's Note:

I had to fly solo on this one, my editor is in sick bay.

As stated in the story summary, this was written as a gift to a dear friend of mine and the OC belongs to her.

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