• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 3,353 Views, 83 Comments

Super Mare-io Odyssey: A Story Untold - Cool_Quick

A collision on the Odyssey lands Mario and Cappy in Equestria, where things quickly become interesting.

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Party, Pie, and Pranks with a Pink Pony

Author's Note:

I'd like to say that this Chapter was also co-written by Superspy2051502. Thanks so much man for your help, and the rest of you, please go check him out. I want to say that I am so sorry it took me so long to post. I'll try to be faster next time.

The Princesses must have found what I said amusing; as the white princess snorted and the blue princess let out a giggle. “Thou ist a funny stallion.”

At that moment, I heard Spike make crazy monkey sounds from the kitchen.

“I think it spreads to everybody.”

“Mario, it’s not nice to speak to royalty with your mouth full,” Twilight said, disgust written on her face in pin.

“What?” I asked, my mouth crammed full of pancake. It was a miracle I was able to keep it in my mouth. Twilight glared at me, and I held up a hand to stop what I knew would a tidal wave of complaints. I chewed slowly and deliberately, seeing how long I could go before she got really annoyed.

After about thirty seconds of this, she huffed, and clopped up the stairs. I heard the blue princess give another giggle, and the white princess smiled. “You are indeed quite the entertainer,” the white one said.

I straightened a bit, and then choked on my pancakes. Applejack came up and slapped me on the back until I finally was able to get my throat to cooperate.

“Graci,” I said to the orange pony.

“Do what?” she asked with a hilariously confused expression.

“I think it’s French for ‘thanks.’” I was probably wrong, but I didn’t really care right then.

“Wut’s a ‘French?’”

“You know what, let’s save that discussion for later,” I said, turning back to the amused princesses.

“I suppose we should introduce ourselves,” the blue princess declared. She put a hoof on her chest. “I’m Princess Luna, ruler of the night.”

“Yeah, I remember you!” My face lit up like an overpowered lightbulb. “You were in my dream last night.”

“And I am her sister, Princess Celestia, ruler of the day,” the white one said.

“A pleasure,” I responded, bowing awkwardly. I didn’t know what else to do. Cappy simply blinked his greetings, since he was on my head chewing a pancake. How he ate anything, I’ll never know.

Apparently, Rarity was thinking the same thing, since she suddenly said, “Mario, how on Equis is that… gaudy… accessory even able to eat?”

I simply stared back at her. “In instances like these, its best not to ask.”

“Do you remember how you got here?” Celestia asked, getting right to the point.

My face probably wore a very funny expression as the cogs in my brain tried to move. “If I remember correctly, I was chasing Bowser in the Odyssey when he summoned a HUGE black dragon that slightly glowed a dark purple. The dragon blasted the Odyssey and then a huge flash of light and then I became unconscious. After that I woke up where I think Twilight found me, right?” I asked the mare in question. She nodded and I continued.

“Yeah, I crashed through her roof and she patched me up. Thanks for that by the way. When I woke up Cappy came here with Fluttershy and I told the ones here what happened. After that I felt tired and went back to bed. I had some nightmares which Luna here saved me from, thanks for that by the way, those have been bothering me since I started my journey. And that brings us up to now.” I finished, taking a swig of water that Applejack brought from the kitchen after my choking drama.

“We must ask, who is this ‘Bowser’ pony?” Luna asked.

“Bowser is a giant fire breathing turtle with spikes on his shell. He wants to rule the Mushroom Kingdom along with all the other ones as well, and he plans on doing so by forcibly making Princess Peach marry him.” The ponies were appalled at that.

“That is horrible, nopony should ever be forced to marry one they do not love.” Celestia said with disgust.

I nodded. “That is why I'm trying to stop him but without the Odyssey or Power Moons, I'm stuck here.”

“We may not have or know what these ‘power moons’ are, but we do have airships. Though, those use coal and oil to power them and they are a lot bigger than your Odyssey. Mayhaps we can substitute your normal fuel for magic?” Luna offers.

“I don't know, the Odyssey hasn't taken any other type of fuel then Power Moons. But it's worth a shot,” Cappy says.

“We will get our top researches right on it, and maybe when you can travel again we may be able to assist you in some way?” Celestia offers. The others nodded in agreement. It brought a smile to my face.

“Thank you all so much, this means a lot to me. And Cappy as well, since Bowser stole his sister Tiara. Bowser has been collecting things for his wedding. A huge pot of soup from the Luncheon Kingdom. A special wedding dress from the Lake Kingdom. And several other things I don’t really remember too well.” At that point, my head was hurting a bit, and trying to remember too much was a little overwhelming.

“Either way, one of the last stops should be his kingdom; as he shouldn't be able to go anywhere else. The next kingdom we were supposed to pass by was the Ruined Kingdom, but I guess it's lone inhabitant decided that Bowser and he were BFF’s. And then he decided to wreck my ship.” My gaze went up to the roof. “Joy.”

“I’m sensing sarcasm in that comment,” Spike suddenly said from behind me as he balanced a massive stack of pancakes about as tall as the door the princesses were standing in.

I jumped, and accidentally hit the Leaning Tower of Flapjacks. In turn, this caused the whole pile to fly all over the room, and cover everyone in a pancake party.

“Well, that was a great first impression,” Cappy remarked.

About a half hour later, the pancakes were finally disposed of. The princesses had left, laughing to themselves, and left the rest of us at Twilight’s house.

Speaking of Twilight, she about gave me a heart attack a few minutes after the princesses left. I had just finished using the restroom to brush my teeth, and was walking back into the hall when suddenly she appeared in front of me with an almost insane smile on her face. She was using her magic to levitate a pad and a quill.

“I can’t believe it!” she was hyperventilating. “I get to interview a real alien!”

“You know I’m standing right here?” I remarked after my heart rate slowed down a bit.

She either didn’t hear me or ignored me. “I wonder what his world is like!” She gave a gasp akin to a certain pink pony I would meet later. “Is it a dangerous world?! Will he have lots of exciting tales?!”

“Still here.”

“Oh! Maybe he will tell me about what kind of food they have there. I’m sure that Pinkie would love to know!”

“TWILIGHT!” I finally yelled.

Twilight jumped, and dropped her stuff. “Oops, sorry,” she apologized. “I’m just very excited.”

“Well, maybe you should calm down just a bit, before you end up working yourself into a frenzy and have a heart attack like I almost did when you leaped on me.”

Twilight grinned sheepishly. I could have sworn I heard a plush toy being squeezed somewhere as she looked at me.

“So,” I finally said to interrupt the crickets beginning to chirp around our awkward moment. “You want to interview me?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said, her head turned aside. In a moment, she had gone from over exuberant, to being like Fluttershy.

“That’s fine,” I said. “Just… please don’t be like my English teacher and crowd too many things on me at once.”

“Yay!” Twilight cheered, giving me a quick hug before zooming off down the hallway.

I smiled after her for a moment, before I realized I still had toothpaste in my mouth. And my smiling had caused it to cause a fresh, minty waterfall to splatter onto my freshly cleaned overalls.

“Oh, that’s just wonderful,” I bubbled as I rushed back into the bathroom for a cup.

The interview was relatively uninteresting. Twilight asked me about several things, about what my world was like, about what the food was like, about my adventures saving the princess, and so on. She sat wide eyed as I told her about when I went into deep space. In return, she told me about how Equestria operated; their customs and all that. She told me about their adventures through all the realms of Equestria, and it was pretty interesting hearing about their first encounter with Discord, or their trip to the Crystal Empire.

Finally, though, she asked something out of the blue. “What is Cappy?”

Being taken aback by the sudden question, my mind took a minute to respond. “Well, he’s a Bonnetor from the Cap Kingdom. He joined me after learning we were both after Bowser. We’ve become pals over time.”

“Does he have any cool powers?” she asked.

I sighed. I really hated doing what I was about to have to do again, because it made me and the subject nauseous, but she needed to know.

“Spike, do you mind?” I asked hesitantly.

He was busy reading, so he absent mindedly said “Sure, whatever.”

“Okay, Twilight,” I remarked as I prepared myself. “Don’t freak out please.”

She nodded slowly in confusion, and in nervousness.

I threw Cappy at Spike, and saw Spike stiffen a bit as Cappy landed on his head. I felt that all too familiar, but still uncomfortable sensation of my body being pulled into a huge wall of Jell-O as my body was pulled into Spike’s.

The world went dark for a second. Then, I opened my eyes and looked at myself.

I saw my claws extending, and knew it had worked. As usual.

“Spike?!” Twilight screamed, rushing toward me.

“Not Spike,” I replied, my voice now Spike’s. “I’m in control of Spike. I know it sounds freaky, but I can stop possessing him whenever you want me to.”

“Please stop,” Twilight begged. I felt another bizarre sensation, like being sucked through a vacuum cleaner backwards, before I was back; Spike’s eyes rolling as he groaned a bit.

“He’ll be fine,” I said as Twilight rushed to his side. “A bit sick, but it’ll pass in a couple of minutes.”

It took a couple of minutes to persuade Twilight all was well. After a while, she was convinced, and then suddenly, the other four ponies appeared.

“Guys,” Applejack whisper yelled as if she was James Bond sneaking into enemy territory.

“Oh, is it time?” Twilight asked.

“Time for what?” I asked.

Twilight smirked. “You’ll see.”

The friends led me across town. It was dark again now; the interview had taken a long time. My eyes felt like iron weights were dragging them down, and my feet shuffled lazily along the street as if I was a 65 year old man shuffling to the mailbox early in the morning wearing only a bathrobe and slippers. At one point, I simply collapsed in the street almost asleep, and Rainbow Dash had to carry me on her back all the way to our destination; a house which looked straight out of Candy Land.

“Go on,” Rarity said, shooing me with a hoof. “We haven’t got all night.”

I’d sure like to have all night, I thought. To sleep, anyway.

I groaned like a zombie as I plodded up the stairs at a very slow and leisurely pace, about halfway exaggerated. Finally, I felt Rainbow Dash push me up the stairs, and Rarity behind me exclaimed “Darling, it’s going to be next summer before you get in that house.”

I groaned again, and sleepily opened the door.

“SURPRISE!!!” yelled about 200+ ponies crowding the room.

Instantly, I turned from a zombie into a sloppy ninja. I jumped across the room, and ended up face planting into the opposite wall, barely managing to miss a massive cake in the middle of the room. Behind me, a cannon shot fired a huge blast of confetti.

Before I was even on my feet, a pink pony with a bushy pink mane zoomed in front of me. “Hi!” she said. “I’m Pinkie Pie, I threw this party just for you. Were you surprised? Huh?”

“Quite,” I remarked, wondering if I had left my vital organs in the doorway. “I think you traumatized Cappy.”

Twilight was poking a very still and confetti covered Cappy, who was laying there muttering “Parties, don’t like them. Too many people, too many noises.”

Pinkie didn’t seem to hear me. “I’m throwing the first ever “Strange Alien in Ponyville” party! And you’re the guest of honor!”

I looked around at the almost literal sea of expectant pony faces all waiting for something.

"Say, 'let's party' when you're ready," Pinkie whispered to me.

"Okay," I said hesitantly. "Let's party!"

Instantly, an electric blue maned white pony with purple glasses on started a DJ. All the ponies in the room began to dance.

Cappy and I looked at each other in confusion. This land was going to take some getting used to.

After eating about 5 slices of cake, and playing weird pony style games which I'd never even heard of, I sat down by the wall in the back of the room to relax. To my right was a brown colt with a beanie hat, and to my left was the DJ pony.

I looked at the colt. He seemed to be completely absorbed in a video game he was playing. It looked like a 2-d platformer.

"Alright, come on," he said to his character. "Let's defeat this guy." He began button mashing as fast as he could, almost making a symphony of clicking sounds.

Just as I thought he'd beat the boss, a small white filly with a pinkish purple curly mane clopped up. "Button Mash, do you want any more punch?"

"What?" the colt asked, looking up briefly.

It was long enough to reward him with a "Game Over" screen.

"Aw, no!" he screamed, starting to cry. "Sweetie Belle, I almost had him!"

"Oops," Sweetie Belle said sheepishly. "Maybe our guest of honor could help you?"

Button looked in the direction of her gaze, and finally noticed me.

His eyes widened.

His ears flopped.

His propeller on his beanie began to spin.

"It's... it's..."

"What?" Sweetie and I asked at the same time.

Button suddenly rushed through the crowd of ponies and fled into the night.

"Don't worry," Sweetie told me. "He's a little... eccentric, but he's real nice once you get to know him."

"IF I ever get to know him," I responded. In my mind, I wondered just how far my fame had gone.