• Published 9th Feb 2018
  • 757 Views, 22 Comments

A New Perspective - Shadowmane PX-41

“Be honest, Silver Spoon. Do these things make me look better or not?”

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Results Are In

Diamond Tiara was, in many ways, bored with her trip to the optometrist. Not that she was expecting anything else, but even if she were, it would have at least been more entertaining than this. The room she sat in was one of the whitest, cleanest, and most organized rooms she had ever seen. And that was saying something, considering that she had seen her room more than a hundred dozen times.

The sound of the clock over her head was deafening over the silence. Every single tick hit her ears one after the other, with no break between the rhythm. She didn't even bother to look up and check what time it was. Not that she could anyway without getting up from the seat or twisting her neck behind her head like some peaced-out yoga master. All that she could do was sit and wait for the results of her test.

Her parents, Filthy and Spoiled Rich sat alongside her. And they were two of the greatest parents anyone could have ever had. First off, their names weren't just a clever play on words with how much their family made. Second of all, they both ran pretty important businesses, with her mother being the head of the school board and her father managing a series of office blocks across Canterlot. Sure, her mother was a little bit of a bossy boots and her father was a bit too sweet on her at times, but they were still her mom and dad, and one that she proudly and openly admitted to everyone she met.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Rich, we've got the results of the test in." A man came up to the three Riches with a pair of thin glasses on his head. He had brown hair and a dark blue skin tone. "Your daughter is suffering from a vision disorder which can be treated in its' current state." He handed Spoiled a clipboard with all of the details. "Her eyesight is just damaged at the moment. But it can be restored."

"Restored?" Spoiled Rich spoke much like one of those fancy old women from the olden days. "How so, doctor?

"Diamond Tiara's condition isn't common. But with some help from some contact lenses or a pair of glasses, it should stabilize a bit and avoid being damaged further." The doctor went back to his desk computer and started typing down all of the finer details. "I would say that she should wear either for at least a month, give or take a couple of weeks."

"Glasses?" Diamond stood up and spat at the idea. She was her parents' perfectly pretty princess. She didn't need glasses or contact lenses. She was just fine the way she was. "Doc? Can't I just get some laser eye surgery instead? I don't even care if it costs' me the rest of my month's allowance. I'l do whatever it takes."

"As much as I would have loved to give you a timeslot for a laser eye surgery, we're booked out for the next few months as it is. And by the time a slot does open, your eyes might've taken another hit like this." The doctor finished typing out his documents and came back over to Diamond. "I know that it's not what you want, but it's the best that we can do."

"Now, don't you worry about it, sweetheart." Filthy helped sit Diamond back down again and held her hand tight. "We'll get you through this one way or another. I can't go around keeping the family sitting pretty if my little angel's stumbling and tripping over everything in her way now, can I?"

"Yeah, but—" Diamond tried saying something else, but her mother just took hold of her other hand.

"Diamond Tiara. I know this might come as a bit of a shock to you, but rest assured, we'll get you some of the best contacts that money can buy," Spoiled's voice sounded caring and calm, but also pompous and proud of herself. "I mean, how are you supposed to live up to the examples we set if you end up blind? It'd be a farce to end all farces!"

"Tell me about it." Diamond didn't like it, but she had to admit defeat in this case.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rich. I'll send you all a notice if we find an opening in the slot to fix Diamond's eyesight for good. But for now, I recommend that she get some glasses or contact lenses that match with the details on these documents." He handed a copy of the diagnosis to both parents as well as the proper treatment for it. "Don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions, queries, or anything of the sort."

"Thank you for seeing us about this manner, Doctor Iris." Spoiled Rich stood up. "We hope to hear from you again soon." She watched Filthy stand up, and then Diamond.

"I hope that you're able to work fast, doctor. Our little Diamond Tiara's as sweet as a bunch of strawberries topped with whipped cream." Filthy Rich patted Diamond's hair. "We'd both be devastated if we found out she lost her sight for good."

"I promise you that won't happen," Doctor Iris smiled. "Once we're able to find a suitable time slot, Diamond's eyesight will be fixed in no time. You have our word."

"And I hope that you won't break that promise." Spoiled Rich walked out of the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, we all have important manners to attend to, so we'll take our leave."

Diamond Tiara stayed mostly silent on the trip out of the optometrist. She was, like, so distraught right now, she couldn't even. If she went blind before finishing Canterlot High, it would be the death of her. She'd have to be that one kid who always wears those black-tinted glasses and has a cane on them so they can find their way around. That, and she'd have to start taking up Braille, which was stupid considering that it was just a series of dots and dashes.

"Diamond. I hope you're capable of adapting to this change." Spoiled Rich lightly turned her head back and gave a cold gaze to her daughter. "Be glad that it's only temporary. A world where my daughter is seen having to use items to correct her eyesight is a world I would not wish to live in."

"Yeah. Me too." Diamond looked right back up at her. "This totally sucks. My eyesight was fine yesterday, so why did it just decide to give up today?"

"I suppose that movie we watched last night was a bit of a hazard..." Filthy Rich put a hand to his chin. "But it was a horror movie after all, and it did keep us pretty on edge."

"Yeah. It was much better in the dark like that." Diamond finally cracked a smile. "You don't get a true horror movie experience unless it's totally in the dark and with others."

"But with that reward came a great deal of risk. And it looks like that risk has had a heavy toll on you, Diamond Tiara," said Spoiled Rich. "Now, you're going to get a good pair of contacts. I'll help you out putting them on and taking them out for the first few days. But after that, I would expect that you learn to do it all yourself. Not that you would have any problem in handling this yourself once you learn the ropes."

"Aw, mom. You know I never fail you." Diamond let out a weak chuckle, which felt all the more embarrassing with people waiting for their appointments all around her. "So what if it's just a month or whatever, right? Just as long as you're happy with me."

"Oh, buttercup, we're always happy with you, no matter what happens." Filthy Rich patted Diamond on the back as they walked out the door. "And trust me, you'll barely even notice the time fly by with that friend of yours. The two of you are practically inseparable once you go to CHS."

"Silver Spoon's a great friend, dad. She's one of the only students there who gets me for who I am, and doesn't pass me off as some rich kid who thinks they're better than everyone else," said Diamond. "We met at the Freshman Fair and we've been besties ever since. She's one of the only reasons I ever smile out of the house these days."

"Well, whatever the case you two met, I'm happy that you're friends, Diamond." Filthy Rich tousled her hair. "Most people would usually think that you have an 'I'm better than you in every way' attitude because you're rich like us. You should be very proud of having a friend like her."

"Dad..." Diamond whispered through held teeth. "I don't like showing off like you and mom. You're gonna get people staring at us."

"Ah. Sorry about that, Diamond." Filthy retracted his hand. "But anyways, back to more serious matters."

"I know, I know. Those contact lenses mom's going on about." Diamond finally walked out of the building with her parents. "I'll wear 'em, alright. But I still think it's a little bit of a hassle that we can't have laser eye surgery right now." She started to grumble, and tightened her body up as a pout crossed her face. "I mean, it's not even trending these days. All those people are just wasting their money, when they could be putting it aside for something big and fabulous."

"The lower and middle class people are not like us, Diamond Tiara. Hence why we pay them no respect whatsoever." Spoiled walked towards the family limousine. "The only real people deserving of our time are the ones who keep us on top of the rest. Doctors and teachers included."

"Yeah, yeah. That's what you always keep on telling me." Diamond made it into the car and slipped inside. "Still, I'll never really quite understand why I ended up at Canterlot High instead of Crystal Prep Academy. Those kids are just as privileged as me and Silver are."

"I know." Spoiled Rich sighed as she too climbed into the vehicle. "Still, it wasn't my decision at the time. The ex-principal, Abacus Cinch, was very elitist and one of the snootiest members of the board apart from myself. No matter how much money I threw her way, she was quite adamant in the fact she wouldn't take someone like you unless you could back it up."

"Which is a real shame." Filthy Rich entered the limo last and wasted no time in reclining himself on the leather upholstery. "You would've had way more friends if you'd been taken into Crystal Prep. Those kids are about as rich and talented as any of us in the Rich family."

"But if I went there, I wouldn't have met Silver, and I wouldn't have had her as my best friend." Diamond Tiara strapped herself in and laid back. "It's the small price I have to pay to have someone as great as her by my side."

"Randolph. Take us home." Spoiled Rich motioned to the scrawny old man in the driver's seat, and without another word, the car started up and the Riches were being driven back to the house.

Diamond stayed mostly silent on the ride home; something she was quite familiar with. Outside of Canterlot High, she was nothing more than the daughter of two of the biggest moguls in the city, maybe even the state as a whole. Naturally, when you lead such a great life like that, you can get pretty lonely without someone to talk to. And no matter how many conversations she had with her parents, that wouldn't change how lonely she felt on the inside.

As she rode past houses, skyscrapers, and the occasional other driver, Diamond still had thoughts of her eyes on the brain. The more that she thought about the consequences of losing her eyesight, the more that the contact lenses her mother talked about started to appeal to her. And really, all that it would've done was add another step to her daily routine. Whether it'd be long or short was still a mystery. She had seen other people with contacts before, but never fully understood how they worked or how they were any better than a simple pair of glasses. If anything, she always passed them off as a pair of things that seemed impossible to get on your eyes without any help.

With the rest of her family just as quiet, Diamond Tiara simply reached into the pocket of her sleek yellow jacket and pulled out her phone. It was the most advanced model on the market—but then, what did she expect for being a Rich?—with all of the newest features. Hers specifically was wrapped in a bright pink case that absorbed the shock of any fall, so she didn't have to worry about dropping and breaking it anymore. There were a few stickers of gemstones and wealthy luxuries on the back, with a little tiara as the centerpiece.

She opened the phone up, went into her contacts, and immediately tapped on Silver Spoon's name, opening up the text feed with her. "Hey, Silvs." She typed into the phone, almost immediately getting a response.

"Hey, Di. How'd it go with the optometrist?" the message said.

"Not good. Turns out that movie I saw last night really hurt my eyes." Diamond tapped away, almost completely enveloped in her phone as her fingers danced around the screen's buttons. "The scares in it were pretty good, though. Won't lie about that."

"Aw. That's sad to hear. :(" said the next reply. "What did the doctors say about your eyes?"

"They said that I had to start wearing contacts or glasses for the next month until they can book me in for a laser eye surgery." Diamond wasted no time in pounding out the next response. "Like, for real, though, why do all those other people even want that stuff anyway? It doesn't make them seem cooler or anything. It's just an excuse to blow away your money unless you really need it like I do."

"Oh, I know. In fact, I overheard that girl Amethyst talking about how she wanted LES. Totally out of her league, especially considering she can see just fine as it is." There was a brief pause before she got the next reply. "But if you're gonna start wearing contact lenses, Di, I won't think of you any differently. And if you get glasses, that's also good. Really, I'm fine either way."

"Thanks for that, Silvs." Diamond put down the next response as well as a smiling face, then sent them off too. "So. I'll see you at CHS tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow morning, our usual place," said the last response. "See ya there!"

"You too." Diamond put her last reply in before slipping the phone back into her pocket.

Diamond Tiara finally returned to reality and slipped deeper into the comfort of her seat, her mind still buzzing with tons of questions. Just how bad was the situation? And how would she ever cope with glasses or contact lenses? And if she did make the change, then how would all the other kids at CHS change their opinions on her? How would Silver change if she changed? Before she could even think about any of that, she and her parents finally arrived back at the mansion. She watched both of them get out first, with her being the last out, still blown away by everything. One thing was for certain, though. The next month—whether she got glasses or contact lenses—would be pretty crazy.

Author's Note:

First of all, I do apologize in advance if any of this seems a little rushed or forced in some places. I had no idea how to properly execute this idea and start it all off, so I had some ideas bounced off from friends. And I got this one particular idea from a friend of mine called Night__Mist, who suggested Diamond is losing her eyesight and so Spoiled recommends contacts while Filthy just thinks glasses are better.

I don't know how I'm going to exercise this little debate in later chapters when it finally comes out that Diamond gets glasses and contacts together, but any excuse that I can get about Diamond Tiara in glasses is an amazing excuse.

I mean, you can't not look at this picture and tell me Diamond isn't adorable:

Just look at her. Well, both her and Silver in general. How can you look at these two and not feel like they're adorable?

So yeah, welcome to A New Perspective! I hope that you all enjoy this wonderful little trip that I'm gonna take you on, and I hope that, by the end of it all, you find a newfound appreciation for Diamond Tiara in glasses.

And with that, I hope that you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you'll continue to support this story and me as we go on. Thank you so much just for clicking on this story in general, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter.

Ta-ta for now, my friends!