• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 3,946 Views, 68 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Path of Two Suns - Ze1a7in

During the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset heads to the CHS gym because of a text from Rainbow Dash, only to be ambushed by Gilda and her cronies. No one was expecting Heartless to crash the party. (an AaM & KH crossover)

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Chapter 2: Dive to the Void

Kingdom Hearts: Path of Two Suns

Chapter 2

Dive to the Void

Darkness. That was all Sunset Shimmer felt as she blearily opened her eyes. ‘Where am I? Why do I feel like I’m sinking? Am I…dead? Last thing I remember is-’ Sunset’s eyes shot open as memories of the past half hour flooded into her mind. ‘The text! The ambush! Are the other students ok?! What were those creatures, and that weapon I fought them with?!’ Sunset then looked around, only to see she was floating in a void of black nothing. No, not floating, Sunset could feel a slight downward tug pulling on her, but soon that tug disappeared as her feet touched something solid, yet invisible.

“Where am I? Why am I here, and why does this place feel familiar, yet empty?”

“The answer to the first and last questions are the same, the second is not as simple.” Sunset didn’t so much hear the words as she felt them in her head. Suddenly, a soft flash of light appeared in the air before Sunset, and when it faded, Sunset saw the same gold and red key from her memories of the fight. “Greetings, my wielder. I feel you have many questions, so ask them before I answer your original three, as the answers to those will no doubt shake you.”

“Wielder… You’re the weapon I summoned when I was fighting those things! What, exactly, are you, and how are you talking with me?”

“I am known as Hopeful Dusk, and I am a Keyblade. A magical weapon capable of opening and closing any lock, door, or chest. In addition, a Keyblade is the only weapon capable of releasing the hearts stolen by the Heartless. Those ‘things’ you fought were a variety of Heartless, and the weakest at that.” For some reason, when Sunset heard “hearts stolen”, she felt something nagging at the back of her mind, as if those two words were significant to her situation. “As for how I am talking with you, I am unique among Keyblades, as your natural magical ability mixed with my own, and improved the sort-of sentience already present in all Keyblades. This improved sentience allowed me to guide your hand in battle. Unfortunately, that was a one-time thing.”

Sunset’s face became contemplative. “Natural magical ability…! You mean my Equestrian Magic? So that’s why the magic I used felt similar to that of back home. But...how did I summon you in the first place? And why do you look like you do?”

“I do not know how you summoned me, as it is rare for an individual to awaken their potential to wield a Keyblade without the proper ceremony or certain training. As for my appearance, when a Keyblade wielder first summons their Keyblade, that first Keyblade takes on an appearance representative of the wielder’s heart. More on that later, as it is related to your original questions.”

“That’s as good an explanation as any, I guess. So, what are the Heartless? How do they steal hearts, anyways? Isn’t that vital to someone being alive?”

“I do not mean that they steal an individual’s physical heart. While the individual whose heart has been stolen does indeed cease to be, at least in their current form, they are not exactly dead. The heart I refer to is closer in concept to one’s soul. The Heartless are creatures of darkness, born from the negative emotions that exist in every heart. Their main purpose is to seek out hearts full of light, and steal them, in the process allowing the heart to be consumed by darkness, thus creating a new Heartless. A Heartless can also be formed by an individual willingly surrendering to the darkness in their heart, and in doing so they transform into a Heartless.”

There it was again. That nagging feeling that Sunset was missing something, which strangely only occurred when Hopeful Dusk mentioned hearts, and them being stolen or consumed by darkness. Sunset suddenly felt very, very, cold. “...The last thing I remember is Gilda yelling that something was behind me, and me spinning around while swinging a Keyblade. I also remember the feeling of pain when that last Heartless clawed my back. That Heartless…it stole my heart, didn’t it?”

Hopeful Dusk seemed to lose some of its shine, Sunset would have attributed it to someone being sad. “Yes. Unfortunately, after your battle, your heart was indeed stolen, along with a part of me. I believe it is time I answered your original questions. The area we are currently in, is a dream-like place known as the Dive to the Heart, and is usually filled with Stations representative of an individual's heart. That is why this place feels familiar, yet empty. This is a space closely tied to your heart. But this is a good thing.”

“Good thing?! How can my heart being stolen be in any way a good thing?!” Sunset absently noted that despite her words, she didn’t feel the anger she thought she should have.

“The fact this place yet remains is a good thing, as it means that a part of your heart yet remains. However, that is normally impossible. You appear to be a special case.”

“...Oh. Huh.” Sunset’s face once again became contemplative. “How does this relate to your appearance, though? You said your appearance was related to my original three questions, but how?”

“Yes, I did say that my appearance is a reflection of your heart. And your heart, Sunset Shimmer, has been in a balance of the light and dark within it for some time. My appearance reflects that balance, as does the appearance of my halves.” At those words, Hopeful Dusk became enveloped in a soft light once more, before the one light separated into two. When those lights faded, the two Keyblades that Sunset had dual wielded were floating before her. The one on Sunset’s left was gold and white, while the one on her right was crimson and black. “The one on your left is called Nobody’s Sun, and is representative of the light in your heart. It’s opposite and equal is Setting Dark, representative of the darkness in your heart. Now, however, the darkness in your heart has been separated from you along with your heart,” at this, Setting Dark started to fade away, “Leaving only the light that once balanced it. And while your heart may no longer remain, the light is still connected to it. Hence why this place still remains.”

Sunset should have been shocked, or confused, or any other emotion after this info dump, but for some reason she did not know, she felt none of them. Chalking it up to emotional drain after the past week, Sunset asked the last question on her mind. “So, what now?”

“Now, you return to the waking world. There are people there who are concerned for you. Farewell, my wielder.”

Suddenly, Sunset felt herself floating upwards. As she floated, she became surrounded in a light that eventually grew blinding, forcing her to shut her eyes.


Sunset groggily opened her eyes, blinking until her vision was clear, and she found herself looking up at the ceiling of her apartment. ‘Ugh, my head. Wait...how did I get to my apartment?’ Upon realizing this, Sunset shot up from her bed, looking around the room quickly. She heard the door to her bedroom open, and upon looking towards it, she saw Gilda standing there.

“So, you finally woke up, huh?” Gilda then stuck her head back outside the room, saying to someone else “She’s awake!”

“Gilda? What are you doing in my apartment? How did we get to my apartment? I don’t remember telling you my address. Like, ever.” Gilda chuckled lightly at that, before saying to Sunset

“Snips and Snails told me. Then I drove your unconscious body here with the help of a few… Well, it would just be easier for you to talk with them yourself.” At this, Gilda stepped aside, and three new individuals that Sunset had never seen before entered her bedroom, stopping before her bed.

The first was obviously the youngest, around 16 years old. He had spiky, brown hair, and blue eyes. His outfit consisted of a black V-neck shirt with white lining, over which he wore a black jacket with grey pockets and a grey stripe on each sleeve. The hood, sleeves, and jacket itself had a red lining, and six buttons were visible on the front. He had gauntlet-like gloves on his hands, in a similar color scheme to his jacket, with grey circles on the backs, yellow straps around the wrists, and exposed palms. He was wearing black shorts that came down a few inches below his knees, with several grey pockets on the sides. His black and yellow sneakers, while not comically large, were definitely a couple sizes too big for him, from what Sunset could see. Sunset also noticed he wore a silver necklace with a crown on it.

The second was, from Sunset’s estimate, about a year older than the first, with silver-ish hair, in a shade that could be mistaken for a shade of blue, that reached down to just above his neck in the back, and eyes that were blue-green. His clothes consisted of a sleeveless, black tank-top with a zipper on the front, over which was a white and yellow vest with a blue stripe separating the two colors. He also wore baggy blue jeans with a black belt, and his shoes were a pair of yellow-laced, white sneakers with gray lining and soles, and three black stripes on the sides.

The last was an adult, with shoulder-length, bright red hair styled into slick-backed spikes like something out of an anime, and a widow’s peak at the front, and bright emerald eyes. His outfit consisted of a sleeveless orange jacket, the pockets of which are a darker orange than the rest, with a sleeveless white undershirt, tan baggy pants, and red and white sneakers with black socks. The most notable part of his appearance was the yellow and brown keffiyeh around his neck, which changed patterns from striped to checkered at his neck. The bottom of the keffiyeh was slightly frayed. After Sunset took in their appearances, the one with brown hair spoke up

“Hey, you’re Sunset Shimmer, right?”

“I am. Who are you three, and how did you get into my apartment? I have the only key.” Sunset responded warily. To her surprise, he grinned widely while putting his hands behind his head in a relaxed pose.

“My name is Sora.”

“Riku.” Said the blue haired one with a nod of his head.

“My name is Lea, but you can call me Axel. Got it memorized?” said anime hair while holding the index finger of his right hand to the side of his head.

“I guess so?” Sunset responded, a bit confused at his reason for asking that particular question. ‘Why do I get the feeling that he uses that phrase a lot?’

“Good.” Axel continued, “As for why we are here…” Suddenly the faces of all three grew more serious, “You wouldn’t happen to know a ‘Princess Celestia’, would you?”

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone! Thank you to everyone who Favorited, Tracked, Added to a shelf, Commented on, etc this story!

The talk between Sunset and Hopeful Dusk contains a mix of my personal headcanon with actual Kingdom Hearts canon, so if any clarification is needed on that front, feel free to ask!

Also, we are introduced to Sunset's co-heroes for this adventure! Sora, Riku, and Axel/Lea (he's my favorite)! Their outfits may seem familiar to the Kingdom Hearts fans, but if they don't, Sora's is based off his Kingdom Hearts 3 outfit, RIku's is based off his Kingdom Heart 2 look, and Axel is in near identical clothes to Lea's from Birth By Sleep, obviously sized for an adult.

As for why I picked those three in particular? I have my reasons, and most of those reasons will be made clear in this arc.

Anyways, next chapter will reveal exactly how they arrived at Sunset's apartment, as well as both how and why they know of Princess Celestia.

Edit: Riku's hair has been edited to better match it's current look in the games.

Comments ( 35 )

Sunset's heart is gone?!

*whistles innocently* Well, she was downed by a Heartless...

Yeah can she get angry, Rainbow betrayed her and now she can't get mad about it.

So no angry shouts or actions against the bitch!

Well... Xemnas did have knowledge that Nobody's are capable of regrowing their hearts, and I do believe it is said in 358/2 days that they can remember how an emotion felt. But no, she won't exactly be angry.

Also, warning in advance, my Sunset is going to be one of the more forgiving ones. Not immediately forgiving, but definitely not the "cut ties/disown a freind" for wronging her type of individual.

OH YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Look i get she may forgive Dash but COME ON!
She set her up to get beaten up if nearly killed, she should get a punch to the face at least.

Can she do that or it not...quote morally right quote. At least she not going to up and forgive them and they go running thru the fields of flowers other wise I down vote and leave

Mind if I PM you something that should sate your need for Dash to be beaten into the ground, while showing just what kind of punishment Dash is going to get for her actions? Because she is in no feasible way coming out of this unscathed.

Ok. To be completely honest here, I have never played any of the Kingdom Hearts games. I've heard a lot about them I know that they are quite popular. I just never had any interest in playing them.

That being said, this fanfic is really starting to catch my interest.

Thanks! Yeah, Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite series, up there with Zelda. ALL OF ZELDA. The main reason for that is the storytelling in both series. The Kingdom Hearts games are all one interconnected story, and Kingdom Hearts 3, which releases in 2018, is the end of the first "arc" of the series.

Yeah, story-based games are some of the best. Although to be honest I've never had any interest in Zelda either. But as long as the story is good, then thr game is good. That's certainly the case with the Legend of Spyro trilogy.

Oh fun sunset’s a nobody (nopony) and Axel is here along with sora and riku.

Fun story and wonderful Keyblade concept.

Okay several things. Neoshadows are NOT the weakest form of a Pure Heartless. Shadows are. Neoshadows are much STRONGER variants of those and not meant to be taken lightly. Hence why they only appear towards endgame areas in KH series.

They are tricky, unpredictable powerful opponents that are deceptively fast and only strong or expert Keyblade Weilders can take them on. Definitely not for beginners.

Nobody's Sun should be named Light's Sun or Somebody's Sun. Nothiningness is considered its own element.

You don't have to be a Heartless nor a Nobody to be able to have acess to Light and Darkness as they are inherent in every being. You don't just become a Nobody without a Heartless equivalent made as well elsewhere. Yes a Nobody can ultilze multiple elements but that is dependant on the being personility and preference.

In fact one can coexist with their Nobody as well. Provided of course, they survive the process of becoming a Heartless that is.

Also as proven by Ventus and Sora, you can survive losing half of your heart, but only if something or someone else is able to fill the void left behind.

Though from what you presented us regarding Sunset, I presume we may a Vanitas like situation later on. What with her Darkness ripped out her.

Also Riku has greyish/silverush hair not light blue, and he cut his hair short since the begining of the events of KH: DDD before they where tested by Mastsr Yen Sid.

That aside great start and nice set up so far.

First: I never said the Neoshadow was defeated. All I said was that Setting Dark cut into the Neoshadow and got stuck. Plus, Sunset never got hit fighting the regular Shadows, which means the Neoshadow practically one-shot her. There was no way I could make Sunset actually fight the Neoshadow, and have it be believable she could hold her own.

Second: The reason I called it Nobody's Sun is twofold. The first reason is because it will be Sunset's main Keyblade throughout the fic, and she will be a Nobody up until the very end of the fic, so imagine the Keyblade as a Nobody's Sun. The second, is that it is also a nod to how lonely Sunset is made to be during most Anon-a-Miss fics.

Third: I really should get the next chapter up, huh? That would address your criticism regarding Sunset being a Nobody without having a Heartless. All I will say is that the answer is tied into what happened to the Neoshadow.

As a side note: Sunset's heart was in a balance of light and dark. I decided to use the logic of "take one of those out, and the other will expand to fill the void".

As for the Ventus/Vanitas thing? Oh, if only you knew how close you are to the truth.

Oh sorry I guess I misread some the earlier scenes and it was a group of Neoshadows instead of single one leading minor Shadows. It does explain her acknowledging how certain ones were weaker. For that I apologise.

In regarding the keyblade naming I see your reasoning and I accept it. Hmmm. Though are each variant of Sunset Keyblade able to go through evolution like the ones in KH2 ( Soul Eater to Way to Dawn), KH x/Chi/Union Cross, (Stardust Keybkade etc) , KH BBS default Keyblades (the Wayfinder Keyblades), do, or would that be represented in a whole seperate versions instead?

Is synthesis a thing in here if so I can definitely seeing SciTwi and potentially Sunset ultizing the art for customizable magic, techniques, and posdibly keyblades. Plus it be hilarous to see their reaction to shop moogles. Well unless they end up doing it all their own like in recent games.

Also if Sunset really is essentially Nobody has she any slight physical differences like most Nobodies do to differentiate them from their Sombodies?

Though your inital setup of her being Nobody with practically no Darkness is sort of similar to Namine. Though granted she us a special case due the circumstances of her creation.

I know you have certain personas of Sunset's possibly going make to themselves known or represented down the line as Heartless etc. However given what we know in KH2/358 1/2 Days, and KH DDD, would her growing a new heart to fill the one she part affect her mentally or spiritally?

If so that makes things much more complicated and sets a deadline so to speak. I mean the last thing she wants is to end up as a completly different being that she can not recognize. Though past series example took a bit of time for that to happen eventually.

Again this makes things a bit twisted. As she has to hunt down her self and SOMEHOW undo her Nobodiness without well...diasapering in the process. Since one way to revive a person their aspects have to dealt Heartkess destroyed and with Nobody afterwords in that order. Though I guess she can pull a Sora and Kairi and somehow merge into themselves again.

Unless you are going with the fact that not all with few exceptions retain memory of theur prior lives as Somebodies. Well it is good thing this story is set long before Forgotten Friendship or else things would have been WAY worse. Messing with one's memories is not fun. Sora, Roxas, and Xion can speak from experience on that front.

Oh I am sorry I kinda rambled on there. I guess I am overthinking things. Then again with Kingdom Hearts: There are no coincindences.

I can't answer most of your questions, mainly because I haven't thought that far ahead. As for synthesizing, no. And for Sunset's Keyblades having different forms...that would be spoilers. What I can say, is that Equestrian Magic doesn't play by the same rules as KH magic, and I already made mention that she still has her memories.

Oh okay. Thanks again for answering that is all. Hope the writing goes well for you.

Thanks and you're welcome.

I like that you are somewhat redeeming Gilda she's a personal favorite along with Rainbow and Scootaloo also could you NOT make scootaloo be apart of the whole Anon-A-Miss thing like have the other two leave her out because she still believes that Sunset has changed

...Sorry, but I already had all three of the Crusaders involved.:twilightsheepish: I could make her the most reluctant of the three, but I already have a decent portion of the Anon-a-miss arc figured out.

As for Gilda, her redemption is going to be a slow burn.

I'm working on it. Life was busy these past couple weeks, and I had college before that.

I figured the keyblade split was a reference that Sunset is a special type of Nobody like Roxas and Naime. So do you have a name for Sunset's nobody form? Shinxas what do you think?

I was actually going to address that in the next chapter.

Was I close or not?

I'm going the route of "It's more of an Organization thing". Because every Nobody except Namine had an X in their name, and Namine was the only one not a member of the Organization.

Nice, liked and followed.

i'm following this!

“Good.” Axel continued, “As for why we are here…” Suddenly the faces of all three grew more serious, “You wouldn’t happen to know a ‘Princess Celestia’, would you?”

Um... No, she doesn't know anyone by that name.

What are you saying nope to?

Are you going to continue or not. It’s almost been a year and a half since the last update

I am going to continue. But things are slow going. College is very time-intensive.

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