• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.

Comments ( 42 )

Spike, the MLIF Hunter.

R/prorevenge almost nuclear

Do you know what would make it nuclear? Flurry calling Spike dad, knowing Shining is her father, but loving Spike as her dad instead.

Now that what we call r/nuclear revenge







I certainly hope this is the Sequel everyone who read the first story wanted. :moustache:

Is this getting a sequel?

Spike should go after mares who are lonely and sexually starving.

Hmm..... Her belly getting rounder.... I do hope we get another chapter/sequel be interesting to see them have a family

I love this revenge, though I think no one loved it more than The big bad dragon and his kinky princess. She really needed more excitement and now she is in paradise. I would laugh if uncle Spike became daddy and Flurry called her father by his full name. I think it would have been even better if they did this to them as well... LET THERE BE A TRILOGY!

This was a great sequel I was waiting for this with such a long time.

If you thinking about making another sequel may I suggest adding Twilight into the mix

This continued on for what could have been months. Spike and Cadance were a more official, yet secret couple. Armor remained her husband to maintain a sense of peace in the Crystal Empire; but this was in name only. The two didn’t even share a bed anymore. Every night, if or when he would come to the royal chambers, he would only find his former wife taking a thick and hard dragon cock in her gushing wet pussy. He couldn’t complain, he knew he stood to lose so much and was thankful for what little he had left. He was even allowed to see Twilight on occasion, but the thrill was all but dead. His sister felt the same, a feeling of guilt and shame as the two fucked less and less. Still meeting to share in each others’ company, but the sex was almost over. But Spike and Cadance didn’t care, their revenge was over and the two have found a love for each other that could never have bloomed with their former lovers. On top of that, the princess’ affection only grew more and more compassionate as the dragon noticed her belly was starting to become much larger and rounder.

Oh my...:rainbowderp:.

Third part with her spike and the alicorn kirin

Twilight and Shining are assholes.

Not a bad read but I can never get over this kind of laughably direct dialog. Like reading poorly translated hentai.:rainbowlaugh:

they got exactly what they deserved....... as one who has his heart crushed by the woman he loved when she cheated on him, l salute Spike and Cadence....

Yeah two wrongs make a right.

Revenge is a dish best served SO GODDAMN HOT!

but his dragon cock was reaching and rubbing places Armor’s pony dick.

Think it's missing a "couldn't" at the end.

The dragon’s mouth curled into a devilish smirk as she only looked to


Well, the chapter title already says everything we need to know.

I assure you: It is.
Good work!

Found an error:

but his dragon cock was reaching and rubbing places Armor’s pony dick.

Isn't there something missing? Like "...would never be able to touch."

Maybe not, but three lefts do.

Impregnated... I LOVE IT!

Alicorn Dragon hybrid FTW!

When you're out in the club, don't think I'm not
Even when you're out making love, don't think I'm not
When you're feeling good in somebody's spot, getting hot, don't stop
Just don't think I'm not 'cause I'm out getting mine

They say that Revenge is a dish that's best served cold. But in a dragon's case, it is SERVED HOT!

They got what they deserved and now Twilight and Shining are going to live out the rest of their lives in a state of guilt of not being faithful to their lovers.

While they were now paying the price of unfaithfulness and incest...The Princess of Love got with the Purple Dragon and as the ending implies is also pregnant with his child.


-No it's not it's not I CAN TURN IT BACK AROUND YOU DOUCHEBAGS. It flips itself over.


Well said

Is there gonna be another one where Cadence gives brith to flurry heart or another baby, then Shining and Twilight came over to attempt to apologize to their formers loves

Perfect revenge :twilightsmile:

Un latino te escribe

venganza exitosa... ahora la pregunta es como le explicara a su hija los cambios de humor de sus padres y tíos (aunque no hace falta que sea respondido jeje)... me pregunto, me daría tu permiso para traducir y publicar tus fic (este y los otros que leerle a futuro) te prometo que te mencionaré...
successful revenge... now the question is how will you explain to your daughter the mood swings of her parents and uncles (although it doesn't need to be answered hehe)... I wonder, would you give me your permission to translate and publish your fics (this and the others to read in the future) I promise I'll mention you...

Unfortunately, I cannot.

ok, respeto tu decisión, pero puedo saber el por que??
ok, I respect your decision, but may I know why?

While I don't have any major issues with some of my stories being translated, I would respectfully ask you private message me which stories you'd like to translate before doing anything. Some stories would be fine, others would not, but that's a bit of a list. So if you private message me which stories you'd like to translate, I can give a better yes or no answer. :twilightsmile:

It felt so good reading this story!

I remember reading the previous story a long time ago but when I came back recently I had to pick up where I left off.

I would love to read more Spike stories like this.

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