• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 5,064 Views, 166 Comments

The Fightin' Dragon - Phantom-Dragon

A MLP FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover. Spike goes on an adventure, in the world of Fœnum.

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Legend of Fœnum – The Predators (6/27/20: Rewritten)

Author's Note:

Straight from the Mane6 Development Team's website, in their Book of Lore Volume 1 - Prologue.

3/6/2020: I've later updated parts of the chapter to match with the game's prologue.

6/27/2020: Since most of the game's dialogues were different from when it was first shown in March, I thought some editing and updating was in order.

Fœnum - Pummelin' Plains

Spike and Arizona were walking down a path, as Spike relays the whole story of his experience to the cow. Needless to say, Arizona has never before been enchanted to hear such a fascinating story.

"That's crazier than a bovine stuck in a tree," Arizona commented. "Ya mean to tell me that ya came from another world, full of talking ponies? And that yer friends with them? And through some strange powerful magic, ya arrived here in Fœnum?"

"Yes, yes, and yes," Spike answered every questions, before asking, "Uh, Fœnum? What exactly is Fœnum?"

"Yer standing in it, of course," Arizona answered. "Fœnum is the world you're in right now. It's kinda similar to this Equestria land you came from. We do have ponies here, though not like the ones you described in yer story."

"You mean, there are other creatures living in this world, besides cows like you?" Spike asked.

Arizona nodded her head, "Yup," She answered. "Believe it or not, there are a whole lot of us sentient, four-legged, hoofed mammals," With that, Arizona began to dig the ground with her hoof for every species she can count, "There are the bisons, camels, goats, deers, antelopes....the list goes on."

"Wow," Spike gasped. "Um, by chance, are there any other dragons besides me, here in Fœnum?"

Scratching her head, Arizona answered, "There used to be," She replied. "Though, we haven't seen any in about a thousand years, or so. Give or take."

"Gosh, what happened to them?" Spike asked.

"You mean, you don't know?" Arizona asked.

"Do I sound like I know?"

"Then I guess it's true," Arizona looked serious. "You're not from around here."

"You mean, that whole time, you didn't believe me about Equestria?" Spike frowned. "You thought I made all of that up?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Arizona quickly apologized. "It's just that, these days, we just can't take chances trusting with strangers. Especially when that stranger comes from another world, and somehow manages to weasel their way into ours. This is bad."

"I'll say it's bad," Spike answered. "If I don't get home quick, then who knows what kind of problems the dragons and ponies would get into without my help. That and Twilight’s going to throw a fit when she comes home and finds me missing," The young dragon said at the thought Twilight tearing up Ponyville, searching endlessly and blindly for Spike.

"Yes," Arizona replied. "That, and it's a bad sign of their return. This is really bad. They'll come sooner than we'd expect them to be."

Spike soon looked trouble, matching Arizona's expression, "Um, who are we talking about?" He asked.

"The predators," Arizona answered.

"The predators?" Spike repeated. "Who are they?"

Looking up, seeing the sun was setting over the horizon, Arizona nudged Spike along, "Let's keep moving," She ushered. "It's not safe to be out and about when it's dark. And pa will be worried sick if I don't get home for dinner."

"Okay," Spike replied. "But soon, I think I need to get caught up on what's going on. Because to me, it sounds like I'm in the middle of something big."

"More bigger than ya can imagine, little fella," Arizona frowned.

The Legend

Long ago, Fœnum was a different place. The ungulates had shared their home world with a race of savage, furry, four-footed creatures with sharp teeth. They are called the Predators.

There was nothing but dark days back then. No ungulates could roam Fœnum freely to even nibble a single blade of grass, without the thought of a predator lying in wait to pounce and run them down in a heartbeat.

All of Fœnum lived in constant terror of the Predators. Until one fateful day, they were all banished by a great elder, long of leg, long of horn, and long of beard, had made it possible. A desert creature, this Bearded Prophet hailed from a time of pharaohs, pyramids, and most of all, magic.

Legend has it, she was guided by the spirits of her ancestors, when she discovered a portal her people once used as a passageway to what they believed to be the afterlife — the Limbo. And through this portal, the Prophet discovered even more portals to other worlds. Which possibly includes the portal to the world of Equestria.

As legends would have it, the Bearded Prophet traveled the Limbo, until she discovered an empty realm, which she called the THE HOLD. This was the place, she knew where the Predators belong.

Under her wise leadership, all the nations of Fœnum banded together against the Predators, driving them all into the Hold in a long and costly war. There, the Prophet locked them away, using a MAGIC KEY she made from one of her own magnificent horns. For good measure, she also double-locked the door to Fœnum so that no one should enter our world uninvited and ensuring peace for Fœnum forever.

But not everything lasts forever. The Predators all swore to return and wreak their horrible vengeance. Nobody believed it, until one fateful day.

Reine City, Chamber Room of the Fœnum Council of Ungulates

In the snowy tundra, a gathering of ungulates was held under the snow covered roof of a building, decorated with large oversized antlers that curved around the entrance.

Standing in the center of the room, dwarfed by the elders, stood a lone little zebra of nimble stature.

Walking up to the podium, was a large pale white rhinoceros, who wears a decorative robe with the image of the sun printed on the back.

"Fellow ungulates, even and odd toed alike..." The rhinoceros began solemnly. "We, the Elders, are gathered here today to address a grave matter which concerns all inhabitants of Fœnum. The return...of Predator-kind."

With that, the entire room was filled mutters as all the elders in the room started exchanging gossips and murmurs of concerns amongst themselves.

The rhino spoke again, addressing to the young zebra in the room, “We have someone with us today who encountered beasts firsthoof and survived. The Council will hear her story.” She said. “Come, small one,” She coaxed gently. “Tell is what you saw.”

Shaking uneasily, the young zebra whimpered, “Th-Thank you, Chief.” Composing herself the best she could, the zebra began, “I was back home in the Savanna, right before the sun was comin’ up.” She recalled.

“I woke up early that morning when I felt a firefly tickle my nose. I was chasin’ it through the tall grass. Just, you know... playin’ around. It took me all the way to the watering hole... and that’s when I saw ‘em!”

The young zebra whimpered as she recalled the event that will forever haunt her, “Big, mean lookin’ creatures. Black as night, but you could see through ‘em! Like... ghosts!”

“Ghosts?” The rhino asked, as she and the elders looked even further troubled. “What kind of creature were they, exactly?” She asked.

“I... don’t really know. Nothin’ like anything I’ve ever seen before.” The zebra explained. “They were four-legged... but their hooves looked all funny with little points stickin’ out. Their fur was long and thick and juttin’ out on all sides.” She whimpered, but was still beckoned for continue her story, “And their noses... they were huge! They were tryin’ to talk to each other but it was comin’ out all nasty and gurgly, like they’d eaten a bunch of thorns.”

“I could hardly make it out...” The zebra whimpered again. “But I think they were lookin’ for a key to give to somebody... The Devourer.”

The name — The Devourer — sent troubled shivers in the air, as the elders all started to talk amongst themselves.

“Hush now, all of you,” The rhino ordered, before turning back to the zebra. “Ribbon, what happened next?”

The zebra, now identified as Ribbon, resumed, “I was hidden in the grass, I know I was...” She recalled in fright. “But one of them started sniffin’ the air with that big nose of theirs... That’s when they all whipped around and stared straight at me!”

Ribbon quivered, her hooves shaking beneath her, as she finds herself back in that horrible moment.

“The big one made more talkey-growly sounds. Think he called me a...grass eater.” Ribbon then looked troubled, “Uh... is that a bad word? Am I allowed to say that?”

“Nevermind that, dear,” The rhino answered. “Did you run? Did the creatures chase you?”

“Yeah, I ran!” Ribbon answered. “They came straight at me! That’s when I first caught sight of their teeth. Sharp like I’ve never seen before...”

“Oh my... how did you escape?”

“I just ran and ran until my legs were about to give out.” Ribbon whimpered. “But before I knew it, they had me completely surrounded...” The zebra quivered even more uneasily as she continued, recalling the black masses and how they air around them turned red to further highlight their ferocity. “There was drool comin’ out of their mouths, and an awful smell. Terrible red eyes... had nothin’ in ‘em at all. I... thought I was a goner...”

Ribbon looked up and explained with relief, “But then...the sunlight started comin’ in through the trees. A big beam of light hit ‘em, and they started turnin’ to smoke!”

But the grim story was far from over, “As the big one was fadin’ out, he hissed in a way I could finally understand...”

Swallowing a lump, Ribbon repeated the horrifying message, “The Predators return. And we will be... hungry...”

“Then, gone. Just... blown away in the wind.” Ribbon concluded, “...I told my chief what happened. Her face - and stripes - turned white! She started pacing back ‘n forth, talkin’ to herself, like she already knew somethin’ about this. That’s when... she brought me here,” She turned to the rhino.

“...So then. Thank you for your story, young one,” The rhino bowed her head to the young zebra.

“Council Chief!” An elderly camel spoke up. “The foal's account lines up with the other reports. She is lucky to remain unscathed...”

“Indeed...” The Council Chief agreed. “And now we know they’re looking for a key...”

"And now you can no longer deny it, Anga," The camel added. "The legends are true!"

"Oh you and your legends again," Council Chief Anga grumbled. "Don't be a fool, old man."

"This Key they seek is real, so the legends must be true, too!" The camel argued. "Somewhere, there is a mystic door keeping our ancient enemies, The Predators, at bay. You are all fools if you do not heed this warning! I propose we find the bravest, strongest, most skilled amongst us to find The Key... we must name a champion!" The entire room was filled with mutters as every ungulates turned to one another, exchanging their thoughts.

“The Key’s exact location is unknown,” The camel elder continued. “But we do know that it’s guarded by a Key Keeper... a mysterious creature whose purpose is to ensure the Key is wielded only by ‘one who is worthy’.”

Council Chief Anga looked skeptic at first, but knew that the camel was speaking the truth, "Children's fairy tale or no, I admit," She began. "This threat must be taken seriously. We shall find this Key, whatever it is." She then continued, "After years of discord, I know that the ungulates of Fœnum will not agree on a single champion. So we must settle this as we did in times of old..."

With that, the Council Chief approaches on the podium and declared, "Fellow ungulates! Hear my decree!" The Council Chief declared. “Antelopians of The Valley, Whitetail of The Forest, Goatani of The Islands, Bisenne of The Plains, Equines of The Steppes, and all the other proud nations of Fœnum... Choose your champion! Your Key Seeker must be named! Send them on the quest for this legendary Key. It will be their duty to battle against each other, horn against hoof against antler! Until one champion, and one alone, remains. Whoever that Ungulate is will have proven themselves worthy to be the Protector of Fœnum... OUR KEY KEEPER!!"

“We must find the strongest of us all to face this threat. For if we fail...” With a troubled look, Council Chief looked down, sorrowful, “All of Fœnum shall surely perish...”

That was the saddening truth the entire Council of Elders agreed upon.


"Whoa," Spike marveled, after hearing the story. "That's heavy!" He was currently sharing a room, with Arizona, at her family's house. Though her overprotective father, Texas, spoke disapprovingly against it, her mother, Minnesota, appeared to take a slight fondness for the young dragon.

"It is," Arizona replied. "So you can see what's got ma and pa riled up, a bit, when they first met you, and how your presence here is a sign of danger for us all. The Prophet's magic is failing. And if you can get through the Prophet's spell that kept Foœnum safe and sound, then we obviously don't have much time before the Predators are here for dinner, with us as the main course."

"Again, sorry for dropping in," Spike frowned. Deciding to steer the topic, Spike asked, "So, about this whole 'key' thing. This champion of yours. Remind me again, how do you even know who is 'worthy' enough, just by fighting each other?" Spike found the last part to be rather strange.

"Like the story says," Arizona explained. "The Protector of Fœnum is the greatest of them all. They are the champions of champions. The only way for that champion to be determined is to travel across Fœnum, to display our skills and strength in combat. And if that champion happens to be me, then I'll do whatever it takes to save Fœnum. If not, then I only hope the real one can succeed."

"Hmm," Spike pondered, "Well, good luck with that I guess..." He thought gravely at his chances of going home, because of his bad timing for arriving in the middle of a big fight. Then, it hit him, "Wait a minute! You're a champion?!"

"That's right, little fella," Arizona answered. "Why else would I be out in the plains, sparring myself with those dummies?"

Spike blushed, having forgotten the obvious, "Hehe, I guess that answers that," With his blush subsiding, Spike asked, "So how did you became a champion?"

Arizona smiled, before she kicked back, "Well Spike, that's a story I’m proud to live to tell."