• Published 19th Feb 2018
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Fallout Equestria: A New Order - NatetrixNarratorBro

When the Equestria wasteland gets invade by a new force, One Pony steps out of a secret stable, and will have to face upcoming challenges ahead. Will he fall in defeat or will he defeat the new forces in the Wasteland find out in FE: A New Order

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Chapter 5: PonCivil Meet

Running through the small metal, and wood shacks. Luke, and Reed head down the small step of stone steps. They ran down the sidewalk in the middle of a medium size food supply garden. "Come on Luke." Reed, and Luke both made it only feets away from the bar entrance. It bright outside, as it was very warm out, mostly some clouds formed, but not near the sun at all. Half of the population of ponies in Poncivil was at the front entrance, as they were talking one by one. In front of the big group of ponies was a tall white coat pony, with a big black beard, and was bald. He even had a some sort of pirate captain hat on his head, plus he was a Pegasus pony too.

"My ponies, We are trying our best on the raider problem." the black beard pony spoke with a deep tone, as he looked at everypony in front of him trying to answer everypony's questions.

"Doing your best?, Sir they showed up with over probably twenty raiders last month. They took almost all our food supply." Now the big group of residents were talking not at once, but they all speak rapidly at him. They didn't stop, as they look to had enough with the raider coming, and it was time to take a end to the raiders.

"Everypony Stop!." Reed quickly yelled, as he ran up in front of the crowd of ponies. The residents silenced, they all looked at Reed.

"You know, you all our right" the black beard pony gasp, as he looked at Reed as well to hear what he had to say. "But we can't just be charging into a big part of Ponyvill that his control from the nasty, ugly raiders." Reed looked at everypony standing proud, as he could be to everypony. "We need a plan, me, and our boss here would be making a plan right now." The black beard pony walked marching towards him now with angry.

"Your not in charge of making that decision!" he yelled as everypony hoof raised up to the air, Luke just watches from a bit far from the residents.

"But the votes are in charge, All ponies if you agreed to make a plan on bringing down the raiders say I!." Everypony hoofs were still raised to the air, as they all said I. The bearded pony began to walk back in front of everypony.

"Yes, will be talking about a plan inside the bar." Reed just smiled, and waves Luke over to follow. The black bearded pony, and Reed walk inside the bar. The rest of the residents went back to there shacks, or back to work in the gardens. Luke began to approach the bar door, then began to open the door slowly, walking in, as Reed, and the bearded pony were sitting on chairs near a big table.

"Oh you finally, Boss this is Luke, he my friend." Reed smiled, as the bearded pony turn to face him.

"Its nice to meet you, but now it's not the time for talk." the boss began to turn to the table, as Luke sat on the other side in a chair. Luke saw a big map on the table to look to be a big town. "This right here, is the map of ponyvill, one pony stole it two months ago from the raiders pockets while on his lunch break."

"So this is everything, at least we know where the buildings are." Luke said with a smile, as he examines the map closely.

"Look, there a supply building at the edge of the map here." Reed puts a hoof to a big square with a box symbol, and words that say supply's.

"That's not all look they even made a key." Beard pony said. There was a square box in the bottom right corner of the map, that had a bunch of symbols, and next to them were words with the symbols meaning.

"Slave homes, a club, even a barracks where they keep all there weapons, and explosives." Reed pointed at all the locations on where the buildings are. "And the barracks are close to where we can enter" Reed points down his hoof down south west of the map.

Luke started to think of a plan as the other two were talking on what the course of action would be. Finally after a minute Luke looked up, and spoke. "I will approach from the South, and find the explosives. Then i will go to the slave homes see if the singer down there to find out for sure if she a slave to them. Reed you will be waiting on the other side with a cart with a lot of food supply's, ammo, and weapons. You might also have to have two ponies with carts also, Boss i need you to give Reed a walkie talkie, so i can talk to him through." Luke kept on speaking about the plan, as Reed, and Boss kept listening to his long plan which they find it to be a good one. "Then after i go to the slave homes i will sneak around plant a explosive on the bridge to the other side of Ponyvill. Then will meet up with you Reed so we can plant a big wall of explosives to get the cart ponies inside. Take all the supply that Reeds already sets for the cart, and we book it out of there with a big bang on the bridge." When Luke finish the two ponies nod at the plan.

"That's one big plan, but we might have to do this late at night so some of the raiders, and some of the New Order are asleep. " Reed said, and the boss get out of there chairs. Luke even got up out of the chair as well, as they think they both agree it was a good plan.

"Alright so it's settled we start this plan tonight when, before that we must gear both of you up. Will get you both enough ammo for your short travel, if you come back with supply i will see what your rewards is when you get back" said the Boss as he walks up the stairs of the bar.

Later that day as Luke approach Reed's shack to plan out, and hangout for the rest of the day before they invade into the plan. Luke looked at his shack number, it was seven. Luke was thinking if Reed was the one made paper. After Reed let Luke inside they had a long talk, Luke didn't want to ask questions about the paper on the carriage. After minutes of chatting, Reed turns on the radio, as Luke hears nice a nice song playing on the radio. It was very amazing to him, he never heard it before, it wasn't even from the prewar songs. It sounded so new, as a mare was singing the whole song. Reed was enjoying the song as well, and he dance a bit while he grab a Apple in a bowl on a his table. Soon Reed was singing the rest of the song. Luke just tried to hold his laugh, as it was so funny to him. Finally the song ends, and Reed turns off the radio. "Who was that mare singing that song?." Luke ask Reed, the song was fantastic, it had very amazing piano music too.

"Oh this song was two years ago, the singer of this song name is Velvet Remedy." Reed replied as he eats the rest of his apple. "She was one of the best singers in all of Equestria wasteland." Reed sat next to Luke on the couch as he took off his rag hood, as he put it on the coffee table.

"Wow, so this Velvet did she made any new songs?." Luke ask ,as he kicked his hoofs on Reed's coffee table.

"Well she did write a lot of songs two years ago, then...." Reed took a big sigh as he looked up to the ceiling.

Luke took a look at Reed. "Then what? ,what happen?"

"New Order, that's what happen i guess. When they came, i guess everything change." Reed stood up as he walked up to the bowl to grab another apple.

"What is the new order?" Luke ask now wanting to know who this new order was. Reed just turn his head then look back at the apple.

"i don't know much, but ponies have been saying they came from the South of Equestria wasteland. They came to the beaches of Equestria land on this one big airship, and lots of boats came down with the airship."

"A Airship?." Luke asked

"Yup it was a pretty big one too, anyway..they arrived on the shores as they took down a settlement near that beach. Later on it could of token years for only hundreds of ponies to built it . But they did, they built a city near the shores like a big base. They toke all resources from nearby settlements, they even went to the rebuilt Manehattan. They took all supply so they can build the final touches of their city. It only took year, as i would say thousands were building that small city." Reed takes a bite of his apple then throws it at the wall with anger.

"How do you know all of this?" Luke ask getting off of the couch as he walked up to him from behind.

"Cause i was at that shore in the first place, then i ran away from the shore so i can be safe....Then i began to explore for a few months then, Corement Ops came to me with a job." Reed said. Luke gave Reed a hug as Reed turn to him, as he smiled then looked down at the table. "they offered me five-hundred caps each for pictures of alicorns around Equestria..that's how i knew that the New Order came to Manehattan, and i took the picture of the blue alicorn stalking around at night. Then as i went far out of Manehattan to get the picture back to the Ops i saw a smoke from the mountains." Reed stop speaking, as he puts his on table. Luke rubbed his back.

"Go on continue." Luke said softly, as he knew now that Reed was just doing pictures for these Op ponies.

"Well first Corement Ops are a faction of agent ponies i guess. There trying to stop the new order, and find, and kill alicorns. I quit working for them after my last photo i took of a alicorn....It happen at that mountain, there was a mine there, bunch of dead pony bodies laying around the stones floor of that mountain. I took cover behind a mine cart, as i saw that dark greenish alicorn, it was walking to the mine.

"I grabbed my camera, and took the photo, and as i looked at it i saw a beam of magic coming front of my face, i couldn't dodge it in time, That Alicorn FUCK! got my eye I fell down the cliff, as i hit the bottom i was out cold..." Reed began to cry a bit, as Luke began to speak finally.

"you don't have to continue, i'm sorry Reed." Luke felt bad about hearing his story, now Luke fully understand what this New Order was.

After hours Luke was taking a nap on the couch, as Luke sighed sitting on the sofa chair. Luke had to focus, and remember the plan for tonight. It was going to be risky, but he would do anything to help as many ponies, as he can.