• Member Since 6th Dec, 2013
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Sometimes, some crimes, go slipping through the cracks. But while there may not be any gumshoes around, she will have to pick up the slack. While some of her cases may be too small for the Power Ponies, they are just right for her so if you need help just call for the Hackwrench.


Displaced Fic

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 41 )

So far so good. You get a automatic thumbs up for bringing the Rescue Rangers into the pony world. I look forward to more chapters!

Quick sanity check before I have my heart broken: This stars the actual Gadget Hackwrench, correct? Not some {Insert gratuitous swearing here} cosplayer that got transformed to look like her? I keep running into crossovers like this that I think I am going to like, only to be kicked in the groin instead.

Sorry, going to be a cosplayer type one. Will NOT be going the route of getting every op ability from other worlds if that makes it any better. I still try to at least keep the character close to the actual personality though, so if anything it's a merging of the cosplayer and character into one.

Thank god for that, there are way too many fanfics of some human buying every single item just to become instantly op, it just doesn't work like that. It requires one costume, one displaced, no preparation. There is no mix and match to start off with, everything else is obtained through hard work, not a hand-out.

The "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers" theme is playing in my head as I read this. IT'S AWESOME!!

8751921 It started playing in my head as soon as I saw that logo...and it will not stop.


Okay, in all seriousness, the author should get an editor on this as there were numerous little errors throughout the chapter.

I feel this is the most fun crossover and that is saying a lot. I feel that this RR/MLP Crossover keeps bringing great writing out.

That is a fitting reaction to banishing one's sister to the moon

Ohhh, that Gadget... took me seeing the author's note to realize who it was :moustache:

As far as he was concerned, there wasn't much that could make the day much worse.


“No. Not again. I lost all of them again. Not only did I lose my family and old friends, but my new friends, too? How could I lose everything again?”

You might have been trying to do some time and/or interdimensional travel, it really is not that suprising that you would end up in the wrong place and time :pinkiesad2:

Edit: I was proved wrong :moustache:

Author's Note:

And there's the basic backstory. Oh, and the first... Well, I'm not sure. Could be a villain, could be a new friend, or it could be a random npc.

Well the character already has a quirk in how it talks, so he/she/it should be somewhat important :moustache:

Also i am curious about the maid he/she/it mentioned :trixieshiftleft:

So this Gadget is also a Spark?

Nah, she lacks the insanity. She's just a genius, a girl, and an inventor, though she has branched out slightly in being able to design a bit using enchantments along with her inventions. Also, she has a bit of the Brain in her in that she can connect things together pretty easily while expanding on her skills a bit. Funny thinking about it that the Brain steals most of his tech and merges it with other things instead of inventing it himself.

Interesting. Or is it an alternate universe of the Power Ponies that she was never in?
Glad to see an update!

... I mean, It's a Displaced fic, so previous experience says I should stay away from it since it will probably be incredibly cliche with Mary Sue/Gary Stu characters, bad grammar, needless crossovers with other Displaced fics, and will probably never be finished.

On the other hand, I HAVE read a few pretty good Displaced fics in the past, even if they are incredibly rare, and this one has Gadget Hackwrench in it...

What the hell, I'll give it a shot.

Edit: Have now read the story, and I can honestly say that I am pleasantly surprised. The only issues I have are that it is sometimes hard to tell who is talking, and at times there is not a lot of detail. How big is the tree the Ranger's headquarters is built into? How big is the interior of the base, and what does it look like? What does the still functional equipment in the base look like/what do they do/how do they work? Also, you seem to gloss over the characters moving from one area to another. If I skim or otherwise don't fully read one or two sentences they seem to teleport, and I can quickly become lost as to what is happening (or I'm just really tired, that could be a contributing factor as well).

Still an enjoyable story though even with those issues, definitely gonna be following this.

I'll have to look into some of those issues, but as for everything dealing with the headquarters? Well, that will be coming up in a future chapter, especially as there is another name the building has gone by which will explain quite a bit. :trollestia:

Author's Note:

Hey, look at that. A new chapter. I planned to go a bit further than this, but this feels like a good point to split the chapter.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes :twilightsmile:

very interesting, i look forward to more! :twilightsmile:

“May I present to you, Lady Gadget Hackwrench. Owner of eighty percent of the company and last of one of the few families that can rightfully claim a noble title in Equestria.” Both of the employees reacted the same at first as their eyes widened in terror, but from there, their similarities of reactions ended. The diamond dog guard recovered quickly enough as he quickly backed up to the door by the desk and proceeded to hold it open for the group.

Him I like, he's adaptable :trollestia:

His gaze slowly moved back to the least threatening looking of the group, who he was starting to realize may be the worst of the lot.

Good instincts :ajsmug:

“That's nothing. I can't believe that she owns a tenth of Twilight's company. She's been trying to buy her way in here for a couple of years now, but shares for the company are very hard to come by. She would flip if she knew that you were part of the reason why she could start up Sparkletech.” Gadget tilted her head to the side in thought for a moment before she frowned.

Tell her tell her tell her tell her tell her :pinkiecrazy:

“Of course not, first we need to stop by the company labs. Can't show up to the meeting without undeniable proof of who I am, and what better proof than a new invention?” With a giggle of excitement, the mouse-hiding-as-a-mare pranced into the elevator, leaving the other two to slap a claw over their faces while following her.


looking forward to more!

Awesome chapter and nods to G.I. Joes and Swatkats

Jealous twilight of Spike that he got to meet gadget and help her

“Do you have any tips on how to deal with this? My ancestor's journal didn't do her antics any justice.” The two watched as a unicorn flew across the room due to an over-wound spring unexpectedly releasing its tension.

Signs of a smart person right there, she knows when to ask someone more experienced for help :moustache:

“Miss Gilda, I believe that you were told that you were unwelcome at the company from today onwards. The board has decided that you and your non-existent boss are no longer needed.” The mare that looked to be in charge of the meeting reached over to press a button on the table activating an intercom.

Considering that the so called "non-existing boss" owns around, what was it, 80% of the company, that's not something any of you get to decide :trixieshiftright:

“Wow, perfect timing there, Spike.” Gilda smirked

Well when you grow up around Twilight Sparkle, and supervillains, you quickly learn when the best moment to interupt them shows itself :moustache:

” Twilight stopped listening as the camera panned down to a familiar figure. A figure that she had missed seeing on her return and should have been there, yet looked to be going behind her back with a pony she had been trying for years to get ahold of. If it wasn't for the extreme soundproofing of every apartment in the building, her cry could have been heard in all of them.


Hehehe, I can't wait to find out what's gonna happen :pinkiecrazy:

“I am not at liberty to disclose the identity of those that I represent. What I can say is that if your claims of who you are are true then I am sure that she will want to meet you.” He may have tried to be careful with his words, but one slipped through that he didn't quite intend and it didn't go unnoticed. He didn't even realize it until the mare responded to him.

It's Celly :pinkiecrazy:

I am sad that this wonderful story has not seen an update in so long. This story is just so amazing!

I still have plans and ideas for this, just having trouble gathering up Writing Energy. So to tide you and others over, a few tidbits. Not sure the total arc count, but the current one is pretty much a world-building one to get things set. The Power Ponies will appear occasionally, but won't be a major part beyond Spike. The second arc though will bring in a few new heroes, each who should have a villainous counterpart. Spike/Humdrum isn't fully decided, though I'm thinking an Abyssinian that is heavily cat-themed. Planning on at least 5 others to join in, with 3 of the villains going by the names Blue Tooth, Patty(Paddy?) Cake, and Flash Mob. :pinkiecrazy:

iteresting! I could also see Twilight being insanely jealous of Spikes friendship to Gadget:moustache:

What is this a crossover of?

“How are you even still moving after that long?” Gadget slowly rose to her feet and started towards a nearby fridge and quickly bulled out a small brick of cheese, the last that it contained

MLP x Rescue Rangers.

Ever since the unicorn had found out through the newspaper that he had met with her biggest rival she had been pestering him constantly to arrange a meeting.

Said rival also owns parts of Twilight's company :trollestia:

“Gone, Gone, the form you were born. Rise the majestic alicorn!” As she intoned the verbal component of the spell a light began to rise up her body from her hooves.

Hmm, an Etrigan reference :trixieshiftright:

Yet neither had found anything on who owned the building as a whole, though they had their suspicions.

Celly? Probably Celly :moustache:

Author's Note:

Bet nobody expected this to update today.

Nope, not complaining though :trollestia:

The next chapter will have a bit of action, as well as a couple of new inventions that she made as well. :pinkiecrazy:

Looking forward to it :trollestia:

I was lost for a second justt looking at the discription. I was thinking...Ranger?...Lone Ranger? Then I heard Hackwrench and I was like, Oh My God. He is doing Gadget!.


Oh, I have got to see this!

“Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!” -Reykan

Nice update! I eagerly await another Wild Update appearing. Maybe a Shiny one perchance?:derpytongue2:

“Masked Matterhorn. Twilight Sparkle. Owner of one of the largest tech firms in the country. Parents lost in a freak airship accident that was suspiciously short on information. Elder brother is married to Empress Cadance, the duo also known as Gleaming Shield and Love Beat.” The picture of the mare duo in matching blue and pink sailor uniform slid by.

I'm amazed they have the time, running an Empire is probably a lot of work :eeyup:

Author's Note:

A wild update appears.

Neat :twilightsmile:

“I'm sorry, your majesty? What was that you said?” Prince Blueblood the Third was too busy congratulating himself on his idea to react to the tiara that was thrown at him, knocking him out. The other nobles in the room gasped at the attack before turning fearful eyes on the solar princess as she glared at them in anger.

Nice shoot :moustache:

I'm hoping for a mass outbreak to eventually occur. JK
I am looking forward to more though.

“W-what is all this!? This looks like a list of almost half of the major businesses in Maretropolis! How could you own all of this!?” Silver Shill sounds a bit fearful at what he was finding out about what was apparently his boss.

Pretty curious about that myself actually, it's impressive (and intimidating) don't get me wrong :moustache:

With a giggle of excitement, the mouse-hiding-as-a-mare pranced into the elevator,

Gotta admit, this is probably one of the weirder sentences I have ever read... and I love it because of that :trollestia:

Still, after having seen her on a near-daily basis for much of his life he found it hard to fear her, especially with her tendency to face-dive into cakes. 

You know, I only just realized how much more relaxing Celestia's life must have been in this world when she didn't have to have to be "Princess Celestia" all the time :moustache:

Let's see what the party has in store for us :trollestia:

“No, no, no, no, no, no!” He was soon proven wrong as his legs, tiny as they were, were swept out from under him as a purple blur ran past him. As he was trying to regain his bearings, he looked up back the way he came to see the figure just before it disappeared around a corner.

Humdrum - 0, mouse - 2

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