• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 2,748 Views, 33 Comments

Something - DeiStar

There's something in the way she moves.

  • ...



Something in the way she moves…

The silent and gloomy night, enveloped by countless mysteries and wonders. Here I am, the tragic unicorn, looking into the light of the dark, black night. I’ve lost everything meaningful I had in life, except the beauty of the night. No matter what happened, I could always count on the sparkly stars and the silver light of the moon to soothe the wounds of any hard day of work.

As I looked up into the sky to gaze upon Princess Luna’s night, I began to wonder what my purpose in life was. Bon Bon moved to Canterlot, leaving me alone in Ponyville. Not like I don’t go visit her, but it’s definitely not the same. I miss her. But right now, I’m not thinking of her. No, there’s somepony else I have in mind.

Somepony that I thought I’d never see the way I see her now. Why did this happen? When did this happen? I don’t even know the answer to those questions. She has been a close friend of mine since foalhood. I even dare to say that I’m much, much closer with her than with Bon Bon, and that’s saying a lot.

Attracts me like no other lover…

When I found myself in times of trouble, my dear Octavia came to me. She was always there for me, and I was always there for her. The bond we share can’t be broken. No matter what anypony would do. I love Octavia, and I know she loves me, like the big sister I never had.

But lately, there’s something in the way she moves. I can’t explain this sensation each time I see her. Each time I see her perfectly brushed, gray mane. Each time I see the cute, pink bow I gave her for her birthday years ago. Each time I see that warm smile on her face. Each time I gaze upon her beautiful, purple eyes. It’s a sensation I can’t comprehend.

This night in particular was calm. The wind blew a gentle breeze, pleasant for anypony. Although it was really late, I was in the auditorium with Octavia. She had asked me to watch her cello rehearsal for the upcoming orchestra at Canterlot. Of course I agreed to do it. I always like to see her playing her fancy cello.

Something in the way she woos me…

Each gracious note that came out from the strings of the cello was like cotton candy for my ears. Not even the birds singing in the morning could compare to what Octavia was doing. I could only turn off my mind, relax and float downstream the waves of melodies that I listened that night.

Each tune, each song, they sounded sweeter than any other song I’ve ever listened to. I think because it was Octavia the one who was playing them. But that sweet medley kept running through my mind. If that was only a rehearsal, what would the real deal be? Luckily, I already had tickets for the concerto.

“Well, how was it? Did you like it?” she said, putting down her cello and looking at me from the stage. She was done with her rehearsal. It only lasted around twenty minutes, but definitely the best twenty minutes of my life. I smiled at her, already formulating the answer in my head.

“Absolutely beautiful, Octavia,” I replied, clapping my hooves. Even if the auditorium was empty, I could already hear the thousands of claps and cheers that she was going to receive at the concerto. I stood up from my seat, as a sign of admiration from her performance.

I don’t want to leave her now. You know I believe and how...

I could notice she blushed, letting out a faint chuckle and bowing. She was used to public appraising her performance, but I guess she was just a bit shy with only me around. I began to walk between the rows of seats until I reached one of the several stairways. My stomach felt funny, like if there were Parasprites fluttering around it.

Octavia put down her cello back on its case. She was about to get off the stage when she noticed I was approaching. She patiently waited for me to get on the stage. I began to wonder if she suspected of what was going to happen next. My legs were now moving by their own, commanding me to walk towards her. I could do nothing but obey them. It’s not like I had any objections, though.

“Do you think I’ll do well?” she asked me, sitting down near her cello case. By that time, I was already in front of her, ready to take a seat. I immediately smiled upon listening to that question. Of course she was going to do well. Only a deaf pony could disagree.

Something in the way she knows...

“You will and even better,” I responded, moving my tail around for no apparent reason. Octavia sighed, apparently still not sure about her own abilities. Meanwhile, I had different thoughts running in my head. What was I doing in front of her? I couldn’t help but stare at her ravishing beauty.

My heart was beating faster than usual. I was trying my best to hide my blush from Octavia. Why was I even blushing? The next few seconds of silence were broken by her voice. I looked at her, smiling at me with her usual charm.

“Thank you, Lyra. I knew I could count with you to come and listen to my rehearsal,” she whispered. Suddenly, I noticed she bowed her head and began to sob. Naturally, I asked what was wrong. Why was she crying? Was it my fault?

And all I have to do is think of her...

I reached her chin with my hoof and gently raised her head to face me. Her eyes were closed and leaking tears from them. Each sob she made was like an arrow to the heart for me. Her sadness was my sadness. I had to comfort her somehow, even if I didn’t know why she was crying in the first place. I ran my hoof through her forehead and invited her to open her eyes.

“Tavi, what’s the matter?” I asked her, wiping away the tears from one of her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, her friend, the one she could trust with anything. The aching sensation in my heart was growing stronger, like if it were about to burst, but I didn’t care. My only concern right now was Octavia.

“When everypony turns their back on me, you’re always there for me, Lyra. Thank you. These are not tears of sadness… no… these are tears of happiness,” Her words echoed through my mind several times. It was not sadness? She was only happy to have me by her side? I was glad in certain way. I don’t know what got into me when I closed my eyes to smile at her.

I wasn’t thinking anymore. Gently, I began to pull her head towards mine. I leaned as well so we could both meet on the way. She kinda looked a bit surprised by my sudden actions, yet, it seems like she didn’t refuse to let herself being pulled by me. Our faces were just centimeters away from each other. My heart pumped wildly, like if I had run a marathon. I couldn’t stop. I can’t explain why I did what I did.

Something in the things she shows me...

In a matter of seconds, I could feel Octavia’s breath against my muzzle. I felt her soft, warm exhalations that came out from her mouth. She knew what my intentions were. Finally, I leaned and connected our lips together. The sensation that I felt that moment was so amazing that words couldn’t describe how happy I was. I felt Octavia’s lips, pressing against mine in a tenderly fashion. I could die at that instant and regret nothing.

What it felt like an eternity for me, it actually lasted less than five seconds before Octavia broke the kiss, pulling herself back from me. I knew that I did something wrong. I kissed by foalhood friend on the lips for the first time and without warning. She probably was wondering what in Equestria was wrong with me. She probably hated me, yes, she hated me and she was about to explode. I deserved it. I did something wrong and she had all the rights to be angry. She was looking at me, blinking for a few seconds. I could spot the drool thread that was connecting our mouths together before it broke. I was ready for what was going to happen next. Or so, that’s what I thought.

“Octavia… I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” Before I could finish my apology, something unexpected happened. Not even Celestia could guess what was going to happen next. Octavia didn’t burst in anger or anything like that. I felt the same warmness in my mouth again, but this time, it was much more exquisite. I closed my eyes to enjoy that sensation. Octavia had leaned and kissed me back. I wasn’t quite sure why would she do that, but somehow, I was glad.

I felt the soft massages she was giving to my lips with her own. I answered back, giving her some massages as well. This time, the kiss lasted longer than five seconds. I don’t exactly know how long it lasted, since I didn’t care. I only cared to enjoy the gift Octavia was giving me. I pressed one hoof against her face for a better balance. I only wished for the kiss to last forever.

A few seconds passed and Octavia broke once again the kiss. This time, she looked at me with a smile on her face. The drool thread snapped right after her lips lost contact with mine. I was the happiest mare in Equestria that moment. I could not understand what was going on, but I waited for Octavia to talk. She placed one hoof against my cheek and softly began to rub it.

“Oh, Lyra, you don’t know how happy I am,” she claimed. My head was still spinning and my heart pumped like crazy. However, I was happy as well. Happy that she decided to kiss me back. I was certainly sure that she would freak out, but instead, she actually kissed me back. I giggled, gladly accepting the sudden twist of events.

I don't want to leave her now. You know I believe and how...

That night, we embraced in a hug like no other. I could feel her heartbeats and she could feel mine. It was a hug none of us was willing to break. I don’t know how long we hugged until Octavia whispered to my ear. I would never forget those words. The most beautiful words I’ve heard in my life.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

It all started by this something that I felt about her. There was something that made me do what I did that night. But I was glad. That something gave me the gift of love. That something gave me the best thing that could happen in my life. My sweet Octavia.

It was something.


Comments ( 32 )

Welp, featured box ahoy.

inb4 new fanon ship.

Feature it! I demand it! Have a favorite and a thumb.

Title and fic elements were inspired by George Harrison song: Something from the Abbey Road album.

Excellent job on the story, and based on such a great song. Definitely one of the Beatles best songs, and certainly one of Mr. George Harrison's finest.

Coming from you, that is the best news anyone can have.

I read this because of the desc.

No regrets. :rainbowdetermined2:


As long as you kick FU's adult-humor comedies out of the featured box, I'm behind this story all the way! Love it! Favorited!

You can't simply let this be a oneshot!


It's too good! Why must such good things like these be oneshots!


This deserves 7/5 moustaches.


Pretty cool shipping! Love it!:yay:

You just broke my two favorite ships... But the story was still awesome. Have a thumbs up!

This is a new story and already it's got 28 thumbs up?! FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-- :flutterrage:


Lyra is severely creepin' in that picture haha.

This was excellent!!

There were a few mistakes- not in the editing (impeccable), but in the execution. For one, you didn't really offer a backstory, you only said they were close friends since childhood. Er, foalhood. And, at the beginning, you overused the words night, black, and dark. Dusk, twilight, eventide; atramentous, ebony, inklike, obsidian, onyx, raven, sable; aphotic, caliginous, obfuscous, opaque, and I got that all in two minutes on the internet. But, after the first few paragraphs, the word repetition was managed much better.

While detailed, and within the realms of imaginative possibility, it was a bit fast-paced. Not at a breakneck pace, but not as slaw as I would perhaps like it to be. And, while the kiss was realistic, detailed, and emotionally strong, I've seen it all before. I didn't feel any personal attachment to it, which is a must for emotional moments.

Also, I'd like to point out a missed opportunity here. Lyra Heartstrings, harpist. Octavia, cellist. Harp, cello, both stringed instruments. Maybe instead of being foalhood friends, could they be string quartet bandmates? Then you could have a longer, more detailed story, talking about how and why Lyra and Octavia are that close of friends. Then, this could be the middle chapter, after the exposition of the changes you made to the lives- or, added into their lives (which is a shortcut used by rookies that is not often looked well upon), and then you could continue on because you'd bult a base to jump off from.

However, it was very good as a oneshot fanficiton. Also, I haven't heard of this pairing before. have a :moustache:.

inb4 shit storm saying lyra belongs with bon-bon

I wish I could say whether or not this was a good story. I have a weird sort of interest in shipping fics because, as crazy as this may sound, romance is a completely foreign concept to me. Reading stories like this is like looking into the mind of some sort of alien. I've never understood the strange behavior people have of pairing themselves up like this.

Reading through the story, I really don't get where Lyra's attraction is coming from. They're certainly very close friends. I have a lot of close friends, but I've never had the urge to make out with them. There's something else going on here. It's like . . . lust? But she's not thinking about Octavia's ass. I don't get it.

Let's talk about this sentence:

"I could spot the drool thread that was connecting our mouths together before it broke."

That's my favorite sentence in the whole story, because it's really freakin' disgusting. Drool thread. I like disgusting things, because I think they're funny. Yet "normal" people seem to find that sort of thing enjoyable in a very "positive" way (if that makes sense).

The structure is odd because it doesn't seem to have much conflict. Conflict is usually the crux of a story because it creates the drama. Romance is one of those weird genres like comedy where the drama is light. Is the conflict is Lyra trying to overcome her shyness?

I can't say if this story is good or not, but it's certainly interesting. I guess that warrants a like.

Came for Beatles, stayed for aww.

1st story I've seen where Lyra and Octavia aren't rivals.

Wow. This reminds me a lot of Black and White. I don't know if you've read it, but this sounds like an alternate timeline. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who ships Lyra and Octavia!

Did anyone else immediately get this in their head after reading the description?

awesome:rainbowkiss: u just gotta love these kind of story's :pinkiehappy:

Lyra and octavia?...ya I'm down

I didn't care very much for this story, which I find sad to say because it's not poorly written at all, it just doesn't seem to have much of a point to it. Lyra hasn't seen Bon Bon in awhile (the nature of their relationship is ambiguous at best), Lyra comes to Octavia's recital because they're childhood friends, ogles her for twenty minutes, and then walks up onto stage and kisses her out of the blue. Luckily Octavia doesn't seem to mind and they have sexy-fun-time.

To me it feels like there's a whole other half of a story missing here. What was the nature of Lyra & Bon-Bon's relationship? Why did she leave? How did each of them feel about her leaving? Has Lyra always loved Octavia romantically, or was this recent? Did Octavia know about her feelings before she invited her, did she even have them earlier than Lyra? Did Octavia even bother going to her concert afterwards, or did she just blow off the whole thing to make out with her new marefriend? :rainbowderp:

A little more fleshing out of details would have gone a long way here.

worth it for the fucking song. but it's a good story too

Short and sweet... I loved it!

i like this. it's really sweet and sincere and it works too. plus it's a pleasant surprise because both these characters are normally only shipped with the one character :twilightblush:

Hmmm... I could get used to this.
Please, continue.:trixieshiftright:

This was great, plus I've been hoping to find stories that ship the background 6 ponies with each other, other than the 3 common ships, I hope to find more stories like this :twilightsmile:

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