• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 7,699 Views, 63 Comments

The Numbers Don't Lie: Anon-A-Miss Edition - KR Chrome

Anon-A-Miss, a MyStable Profile that exposes the private secrets of others. In the beginning, Anon-A-Miss humiliates Applejack, and that sets off to target the rest of the Rainbooms, pinning the blame on Sunset. But magic decides to interfere.

  • ...

With Wand in Hand

“So I asked Trixie if she might be Anon-A-Miss,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And...?” Sunset Shimmer prompted.

“Nope, it wasn’t her,” Rainbow shook her head. “Didn’t hear the ping or see her number change. It only changed when she bragged to my face again.”

“OK, so that scratches Trixie off the list,’ Sunset Shimmer murmured. They thought it might be her since she loved attention, but it looked like she was innocent.

The Rainbooms were gathered at their usual lunch table in the cafeteria. After Sunset’s announcement, the students were trying to live with the fact that all their lies would be displayed above their heads.

“You know, come to think of it, it would’ve been silly for us to believe you were ever Anon-A-Miss, darling,” Rarity said to Sunset.


“Yes, because this just isn’t your style. Everything you did serve a purpose. You wouldn’t post secrets to hurt anybody. In fact, you would use it as blackmail material.”

“Thank you for reminding me of how much of a bitch I was.”

“I apologize, but what I mean is that this mess does not benefit you in the slightest. You were never one to take risks for fruitless endeavors or for fun”

“Yeah, I really have a lot to lose now if I went back to my old ways,” Sunset smiled fondly at her friends.

“See? These numbers ain’t so bad then,” Applejack reminded.

“So, if there weren’t any numbers, would you still believe I wasn’t Anon-A-Miss then?” Sunset asked sharply.

“No, I trust you,” Applejack said, but as soon as she did, the number above her chimed and the 0 morphed into a 1. So much for Applejack’s perfect record for honesty. Sunset looked stricken and Applejack blanched.


“OK, honestly, I had some doubts,” Applejack confessed with a sigh. “I just got so mad that I wasn’t thinking straight, I’m sorry.”

“You’re forgiven, and honestly after the stuff I did for you, I would be surprised if some of you weren’t holding a grudge. I mean, I tore your friendship apart,” Sunset said apologetically.

“Yeah, you did,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “But we kinda let you do it. I mean, we only managed to patch things up because of Twilight. If we’d just talked instead of hating and ignoring each other, maybe we could’ve made up a long time ago.”

“A lot of hurt feelings and bruised egos got in the way,” Rarity sighed. “Honestly, we were so stupid then.”

“We’re teenagers,” Sunset said. “It happens. We’re known for making not so smart decisions when our emotions get the best of us.” She remembered the argument she had with Princess Celestia and how heated things got. Things were said, things that could not be taken back.

“Hey, check out MyStable!” Pinkie exclaimed as she checked her phone. “Anon-A-Miss is gone!”

“Well, then that’s that, right?” Rarity smiled approvingly.

“Guess whoever it was didn’t think they could get away with it for much longer with the lie meter hanging over them,” Rainbow grinned.

Sunset, however, did not look unhappy.

“What’s the matter, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, you should be over the moon right now! Anon-A-Miss is gone and they can’t drag your name through the mud again! You’ve won!” Pinkie cheered. “We should have a No-More-Anon-A-Miss victory party!”

“This isn’t a win, Pinkie. Whoever set up Anon-A-Miss decided to delete the profile to hide what they did. They’re still getting away with it,” Sunset said.

“Oh,” Pinkie wilted. “Then the party’s postponed.”

“Well, the profile’s gone, but Anon-A-Miss is still out there,” Applejack said, understanding Sunset’s issue. “Yeah, it’s like they’re getting off scot-free and we still don’t know who it might be.”

“Could it be the Dazzlings trying to get revenge?” Rarity suggested. “I mean, we did thwart them and Sunset was our trump card for victory.”

“Still would not explain how they got to the pictures in Sunset’s phone or found out my childhood nickname,” Applejack countered.

“And we still need to find that Wand of Walling,” Rainbow crossed her arm.

“Right, the wand,” Sunset nodded. She knew that lying was part of people’s nature. Sometimes they needed to hide something so they would tell white lies or fibs. While a world of honesty did seem ideal, it could cause problems if people spoke truths that needed to be hidden. She could see how stressful it could get to try not to lie. People just couldn’t cope if they didn’t have the freedom to lie without being judged for it.

“So, you found this while you were fixing the yard?” Celestia asked as she examined the Wand of Walling. The groundskeeper had come and handed it over to the principal.

“Yeah, found it in a hole next to the statue. Looks like it was dug up or something,” the groundskeeper said.

“Must be the Diamond Dawg Boys again. They must’ve found it and accidentally activated it,” Luna sighed. They were notorious for digging holes around Canterlot High. “Guess I need to give them another detention.”

“But we first need to call Sunset Shimmer and tell her this magic wand has been found,” responded Celestia.

Sunset was called the Principal Celestia’s office. Was she in trouble? She did not remember doing anything and she knew that nobody suspected her of being Anon-A-Miss. So, why was Celestia calling her?

“You wanted to speak with me, Principal Celestia?” Sunset asked as she walked into the office. Sitting behind her desk was Principal Celestia with her sister Vice-Principal Luna. They were quite the administrative pair. Celestia was warm and welcoming while Luna was the stern disciplinarian.

Sunset remembered when she first came to this world and met Princess Celestia’s human counterpart. The similarities had stunned the Equestrian, but she soon learned that while Principal Celestia was only in charge of a school and not an entire kingdom, and she lacked the sun-raising powers of her former mentor. Still, it took awhile for Sunset to get used to Principal Celestia and not associate her with Princess Celestia.

“I believe this is what you were looking for,” said Celestia as she put the Wand of Walling on her desk. Sunset’s eyes widened as she saw the artifact. It was a match of the picture that Twilight had sent her. The totem-like wand with grimacing unicorn faces. That was definitely it.

“How...where...?” Sunset asked, stunned. She had only asked about it this morning. She never thought it would be found so quickly.

“Our groundskeeper found it,” Luna informed Sunset. “It was in a hole next to our horse statue in front.”

“... Seriously?” Sunset asked but that would explain the mound of freshly dug Earth next to the statue.

“Have I lied to you?” Luna asked, pointing to the lie counter. There was no chime nor had her number changed.

“No, it’s just that I never thought it would’ve been found so quickly, and on school grounds too,” Sunset replied as she went and picked up the Wand of Walling. “Well, in any case, we now have a way to break this spell.” Sunset let out a disappointed sigh at that.

“Why do you sound so disappointed?” Celestia inquired. Shouldn’t Sunset be thrilled?

“Cause I’m worried that as soon as the spell is broken, Anon-A-Miss will strike again,” Sunset informed the principal.

“Anon-A-Miss? I’ve been hearing about it but I haven’t looked too into it,” Celestia replied.

“Basically, somebody’s been posting my friends' most embarrassing secrets and trying to make it look like I did it,” Sunset explained, giving a brief summary on Anon-A-Miss.

“That sounds like cyberbullying,” Luna said, eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, tell me about it. Honestly, I don’t know what would’ve happened if the Wand of Walling hadn’t activated during this time,” said Sunset, sounding oddly grateful that unexpected Equestrian magic had done something good for the school.

“Do you have any suspects?” Celestia asked.

“Not yet,” Sunset answered and then her lie meter went up. “OK, we did have a few suspects, but nothing confirmed. We do think it could be someone in the school who might have access to our information.”

“Well, if a student is harassing others using MyStable, then they need to be brought in. Cyberbullying is a serious crime,” Luna instructed.

“Yeah, once we figured out who it is, you’ll be the first to know,” Sunset said. Then her chime rang and her number went up again. Sunset scowled.

“You were thinking of taking matters into your own hands,” Celestia concluded.

“Well, can you blame me? I’m mad at this Anon-A-Miss for trying to ruin me!” Sunset snapped before she quickly apologized, “Sorry, it’s just, I think this Anon-A-Miss is determined to break our friendship and it’s opened some old wounds.”

“Maybe they were counting on old grudges to turn your friends against you,” Celestia suggested.

“Yeah, maybe. Anyway, I’ll hold onto the wand until Twilight shows up.”

“Good luck on finding out who Anon-A-Miss is, Sunset Shimmer.”

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were gathered in the back of the school where nobody would bother them. In Apple Bloom’s hands was her phone.

“And so Anon-A-Miss is gone,” Apple Bloom said with finality.

“So, what’s the plan now?” Scootaloo asked.

“Lay low until this blows over and avoid our sisters until these numbers vanish,” Apple Bloom answered. Anon-A-Miss seemed like old news now, forgotten since everyone was being careful not to lie, and failing. Apple Bloom had seen Diamond Tiara try to claim she had done her own homework, but the rising numbers said otherwise. Diamond probably had Silver Spoon do it for her, not really bothering to do her own work. It had been funny watching Diamond Tiara dig an even bigger hole for herself as she tried to make excuses, all the while her lie counter kept going up.

“Easier said than done,” Sweetie Belle replied with a frown. “Besides Scootaloo, we live with our sisters.” Scootaloo was Rainbow Dash’s honorary sister. She had a family, but her parents were away on business, she stayed with her aunts. Chances of avoiding their sisters were low, and Applejack would suspect something if Apple Bloom suddenly stopped talking to her.

“Who’s to say they haven’t figured it out yet?” Scootaloo asked nervously. They had done some damage to the Rainbooms’ reputation and Rainbow Dash would hate her once she found out her role in Anon-A-Miss. Technically, Scootaloo had not done anything, but since the embarrassing photos of the Rainbooms were put up, other students were sending in secrets for Anon-A-Miss to post.

“Look, we just need to stay calm. They won’t find out who Anon-A-Miss as long as we don't blab,” said Apple Bloom calmly, but she was shaking nervously inside. She leaned against the wall to take deep breaths. The plan was to drive Sunset Shimmer away. It seemed so simple, but thinking back, they had hurt their sisters to try to get what they wanted. That did not make them any better than how Sunset used to be. Apple Bloom began to feel guilty and wished she could apologize to Applejack for revealing the ‘piggly wiggly’ story, but she was just too afraid to do it.

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

Comments ( 31 )

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

You *really* don't want to know.

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

Gee, i can scarcely imagine :facehoof:

(groan) looks like the lie detector also works like a sarcasm alarm to a certain degree: this is FANTASTIC
(sighs) yep: definitely works, though now that I think about it, I wonder if I should worry about the author stealing this idea...

...this is going to drive me up the wall, isn't it?

More please!

I would so love to see if sarcasm worked that way in this story.

Would it be possible to try to dance around the Lie Counter? Like this:

I'm pretty sure that'd be field day for some folks! :pinkiehappy:

That would totally be me if i couldnt lie :rainbowlaugh:

never doubt the numbers

Reminds me of my favorite Simpson’s moment when Moe was hooked up to a lie detector.

Well done so far

All right! I'm gonna sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. bzzzt
.....Sears catalog. ding

Just want to point something out: At this point, Scootaloo is not guilty of cyberbullying, although she is an accessory of the crime.

What people fail to understand about hiding the truth, is that it's possible to make a statement that is technically true, but which is deliberately worded in such a way that the person being decieved will interpret what is being said incorrectly. Such statements are best kept simple, as making them overly complex can make the decieved party suspicious, and also are made easier when the deciever has an acute understanding of language and are able to interpret inquiries and construct their statements using literal as opposed to figurative meanings.

In this way you don't actually Lie, but you can still get away with not divulging the information the other party seeks.

It isn't perfect, as rigorous cross examination of your statements will still reveal the deception, but for casual encounters it holds up fine.

NEED MORE!!!!!!! :flutterrage:

(p.s. keep up the good work and take your time :pinkiehappy:).

“And we still need to find that Wand of Walling,” Rainbow crossed her arm.

“Right, the wand,” Sunset nodded. She knew that lying was part of people’s nature. Sometimes they needed to hide something so they would tell white lies or fibs. While a world of honesty did seem ideal, it could cause problems if people spoke truths that needed to be hidden. She could see how stressful it could get to try not to lie. People just couldn’t cope if they didn’t have the freedom to lie without being judged for it.

Personally, I would be more worried about someone trying to Logic Bomb the thing. But so far this seems to be a good story.

“So, if there weren’t any numbers, would you still believe I wasn’t Anon-A-Miss then?” Sunset asked sharply.

“No, I trust you,” Applejack said, but as soon as she did, the number above her chimed and the 0 morphed into a 1. So much for Applejack’s perfect record for honesty. Sunset looked stricken and Applejack blanched.

:pinkiegasp: AJ you lyin’ bitch!

Update soon please.


So basically, the Wand of Walling, made to cause trouble, saved Canterlot High school, and especially Sunset Shimmer, from an even bigger calamity. If that’s not irony, I don’t know what is!

Any chance you'll continue this?

When will the next chapter be done

When will the story be finished

How much worse could things have gone if these magic lie meters had not appeared?

hello my name is Murphy and you just in voiced my law
especially you apple kid


I think you mean invoked but still hilarious.

Yes I did mean that

Interesting story. Hopefully it will return someday. :twilightsmile:

“So, if there weren’t any numbers, would you still believe I wasn’t Anon-A-Miss then?” Sunset asked sharply.

“No, I trust you,” Applejack said, but as soon as she did, the number above her chimed and the 0 morphed into a 1. So much for Applejack’s perfect record for honesty. Sunset looked stricken and Applejack blanched.


“Right, the wand,” Sunset nodded. She knew that lying was part of people’s nature. Sometimes they needed to hide something so they would tell white lies or fibs. While a world of honesty did seem ideal, it could cause problems if people spoke truths that needed to be hidden. She could see how stressful it could get to try not to lie. People just couldn’t cope if they didn’t have the freedom to lie without being judged for it.

True. Very true.

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