• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
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I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 114 )

Whoever wrote this story is sick and needs help! I feel completely justified in wishing them to die a horrible death in real life for their story including harm to fictional cartoon ponies.

There, I did it for you. Now you don't have to leave a hater comment. I'm so nice!


I'm so nice!

Yes, yes you are.:trollestia:

Lessee *reads content warnings* Yup, all good! Wait...

Y-you sick bastard.

Oh, okay. So these clearly aren't the actual "canon" ponies you're violating with your literary cock, but bizarro sex-crazed copies who aren't innocent but instead revel in sex for... your amusement I guess.

Cool! So I don't need to read further. There isn't going to be any emotional investment from me in this horror show since the characters are already so unlike their normal selves.

I mean they're all high on lethal amounts of aphrodisiac when they kill each other. In that respect, they might be far more in-character than in similar stories by me.

Not really, I just wondered if Spike would last a lot longer or just die in 2-3 chapters later.

I thought the next story was supposed to be flurry heart? I’m not complaining but I do miss the alicorn fuckbucket.

Did I say that? You should probably point me at it so I remember.
This story was voted on some time ago actually; I'm behind. Can't think of anything Flurry related that I had planned for the near future.

I don't know where it went, I remember getting a notification asking for a pole on how old flury should be for some “sex ed” and I know it was you because I remember commenting “headless_rainbow finally had enough of Nightshade the Bat and decided to do her own shining’s Flurry” though I do remember that it was on both your accounts and now its nowhere so what, is this some type of berenstain bears multiverse type of thing.


It's hard to say. I also remember a conversation about a third story with Rainbow and a stallion (maybe from that season 5 episode with her and Rarity?) which was sounding rather amusing, but I don't remember details or your planned order. Oh well, this looks like it'll be fun once you get going next chapter, and my only real request is that you find some way to kill everyone in the room in amusing ways (barring that, I'll accept AJ surviving if you can't come up with a good way to end this with a double-murder or suicide).

My depressed a## when I log in and see a new Headless story:

I did mention it a while back but I didn't say I'd do a story for it. It was just sort of a curiosity question.
Also pretty sure most misunderstood the question. It wasn't supposed to be a messed up story like this; it was supposed to be a happy-fun-consenting story for my other account. I realized after making the poll how very inaccurate it'd be because I asked an audience that probably wouldn't even like the story I was thinking of.

There was an idea about Wind Rider killing Rarity in front of Rainbow Dash and then rape/impregnating Rainbow in my idea list, but there are a lot of ideas in that list and I don't expect to get to most of them.

I really think this was a missed opportunity. You could have capitalized on the horror of this story by making the characters like their show-selves and acting as if this is actually them. Then, when the horribleness starts, it's that much more impactful.

So they should have acted like their show selves as they walked over to the table to get the punch? Because that's all they did prior to getting poisoned. The only ones that did anything prior to getting drugged were Trixie and Spike, and they were as in-character as possible to make the story workable. Trixie caused a problem by being stupid like she always does; it was just more of one than usual.
In the end, it doesn't matter. I wrote this story for my fans and regular readers, so it's written in a way that I knew they'd like. It's a little strange to care so much about this with a snuff fic, and more so when I've asked fans what they wanted and none of them said 'Make sure they act exactly as they do in the show!'.


The show characters wouldn't be incredibly slutty and open about sex. That's what I mean. And I'm pretty sure Spike and Trixie wouldn't feel alright about date-raping their friends.

I feel like you're trying to fit a story into a box for yourself when it wasn't targeted at you. Again: This story was written for my fans. Why would I write it any way other than what they'd like? I mean when I take commissions, I generally get requests for ponies to act very unlike themselves.

Besides, why wouldn't ponies be open about sex? I mean they can't show it in the show, but it's not like they have any organized religion that dictates to them what is sexually pure and impure. It doesn't make sense that their society wouldn't be sexually open. It's the type of society where ponies could hump in a public park and nopony else would bat an eye.
And to me, Trixie seems exactly like the type that would roofie someone, and Spike is stupidly impressionable, old enough to be really horny but young enough to have the typical lack of empathy children tend to have.
As their sex lives will never be covered in the show, you can't really say if that's canon or not. It'll never leave the realm of head-canon, so that's what I'm using: the head-canon of the type of people that read my work. If your head-canon is different and it bothers you, then don't read the things I post on this account. Go slut-shame ponies somewhere else. :rainbowwild:
But sure. Maybe next time I'll write my story in a way that my readers will hate for the fuck of it. Because fuck their loyalty.

You took this way more personally than you needed to, friendo.

God Damn you just walked into the room slaughtered everybody and are now bathing in their entrails, Beautiful absolutely Amazing.

Five thumbs up, and then chopped off and fed to Winona forcefully.

Right, I do remember that eight was the most popular option.

Just as an outsider's perspective, but ... what the buck are you even talking about ? You asked a question, the author answered. She doesn't seem to be taking it personally at all, just explaining her perspective.

I didn't ask a question.

I feel like you're trying to fit a story into a box for yourself when it wasn't targeted at you. Again: This story was written for my fans. Why would I write it any way other than what they'd like? I mean when I take commissions, I generally get requests for ponies to act very unlike themselves.

Originally, all I did was express why I personally can't be engaged with the story. The characters simply didn't feel like themselves. And there wasn't any indication I could see that implied this story was written this way as some weird gift/commission for hr's fans. Had I known that, I wouldn't have even bothered commenting.

Besides, why wouldn't ponies be open about sex? I mean they can't show it in the show, but it's not like they have any organized religion that dictates to them what is sexually pure and impure. It doesn't make sense that their society wouldn't be sexually open. It's the type
And to me, Trixie seems exactly like the type that would roofie someone, and Spike is stupidly impressionable, old enough to be really horny but young enough to have the typical lack of empathy children tend to have.
As their sex lives will never be covered in the show, you can't really say if that's canon or not. It'll never leave the realm of head-canon, so that's what I'm using: the head-canon of the type of people that read my work. If your head-canon is different and it bothers you, then don't read the things I post on this account. Go slut-shame ponies somewhere else.

This was just extensive and unnecessary, to the point where it feels like they were justifying their headcanon for me by explaining in detail why they perceive Equestria as this openly sexual playground of debauchery. Even twisting Spike's character around to be this selfish little sociopath. I didn't need to be told any of this, and the extent to which he did isn't exactly a "problem." I just felt like they were under the impression that I'd been personally attacking their business.

But sure. Maybe next time I'll write my story in a way that my readers will hate for the fuck of it. Because fuck their loyalty.

This was the author assuming I was telling him how to make the story, when I wasn't. Of course I gave the "impression", you could argue, but then he decided to feed into that and react as such.

And that is why I feel like he took this personally. Good day.


Ah, that must have been it then.

I've seen plenty of other authors interpret Pinkie as a slut outside the context of sexual stories. It's usually done as a throwaway line along the lines of "I don't invite Twilight/Fluttershy to my other parties because I think that would make them uncomfortable" so it isn't nearly as prominent as it is here, but it is not uncommon by any stretch of the imagination. It's an entirely plausible extension of her outgoing, party-loving nature into an area that will obviously never show up in the show itself.

As for the cultural promiscuity, you really need some historical context here because the form of modesty that is common in the world today is a cultural aberration. Clamping down on sex and sexuality is a Jewish quirk that is only prominent in the world today because the world was basically conquered by Jewish offshoots and the US in particular was founded by a cluster of very sexually repressive, puritanical groups. Outside that context, humanity has generally been much more open about sex and sexuality with the classic example being the "he's every woman's man and every man's woman" insult to Julius Caesar where the point wasn't that he had sex with men because that was normal in the classical world, but that he was on the bottom.

Similarly, your comments about minors is very much based in the modern definition which is even less generalizable than sexual openness. Up until a century or two ago, the people we now consider children were expected and allowed to be fully functional members of society at a very young age. It wasn't uncommon for even pre-teens to have complex jobs like medicine, and this expectation of maturity was extended across their entire lives. Speaking specifically about sex, the historical definition was that you stopped being a sexual minor once puberty made you capable of sex, so Spike wouldn't be considered underage in most historical contexts because he is clearly both capable of sex and holding a complex job (like helping Twilight).

Now, with that context in place there is certainly room for interpretation and discussion about exactly where the social lines are (e.g. just because you are allowed to have sex in the park doesn't mean it is polite to do so) and how you interpret the character's sexuality (e.g. I don't see Twilight being sexually active prior to moving to Ponyville due to her social issues), but you are trying to force our modern system onto what is very clearly a very different society and claim it to be an absolute truth which is very clearly wrong.

Not offended; I give long answers when bored at work. If I was unamused, I'd block you and be done with it.
The advice you gave was good, it just didn't apply to any story on this account. This is my account for stories I want to keep far away, even if I love these fans most.
I did specify in the description that the story was the result of a patron poll though :rainbowwild: Also that bit of my answer was supposed to be disturbing as a way to make clear how different people's head-canons can be.

Yes, modern morality is an invention of monotheism created with the purpose of giving people guilt for something most people aren't going to be able to resist. Stoking guilt is an excellent way to increase offerings.
But if I was Apex, I wouldn't read all that text. Just sayin :derpytongue2:


Agreed, and we'll see about Apex. I'm getting a distinct idiot impression from the other comments, but we'll see what the response to hard facts is.


Look, all's I was saying is, if this were the actual show itself, there just isn't any culture that surrounds sex. I can't see Spike being a horny little teen because he just isn't. I can't see Pinkie being all fuck-happy because she just isn't. The world is canonically innocent. Even with the biggest bads murder isn't even a thing. Or when it should happen, cartoon logic rules the day every time.

But mainly, the reason I'm responding to your comment was this:

Similarly, your comments about minors is very much based in the modern definition which is even less generalizable than sexual openness. Up until a century or two ago, the people we now consider children were expected and allowed to be fully functional members of society at a very young age. It wasn't uncommon for even pre-teens to have complex jobs like medicine, and this expectation of maturity was extended across their entire lives. Speaking specifically about sex, the historical definition was that you stopped being a sexual minor once puberty made you capable of sex, so Spike wouldn't be considered underage in most historical contexts because he is clearly both capable of sex and holding a complex job (like helping Twilight).

Two things. One: Read my previous comments. I made zero - COUNT 'EM, ZERO - remarks about minors. The closest I did was refer to Spike as a horny little sociopath.

And two: honestly, shut the fuck up.

I don't know why you're defending humanity's disgusting history, but shut up. You wanna know why people believed that? It isn't because they were intelligent, it's because they only saw women as brood mares and nothing more. At the time, the feelings and humanity of others was an afterthought. Yeah, the "historical" definition meant girls weren't kids anymore after they've bled, but that's because they could produce children, so they suit their needs perfectly.

So, you wanna know why that belief changed over time?

Because it was fucked up. Girls may be women biologically, but psychologically they're still kids. That's what important. This behavior fucked kids up. Women were classically miserable. The legal age has changed to eighteen because it is around that time where children are typically smart and aware enough to make their own decisions. Not by someone else who wants to stick his cock inside a girl he barely knows.

Don't sit there in your therapist's chair and act like you're educating another over-emotional ninny. I know my history well. And I know why our society looks back on that time with shame.


...Wow, I was expecting you to be an idiot, but that is a spectacular mountain of stupidity. Seriously, the way you went off on the age thing claiming children aren't smart or mature after I specifically pointed out how people would be professional doctors before sexual maturity? Priceless. :rainbowlaugh:

Huh, I must have missed that one sentence in my blind bafflement of you defending that shit. But I would love to know when and where it was common historical fact that children were raised to be doctors. To my knowledge, they were commonly seen as weak. They were especially useless in the lower class since the majority did not have access to an education.

But you seem to be missing my point: I was focusing on young girls. Even if what you said is true, they didn't become doctors. They were only brood mares and nothing more. My point about the psychology of the thing still stands.

Well I only skimmed that, but two things.
1) Monotheistic religion is by far the most infamous of religions when it comes to mistreating females. The Bible itself states that an unmarried rape victim must be required to marry her attacker and all he has to do is pay her dad a bit of money for his loss of property. Eastern religions don't have it near on the same level, and pagan/wiccan religions are typically either equal or opposite (with females considered dominant). Even the Church of Satan, as confusing as they are, treats women better than the holy books of the 'big' monotheistic religions.
2) The concept that sex by itself is impure is damaging. Surrounding sex with that much shame is one of the reasons that rape victims in real life have such a hard time reporting it.

1) Yeah, religion's wack

2) I didn't mean to give the impression that sex in of itself was impure. I used "pure" in reference to the sugary, carefree coating that MLP has, unmarred with adult subject matter. Sex isn't impure, but it is an adult matter. Please don't twist my words around - this conversation is messy enough without you presuming things I wasn't even talking about.

That's some aggressive 'ad hominem' you got there. You won't convince anyone with that.

To be honest, I'm getting an idiot impression from this entire conversation.

I thought the entire discussion was about whether sex was in-character for ponies. You two must have gone on a tangent somewhere in that huge-text-block conversation.

There never was a discussion on my end. You two kind of just went off and made it about something else, whereas I started this by saying the characters feel out-of-character because of how ridiculously sex-based they are.

Sex can be made believable in the MLP world. I've seen it done. That was never my issue. My issue was I couldn't feel invested in, say, Spike's character, because to me he wasn't Spike. He was Spike: the two-dicked rapist with a perpetual hard-on who thinks it's okay to essentially brainwash his friends into doing something he knows they wouldn't want to do. There was Fluttershy, the shut-in who fucks everything but ponies on a regular basis 'like she totally could in the show' (don't read into that, I'm just taking the piss lol). And so on.

See what I mean? My issue wasn't the sex as a concept. But because the characters were already so ridiculously sex-crazed, I couldn't care. My disappointment was in hoping this started with the characters as unassuming and sweet as they are in the show proper, 'tis the quotations around "canon," and then realizing that they were already twisted up caricatures of themselves.

That's it.

That's all this was.

So please stop blowing this up as if this was some critique of your headcanon or social norms about sex.


Oh, I wasn't trying to convince anyone with that post, just laughing at the idiot. It's very obvious to me that TheApexSovereign has no interest in seriously considering anything we say (and the recent "There never was a discussion on my end." confirms that beyond a shadow of a doubt), so any argument I make will be ignored or twisted out of shape rather than be legitimately considered which means there is no point in directing anything else substantial into that brick wall.

One other important historical detail to remember is that in the pre-industrial age, much of society's good production was centered on the home which made the stay a home wife/mother more economically important than we might think looking back through modern eyes. She was responsible for quite a bit of the family's economic activity, especially in terms of labor intensive work like textiles, so that gave her significantly more power than the obvious indicators you mentioned seem to show even in those Jewish-derived cultures, and is why most other societies placed much more value on women as you mentioned (e.g. I know for certain the Navajo are matriarchal). Things did change substantially in the industrial revolution as production moved from the home to factories and women working in the home lost much of their economic importance, but that is a huge topic that you're better off reading about on Wikipedia.

No more poking at that one then, please.

Well no, D48 went off and made it about something else and I couldn't keep myself from responding to your argument with them. Had I known they were going to devolve into personal attacks, I would have probably stayed far away. I stand by my original statement of "You're right, but it doesn't apply here." I was going to follow that up with an invitation for you to poke at my other account, but I guess that's right out now since you'd be afraid to give an honest critique of it.


you'd be afraid to give an honest critique of it.



You know, it's incredibly difficult to say anything about the content of this without coming off as a holier than thou "This is unsacred" douchefuck, so I apologise in advance for what I'm about to say.

I think that's enough Fimfiction for one day.

But hey, your patrons voted for this, so at least people are going to be happy. And as long as you're happy, I'm happy.

I think for the sake of your remaining sanity, you should leave now.

Good idea, voice in my head! Now to get away from this horrid... Sparity. Eugh! Feels dirty just saying the word. :raritywink:

(But really fam, good luck and sorry that people disliked this on premise. I only wanted to see what the fuss was about and am going to leave a like out of sympathy. Consider it an olive branch for my snark, but I couldn't resist the Sparity thing.)

Hehe i'm sure in certain cultures this stuff would be demmed the person insane, but tiss alright with me.

I did feel a little guilty for adding disgusting Sparity to my wholesome snuff fic. I actually don't prefer Sparity, it was just the logical setup for this sort of thing.
And I don't care if people dislike it on premise instead of quality. I know it's not my writing, because my only-erotic and clean stories on other accounts are consistently high-rated.

I suppose people in my culture think that usually, though I've been told by psychologists that writing stuff like this isn't indicative of a disorder.
The things that indicate my disorders are completely different.

Well, that's good to know. Glad you're taking all this in stride. Keep at it, I admire your persistence.

Does this belong in the "Unsafe, Insane, and Consensual" group? It seems like it falls under the "if the hypnosis [or drugging] comes first, it's not consent" rule.

Well… thought I could get through chapter 2 based off the description. Can't dislike because I knew exactly what I was getting into; and there were no expectations. Can't like either because it is as they say 'not my cup o' tea'…. To whoever can, whatever floats your boat I guess :facehoof:

I was hoping for Spike to last a bit longer but like usual, he gets murder too quickly. he could have probably changed rapidly when drinking the punch and eating Rarity's flesh by making him bigger and deadlier, but losing some of his intelligence but becoming Twilight's literal Guard/obedient/Lustful dog.

Somehow I did not enjoy the Sparity bit.

I did think of that after adding it, but couldn't figure out how to remove it. If you know how, feel free to tell me.
(Though when I re-think, Trixie and Spike did consent prior to drinking it.)

That might be a bit too much like what he did in 'Spikey Wikey'. I mean aside from him murdering Twilight in that instead of guarding her.

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