• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 1,373 Views, 22 Comments

The Muffin Tree - Jet Storm

As Scootaloo researches her family tree for a class project, she is going to find something that'll rock her and Rainbow Dash to their very core!

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Chapter 2: Muffin

After a few minutes of more hugs, the odd peck on the cheek and no further explanation, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were finally able to pry themselves away from Derpy’s overbearing forearms of affection. They crawled into an empty booth, whilst Derpy skipped as merrily as an eight-month pregnant mare could on the other side.

Once they had settled, Mrs. Cake reappeared with their order, three pitchers of apple cider for Rainbow Dash, a glass of water for Scootaloo and four large blueberry muffins for a famished Derpy. Despite the whispers that could be heard around them, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo’s attention was elsewhere. Learning that they possibly shared the same birth mother and were blood-related sisters was one thing, but to realize that Derpy was pregnant with twins and claimed to be the said mother was another.

Rainbow Dash’s head was throbbing, whereas Scootaloo was eager to learn more about how she and her hero were closely related… even if it meant the odd and far-fetched possibility that Derpy was their mother. Derpy’s attentions were mostly focused on consuming as much food as ponily possible.

“Do you believe her?” whispered Scootaloo.

“I don’t know,” groaned Rainbow Dash as she rubbed her forehead and watched Derpy lick the remaining crumbs off her cheeks. “Derpy,” she called, “can we talk for a minute?”

“Hmm? What about Dashie?” asked the glowing mare.

“The whole you’re ‘our mother’ thing,” groaned Rainbow Dash. “I just don’t understand how you came to that idea. Can you somehow explain that to us?”

Derpy thought for a moment but before she answered the question, she smiled and said, “you know Dashie, I would prefer you to call me mother, but mommy is fine too.”

“Not happening,” snapped Rainbow Dash.

“So rebellious,” retorted Derpy. “I wonder who you get that from?”

Before Rainbow Dash could respond, Scootaloo jumped in and intervened. “Would you mind telling us how you’re our mother exactly?” asked Scootaloo, earning an incredulous glare from her honorary-soon-to-be-blood-related-sister.

“So where should I start?”

“From the beginning, Derpy,” snapped Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t like your tone, young lady,” she chastised. “You should really treat your mother with respect.”

“You’re not my mother, Derpy,” retorted Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Rainbow Dash,” interjected Scootaloo, “why don’t we just listen to her story first.”

“Fine,” grumbled Rainbow Dash. “But I’m still not going to call you that.”

“I understand,” said Derpy sadly before continuing on with her story. “Well, it all started yesterday…

I was making Muffins at home, when I heard a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anypony to visit, so I went to open the door to greet the pony. “Good morning, Zecora,” I said.

“And a good morning to you as well,” she said. “Hmmm, is that cinnamon that I smell?”

“Yes, I’m making some muffins,” I replied as I licked a bit of batter off my cheek. It was really tasty. “It’s just missing something.”

“I have the perfect thing to add to your snack,” she said as she placed her bag down, “a bottle of vanilla extract.”

“That would be fantastic,” I said.

But before she could give me the bottle the Friendship Princess suddenly appeared and shouted, “Zecora, are you here?”

“Yes, Princess Twilight - Oi, Oi, Why are we taking flight?”

“No time to explain, we need your help,” she said before whisking her away. I don’t know why the Princess kidnapped Zecora, but my tummy was growling and I couldn’t wait for her to come back. I was so hungry.

“I’m so hungry,” I grumbled. At that moment, instead of waiting, I thought I’d grab the bottle from Zecora’s bag and then we could eat the muffins when she came back.

“As it turns out, the vanilla extract wasn’t vanilla extract,” she said warningly as she retrieved the empty bottle from her bag and gave it to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo took the bottle and read the label: “For producing great buns in the oven. Take with food.”

“It was a baby making potion,” she sighed, blushing with a maternal glow. “Zecora thinks I should give birth in a couple of days.”

Rainbow Dash was getting another headache. “Derpy-


“Listen, Derpy, it takes 11 months to make a baby not a couple of days,” she argued. “And beside you need a stallion to -,” she added before blushing profusely, “t-t-to you know … help.”

“Umm… Rainbow Dash,” interjected Scootaloo who held up the underside of the bottle.

Rainbow Dash snatched the bottle and read the rest of the label: “Fast acting. Stallion not required. Warning do not consume with raspberries as it may further reduce gestation period. Wait! Don't tell me-

“They were the sweetest raspberry and white chocolate muffins I ever tasted,” added Derpy.

“Derpy -


“Will you stop that!” rebuked Rainbow Dash before pointing to the basket Derpy had brought. “Are these the same muffins as you ate yesterday?”

“Hmmm,” said Derpy as she examined them. “Ah-huh,” she replied before licking her lips. “Yeah, and they do sure look - hey!”

Before she could enjoy them however, Rainbow Dash swooped the muffin from her mouth, grabbed the basket of muffins and threw them out the window.

“Aww… I was looking forward to eating those,” said Derpy dejectedly.

“How do you know you’re having twins?” asked Scootaloo, snapping the mare out of her depressed state.

“Well, I ate two muffins,” thought Derpy. “So that means I must being having twins.”

“Oh my gosh, does that mean we really are sisters?” shouted Scootaloo in jubilee. “So can I call you mom?”

“Hold your horses, Scootaloo,” interjected Rainbow Dash who wasn’t quite convinced. “Alright Derpy-


“I’m still not calling you that,” snapped Rainbow Dash, before taking a quick breath to regain her composure. “Alright, what you said doesn’t make sense. Firstly twins? Please! If you hadn’t noticed there’s a rather significant age gap between Scootaloo and I.”

“But babies are born one after the other. Not at the same time,” chuckled Derpy. “Everypony know that.”

“Minutes maybe, but we’re talking years. Years!

“That’s is unusual,” agreed Derpy. “Who would have thought it was possible to have such a huge gap between births. I don’t want to have such a long labour.”

“Second, I’m older than you,” continued Rainbow Dash, ignoring Derpy’s remarks. “We lived next door since we were fillies. Don’t you remember? I walked you to school. I even had to help you learn to fly-”

“You couldn’t fly as a filly as well?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yes, you see my wings were too small to lift me off the ground,” admitted Derpy.

“Really, me too,” said Scootaloo excitedly. “So how did you help your wings grow? Did it take long? How old were you?”

“Well I-”

“Stop humoring her,” interrupted Rainbow Dash. “As I was saying, I did those things because Mom-

“But I’m your mother-”

The Mare that raised me,” growled Rainbow Dash, “wanted me to be your friend.”

“Well that’s just silly,” dismissed Derpy. “We can’t be friends because I’m your mo-


“Mom - I mean Derpy,” began Scootaloo who noticed an even larger plot hole in Derpy’s story. “How can you be pregnant with us now?”

“Thank you!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Umm… ” was all that Derpy could mutter when all of sudden, the doors burst open and a gust of wind blew into the store, “Doctor!”

“MR. CAKE!” shouted the mysterious stallion.

“UH-YES!?!” stuttered the hapless baker. “Can I help you?”

Breathing heavily with sweat dripping from his brow, the stallion marched to the counter until he was only inches away from Mr. Cake’s face. “I need a chocolate overload ice cream cake, ten caramel fudge sticks dipped in butter, half a dozen strawberry, cheesecake muffins, and a Pinkie Pie supreme-super special-scrumptious-surprise-birthday cake, and I need it now!”

“Is this for a party-

“For me.”

The baker began to fluster at his response. “But that amount of sugar-

“Do it,” he ordered his patience running thin.

“But Dr. Whooves,” protested Mrs. Cake who came to the aid of her husband, “the sugar rush alone would kill you!”

“I DON’T CARE, WOMAN! IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD AND I WANT TO LIVE!” he shouted whilst laughing maniacally.

“Right, well how about you go find a seat and we’ll organize your order,” said Mrs. Cake, who was all too eager for him to leave.

“Splendid idea, now where to sit,” he said as he began to scan the room for an empty booth. Towards the back, Derpy rose and was about to beckon him over but was suddenly pulled back into her seat.

“Derpy, what are you doing,” interjected Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know much about time,” began Derpy slowly, “but Dr. Whooves does.”


“Not Who, Whooves. He’s my friend and a time expert,” smiled Derpy. “He has all sorts of clocks at home. Big clocks, little clocks, coo-coo clocks. He could probably answer Dashie’s questions.”

Rainbow Dash was flabbergasted, whilst Scootaloo looked hopeful. “How does that - you know what never mind, whatever,” conceded Rainbow Dash.

“Dr. Whooves,” shouted Derpy as she beckoned the stallion. “Doctor, come sit with us.”

“Ah Derpy,” smiled the Doctor as he plodded over to Derpy. “It’s so very good to see you.”

“Is something wrong? You look very stressed.”

Taking a seat, the color in his face began to fade as the Doctor spoke nonchalantly, “Oh it’s nothing. Just the very fabric of time and space is being unraveled as we speak, and without understanding the source and cause of it, we could very well enter into a paradox of immense magnitude and apocalyptic severity that ends the very existence of the universe itself.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” replied Derpy empathetically.

“Yes, well I’ve also been suffering a bout of indigestion and a crick in my neck, but other than that quite fine and dandy. Say, is there something different about you? Is it your mane?””

“No, I’m expecting,” blushed the mare.

“Really!? Congratulations,” smiled the Doctor. “I do need some good news to cheer me up. So who's the father?”

“A muffin.”

“A muffin! How- wait a muffin?”

“So you’re Dr. Whooves?” interrupted Rainbow Dash.

“Yes?” replied Dr. Whooves as he looked over the blue pegasus. “And who might you be?”

“I’m Rainbow and this is Scootaloo, and we were hoping you could help us with a little problem,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Sure why not, we only have four hours to live,” answered Dr. Whooves.

“Yes, we we’re hoping you could explain something. Derpy here-



“You do have to excuse Dashie’s behavior,” said Derpy dejectedly, “She’s just acting a bit rebellious. I wasn’t a very good mother.”


“What Derpy is trying to say,” interjected Scootaloo, “is that she thinks we’re her daughters.”

“Moreso, she thinks that the twins in her belly are us,” added Rainbow Dash. “So for some stupid reason, she thinks you can explain how this is possible.”

“What on Earth makes her think that?” he asked.

“Because she ate a stupid muffin,” retorted Rainbow Dash.

“Two muffins actually,” corrected Derpy.

“Actually it’s because of these,” said Scootaloo as she presented the two pieces of the muffin charm and the letters to the Doctor. “These were given to us by our birth mother.”

“Aren’t these the charms I just made for you yesterday, Derpy?” asked Dr. Whooves.

“Yes and no,” replied Derpy before presenting hers to the Doctor. “See these are mine.”

“Extraordinary,” exclaimed Dr. Whooves as he examined the evidence presented.

“So …” began Scootaloo nervously. “What do you think?”

“It could all be just a coincidence,” he said thinking out loud.

A smug look appeared on Rainbow Dash’s face. “See I tol-

“But it is possible,” interrupted Dr. Whooves.

Rainbow Dash was at wit’s end and couldn’t help but ask, “How?”

“Time travel, obviously,” he answered nonchalantly. “I mean with time travel anything is possible. You could go back in time and meet Princess Celestia when she was a filly or go to the future and see your great-great grand foals.”

“So would it be possible to go back and say stop myself from going for my skydiving cutie mark?” asked Scootaloo. “I’ve still got the scar on my left flank.”

“Oh my dear, it’s not that simple,” chuckled the Doctor haughtily. “Ever heard of the grandfather’s paradox?”


“Yes, the grandfather’s paradox is a theory where if you go back in time to kill your grandfather as a colt then your father would never be born. If your father was never born, your mother would never have had you.”

“Unless your supposed stupid mother ate some stupid muffin that knocked you up,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, well that is beside the point,” said Dr. Whooves. “Anyway, if your parents never existed then you in turn would also never been born and never existed. Because you never existed in the first place, then there is no way you could’ve gone back in time to kill your grandfather, and so your grandfather was still be alive. Hence the paradox. Do you understand?”

“I guess,” said Scootaloo.

“Now to go back in time-”

“Stop! That’s it! I’ve had enough,” said Rainbow Dash. “I’m outta here.”

“But there still so much to explain,” retorted Doctor Whooves. “The necessary conditions in order to go back in time. The theory of space time relativity, the impact of gravity on time, the speeds necessary to generate moving forward and-

“No, you’ve had your fun, and Derpy-”


Has hadher fun too,” she growled before letting out an exasperated sigh. “I’m going home.”

“Wait, Rainbow Dash,” jumped Scootaloo in a panic. “We still haven’t figured this out.”

“Scootaloo, look,” she began apologetically, “I hate to burst your bubble, but she’s not our mom, she’s just … confused.”

“I guess time travel is a bit far fetched isn’t it,” conceded Scootaloo

“That doesn't mean weren't not sisters," reassured Rainbow Dash as she wrapped her hoof around Scootaloo. “It doesn’t matter how we’re related because you’ll always be my sister.”

“Thanks Rainbow Dash,” smiled Scootaloo.

Dr. Whooves sighed. “Shame that it doesn’t matter really. I mean to go back in time you’d need a - hey wait a moment! Derpy when did you say you were you due?”

“In an or two hour,” replied Derpy nonchalantly.

“WHAT!?! YOU SAID IN A COUPLE OF DAYS!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“I can’t help it,” she replied defensively. “You’re kicking me so hard. You’re not exactly being patient.”

“Great Scott! Of course, why didn’t I see that before!”

“Ummm… Doctor?” asked Scootaloo.

“Don’t you see, this was all meant to happen. The muffin. The potion. The mix-up. You were meant to be here!!”

“Wait - WHAT?” blurted Rainbow Dash.

“We need you - I mean the baby versions of you - to go back in time, or otherwise it affects the space time continuum.”

“You’re still not making a lot of sense.”

“How can you not understand - wait, sorry, I can go on a bit of rant and got a bit ahead of myself. Let me explain, we are currently in a fixed timeline.”

“A fixed timeline?” asked Scootaloo.

“Remember the grandfather’s paradox. It’s only a paradox if you go back in time when you weren’t meant to and therefore create a paradoxical situation. A fixed timeline is when you are meant to go back in time to ensure that the present happens.”

“I’m sorry but I don’t follow,” said Scootaloo.

“You know Rarity.”

“Of course, I do, she’s my best friend’s sister.”

“Imagine if she came up with this year’s dress design, because Applejack gave her pictures of her dress 6 months ago.”

“Wait, so you’re saying that - ”

“You girls are only here, because Derpy went back in time and gave you up to your respective families. So it is possible that you were twins in the womb, but born in different timelines and hence given two complete different families. The fact that you are standing here and that Derpy is currently pregnant with you is proof of that. However in order to ensure the continuity of this timeline - ”

“SO WE’RE ACTUALLY HER DAUGHTERS?” blurted out Rainbow Dash

“Well, yes,” said the Doctor. “And we need to get your baby versions out now before the universe collapses upon itself!”

“So does this mean I have to leave my daughters behind to complete strangers,” said Derpy as she began to tear up.

“I’m afraid, so,” said Dr. Whooves apologetically. “The current timeline is based upon you leaving your foals with foster parents. I can’t say why you did it originally, but it’s a fixed point in time now. So, we can’t safely mess with it.”

“Can’t I at least keep them around for a month? Just to get them comfortable before we part?” Derpy asked as the situation started to become more real than it had been a few moments ago.

“I’m afraid not. Fixed points in time are fixed for a reason...”

“But, surely four weeks wouldn’t hurt? I just came up with the best birthday party, just ten minutes ago...” Derpy insisted as the gravity of the situation caught on.

“Can’t do that either…” Dr. Whooves countered as Derpy slowly worked her requests for time to smaller and smaller numbers, and her mood seemed to fall with it.

With each offer, Rainbow Dash found her mood drop with Derpy’s. But, it was all too much when the pregnant mare broke into tears. Quietly Rainbow Dash stepped out of the restaurant, and waited by the front door. She then leaned up against the gingerbread themed walls, and sulked.

“Rainbow Dash, why did you leave?” Scootaloo asked with a definite look of confusion on her face. “Can’t you see Derpy is crying?”

“Squirt, it’s not something I can help with. I don’t travel through time. And, I can’t be that foal that she’s about to leave behind. Plus, I can’t replace my parents with some other mare...” Rainbow Dash explained as she looked at her hooves disdainfully.

“Nopony asked you. Derpy didn’t, at least. She just wants you to make some space in your heart for her. That’s all she ever wanted,” explained Scootaloo earning a sheepish look from Rainbow Dash. “Don’t you remember what you told me earlier? Family is more than blood. It’s love. And she loves us!” Scootaloo added as she angrily looked away, and kicked away a small pebble from the front door. She then went back into the building.

Rainbow Dash considered her words for some time. Could she be loyal to two sets of parents? Scootaloo’s right. There’s space in my heart for two moms, Rainbow Dash decided as she turned around, and made her way back into the building. And Derp- … my mother …. does love me.

However much to Rainbow Dash’s surprise, Derpy and Dr. Whooves were nowhere to found. Instead she saw Scootaloo sitting at the table alone. The small filly absentmindedly stared at their muffin charms, and letters.

“Hey Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash whispered through her flaming cheeks. “You were right … forgive me.”

“I know… but, we missed them. Mom left while we were outside,” cried Scootaloo as Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around her. “She left a note telling us to see her tomorrow,” she explained, sliding a third note towards Rainbow Dash.

“I guess, we’ll see her tomorrow,” Rainbow Dash assured her.

As the two left the cafe and made their way home, Pinkie burst into the room with a buffet of desserts. “Now which pony ordered the - hey where did every pony go?” Pinkie Pie wondered as looked at the empty table. She searched for Dr. Whooves before screaming angrily. “Hey that’s not right! He’s not supposed to leave! I didn’t even get to sing my song!”

Author's Note:

A special dedication to LavendarRegards for making this story possible.

Comments ( 18 )
Ri2 #1 · Mar 2nd, 2018 · · ·

Oh, that's how.


Also, shouldn't Scootaloo's aunts know Derpy's the mom?

When I wrote this bit, I was imagining that Derpy took off too quickly for them to get a good look at her. She only stuck around long enough to be sure they opened the door.

Perhaps some more exposition was necessary there to make that clear?

My brain exploded!

I'm right there with you.

Magic, how the buck does that work? :pinkiecrazy:

The first chapter felt like a crack fic, then the second part made it all make logical sense, but still felt like absolute madness :rainbowlaugh:

Twas a silly story, i like it :twilightsmile:

So.... Any chance for a "the next day" epilogue? :scootangel:


...Uh, but they can't be twins. Rainbow's much older than Scoots.

:rainbowlaugh: Buwhahahaha, I wonder what made Derpy think that.


My brain exploded!

So did, RD's :rainbowderp:!


So.... Any chance for a "the next day" epilogue?

Yes!!! There totally is one :raritystarry: ... but it'll have to be released after the contest :raritycry:. There's a 6k word limit, and LR and I just managed to get under.

Awesome, looking forward to it!

Also, as for the age difference, I mean if like Whooves said and they were dumped in different points in time, they could still be born in the same batch as fraternal twins, and just grown up in different "places" in the timeline.

Lol, who knows? But don't worry it'll all be explained soon. :raritywink:

Who knows? Why this nose knows! obviously :derpytongue2:

Sorry, couldn't resist answering with that :rainbowlaugh: (feel free to read or ignore it. I just wanted to make a silly response with that title)

a third chapter of a family outing would not be a bad thing just saying :twilightsmile:

I take it that you enjoyed our little story :ajsmug:?

yea I enjoyed it it was very adorable and a neat twist I rarely see with rainbow and scoots its a lot better then rainbow being scoots mother because reasons

Need... third... chapter...

Sorry, time paradox stories are a weakness.

You get a pass. THIS TIME.

Glad you liked it. :rainbowwild:

“Umm… ” was all that Derpy could mutter when all of sudden, the doors burst open and a gust of wind blew into the store, “Doctor!”


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