• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 3,419 Views, 147 Comments

Destiny- Shimmering Sun - FrostTheWolf

One day, Sunset Shimmer wakes up in the middle of nowhere only to have a ghost tell her that she's been dead for quite some time. This isn't going to go down well. [Destiny/EQG Crossover]

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08- Sirens of the Night

Author's Note:

So, this chapter is a bit different from my other ones... because this time around, I had my good friend BronyParasite help out. He suggested for a new guardian to be entered into the mix... one that has some history with Sunset. So I hope you enjoy what the two of us were able to do.

Next Time: The Dark Beyond

After thinking on what to do to past the time while Mac was with his sisters and Indigo was still fighting in the Crucible, my ghost Ray soon had a suggestion for me. Near the back of the courtyard was what was known as a Bounty Board. Where Guardians can take up bounties and complete tasks to gain reputation and rewards with the city. For me, I just picked a simple one that focused on taking down as many fallen enemies as I could come across while in the cosmodrome.

Which was currently where I was on patrol as I traveled through the cosmodrome with my Sparrow and found a particular place that could be used to hunt them down. There was what looked to be a pair of crashed airplanes in the middle of the Mothyards that served as something that looked like a campsite for several fallen. So, if I was reading the bounty correctly, I should be able to complete it once I eliminate both of the camps.

Taking position, I had my sniper rifle at the ready as I aimed my rifle at one of the Vandals at the first camp. In the back of my mind, I wanted to consult Ray and see if I could actually make the shot from here… but instead, I just inhaled a deep breath and focused. Upon exhaling, I pulled the trigger and the shot destroyed the vandal’s helmet… while also alerting the others of my presence.

Quickly, I aimed my next shot at one of the shanks and pulled the trigger. Turning the robot into scrap metal as I had one more shot left in the chamber. By now, the fallen were already racing towards my position and I only had enough time to fire the last round in the chamber, which struck one of the dregs in the arm as I switched weapons. Having my Auto Rifle out as I began to run towards the other fallen that were charging at me.

My first move was to scorch one of two dregs that were there and throw a grenade at the other. When the grenade went off, it burned the second dreg to cinders as well as damage some of the shanks that were nearby. With my rifle at the ready, I began to open fire at them first so I could turn them into scrap metal.

But of course, I was also missing someone. And that I realized when a shot from a fallen line rifle just barely grazed my helmet. “Ray, I need another clip.” I told him, switching back to my sniper rifle as the ghost digistructed some more ammunition into my hands as I prepared my rifle and aimed at the vandal. Quickly getting a shot off before it’s rifle could charge fully.

“Well, that was quick…” I said, before placing my weapon away and having Ray emerge in my hand now. “How many does that put us at so far?”

“Well, that camp… along with the fallen that you ran over with your sparrow on the way here, puts you at ten.” Ten? Seriously? I thought I had more than that. I needed to take down thirty of these guys before the bounty could be seen as complete, so having to track these guys down was going to be a bit of a pain.

Though, before I could be able to say anything else, that was when I saw what looked like Ray trying to process something. “Hang on… I’m picking up something and it seems… urgent.”

“How urgent are we talking here?” I asked him in response. It took him a little while in order to form his reply… but when he did, the details of it weren’t exactly good at all.

“I’m picking up something from another Ghost… One who had just recently found their guardian not too long ago, but the fallen found them shortly afterwards” Ray replied back as he was continuing to process everything. “And from what I can tell, this is a distress call. It’s coming from the steppes.”

The steppes? That wasn’t far from here at all. Plus, this is another guardian who’s potentially in danger. If I can get them back to the tower, then the vanguard can possibly help prepare them and teach them how to fight. “Ray, we’re making a detour. Put a marker on that signal. I’m heading there now.” Ray nodded, before disappearing back into my gear as he marked the signal on my visor as I summoned my sparrow and set off in that direction. And it only took me a few minutes to realize just how bad of a situation this was.

Not only was there a Fallen captain there ordering the others, but there were a lot of other fallen that were chasing after one single guardian. And from the looks of it, they did not have any weapons or anything in order to protect themselves with. “Ray, is that the guardian we’re looking for?”

That’s the one,” I heard him tell me as I got closer to the group and prepared to dismount my sparrow. “The origin point of the ghost’s signal matches that of the guardian over there. And from the looks of it, it almost looks like she riled up a whole pack of devils in the process.

“Alright. Try to get the ship over here now and get us out of here,” I told him, dismounting and sending the speeding sparrow into a pair of dregs as I got out my auto rifle and began to shoot at two other Fallen. Before turning my attention to the Guardian that was still hiding behind a metal crate. “Hey, I just got the emergency signal from your ghost. Are you okay?”

The guardian stepped out from behind the damaged crate, with her ghost hovering behind her. She was clearly a Warlock if her armored robes were anything to go by. She was covered in blood and looked shaken. She was not unscathed.

“I’ve been better.” She said weakly, holding her bloodied arm. She definitely looked like she had been through hell. That and she was unarmed.

Placing my auto rifle on my back, I took a moment to go through my inventory. I remembered that while going through the Devil’s lair with my fireteam, I picked up some other weapons that were a little better than the ones I had, but not as impressive. So, going through everything, I took out a hand cannon called the Duke MK 10 and handed it to her. “Have you used one of these before?”

“I used to own a gun. Had a family to protect…” The warlock trailed off as she took it. “I can use it.”

“Good,” I told her in response, just as I took the Auto Rifle I had off my back. “Because we need to hold our position here until my Ghost can bring my ship. Once he does, we can get out of here and get to the tower-” Before I could finish my sentence though, I noticed a group of shanks approach us and conjured a grenade to throw at them. Incinerating the small group as it turned them to ash. “Ray, how long until you got the ship?”

As soon as I can. Just hold your position.” I heard him tell me as I looked to the other guardian now.

“I hope you’re ready for a fight.”

“I don’t really have a choice.” The warlock’s head rolled like she was rolling her eyes. “I have a lot of questions for you afterwards.”

“Trust me, I had a lot of questions when I first woke up too.” I told her, firing my auto rifle at more fallen that were trying to encroach upon our current position. I wanted to say more, but I thought that it would be better off saving those questions for when we were back at the tower and not where we were being openly shot at.

Mainly though, I saved my Scorch for when any of the fallen happened to get too close for me and just had my Auto Rifle for when there were any Dregs or Vadals getting too close to our position. I also managed to bring out my sniper rifle to shoot at any Vandals that were trying to pin us down with sniper fire from their line rifles and make things easier for the two of us. I watched the other guardian take down a pair of dregs with the hand cannon I gave her, but not before she punched another one as I looked around and began to see if there were any more fallen that were coming for us.

Hang tight, I’m almost there.” I heard Ray tell me now as I get a notification on my visor about my bounty, but decided to ignore it. Because right now, my focus was making sure that I can get this guardian out of here and to someplace safe.

“Your friend better get here quick, I don’t like being a sitting duck.” The guardian commented, and I could tell she was nervous.

“Hang on, he’s almost here.” I told him, just as I decided to get out my rocket launcher and fire at a group of fallen in the distance. But before I could reload, that was when I heard the familiar sounds of my ship above the two of us as I let out a sigh of relief. “Speak of the devil, there he is.”

Alright, I see you,” I heard Ray speak now, shortly before looking back at the other guardian. “Bringing you two in now.

I turned to the other guardian and only said two words to her, just before Ray transmitted the both of us inside. “Hold still-”

In mere seconds, we were whisked out of the Cosmodrome and into the confines of my ship as it immediately began to take off towards the Tower. Not to mention that the other guardian was right behind me in the passengers section of the ship. Speaking of which, I thought it would be best for me to go check on her.

Placing the ship on auto pilot, I got out of my seat and walked towards the back. Where I found the guardian I just rescued alongside her Ghost. “How are you feeling?”

“Well I’m not dead… again. There’s not really an elegant way of putting that, is there?” The new guardian groaned and flicked her ghost, causing it to wobble. “And my ‘ghost’ has been silent ever since you showed up.”

“Have you tried talking to it?” I asked her. “It’s there to help you, so if you talk to it like you are talking to me, then it can respond…”

“Whatever, it’ll talk eventually.” The guardian began scratching at her throat, most likely out of habit since she didn’t seem distressed or even annoyed. Force of habit, perhaps? “What were those… those things?” She crossed one leg over the other, then her arms rested together on her chest.

“You mean what attacked us?” I asked, seeing a slight nod from the other guardian as I began to explain to her. “The Fallen are a species of pirates and mercenaries that aren’t from earth. But they go to other planets to try scavenging for anything that they would see as valuable. And they don’t really like guardians that much.”

Then… a different question popped into my head. “I have a question for you now though… Who are you?”

“Does it really matter now?” She asked dully, caressing her ghost like a cat. “I understand you and I died years ago. Probably hundreds of years if things look this different, but we were forgotten.” She leaned back.

“Not exactly…” I told her, “Besides, I was just asking because I think you would get tired of people addressing you by ‘Guardian’ over and over. As for how long-” It was around then that Ray soon emerged nearby my shoulder as he was looking at us.

“We’re approaching the tower now… Sunset, should I inform the Vanguard of your arrival-?”

“Wait… Sunset? As in Sunset Shimmer!?” The guardian yelped, standing up abruptly.

“Yeah-” Wait, this guardian knows who I am? How? At that moment, I took off my helmet as I looked back at her. “How do you know my name?”

“Because…” The guardian took her helmet off. “You’re the cause of my death.”

I blinked for a moment, before realizing who it was… and then letting out a deep sigh. “Adagio…”

“Wait, you know this Guardian, Sunset?” My ghost asked me as I turned to face him for a moment.

“She’s someone from my past… Long ago in my past…” I told him.

“Oh, like that Pre-Golden Age thing that Twilight mentioned when you were taking with her?” He asked, leading me to simply nod in response.

“Oh, lovely. I’m stuck in a world with two people I loath.” Adagio said, narrowing her violet eyes.

“Actually… there’s more to it then that…” I told her as I had Ray focus on maintaining the ship. “Because this Twilight has never met you… You can say she’s like a parallel version of her.”

Adagio’s face scrunched up in bitter anger. It was far more tame than her voice lead on. “Then how the blazes did Starswirl’s pet live so long? Well, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? I suppose the gateway to Equestria’s gone forever, as is our magic.”

“Yes to both… but, we have something else now,” That was when I stuck out my hand and had some of my solar light emerge from it. “As a guardian, we are empowered with light. And we use that power to fight…”

“Pardon the interruption,” My Ghost replied back. “But we’re now approaching the tower and are beginning to make our way to the City.” With that in mind, I had Adagio follow me to the front of the ship, where she could be able to not only see the Last City itself, but the Traveler that was overlooking it.

“So I’m one of the ‘good guys’ now? Peachy…” Adagio grumbled in annoyance. “I almost wish you left me with the Fallen. You’re so casual with this it’s sickening...”

“I’ve… only been alive again for only a few days…” I told her, as the ship was setting down in the docks. “Besides, there are still a few things that I am trying to wrap my head around. Just wait until you meet an awoken or an exo and you’ll see what I mean.”

“Still, the last time we met you destroyed our magic.” Adagio said, looking at me with caution.

“I know…” I replied back, just as the bay doors open. However, it was around then that I happened to notice a particular figure over where Applejack’s work station was. That being the Hunter Vanguard, Rainbow-6.

“Rainbow, Ah thought that you had important business to attend to with the Vanguard,” Applejack glared at her accomplice, who was messing around with one of her tools as the Exo looked at her. “You know that Commander Sentry does not like it when you are slacking off on the job.”

“I am doing something, mind you,” Rainbow told her, placing the wrench on the table. “I’m waiting. Some of my scouts have been surveying locations in the outer sectors of the solar system and I’m just waiting for them to come back and report.”

“And you have to do it here. If Big Mac were here, he would shoo you away-” She said, before noticing me and turning to face me. “Ah, Sunset. Welcome back.”

As for Rainbow though… she was more focused on Adagio than me. “Hunh… you got yourself another friend hunh, Guardian? She looks to be a tough one, that’s for sure.”

“So she doesn’t remember? I suppose that’s a good thing.” Adagio commented. “And I’m new… Wish I stayed dead, but I guess we can’t have our way now can we?” Rainbow herself just took that as a joke, before deciding to go up the stairs nearby and wait up there. Shortly before AJ spoke up.

“Exo’s have a good memory… but it depends on how many times that memory is wiped,” She replied back. “As for me… I still remember who you are… and I’m pretty surprised to see that you’re a Guardian now.”

“Yeah, why? Seems they’re letting anyone join anyways.” Adagio said, smirking.

“Technically… you don’t just join,” I said in response. “The Traveler sends out the Ghosts in order to find those who could use Light as a weapon… It’s a bit of a complex explanation, but I think once we meet Twilight, she can explain it better than I can.”

“Lovely… well, I’ll let you know that my sisters didn’t return with me. I hope that eases your mind.” Adagio’s voice was layered with venom. “Or would you rather have more manpower? You look like a bunch of table scraps.”

“Gee, thanks…” I sighed sarcastically while walking out of the hangar and heading back towards the main courtyard. There were many other guardians that were present and doing their own business as we were passing through. Some were having Moondancer decrypt their engrams, some were having their weapons inspected by Vinyl-3 and there were a few others that were discussing with Lord Thunderlane about the Crucible. However, I really don’t think that his occasional boasting would be something that Adagio was a fan of. Especially as we were approaching the hall of guardians.

Of course… the only Vanguard member that seemed to be there at the time was Twilight herself. “Hello Sunset, welcome back,” The Awoken greeted me, before noticing Adagio right behind me. “Oh? Who’s your friend?”

“Adagio Dazzle, the pleasure is yours.” Adagio said with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.

“Well, I’m Twilight Sparkle. Warlock Mentor and overseer of the Vanguard Research Division,” She replied back, offering a hand for her to shake.

Adagio ignored Twilight’s offer, instead looking around the room. “Quaint place. I’d thought there’d be a bit more… advancement in the future. Wish I could’ve been here in its prime.”

“Well, it’s not like we can go back in time to when we had the Golden Age,” Twilight replied back, before looking back at Sunset. “So, is there something I can help you out with?”

“Yeah, Adagio has… a lot of questions,” I said to make things brief. “And I was thinking that you can help answer them for her. Like how you helped me out when I first woke up.”

“Alright, that seems simple enough,” The Voidwalker told both of us as she pressed a button on the table and multiple holographic screens appeared. “Perhaps we should start with the same way I explained it to Sunset.”

Shortly after I heard Twilight say that, I noticed Adagio roll her eyes for a moment as Twilight slowly began to try and explain things to her in… well, attempting to try to explain it to her in the most simplest way possible. Starting with when humanity discovered the Traveler and when the Golden Age began. What Adagio would refer to as ‘humanities prime’.

Then came the collapse… the darkness… the traveler sacrificing itself to cast out the enemy that had hunted it for so long… and the damage that the collapse had caused. But, Twilight also mentioned how the Traveler’s sacrifice created the Ghosts… and how they search for those who have the ability to wield the traveler’s light as a weapon. Bringing them back as Guardians.

Then, Twilight took the chance to clear her throat. “I know that this may be a lot to take in… but this is where we are at right now. Do you have any questions, Adagio?”

“Why was I chosen to be a guardian? I’m not exactly the ‘hero’ type.” Adagio stated. I could tell that she was mostly uncomfortable around Twilight and I. Though… the question that she said did not… seem to resonate well with Twilight either. Which was odd, because I thought she would know at least something.

“That is something that is unknown to us. Even the speaker himself doesn’t know the answer,” She explained, before saying something else. “Others have asked the same thing but… well, that question was one of the many questions the last Warlock Vanguard had which drove him to being banished from the City.”

“And me being a Warlock was all my ghost told me. You’ll have to tell me about what that actually means later. I can see that the Guardians are pretty one note though…” Adagio’s voice was dry. “I don’t like this new world. I don’t see a future for myself in it.”

“Give it time and you may be accustomed to it,” Twilight suggested. “Now… as for what your ghost told you, a Warlock is one of three different variations of guardians. In fact, Sunset and I are Warlocks.” Pausing for a moment, Twilight used the holographic table to pull up the three symbols that represented each class as she began to explain them to her. “Warlocks are like sages of the Travelers light. Those who wish to learn how to study it’s arcane energies. The other two classes, Hunters and Titans, have their own purposes too. Titans are the backbone of the City’s defenses while Hunter’s thrive out in the wilds. Though… there’s one thing that I’m curious about…”

“What…?” Adagio asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s the type of light that you can control,” The voidwalker explained. “There are three types of energies. Void, Solar and Arc. I myself control Void Light while Sunset controls Solar… but I’m unsure what kind of light you can possibly control.” That… was a rather valid question. Because when I was fighting alongside Adagio earlier, she didn’t seem to be using any form of abilities at all. So either they have not been fully awakened yet… or Adagio just needs to know how to harness it first.

Then, I thought of something. “Hey… Twilight, is there some sort of way that we can be able to test what kind of light a guardian has?”

“Well… normally a guardian’s light can be felt by their peers around them unless they carry something on their person that symbolizes who they are,” Twilight replied back. “But… there is a possibility that Adagio is a rare kind of warlock. Similar to how you woke up as a Sunsinger… she can be a warlock that can use Arc Light. A Stormcaller.”

“Uh… fill me in whenever.” Adagio commented as she leaned against a wall.

“To summarize, Arc is like electricity…” Twilight said, looking back at Adagio. “You may be able to channel the wrath of a storm through your fingertips if you know how to control your newfound power.” That… was surprising. Even to me. Because for a moment, I was unsure what kind of power that Adagio would be able to control now that she is a guardian.

Of course though… just as we were thinking that things were going well, that was when Ray spoke up. “I’m sorry for having to interrupt, but Commander Flash wants to talk to Sunset,” My ghost informed us before looking back towards Twilight and I as it continued to speak. “Apparently, it’s with regards to Vanguard Operations.”


“Think of it like a guardian command structure,” The Voidwalker simply explained to Adagio. “The Vanguard mentors new guardians, coordinate the last cities defenses, organizes missions to carry out in the field and so on. In fact, I’m the Warlock Mentor of the Vanguard.”

While she was explaining that, I thought it would be best to try and talk to my Ghost for a moment on what he was getting from Commander Sentry. “Did Flash say what he wanted to talk about?” I asked Ray. Only leading to my ghost shaking his head as I let out a sigh. “Twilight, I think there’s no way that I’m getting out of this… If Flash really needs me, then it must be for something rather important.”

“If that’s the case, I can take some time to help Adagio, answer any questions she has and get her some better equipment. Something that’s sturdy enough to handle the fallen and whatever else is out there,” Twilight then replied, before looking towards Adagio for a moment. “That is… if you are okay with it, of course.”

“Not like I have a choice. One must adapt to their new surroundings, that much is a fact. I’ve already gone through the process once before, so it’ll be easy to take things as they come.” Adagio commented. I was a bit surprised by how relaxed she was being, but then I remind myself that she’s much older than I am, and she wasn’t even a pony so anything could potentially be normal for her, yet alien to me.

“Alright. I’ll be back soon.” I told them, shortly before making my way over the hall of guardians, where Flash was waiting for me. He didn’t seem calm or relaxed like the last time around… but this time, he looked a bit distraught. As if something was on his mind. It took a few moments for him to realize I was there in the room given the reports that he was reading, but eventually, he soon looked up to face me.

“Good to see you, Sunset,” He told me in response, closing the reports that he had open and looking up to face me. “I know that you were just out on patrol and such, but I need your help on something urgent.”

“What seems to be the problem?” I asked him.

“Well… with the recent resurgence of the hive on earth, one of our guardians went to investigate a hive fortress on their own, but we lost contact with them,” The titan replied back. “I want you to find them.”

“Okay, but with all due respect commander,” Ray then decided to ask, materializing next to my shoulder now. “Where are we going? The hive don’t have any fortresses in the cosmodrome… or earth for that matter.”

“That is because your mission is not on Earth,” Flash clarified… before saying something that I personally was caught off guard by. “Your mission is at the ocean of storms… on the Moon.”