• Published 3rd Mar 2018
  • 2,437 Views, 27 Comments

A Rare, Pink, Rainbow, Sunny Bath - The Dark Wolf

Fluttershy gives Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie a bath.

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Applejack Washes A Smelly Rarity

Author's Note:

I couldn't resist doing a chapter like this, realizing I'd only used "dirty/messy" as a reason for the washing and not smelling bad. Thanks to OtakuBrony47 for inspiring me to combine these two less-mentioned and fairly recently-discovered fetishes.

This will also be my default story for vividly describing the washing in the form of a bath. And, given the previous chapter and T rating, I'm allowed to go a little more suggestive than in Messy Ponies.

It was the middle of summer, and Rarity was driving the Cutie Mark Crusaders to a camp they liked to go to. They were planning on staying there for four days, so they'd packed enough food and water bottles to last them until the return home.

The drive was hot at first, but eventually the air conditioning made it cool inside the car.

The camp was just over two hours away from the city. An hour and a half into the drive, Rarity realized she had forgotten to pack any spare outfits. But she couldn't turn back when she was almost halfway there. She just hoped she wouldn't fall into the mud today. Or better yet, that there wasn't any at this camp.

Rarity was wearing a light blue T-shirt and skintight purple shorts, which were quite different from the ones she had worn to Camp Everfree.

After they arrived, they set up their tent together. Doing this work when it was this hot made Rarity sweat more than she was used to.

"Where are the showers?" Rarity asked her sister.

"There aren't any here," said Sweetie Belle.

"What? Then how do you stay clean?"

"By swimming in the lake."

It wasn't perfect, as there would be no soap, but it would have to do. Rarity ran out to the lake, but to her dismay, it was roped off, with a sign saying "Danger. Lake is polluted. No swimming."

"That was fast," said Sweetie Belle as Rarity returned.

"The lake is polluted," she said. "We can't go swimming there."

Apple Bloom made a phone call asking to clean the water. When she hung up, she said "They'll be here in two days."

"Ugh, two days?" said Rarity. "I hope I can stand it that long."

With plenty of water bottles, they never got thirsty, but Rarity was sweating a lot in the summer heat. It was even hot when she slept in her sleeping bag at night. Nevertheless, she didn't want to let her sister down. So, she stayed at the camp and participated in all their activities, some of which got her sweating even more. After they ran a race down a path, Rarity was dripping with sweat. The heat dried her outfit within ten minutes, but she was still hot and sweaty.

On the third day, the workers came over to clean the lake. Rarity was grateful, for she was starting to smell. She couldn't pick up any odor from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They must have brought deodorant. She wished she had thought of that.

Once the workers were finished in the lake, they removed the sign from the ropes. Rarity was ready to go for a swim when, to her horror, they wrote something on another sign and set it in its place.

"Danger. Piranhas. No swimming."

"Are you kidding? There are piranhas in the water? Can't you remove them too?"

"We don't do that," said a worker. "We'll get piranha control for that."


By the beginning of the fifth day, piranha control hadn't arrived yet, and it was time for the girls to leave.

They drove with the windows open, because Rarity smelled bad, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't stand it with the windows closed. Though not visibly dirty, Rarity felt dirtier than when she had fallen into the mud that time. Which gave her an idea on how she wanted to clean up.

After dropping the Cutie Mark Crusaders off, Rarity drove over to Applejack's house. She sniffed her armpit and recoiled at the smell. She really needed a bath, and this time she wanted Applejack to give it to her, even though she could have easily washed on her own. Her hair was also a little messy, despite attempts to comb it.

Rarity knocked on the door, and Applejack answered.

"Howdy Rarity. How'd your campin' trip g... Phew, you smell real bad." Applejack fanned the air.

"Yes, I know. That's why I'm here. I'd like you to give me a bath."

"Say what now?"

"It's silly, but... remember that time I fell into the mud at the park, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie played in the mud with me?"

"How could ah forget?"

"Well, Fluttershy gave us all a bath. And Sunset, too. I rather enjoyed it. I almost thought about asking her, but I thought you might like to."

"Well... Yeah, it would be kinda nice."

"Oh, but... I must leave this outfit on. I don't want you to see me naked yet, and plus it smells just as awful as I do."

"That's fine by me. Do ah get to scrub all of you?"

"Yes, you do. And do it for as long as you like. A clean bath can never go too long with how I smell right now. Plus, I know I'll like it."

"Then let's get started."

They walked into Applejack's bathroom, where Applejack filled the bathtub with hot water and poured bath soap into it, making the water very foamy. Rarity took off only her shoes and socks, and continued to endure her own stench. But she felt better knowing she'd be clean soon, as well as looking forward to what Applejack was about to do.

Once Applejack turned the tap off, Rarity climbed into the tub and sat down without hesitation, submerging her beautiful legs and skintight purple shorts.

Applejack filled a bucket with water and poured it over Rarity's head, soaking her hair.

"Ahhhh," Rarity sighed, enjoying it even though the smell hadn't gone away yet. "Fluttershy started that way too."

"Wet hair looks good on you, Rares," said Applejack, and Rarity blushed.

Applejack put some shampoo on her hands and rubbed Rarity's hair with it. Rarity knew her hair needed this wash as much as the rest of her did.

Once Rarity's hair was lathered up, Applejack took two bath scrubbers, dipped them in the water, poured a lot of soap on them, and scrubbed Rarity with them - starting with her armpits. Rarity appreciated this, for her armpits were stinkier than of any part of her, which was saying something.

Applejack washed Rarity a lot more vigorously than Fluttershy had. Rarity wasn't sure which she liked more. Each was fun in its own way. And she liked both Applejack and Fluttershy. If she got dirty or smelly again, she might alternate between the two. Of course, she'd still try to avoid it.

Applejack scrubbed Rarity's armpits for over a minute before moving on to her sides. Then she scrubbed her back for about half a minute. Rarity was now covered in suds, except for her lower half, which was still underwater. And she was smelling much better now.

"Do ah wash your lower half too?" said Applejack, her heart starting to beat a little faster.

Rarity positioned herself so that she was on all fours, and her rear end in the air.

"Ah take that as a yes," said Applejack. She sniffed Rarity's butt. "Phew, it smells almost as bad as your armpits."

Rarity blushed.

Applejack dipped her scrubber in water, poured a considerable amount of soap onto it, and rubbed Rarity's butt with it. Rarity let out a moan of pleasure, enjoying a more firm butt massage than the one Fluttershy had given her. Not that she hadn't liked Fluttershy's just as much.

Once she got by the smell, which was fading fast, Applejack loved rubbing Rarity's tush. It was so soft, and quite a sight to look at.

After about another minute, Rarity's butt smelled of nothing but soap. But Applejack wasn't done. She put more soap on her hands and started to rub Rarity's behind with them, even though it was already covered in soap bubbles. Applejack enjoyed this even more, and so did Rarity.

"That feels just wonderful, Applejack. Fluttershy did this too. She rubbed softer, but I love this just as much."

Hearing this, Applejack continued the butt massage. When she'd finally had enough, she slapped Rarity's butt playfully. Rarity squealed and giggled, and Applejack started washing her legs, again with her hand rather than the scrubber. She was only able to get to the top halves of her legs, since her shins were underwater, but she scrubbed every inch of them that she could.

Then, Rarity got back into a sitting position, facing Applejack, and put her feet up on the edge of the bathtub. Applejack put soap on her hands and massaged Rarity's feet, which smelled as bad as her butt, but not for long. Applejack rubbed Rarity's feet hard, washing the smell off within a minute. Applejack made sure to wash between Rarity's toes using her fingers. Then, after sniffing her feet to make sure, she washed her lower legs.

Rarity lowered her legs back into the water, and Applejack poured another bucket of warm water over Rarity's head, rinsing the shampoo and soap off her. Then she pulled the plug and drained the water. There were a bit of suds left on Rarity, so Applejack rinsed her with the bucket one more time.

"Feel better?" said Applejack.

Rarity sniffed her armpit. "Much better. Thank you Applejack."

"It was mah pleasure. Ah'd gladly do it again whenever you want."

"Awwww." Rarity could tell Applejack had enjoyed it as much as she did, just like she thought she would. "I'd hug you if it wouldn't get you all wet."

Applejack stepped into the bathtub and hugged Rarity herself, not caring how wet her green shirt and jeans got. Rarity hugged her back.

As Rarity drove home, the heat of the car drying her quickly, she heard on the radio that Trixie had been caught for dumping toxins and piranhas into the camp's lake.