• Published 4th Mar 2018
  • 9,079 Views, 378 Comments

The Legend of Broly - I-C-U-P

Released from his stone prison to fight the oncoming powerful foes, the residence of Equestria placed their hopes on the most unexpected saviour. Broly.

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Chapter 17: Paragus’s Revenge / Trouble on New Vegeta

The whole group stood still in silent thought. Back in the realm of Broly’s mind, the souls of Equestria had witnessed horrors the likes they had never seen. Child executions. Planet busters. A genocidal tyrant. A species that held no regard for their own survival. But it was their recent memory that was the icing on the cake. An event that none of them could ever expect. Not even in their wildest dreams. The destruction of an entire galaxy.

“I can’t believe that really happened,” Cadence said, breaking the silence.

“Destroying a planet is one thing. But a whole galaxy?” Starlight joined. She and a few others finding it hard to believe that such a thing was possible.

“Ah know that Broly was strong. But not that strong,” Applejack added. Joined by Rainbow Dash.

“The guy just busted an entire galaxy! The same guy that’s sleeping in the same castle as us!”

“He’s far more dangerous than I thought,” Luna said. Seeing that nothing compared to the amount of destruction Broly had caused.

But believing that there would be doubt among the group, Celestia spoke up. Seemingly defending Broly.

“I don’t think it’s entirely his fault.”

The rest of the group looked at Celestia in curiosity. Being quiet to hear the white Alicorn out.

“The fault is that of his father, Paragus. If he hadn’t used mind control at that moment, then it wouldn’t cause Broly pain at that moment. He was acting out of fear and caused his son’s power to erupt. Broly’s power may had what done the destruction, but the cause was not his own.”

The group stood in silence as they looked at each other. They were starting to see that Celestia was right. If Paragus hadn’t intervened, then things would’ve run smoothly. Broly wouldn’t had acted out and the galaxy would’ve been fine. But there was one thing that Shining Armor couldn’t understand. Something that he shared with the others.

“But we’ve seen Broly act out before. Yeah, they were destructive. But never on that level. So why?”

The group paused to think. Looking back on all the times Broly had gone wild. It was true. In the past, the worse Broly had done was destroy an entire planet. Destroying a galaxy was quite big of a jump.

As the group were thinking, Spike noticed that Twilight was being very quiet. Ever since the memory ended, she was in her state of thought the whole time. Which caused the young dragon to be curious.

“What is it, Twilight?”

Hearing the purple dragon addressing the Alicorn caused the group to turn their attention to the two. Wondering what was going on.

As Twilight looked at the non-existent ground, she asked the group a question.

“Hay. When that memory ended, did any of you hear the last thing Paragus said?”

Her question caused the group to look at each other in confusion. Then back at Twilight.

“Sorry, Twilight. We were too focused on all the destruction that happened,” Shining Armor replied.

It appeared that the rest of the group had done the same thing as the Unicorn prince. They hadn’t payed full attention to Paragus’s words. To which, the concerned Twilight explained.

“Paragus. He called Broly… the Legendary Super Saiyan.”

The group were taken back by Twilight’s words. Curious of the name.

“The Legendary Super Saiyan? What’s that?” Rarity asked. Joined by Rainbow Dash.

“Probably just a fancy, over-the-top name for the Super Saiyan legend. I mean, you all’ve seen how all the other Saiyans acted when they saw Broly transform.”

“Yeah. How can a Super Saiyan be legendary, is it’s already legendary?” Pinkie Pie asked. Agreeing with her blue Pegasus friend.

As the group went in deep thought about the subject, surprisingly, it was Fluttershy who may had found the answer.


The whole group looked at the yellow Pegasus. Stunned at what she said. As she looked back at her friends, she explained her meaning.

“Think about it. When his father saw Broly become a Super Saiyan, he was thrilled. Happy even. But when he uttered that name, he looked terrified.”

The ponies and dragon paused in realisation. Then Luna provided more evidence.

“Not just that. Back on their homeworld. When the Saiyan king used those words, he showed the same fear.”

The group realised that the Moon Princess was correct. When King Vegeta uttered the name, there was fear in his voice. From what little they know of, Starlight made a guess. Something that made her feel very intimidated.

“Wait. You all don’t mean that this… Legendary Super Saiyan is something entirely different?”

It was a question that no pony had an answer for. With Starlight Glimmer having no idea how right she was.

But then Twilight realised something.

“And there’s something else I’ve noticed. His aura changes too.”

The group looked at the anthro Alicorn in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked. Leaving Twilight to explain herself.

“Well… in his normal state, his aura is white. As a Super Saiyan, it’s gold. But in that last memory… I saw an… eerie green.”

The group paused. Wondering if it was of any importance.

“Yeah. Ah remember seeing that strange glow that when he was a kid,” Applejack mentioned.

“Well… I think that’s strange too,” Pinkie Pie added.

“You don’t think that this… green energy had something to do with what happened?” Rarity asked.

The group were puzzled. They entered Broly’s mind to find answers to their questions about him. Yet while some of their questions had been answered, they kept uncovering more mysteries about the Saiyan. They didn’t know why, but there was something about the ‘Legendary Super Saiyan’ name that kept making them feel uneasy.

“Well… regardless of this topic, we still have more of Broly’s past to explore,” Celestia said before turning towards Luna.

“Shall we, Luna?”

Knowing what her older sister was talking about, the blue princess used her magic to summon up more memory orbs. But there was something about them that caused her to look surprised.

“That’s strange.”

“What is it?” Celestia asked, curious as to what caused Luna to question.

Luna turned to Celestia before answering.

“It’s these next memories. They’re hardly corrupted at all.”

She continued as she looked over to what’s left of the unwatched memories.

“And we’re nearing the present memories.”

The group became puzzled of the discovery.

“You mean we’re running out of memories to watch?” Rainbow Dash asked.

While Luna didn’t answer the question, the answer was indeed obvious. They were slowly approaching a time when they first met Broly in Equestria. Which only peaked their curiosity all the more.

“Alright, Luna. Let’s go,” Celestia said. Giving her sister permission to continue.

As the group walked into the memory orb, Celestia whispered to herself.

“I hope Paragus has learnt his lesson about mind controlling Broly.”

The group were surrounded by pure whiteness as they entered the memory. To which the white faded into a new location. The group found themselves in a large stone corridor. All around them were walls, floors and ceilings shrouded in dark blue.

“Where are we now?” Spike asked. Almost creeped out by the dark atmosphere.

To Celestia and Luna however, the room layout looked very familiar.

“It looks like… we’re inside a castle of some sort,” The blue Alicorn answered. Surprising the group.

But they received an even bigger surprise when they suddenly heard a gasp from Fluttershy.

“What is it, Flutters,” Rainbow Dash asked. To which the yellow mare calmed down when she answered while pointing.

“It’s Broly.”

Turning around to follow where Fluttershy’s finger was pointing. The group were surprised to see Broly too. But to their confusion, he was just standing still. Not moving like a statue. But his face was very off-putting. He had the most blank expression they had ever seen on anyone. With eyes so neutral and… empty. So unlike any version of the Saiyan they had ever seen.

“What’s wrong with him?” Starlight asked. Finding his lack of expression off.

Celestia was first to realise what had happened. To her dismay, she saw that Broly was wearing another crown on his head.

“No. He’s under mind control again,” Celestia said in disappointment. The other ponies and dragon looking at the crown in disbelief.

No doubt the replacement crown was the fully working model they heard about in his earlier memories. Unlike the previous ring where it had a section missing at the back, the new crown was a complete ring. Completely encircling around his head. As well as the new mind control crown, Broly also wore a pair of golden rings on his biceps. And a single gold ring around his neck. Either as accessories for his appearance or to help with the mind control magic.

The group looked at the tall Saiyan in sympathy. Most of them deeply upset at what had happened to Broly.

“Look at his eyes. They look so empty,” Pinkie Pie said. Saddened at how unhappy Broly looked.

“His father. He hadn’t learnt from his mistakes at all.”

The others looked at Celestia in surprise from what she said. As well as the tone in her voice. She didn’t just sound upset, her voice carried anger. The white Alicorn was almost offended at what she saw. Though not Broly’s fault, but looking at the results of Paragus’s meddling made the Sun Princess sick to her stomach. Broly’s blank face showed it all. With mind control, Broly was nothing more than a hollow shell of what he was. He was Paragus’s son. His flesh and blood. But he turned his own child into nothing more than a tool. A weapon. A thing.

The surprised Luna saw Celestia’s fists clenched hard. Clearly seeing that her older sibling was furious.

“This…this is not what Pruna wanted. She wouldn’t want this,” Celestia added. Her voice clearly showing signs that she was upset.

But before more could be discussed, the group were surprised by sudden loud cheering. And the name of the person being cheered.


The group sharply turned towards the sounds of the praise. Only to see a massive crowd of different aliens outside the main entrance. All wearing the same uniforms as each other. But not the ones of the Frieza Force.

“Did… did they say Vegeta?” Twilight asked in surprise.

They then heard a very familiar voice that followed after the cheering.

“These men have gathered here from the far reaches of the universe. They’re here to serve you, King Vegeta.”

The voice was without a doubt belonged to Paragus. But it was what he said that deeply surprised the group.

“Wait, what!?” Starlight asked.

Emerging from the crowd and entering the palace was Paragus himself. But it was who's with him that surprised the group. Beside Paragus was a shorter man. Wearing a variant of the Saiyan battle uniform and a blue body leotard with white gloves and boots. But it was his face and hair that caused the onlooking group to be in shock.

“Hay. That guy looks like that Saiyan king!” Applejack said. Noting the Saiyan’s features.

Twilight then pieced together the possibilities.

“But he looks much younger. I think… that’s the king’s son.”

The group looked at Twilight in surprise, then back at the one called Vegeta.

“So, he’s the prince,” Luna added. Clearly recognizing him as the son of the king. But without the beard.

But seeing the two Saiyans in the same room caused Rainbow Dash to be confused.

“But… Paragus hated the royal family for what they did to him and Broly. Why is he being nice to him?”

“Maybe some sort of revenge plot?” Pinkie Pie guessed. Like the others, it was the only answer she could think off.

The two Saiyans walked further into the room. The group felt slightly intimidated when Prince Vegeta walked past them. He had a very menacing scold look on his face. But when he and Paragus approached the still form of Broly, the larger Saiyan’s presence gained the attention of Vegeta.


“My only son. He’s at your service, my lord,” Paragus explained.

Then in the blandest tone possible due to the magical crown clouding his mind, Broly introduced himself.

“I… am Broly.”

Hearing a Saiyan name got Vegeta intrigued.

“So I guess you’re a Saiyan as well?”

“Yes… sir.” Broly answered.

Most of the group looked at Broly in concern. Even his voice showed little to no emotion. It seemed as though the new crown was much more efficient than the prototype.

Looking back at the crowd outside, the group also spotted several other individuals that stood out from the crowd. Not being one of them. A tall lavender haired teen with a purple jacket. A child with black spikey hair and wearing purple gi. A short bald man that strangely had no nose. An anthropomorphic pig. And an old man that seemed out of his mind. The group unaware that he was suffering from a hangover.

As the group processed the strange group of people, a voice from a concerned solder was heard as he rushed in to bow before Vegeta.

“Your majesty! Your majesty. The Super Saiyan has appeared on Planet Todokama.”

“What!?” Vegeta responded. Alarmed by the news.

“Huh?” The group uttered. Having no idea what was going on. But before they could even make a guess, Vegeta made a decision and turned around back towards the exit.

“Alright I’m going to take care of this Super Saiyan freak right now. Broly, come with me.”

To the group’s surprise, Broly followed Vegeta’s order and followed the prince out. It seemed that Vegeta saw some use from the younger yet much taller Saiyan. But one of the strange individuals was concerned of Vegeta’s plan.

“Father! We have to collect more intelligence before we act! It’s too dangerous!”

The group were shocked at one word the boy used to describe the Saiyan prince.

“Wait? Father?” Luna asked.

Unmoved by his son’s concerns, Vegeta barked back before heading off.

“The only danger lies in standing against me! Broly, hurry up!”

Without saying another word, both Vegeta and Broly walked past the alien solders and towards a giant spaceship some distance away.

“What is going on?” Rainbow Dash asked. Puzzled at the developments unfolding. But it seemed everypony else was just as lost as she was.

“I have no idea?” Shining Armor replied.

But as the two Saiyans approached the cone-shaped rocket, Celestia and Twilight looked over to Paragus. Seeing the cruel Saiyan grinning sinisterly.

After hearing a loud booming sound, the group all saw a large cloud of smoke from the other end of the landmass they were standing on. Then emerging from the cloud was the space rocket. Launching from the ground and into the air. As the ship disappeared into the outer reaches of the atmosphere and into space, the memory ended. But with confusion dawning the group, they wasted little to no time in going into the next memory.

When they entered the memory, they found themselves on a completely different planet. It looked completely barren and empty. Nothing but a vast wasteland. But apparently breathable. Because looking to the side, they saw the same giant ship that made landing. And emerging from the ship was Vegeta. Followed by Broly not to far behind.

When the group approached the two Saiyans, they noticed that Broly was standing back close to the ship. Watching Vegeta as he walked further away before coming to a stop.

The group saw Vegeta closed his eyes. Seeing that he was trying to sense something. But grunted in annoyance as he opened them.

“Grr. Nothing.”

Then Vegeta had an idea. Which caused him to smirk.

“If this Saiyan really is out here, then this would surely get his attention.”

Then as Vegeta clenched his fists as he raised his arms to his sides, he began to grunt loudly. Raising his energy, he was causing the planet to shake violently. The group looked around in surprise as the rocks in the wasteland began to crumble apart. But to their surprise when they looked back at Vegeta, they briefly saw his black hair change colour. Taking on a blondish tone.

“Wait. Is he…?” Cadence asked.

But before she could finish her question, Vegeta let out a mighty echoing roar. Followed by a bright golden light engulfing his body. His energy bursting forth in a blinding display. The group had to shield their eyes from the show of power. But when the light dimmed enough for them to open their eyes, they were dumbfounded at what they had witnessed.

Hovering in the middle of the crater he formed, Vegeta had transformed. His body was surging in golden energy. And his spikey hair, while stayed the same shape, was fully golden. At that point, the group all knew what had happened. But couldn’t believe that another Saiyan had obtained the power.

“Wait! Vegeta is also a Super Saiyan!?” Twilight shouted out in disbelief.

“But I thought Broly was the only one,” Spike joined.

The group were shaken from the discovery. They were in a presence of two Saiyans that can transform. They weren’t the only ones though. Broly too was surprised at what he saw. But more surprised that another of his race can become a Super Saiyan.

They then heard Vegeta addressing Broly.

“Take a good long look, Broly. This is what’s called a Super Saiyan. The legend of our race come to life,” He said. His voice almost proud to show off the transformation to another of his kind.

After a minute of standing around, Vegeta grunted in anger.

“Where the bloody hell is this Saiyan!?”

After condensing his fiery aura back into his body, Super Saiyan Vegeta turned to look back at Broly. Seeing the younger Saiyan stunned caused the prince to think.

“You seemed surprised. I take it that means you can sense energy as well?”

The question snapped Broly out of his awe as he answered. His voice still retaining its blandness.

“Y-Yes sir.”

Vegeta turned to face Broly with a questionable look.

“Good. Can you feel anything on this planet?”

After a moment of feeling out energies of Planet Todokama, Broly answered back.

“No. I don’t.”

Grunting in annoyance, Vegeta reverted back into his base form before giving one final look of the wasteland.

“Damn it! Either we’re too late or your fool of a father lead us astray.”

The prince’s expression grew angrier as he started to head back to the ship.

“It’s a dead end. Let’s head back, Broly. At least you’re more useful than your father.”

The group were surprised from hearing Vegeta’s way of a compliment to Broly. Though the tone was not very friendly, it did show that the prince had indeed saw some use from Broly. And it also showed that he didn’t like Paragus very much.

Sensing that the memory was about to end, Luna used her magic to skip into the next one. Upon arrival, the group found themselves back on the planet before. Which was New Vegeta. To their mild surprise, they arrived in the middle of the night. Making the already creepy palace even more spooky. Standing inside one of the dark corridors, the group could see the ship in the distance. A sign that Vegeta and Broly had arrived back.

Then climbing up the stairs into the corridor, the anthro ponies and dragon saw Vegeta and Paragus emerging into the open. With Broly following behind them. The two older Saiyan were arguing.

“Darn it! How am I supposed to destroy this Saiyan if you can’t even tell me where it is!?” Scolded Vegeta. With Paragus trying to give the prince reassurance.

“We’re working as hard as we can! Around the clock! Just give us a little more time, sire!”

Paragus’s reply caused Vegeta to grunt in annoyance.

But amidst all the negative emotions flying everywhere, to the group’s sheer surprise, they heard a new voice. One that was filled of positivity.

“Hay, Vegeta.”

When the group all paused to look where the voice came from, their entire world seemed to have stopped. Because sitting on the ledge that lead to outside, was a man. A man wearing orange and blue. But it was his face and hair that caused the ponies and dragon to grow wide eyes in astonishment. The individual who addressed Vegeta was a Saiyan. A very recognizable one.

“What? Another Saiyan?” Luna asked in disbelief. But it was Rarity who pointed out the recognizable features.

“But look at his hair. He looks just like the one called Bardock.”

The group paused as they took a good look at the new Saiyan. With Twilight looking back to all the other Saiyans they encountered with the same features.

“He doesn’t have that scar on his cheek. And he clearly isn’t Turles.”

Twilight then let out a loud gasp at one possibility. Surprising the group in response. There was one other Saiyan that had those exact features. Remembering on how Broly changed as he grew into an adult, the new Saiyan also looked as though he’s in his late twenties or early thirties. Which meant that the time of his birth was very likely when Frieza destroyed the Saiyan homeworld. Which was the same as Broly’s.

Despite seemingly impossible, Twilight spoke out what she was thinking. Believing that she knew who the new Saiyan was.

“Everyone. It has to be. I… I think that’s Kakarot!”

“What!?” The group asked in disbelief.

“You mean that child that was beside Broly as a baby?” Fluttershy asked.

The group looked back at the Saiyan wearing orange. Wondering if it really was the same one. But hearing him being addressed caused Vegeta to stop in his tracks. Glancing over to the Saiyan with an annoyed but amused smirk.

“I don’t remember seeing you on the guest list.”

Then in an almost comically fashion, the new Saiyan that the group guessed was Kakarot gave his reason of being there.

“Aww. Come on, Vegeta. It’s not like you’re having any better luck finding the Super Saiyan.”

Dismissing the funny side, Vegeta made his cold statement.

“It won’t be long before we catch him. And when we do, he’s mine and he’s dead. Stay out of my way, clown.”

The group were surprised at how the two interacted with each other. Despite one being a Low-class warrior and the other a Saiyan prince, the two clearly knew each other. They found it strange. From what they’ve seen on Planet Vegeta, the royal family disregarded the low class. Almost not acknowledging them as a whole.

After saying his piece, Vegeta continued on his way.

“Alright,” The cheerful Kakarot replied, brushing off Vegeta’s coldness.

The group all looked back at the orange clothed Saiyan in wonderment. There was something about him that always seemed positive. While they had noticed that Paragus followed Vegeta, they failed to notice that Broly stopped behind them.

After a good long look at the Saiyan, Pinkie Pie started to giggle. Catching the group by surprise.

“What is it, Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked. To which the pink party pony pointed out.

“His smile. It’s not like all the others. That’s a genuine, proper happy smile.”

To the random pony, they would think that Pinkie Pie was just being her usual self. But since her friends knew her all too well, they knew what she was trying to say. But since it was from a Saiyan, it was very surprising.

“Ya mean, this guy is good? Like… a good guy?” Applejack asked.


The group were astounded. A Saiyan with a pure, noble heart was something they never thought possible. But there he was. Even as he gave an awkward goodbye to Vegeta.

“Well, bye then. I guess I’ll…uhh… see you around or something, heh .”

Some of the group started to see what Pinkie Pie was talking about. Some even giggled slightly from the Saiyan’s attempts of polite conversation.

But all the pleasantries came to an abrupt end. They saw his expression changed from cheerful to alarmed. What’s more, the group saw a large shadow looming over them. After turning around, the ponies saw that it was Broly. Looking menacingly at the other Saiyan.

“Uhh, guys…” Starlight uttered as she backed away. Letting those who weren’t aware that trouble was brewing.

Once the rest of the group took notice, they suddenly felt a wave of fear at what was going on. As they backed away, the Saiyan Kakarot leapt of the ledge and landed on the ground. Facing directly at Broly.

The group couldn’t believe it. The two Saiyans, born on the same day, had finally reunited. But it was not meant to be a pleasant union.

While Kakarot remained stern, Broly was showing clear signs of aggression. As the tall Saiyan looked at the shorter one, the latter’s resemblance caused Broly to think back to what little he could remember. About the person he resented for the longest time. The man in front of him greatly resembled the one. Seeing the Saiyan grown up caused Broly’s anger to boil. So much so that he was beginning to resist the effects of the mind control crown. The gemstone making a sound due to Broly’s resistance. Clenching his fists, he began to grunt in fury. Then to the concerns of the group, a faint green aura began to materialize around Broly’s body. Then to their shock, Kakarot responded in kind. Him having a faint yellow aura.

As he took notice of Broly’s strange behaviour, Paragus began to point his right palm at his son’s crown. Trying to increase the power to the crown while giving a command.

“Behave Broly.”

From receiving the signal from Paragus’s device, the blue gemstone on Broly’s crown began to glow bright purple. But Broly continued to resist its control. His growing fury making him grunt in hatred with the Saiyan in front of him. All the while Kakarot remained calm, but stern.

The group were mesmerized in terror at the sight before them. Never had they felt tension quite like it. But from seeing that the shorter Saiyan was standing his ground, not bothering to make his own statement, it was a clear sign that the Saiyan may truly be the one. He may truly be Kakarot. Which in turn made the moment all the more tense. Remembering all the anger and fury Broly showed to them while chanting Kakarot’s name. He truly despised the Saiyan. To a point where he mistook King Sombra for him. Yet there the two were. Just a couple of meters away staring down at each other. And probably moments away from a big fight.

The group were so transfixed on the sight, that they overlooked Paragus being harassed by the old man from earlier. Wanting to return back to his homeworld. Even when Kakarot gave a comedic response to the old man’s antics.

But as seconds ticked by, the mind control crown began to work its literal magic. Calming Broly down to a point where the mysterious green glow vanished from sight. Reverting the Saiyan back to his neutral state.

But just as the group noticed Paragus glaring in frustration at the discovery, the memory ended and moved on to the next one. Jumping the group from one area of the palace to the next. Looking around, the ponies and dragon found themselves in a dark chamber. Filled with scientific equipment that they had seen in the previous memories. Meaning that the scientist Krang was involved once again.

But as they looked around the room, they saw Paragus sitting on a chair. With a small machine attached to his hand, it had wires that linked to a large computer. The group then saw the scientist approaching the Saiyan while holding a sheet of paper with the data from the computer. And the mind control device to his side.

“That’s it. My tests are complete. Now if you slowly remove the apparatus from your wrist,” Krang said calmly to Paragus.

But going against the scientist’s suggestions, Paragus removed the apparatus harshly. Even throwing it on the floor. The actions caused some sort of magical whiplash that caused Krang to yell in surprise as he was knocked to the ground. Losing his cloak. The blast of purple artificial magic also knocked the device out of the scientist’s grasp and onto the floor.

“Well!?” Paragus demanded. Wanting an explanation.

But just as the group were confused as to what the Saiyan would want, Krang provided the answer. Responding to Paragus’s demands.

“I’m telling you, the results are the same as last time. According to the computer data, the remote is still functioning properly. The reports are consistent. It’s possible that Broly may just be acting out on his own. You’re his father, Paragus. I’m afraid it is now up to you to control the power of your son.”

After hearing the scientist’s words, Paragus placed the mind control device back in his wrist and gave Krang a disapproval look. Followed by an impossible command.

“No! Fix it!”

Paragus proceeded to turn around and walk towards the exit of the laboratory. Leaving the baffled Krang alone with one question.

“How can I fix what just isn’t broken!?”

Some of the group felt bad for the alien scientist. It seemed even he was having a tough time under the Saiyan’s command. But ignoring Krang, Paragus left the room. But when the group followed him out, they saw that he paused. The look of concern on his face.

“Broly. What’s wrong with you, my son?”

Most of the group were surprised at the sudden concern Paragus was going through. From his actions, they figured that the older Saiyan no longer cared for Broly as much as he used to. Only saw him as an instrument of destruction.

Then Paragus started to walk away from the door. The group could see clear as day that he was in deep thought. What they couldn’t tell, was that he was remembering the rampage Broly caused in his younger years. Up to the time where the parent had to use the mind control ring on him. Which gave birth to his newfound obsession of power and revenge.

His thoughts of the past carried on throughout the walk. Up to when he approached a large door. When he opened, the group were slightly startled at what they saw. Broly was sitting in his chair. Wide awake. Sweating all over. The ponies could clearly see that he was struggling. The Saiyan grunting as to fight the conflict that was raging within his mind. His hidden anger fighting back against the mind control.

To most of the group, their sympathy for Broly only grew. Once more, he was suffering. Despite it being a memory, some of the group really wanted to help him. But since the events had already occurred, all they could do was stand and watch.

After more moments of internal thinking, Paragus had figured out the reason for Broly’s sudden surge in anger. To which the group overheard.

“They were born on the same day.”

Some of the group looked at the older Saiyan in confusion.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, with Starlight being the one to figure out what Paragus was thinking.

“I think he’s talking about Broly and Kakarot.”

The rest of the group silently agreed with the anthro Unicorn. Paragus was there to witness the two infants in the maternity ward. The baby Kakarot crying, constantly scaring the infant Broly.

They then thought back to when Broly and the other Saiyan were reunited.

"So... he truly was Kakarot," Fluttershy said.

But to their surprise, Paragus closed the door on the struggling Broly. Only to then walk away. Some of the ponies were almost heartbroken at the silent actions of the father of Broly. His son was clearly struggling to hold himself together. Desperately trying not to lose control. Yet Paragus just turned his back on him. Not viewing his son’s struggles as important as it truly was. For Celestia, the eldest and the most experienced of the group, the princess who had seen countless struggles of children and individuals with mental problems, the actions caused her to resent Paragus even more. Mentally cursing him for his heartless actions.

But their mental opinions of Paragus were put on halt when they heard Spike trying to gain their attention.

“Uhh, guys. Broly’s glowing.”

Looking back to the struggling Saiyan, the group could see that Broly was trying his hardest to keep control. His eyes shut with his teeth clenched showed that he was putting much more effort. But the eerie green glow soon grew more apparent. And within moments, Broly couldn’t hold it back any longer. With a loud angry grunt, Broly’s power burst forth. Turning into a Super Saiyan, his hair changed colour as a flame-like aura shrouded his body.

Broly then opened his eyes. Orbs of greenish blue were filled with hate. He then uttered a name that sent alarm bells ringing for Celestia and Luna. The same actions that he had done on the day when the two first met him.


Surprising the group, Broly suddenly rose from his chair and stormed out of the room. Despite retracting his aura back into his body, Broly stayed in his transformed state. Feeling that his destined fight with his hated enemy was just moments away, the group followed him out of the room and down the corridors.

“Woah, he’s getting serious, huh?” Rainbow Dash uttered. Seeing how determined Broly looks.

When the group caught up with the enraged Saiyan, they took note of his hair colour. Just like with the prototype crown, whenever Broly became a Super Saiyan, his hair took a neon blue tone rather than the usual blondish gold. A clear sign that his power was being restrained by the crown.

But the group noticed that Broly’s pace grew much quicker. Almost like a jog. But when they entered a long corridor, the Super Saiyan began to sprint. Charging through the corridor at alarming speeds. He knew that Kakarot was on the other side of the door. The fight was just seconds away.

Then with a single leap, Broly smashed through the wooden door before leaping in the air. Taking the sleeping Kakarot completely by surprise. Then the just resting Saiyan gasped in surprise from the sight of Broly diving down to strike him. But with a quick backflip, Kakarot dodged the attack. Leaving Broly to strike the bed instead.

Seeing Kakarot leaping backwards, Broly tossed the bed aside and charged after the former. While Kakarot leapt out gracefully out of the open window, Broly simply charged straight through it while screaming in rage. Smashing it to pieces before going after Kakarot. Like a predator after his pray.

“Broly, what are you doing!?” Kakarot asked, confused as to why Broly would seemingly attack him out of the blue.

Using her magic to make her party float, Luna and the others all followed the two Saiyans out of the room and into the outside world. Though the fight had just started, some of the ponies already felt tense.

“Woah. This is really happening isn’t it?” Cadence asked. With Rainbow Dash giving her a reply.

“A fight between Broly and the guy he hated since birth? Yes.”

Without saying a word, Luna moved the group through the air. Following the fight between Broly and Kakarot.

As the two reached the ground, Broly charged at Kakarot with nothing but rage guiding him. The two Saiyans smashed clean through a wall as the restrained Super Saiyan kept up with his foe. But after swatting his arm aside, Kakarot performed a backflip. Which he done so to kick Broly’s face. To the surprise of the group, the kick was very effective. The blow caused Broly to recoil back as Kakarot landed back on his feet. To which he demanded an explanation for the outbursts.

“What’s this all about!?”

The group were startled. A normal Saiyan would enjoy a fight. Yet Kakarot was not only trying to avoid one, but to talk Broly out of it. But rather than answering Kakarot’s pleas, the enraged Saiyan prepared to fire his ki attacks. Balls of green energy formed in his hands.

Startled from seeing the oncoming attacks, Kakarot was able to dodge three Blaster Shells successfully. One of which exploded on the ground. But then Kakarot had done something that indeed surprised the onlooking group. He backhanded another Blaster Shell, deflecting it back at Broly to which it exploded on impact. The blast of his own attack sent the angered Saiyan crashing through a forest and into a large lake. Massive clouds of dust, dirt and water filled the area. But by the time Kakarot flew towards the lake, the clouds of water vapor had vanished. Revealing the still form of Broly.

The group took a moment to see the grunting Broly. As he remained still, his surge of energy within his body caused massive ripples in the lake. Which were centered from his feet. His increase of power also caused wind to generate from his being. Massive amounts of water droplets rose from the lake all around the Saiyan. Some of the group didn’t know why, but seeing the restrained Super Saiyan Broly in the pose he was in was quite a sight.

His surge of power was felt by Kakarot. Which caused him to second guess what Broly was capable of.

As his power started to rise from the fight, Broly glared at Kakarot with a cold statement.

“Die, Kakarot.”

Staying true to his word, Broly wasted no time as he charged directly towards Kakarot. Yelling as he closed the gap between him and his enemy. But in response to Broly’s threat, Kakarot landed a hard kick to Broly’s face. Stopping his advance before backflipping behind him. The onlooking group were very surprised at how good of a fighter Kakarot was. To a few of them for reasons beyond their knowledge, they actually wanted to root for him. Seeing that Kakarot was unlike any other Saiyan.

As Kakarot waited to see how Broly would react to the kick, the Super Saiyan turned around to face him once more. But the blow caused blood to drip from the side of his mouth. But rather from being deterred from the attack, Broly simply smirked before licking his wound. Wiping away the blood with his tongue.

“Eww! That was completely unnecessary! Disgusting!” Kakarot commented. With some of the group in agreement with him.

But unmoved by the comment, Broly struck back. After forming a green sphere of energy in his right hand, he threw it at Kakarot with a mighty yell. With it being his Trap Shooter attack, the green ball separated into hundreds more. Taken by surprise from such an attack, Kakarot briefly panicked before dodging to the side. Leaving all the energy blasts to strike the lake and the nearby forest.

With the world around them shrouded in smoke, Broly and Kakarot began to clash in close combat. The two dishing out punches and kicks almost too quick to be seen with pony eyes. But while Kakarot had the advantage at first, Broly was showing signs of becoming more and more resilient. He was not only getting much quicker, but his attacks were becoming stronger with each passing second. Almost as if he was learning as he fights.

Kakarot began to see it for himself. As he landed another successful kick to Broly, the latter barely registered it. And retaliated by booting Kakarot in the chest. The blow sending the smaller Saiyan hurtling through the forest before coming to a stop just in front of a giant cliff. Alarmed by the approaching Broly, Kakarot leapt into the air to avoid him. After missing his target, the Super Saiyan jumped after him.

After the two reached to the top of the cliff edge, Kakarot yelled as he delivered a hard punch to Broly’s face. But just like the kick before, his attacks were becoming ineffective. Broly was so unfazed that his eyes kept a lock on Kakarot. Concerned that his attacks were no longer working, Kakarot flipped over Broly and landed on the cliff behind Broly. Spurred on by his hated enemy, Broly grunted as he turned around and too landed on the cliff. Facing directly at Kakarot.

But as he clocked his sights on Kakarot once more, Broly’s rage began to build. After a loud grunt, Broly let out an enraged scream to the sky. His voice echoing throughout the valley beneath him. Then as he screamed in fury, his ki exploded from his body. Shrouding him in his Super Saiyan aura.

Kakarot gasped from sensing the heightened energy.

“Gahh! That’s the energy I was following!”

As Broly stood still screaming at the heavens, his aura continued to surge and grow. Broly’s body looking as though it was on fire. Taking the rest of her friends and family by surprise, it was Twilight who gasped next. She just saw something that was not there before.

“His golden aura! There’s a bit of green in it!”

The group looked back at Broly in confusion and suspense. They too could see it. Broly’s Super Saiyan aura, which was normally golden, was tinted with green. At first glance, the colour of a person’s aura wouldn’t really matter. But since the mystery of the green aura was a recent discovery of the group, it was concerning. Whenever Broly glowed green, it usually ended in disaster. The worst he’d done was destroy an entire galaxy. They had no idea what would happen when mixed with the aura of a Super Saiyan.

But just as it seemed something was about to happen with Broly as he continued to wail in fury, Paragus arrived on the scene. Standing between his son and Kakarot, Paragus began to use his mind control device on Broly as he gave a command.

“Broly! Cut this out! Stop it son, I command you!”

But despite the efforts of his father, it seemed that Broly’s crown wasn’t responding. Broly continued to wail in anguish and fury. Not realising that mind control was at play, Kakarot believed that Paragus was trying to talk his son out of his fit normally. With him joining in.

“Listen to what your father is telling you! Calm down! Please!”

But consumed by his ever-growing hatred, Broly began to laugh maniacally. As if he was on the verge of insanity. The sounds of Broly’s laughter caused Luna’s spine to tremble with a cold shiver. It was one of many things about him she didn’t like. How evil he seemed to have acted. Desperate to get his son back under control, Paragus continued pressing on with the device as he called out to him once more. The device in his hand beeping like crazy.

“Stop it!! Stop it, Broly!! NOW!!!”

After what seemed like an impossible task, the mind control crown finally gained a firm hold on Broly. The blue gemstone on the front of the crown glowed green from the command. Broly instantly stopped laughing as he looked down to the ground. Then within moments, he dropped out of his Super Saiyan form. His hair reverting back to black as his muscles shrunk back to normal.

“What?” Kakarot asked. Surprised at how quickly Broly’s attitude changed. Again, unaware that mind control was used.

“Let’s get you back to the palace, my son,” Paragus said as he led Broly away from Kakarot. All the while the good-hearted Saiyan kept his eyes locked onto his attacker.

The group watched in silent as Paragus and Broly walked away. Only to then see them take to the skies and fly back in the direction of the palace. Leaving Kakarot behind. Then… before the memory came to a close, some of the group looked back at Kakarot. Surprised at the determined glare in his eyes. To them, it meant only one thing.

He knew something about Broly they didn’t. Something that… in the following morning… would change their entire outlook on Broly forever.

Author's Note:

Nearly there people! Nearly there!

I actually had fun writing this chapter. Especially including extended scenes with Vegeta and Goku. And as you all know, the legendary transformation of Broly you've all been waiting for is on its way in the next chapter. Which might even conclude the entire memory arc.

I'll try to get the next chapter done before the end of the year. Until then, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Leave a comment. Leave a like. And I'll see you all later.

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