• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 1,112 Views, 3 Comments

Blazin' - SilverWind14

After a violent argument with Adagio, Aria leaves with Sonata to try and make it on their own and to prove that she can be a good leader.

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Enough is enough

“We WiLl Be AdOrEd! TeLl Us ThAt YoU wAnT uS! wE wOn’T bE iGnOrEd…”

The trio of Sirens known as the Dazzlings continued to sing their song, but they sounded just a tad bit off. They had just been defeated by that stupid garageband known as the Rainbooms. Since the princess of freaking Equestria was with them, all of them had Equestrian magic, and they used that magic to break their amulets, the source of their power. Now without them, they had lost their beautiful singing voices, as well as their control over the entire student body.

The entire student body cringed at the pathetic display in front of them. They began to boo and throw fruit at the trio on stage. Where the students got that much fruit is still a mystery.

The Dazzlings tried to shield themselves, both from embarrassment and from the fruity projectiles coming at them. Knowing that the students weren’t gonna let up, the three of them bolted off the stage. They kept running until they were far away from the stadium and the students. They stopped in an alleyway to catch their breath and remove any fruit that was still on them.

“Is everyone ok?” Sonata asked, still trying to catch her breath.

“What do you think Sonata?!” Aria yelled. “We just got our asses handed to us by a couple of prissy teens and their stupid Equestrians! Of course we’re not ok!”

Sonata took a small step back from Aria, cringing at the sheer rage on her sister’s face. She began to whimper and tear up a little bit. Aria saw this and started to calm down a bit.

“Look Sonata, I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just--hey, where are you going Adagio?” She said as she watched Adagio walk away from them.

“Where the hell do you think? I’m going home.” Adagio said through clenched teeth as exited the alleyway.

“Hey! Wait for us!” Aria said as they followed after her.

Aria and Sonata were keeping a safe distance from their leader. They both knew just from the tone of her voice and the way she was walking that she was pissed.

After a few minutes of walking, the Sirens arrived at their little house that they got a while back. Adagio unlocked the door and entered the house, followed by Sonata and Aria. Aria shut the door behind her and jumped when she heard a loud crash. She turned to see that the coffee table was flipped and Adagio towering over it.

“THOSE STUPID LITTLE…” Whatever she was about say was muted when she picked up the coffee table and slammed it onto the ground, causing another loud crash.

“WE WERE SO CLOSE! WE WERE SO FUCKING CLOSE!!!” she continued to scream.

“Dagi, please calm-” Sonata began to say.

“No! Don’t ‘Dagi’ me! I’m not sure you noticed, but I’m NOT in a good mood!” she yelled, clenching her teeth and fists. “This was supposed to be the day. The day we finally rule this pathetic little world!”

Aria was still standing in front of the door, arms crossed, and an annoyed look on her face. She knew Adagio was going to be pissed, but not ‘flip the expensive ass table’ pissed. Sonata stood back as she watched her eldest sister with fear.

“In fact, if it wasn’t for you two idiots, we would’ve have succeeded!” she shouted as she pointed a finger at her two sisters.

“US!?” screamed Aria as she uncrossed her arms and took a step forward. “What the hell do you mean ‘us’? This was your stupid plan that failed! We were just following you!”

“Maybe if you idiots were focusing on the plan instead of bickering with each other, we would’ve have had everyone in this world adore us by now!”

“Maybe if you did a better job at being a leader! Honestly, all you do is treat us like crap, even when we work our ass off for you!” Aria bit back.

“Do not speak to me like that, you little-”

“You little what!? Huh!?” Aria took as step closer.

“Guys please!” Sonata shouted as she stepped in between them. “Please stop fighting! We’ll work this out, please! Just try to relax and-”

Sonata didn’t get a chance to finish as she was shoved to the floor with a yelp.

“Don’t tell me what to do, you imbecile! Honestly, your stupidity just frustrates me! No, it infuriates me! You get distracted easily, you don’t take things seriously, you treat EVERYTHING like a fucking joke! I don’t know how and why I ended up with such a retard for a sister!” Adagio screamed as she towered over her fallen sister. Sonata was now sobbing, both at being shoved and being called a retard by her sister.

“HEY!!” Aria yelled as she shoved Adagio away from Sonata. “What the hell is your problem! You can’t talk to her like that!”

“Do not touch me.” Adagio hissed. “And I can speak to this dunce how ever I want.”

“What the hell gives you the right!?”

“Please stop.” Sonata said through her sobs, but was unheard by both girls.

“Because I am your leader. As a leader, I expect my followers to follow me and do as I say without any questions. And as a leader, I have the power to speak to my followers however I want. A power that you clearly don’t have!” Adagio said with a smirk.

“What did you say?” Aria said through clenched teeth, hands balled into fists.

“I know how much you want to be leader. Well, you can’t be the leader. You won’t! So long as I’m still breathing! So why don’t you treat me like a leader and show me some respect or I’ll force you to! Learn your place, you arrogant little child!” Adagio exclaimed.

Aria stood there for a moment, eyes closed. Her hands began shaking a bit before her entire body began trembling. Aria clenched her teeth so hard, she thought that they were gonna break.

Then, without a warning, Aria screamed and tackled Adagio into the wall with a sickening thud as the yellow siren’s head crashed into the wall. Dazed and confused, Adagio failed to see the fist coming at her. Before she knew it, her head exploded with pain.

“You! Stupid! Ungrateful! Ignorant! Self centered! Little Bitch!” Aria yelled with each punch she threw at Adagio’s face. She then grabbed her and threw her across the living room.

Adagio, still seeing stars, somehow got to feet as she saw Aria marching over to her.

“You disrespectful little…” she said as she tried threw a punch at Aria, only for Aria to swat it away and counter hit a right cross, knocking her down to the ground.

“HAVE MY RESPECT, YOU NARCISSISTIC WRETCH!!!” Aria screamed as she began kicking and stomping on Adagio.

“Ari, please stop!” Sonata shouted at her sister, once again not being heard.

Aria stopped her stomping and just stood there, breathing really heavily while looking down at Adagio with absolute hatred and disgust. The beaten siren was groaning in pain as she clenched her stomach.

Aria then grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up a bit before slamming her fist down on her face, knocking her back to the ground. Adagio hissed in pain as her world was now spinning once again.

Aria stood there, trying to catch her breath. Once she did, she went over to Sonata, who was now sobbing, her hands over her face. She knelt down and pulled Sonata into a hug, trying to calm her little sister down.

“Shh. It’s ok Sona. It’s ok.” she said, stroking the sobbing siren’s hair. Sonata wrapped her arms around Aria, still sobbing.

They sat there hugging each other for a good ten minutes before Aria broke the hug and looked at her sister.

“Sona. Go to your room, wash your face and change your clothes. I’ll be right up.” she said in an almost motherly tone.

Sonata sniffed before nodding her head and getting up. She made her way up the stairs as Aria got to her feet.

She glanced over at Adagio, who was still on the floor holding her stomach.

“I think you… broke a rib or something…” Adagio managed to say through the pain.

“Damn, that’s too bad. I was going for at least four.” Aria said with a glare before heading up the stairs.

She arrived to Sonata’s room, where she found her sister fully dressed. Instead of her normal outfit, she wore a pink shirt with purple stripes and a pink skirt. Her shoes were identical to her other ones, but were a lighter color.

“Put a coat on. We’re leaving.” Aria said to the blue siren.

“W-where are we going?” Sonata asked quietly.

“Away from here.” Aria turned around. “And from her.” With that, she exited Sonata’s room and went to hers.

While there, Aria took of her costume and went to go wash her face. Her mouth still hurt because of how hard she was clenching it. She dried her face and undid her pigtails. Her hair fell down to her waist effortlessly. She went into her closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans that were torn at the knees. After putting it on, she went to her drawer and pulled out a black tank top that had a skull wearing a bow on the front. She put on a pair converse, put on her jacket, put her wallet in her back pocket, and shut the light to her room off before exiting.

Sonata was waiting for her near the stairs. Something told Aria that she probably didn’t want to go downstairs without her. Aria gave her a small smile and led her down the stairs.

When they arrived down stairs, they saw that Adagio managed to get up to one knee, still holding her stomach.

“Where the hell are you going?” Adagio groaned.

“Away from you.” Aria responded as she turned to Sonata and nodded to her to open the door. Sonata did just that and exited the house.

Aria was about to exit until she heard Adagio laughing slightly.

“You won’t last two days out there. You’ll see that you’re not cut out to be a leader. You’ll fail miserably and come crawling back to me, begging for mercy and forgiveness.” Adagio began to laugh harder, coughing in between.

Aria having had just about enough of her grabbed a nearby vase and chucked it straight at Adagio. Adagio saw it coming but reacted to slow and the vase hit her right in the face, shattering on impact. Adagio fell back onto her back holding her face and hissing her face. Thankfully, there were no cuts.

Aria stood there for a moment before finally turning around and exiting the house, slamming the door behind her.

Adagio managed to sit up, still holding her face. After a moment she looked around her and saw the damage that she and her sister had done. Both her sisters were gone now, maybe forever.

Adagio sighed. “Damn it. This was my favorite vase.” she said as she looked at the scattered pieces of the vase all over the floor.

Author's Note:

Ok. I promise that I'll update my other stories before uploading a new one XD

Comments ( 3 )

Will there be a "Sonata is just misguided" retcon?

finally! lol it was obvious adagio is the one making all the evil plans and what not, looking forward to seeing how this goes.

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