• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 2,999 Views, 27 Comments

Take My Heart, But Not My Studded Bracelets - Xutiepops

Twilight Sparkle is the new girl at school, she easily becomes one of the most likable girls in the school. Of course, with her luck, she catches the bad girl's eye. So sad for Rarity that she falls in love with a cowgirl brute.

  • ...

Open Up Because You're So Gosh Darn Lonely And You Really Want To Hear Her Laugh Again

It became like a tradition for the four girls to talk at lunch. They'd always sit at the same table, the same end, and in the same seats. Which seemed to happen for all friend groups. It was the same with Twilight's old friends as well.

While Twilight still felt a little hurt over the whole Crash incident, she stopped caring, as expected. Crash wasn't a close friend, so it didn't exactly matter to her. She was more focused on the growing best-friendship with Fluttershy. The two had started doing a lot together.

They'd talk to the other more than they would Pinkie Pie or Rarity, they'd work together on assignments, they just seemed to have more fun with the other than with their other friends. Though, Twilight noticed Fluttershy's attempt to talk to Pinkie just as equally, so she'd usually step off. Which, to her fault, only seemed to make Fluttershy like her more.

The two sat together at lunch, which was by sheer coincidence from when they first met. While Pinkie sat across from Fluttershy, Rarity sat across from Twilight. The smile on Rarity's face was huge, which was surprising, saying as it was a Monday. On Monday's, she was usually groaning and stuffing her face through her sleepiness.

"Oh! I can't wait to see you all!" Rarity gushed, though it was meant for each of them, it was mainly directed to Twilight. Her eyes sparkled blue, her smile lit up the whole room. She even hugged Pinkie back when Pinkie hugged her, not something she did often.

Fluttershy chuckled. "The dance isn't until three more weeks, Rarity. Why are you so excited?" She had a comforting, motherly, and curious look on her face. She seemed more and more motherly with every passing day. Most would see it as adorable and independence, but Twilight could only see the sadness behind it. She felt like her friend was growing up too fast. And by the sound of it, another thought so too.

Twilight had brought it up one day in class. Fluttershy just tensed and responded quickly, as if she had the answer ready. And she seemed dazed at the same time, as if experiencing some sort of déjà vu. Twilight's thoughts were cut off by Rarity's response.

"I know! But I can't wait to see all my friends in beautiful dresses! I love it!" She gushed happily. You could hear her shoes tapping against the floor.

Suddenly, Octavia joined in the conversation. "Rarity usually either makes the dresses or goes shopping for eight hours," she deadpanned. Then, a smile, "Be prepared. She isn't going to shut up about the dance."

Rarity's smile widened. "Exactly! So, we need to start planning everything!" She said dramatically. Fluttershy chuckled at the girl. Pinkie Pie gasped loudly and shot up from her seat, only to plop down on it again.

"I love planning parties!" Pinkie Pie said quickly. She gushed just as much as Rarity and squealed just as much as Rarity during their conversation.

Twilight stopped paying attention really. Rarity and Pinkie discussed plans, not having much of a need for her. She'd step in when it came to what they were physically doing, but since Pinkie was apart of the party planning committee, Rarity was just piling in ideas.

Fluttershy didn't talk that much either. She seemed more invested in her own thoughts than party talking. The girl was a wallflower anyways, you couldn't expect her to be that excited for a loud party. Twilight usually stared at her or glanced at her.

Seeing that motherly, heavenly look of her friend was somewhat soothing to her. Fluttershy's personality was motherly on its own, but after knowing her, Twilight saw the motherly in her looks as well. Mothers don't show off their skin for the world to see, and all Fluttershy wore were sweaters or turtle necks that were too big for her.

But the girl also looked like heavens strongest angel. She wore that bright smile and those sparkling teal eyes. Her hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back as if she was a doll. And her pale, pastel skin didn't help that. Twilight could almost imagine huge wings bursting from her small frame, through her big sweater and out to the open.

Twilight sighed dreamily before she noticed Fluttershy looking at her strangely. She fumbled to look like she was doing something else and failed miserably. Suddenly, she heard a giggle and turned to Fluttershy. The way her pink hair fell over her face didn't help Twilight's unfathomable comfort around her. Twilight started questioning things slightly. Was this feeling attraction?

Fluttershy giggled, "Don't worry! I know you were spacing out." Her smile showed itself from behind her yellow sweater sleeves. Her sparkling eyes opened up to make her face express such cheer and love. Twilight blushed and went along with it, nervously laughing.

For some reason, when she looked at Fluttershy, she imagined that horrid Crash. Mostly subconsciously, so she didn't realize it. But she could see that smile turn to a twisted smirk, those eyes express dominance and power instead of love and care.

Of course, she was too breath-taken by Fluttershy to notice. Even if she did, she wouldn't care. What did Crash matter to her? Nothing but a story-cliché-buildup. And what did that matter when she had a new best friend? Absolutely nothing!

And of course, Crash couldn't keep her eyes off of the egghead all lunch period. Guilt mixed with hate wasn't something she felt often, but that's all she felt when she looked at the egghead. And Fluttershy, but right now, she wanted to tear Fluttershy's throat out for ruining her shot.

Sunset's sharp voice cut an insult that seemed to prove rude for both her 'friends'. "I swear to you, Derpy's a dyke. She's just trying to prove herself wrong by taking my man!" Crash glared at her while Applejack whirled to her.

Applejack tried to stay as calm as possible, "Sunset, partner, try and not be rude, got it?" Sunset just rolled her eyes, not taking it seriously. Crash and Applejack both knew the girl didn't like lesbians, but she didn't have to say it bluntly when Applejack was around at least.

Sunset rolled her eyes again. She sighed, "Alright, Apple-pussy, I'll try and not discriminate against something you are because I love you so much!"

Crash smirked to herself, finding a new way to mess with her. "You're gonna end up with the biggest butch... ever!" Crash joked with a cheeky smirk. Neither of the two found the joke even remotely funny.

Sunset rolled her eyes again, "Sure Crash. I'll end up with Applejack." This, however, made all three at least chuckle.

"Whoo-wee partner, surprised you made such a joke," Applejack complimented with a proud smile after a hearty chuckle. Sunset smirked proudly and glared at Rainbow, visually saying she was better.

Crash growled and turned away, not wanting to one-up her for the remainder of lunch. Her eyes found themselves locked on the egghead again. Crash's mind filled in the sound for Twilight inaudible laughter. It like her mind prepared to fill in what wasn't there of Twilight.

Of course, it was a childish notion, but it almost made her feel better about it. Letting herself believe fate played the cards and she truly didn't care for Twilight enough to miss her. Of course, she sighed and let herself believe she really did miss expecting to see that nerd.

And of course, she'd make up excuses for why she missed the egghead. Ones like that it was just a routine or a habit that was hard to break. Others said she felt like she had a debt, others told her that Twilight would blackmail her. And that was the last straw. There was no way the egghead was capable of a master plan that involved the blackmail of a high school brute.

Even after declaring the idea stupid, she found herself lost in it with a smirk. The persona of an egghead just to cover up the evil batman villain reality with a master plan. For all she knew, the girl was always smart because she had a master plan to take over Canterlot.

She'd turn the safe city into a torn down one ran by the mafia of Twilight Sparkle, the innocent egghead. Crash's smirk grew as her eyes locked on Twilight, more in a spacing out type way than intentional. She was so lost in the thought of Twilight the master super villain.

And Crash would be the badass super hero with the dashing wife who was shielded from it all. She'd be a millionaire by day, a complete super-villain-fighting badass by night. Her name would be... Mare Do Well!

She had all the ladies and guys after her during the day. She'd have a huge mansion with her elderly butler. She'd be the best at karate and making cool gadgets. She'd save the day and everyone would cheer her name! She'd be the most popular and cool thing around!

Meanwhile, Twilight -... uh... Professor Nightshade!- would be the old, creepy bad guy who relied solely on gadgets on not actual strength. She'd have her constant spiel over how smarts is over bronze. Too bad for her, the courageous Mare Do Well had bronze and brains!

Of course, Mare Do Well would have all the best comebacks while Professor Nightshade got the flirtatious remarks! It'd be awesome dialogue!

She'd utterly annihilate the villain and throw them in the slammer behind her mask! It was the best idea and needed to be a comic. A comic all about how cool she was!

Sunset had to shake her out of her batman-comic-daydream. She stared at the annoyed expression on Sunset's face and was suddenly annoyed herself. Pulling her out of her awesome comic book story was so not cool! Especially since the basic story was established, she could already start planning out awesome encounters.

And of course, the cheeky, flirtatious comments would be fought back with the best comebacks! Even if she'd almost want the flirtatious remarks herself. They were the coolest parts of the villains after all! But, she needed to give her character some boundaries, couldn't have Mare Do Well be the most powerful, could you?

"The bell rung, lets get outside," Sunset stated through gritted teeth, pulling Crash back to reality, once again. She sighed and stood up, visibly agreeing. Then, she thought of all the development for her comic she could get through by not paying attention in class! She'd so go to class.

She smirked. "Hey Sunny, think I'll go to class, don't wanna get kicked off the team, amirite?" Sunset rolled her eyes and flipped the brute off before going to the back of the school with Applejack.

Crash walked happily to fourth period. Though she wasn't going to pay attention and she'd have to listen to Cranky all the time, she'd get to think about an awesome story! And that was definitely better than listening to Sunset and Applejack argue!

Crash didn't think about the comic whatsoever. She was surprised and rather angry when she realized Cranky wouldn't shut up long enough for her to think. And he kept calling on her to answer questions! Sure, she got all them correct, and sure, it did more good than harm, but she was still pissed about it.

But something pissed her off to no end. The fact that she got the chance to stare at Twilight all class period and feel guilty again. Which is exactly what happened for a majority of the class.

Sometimes, she'd forget what happened Friday and couldn't wait to talk to Twilight! She could almost imagine getting a lecture on paying attention when that was all she did! And she knew how to do the work! She couldn't wait to see the shocked expression on the egghead's face.

Then, she'd always remember what happened Friday and sigh. For some reason, knowing she wouldn't get to see the egghead made her so depressed. And she had no idea! It wasn't like she had a tight bond with the girl from that week. It wasn't like the two clicked after the first meeting!

At first, she hated Twilight's company! She utterly despised it! She couldn't wait for it to be over. But now, she just wanted to at least sit next to her. She would give up her black beach chair for just an afternoon to sit in that peaceful silence next to Twilight.

That was -once again- the last straw. There was so way some girl made her feel more comfortable than her chair. But for some reason, she felt like Twilight did make her more comfortable than her chair of solitude.

There was this caring, arrogant air around Twilight. She had an obvious heart, but you had to look a bit deeper to see the arrogant intelligence behind her caring façade. That was on of Crash's favorite things about her. Twilight was arrogant, just like her.

Crash was arrogant, powerful, dominating, and -of course- awesome! But it was expected of a girl who plays the bad girl in the classroom. Twilight's arrogance seemed subconscious, as if she didn't mean it, but didn't mind it when she noticed it. Hell, she'd even defend it!

Twilight's arrogance wasn't expected from her. People would expect constant worry and doubt, but Twilight was confident in her abilities, she'd fret because she didn't understand something. People didn't expect Twilight to have a feeling of 'I'm-better-than-you'. They expected the 'I'm probably wrong' every time she declared something.

Crash didn't know what was better. The adorable and obnoxious inferiority complex, or the secret bitch. Of course, the adorable one would probably have Crash drooling over her, but the secret was so much cooler! She'd have to debate with herself later, and remind herself to ask why she was worried over it.

Now was a much bigger problem. Much, much bigger problem. A problem that didn't need the question of Twilight's secret life over her adorable self-doubt. Especially since the problem was Twilight herself.

Of course, Crash wasn't stuck in a situation where she needed an excuse or a quick thought statement. But she was going to lose her chance at more Twilight if she didn't think fast. So, fast, but not that fast.

Twilight was already walking towards her brothers car, walking away with her eyes glued to a book. If Crash didn't hurry up, she'd have a-whole-nother day thinking of Twilight! There was no way she'd feel guilty for another day! No way!

But what was she to do? Just go up and say 'hey, sorry I'm a bitch, let's be best buddies'? There's no way she could! But what could she do?

Crash took a deep breath. She'd have to just improvise, best plan of action for a short period of time that lessened the amount of anxiety felt at the beginning. Side effect: Anxiety later and a whole night groaning in embarrassment into a pillow.

But it was a side effect she'd have to risk so her mind didn't clusterfuck with worry over the stupid egghead. After recollecting herself, she smiled and looked around for the girl. Once she saw Twilight was so close to their usual parking spots, she dashed after the girl.

She barely made it there before the girl got in her car. Her hand slamming on the hood of it and the constant pants of being out of breath froze Twilight after a slight jump and a squeak.

Crash would've laughed at her, but she was too busy dealing with her ringing mind of worry to do so. She glanced at Twilight and saw the hesitant, fearful, and confusion on the girls face. She loved it. The girl almost looked like a little rabbit, standing as prey before the big bad wolf.

Too bad for the rabbit, it's frozen with fear and can't move. It can only shiver with fear as the wolf approaches. Too bad the wolf gives it a hungry look and a sweet little kiss instead of tearing it apart. Crash shook the thought from her head, why the hell did she kiss Twilight in her predator-prey day dream?

Suddenly, she was brought back to reality. "What do you want, Rainbow?" Twilight's voice rang in her head, sending her to heaven and pulling her back.

Crash whirled to Twilight, seeing the annoyed expression plastered across her face. The book was held in her hand in disgust as her eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes cut in Crash with a disciplinary look. Crash almost laughed at that itself! The girl looked like a librarian!

But instead of bursting out with laughter, she cleared her throat and smiled nervously. "H-hey, Twi," she laughed nervously. She shut up completely when the cutting gaze didn't lighten up. She rubbed the back of her neck, as usual when she was nervous.

She felt so hurt when she heard Twilight sigh. "What do you want?" Her voice was just as cutting as her glare. She was almost worried. When was Twilight this ticked?

"Uh, you okay?" Crash asked. This seemed to bring Twilight out of her disciplinary power as blush hit her face and her shoulders pushed up with tense. That nervous smile topped off how much it affected her. Now, Crash had the upper power. Big bad wolf again!

Twilight nodded, "Uh, I'm fine." She momentarily went back to her teacher-mode, but it wasn't nearly as harsh after her recent display of emotion. "I'm just curious as to why you're here. I mean, you get all high and mighty on your pedestal and ditch me because you have such a reputation that I would ruin."

She took a step closer with every breath, her anger skyrocketing. But all Crash could think about was a cute way to end it. Twilight continued, "Why would being with me ruin your reputation? Whatever, the thing that itched me even further was when you left me there for an hour after you promised!"

She was so close to Crash that their noses almost touched. Her eyes shook as breaths left her body. Her fists shook with even more anger, tempted to hit Crash over the head with the book. The red on her face from the anger and the hurt in her voice gave away that it didn't do nothing to Twilight.

But all Crash could wonder is why Twilight cared so much. Crash smiled softly, "Hey, I would've done it with anyone. You aren't that special." Twilight backed away at the sound of her voice. Well, she took a step back and slightly slouched. Crash smirked, "Besides, I was busy gloating to my coach and my teammates! I was gonna show, but you had company."

Twilight's anger deflated to defeat at the powerful stare of Crash. The girl had a proud smirk with her crossed arms. Suddenly, she sighed and looked up at Crash, her face trying to express no emotion and working. "Still, what do you want?"

Crash was taken aback by how non-caring the girl was. Twilight was supposed to laugh about it and suggest tutoring for feeling so guilty! Crash wasn't supposed to ask! But it seemed she'd have to, so, she sighed and sucked up her pride. "Look, wanna... uh... wanna keep tutoring me? I mean... it doesn't come as easily to me as it does you.." Crash muttered.

"Really? If you had to gloat to your coach, then don't you have it handled? We're learning pretty easy stuff," Twilight said simply. Crash couldn't see the smirk behind the flat line of a mouth. And she definitely didn't see the mastermind she dreamed of behind the high school girl.

Crash was so shocked, but she wasn't going to lose now. "Then... why don't we just... hang out?" She fidgeted with her hands and looked to the ground. How could she do something so stupid?! Twilight wasn't supposed to know she wanted to be friends with her!

While Crash was mentally cussing herself out, Twilight stared in amazement. Why was she the root of this jerk acting so... out of character? Crash's original personality was bitchy, rude, mean, and snarky. The girl spoke confidence with every step and she had an aura of power over everyone.

So why did Twilight make her so different? Around Twilight, the girl seemed comfortable, pissed, nice, and nervous. She also seemed aware of every move she made, something many brash people like her did. As usual, everything with Fluttershy earlier went out the window.

"Really?" Twilight seemed much more astonished than she wanted to. She expected the astonishment to go to Crash's head, as it would with every other brash and rude person. She guessed correctly, Crash's worry instantly changed into a confident stance.

"Yep!" Crash's voice rang loudly and full of pride as she stuck out her chest and put her fists to her hips. Her eyes beamed confidence, as did her grin.

Twilight rolled her eyes with a sweetly annoyed smile. She readjusted her glasses and stood up straight. "Sure then, Rainbow," Twilight smiled again. She giggled slightly as saying 'Rainbow' threw the girl off, but decided not to capitalize on it. Crash didn't capitalize on her mishaps earlier, surprisingly. So she'd just repay the favor.

Crash grabbed Twilight's wrist and started heading towards the soccer field with a smirk. "Hey! Shouldn't I tell my brother where I am?" Twilight said loudly and forced herself out of Crash's grip. She saw the instant annoyance on Crash's face because of her defiance, but it wore off quickly.

"Don't you have a phone?" Crash asked as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Twilight shook her head. "Nope! Left it at home!" She said with a smirk that she was right. Crash rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine! Just meet me at the soccer bleachers, dork," Crash said rudely and started walking off. Twilight smiled and went on her own merry way.

Crash checked back constantly to see if Twilight was out of sight. Once the nerd was, she put on the happiest face she had ever had and jumped into the air, as if doing an upper cut. She cheered happily. She had no idea why she was so happy and giddy, but she didn't care! It was a great feeling!

She felt as if she could run for hours on end before getting tired. Consequently, she ran to the bleachers as if someone was racing after her. She raced up the steps and over bleachers, just to slide on the top row with a giddy smile. Her shoes tapped happily against the indent below her.

She was so thankful Twilight had to go so she could let out at least a bit of her glee now so it wasn't pent up. She really needed to look into why she was acting this way, but ignored it.

Twilight soon returned to the bleachers, a worried mess. Crash guessed what was wrong and smiled as Twilight ranted over things. "I have no idea what to do. None of my friends are staying after and Shining Armor isn't gonna come back and get me. I guess I'll just call a taxi or something with the school phone."

Crash started laughing at her now, which only made her more upset. But before she could complain, Crash spoke. "Just shut it and let me drive you home."

"What?" Twilight stared at her like she was a mad man. "On.... on a motorcycle?... You want me.... to ride a motorcycle?" Twilight's voice was full of disbelief and barely comforted worry. Crash smirked.

"Of course! It'll be better than paying eight bucks for a taxi!" Crash said confidently. Though there was a worrying voice in the back of her mind, she didn't let it bother her.

Twilight was still shocked. Suddenly, the shock broke to horror. "What! Are you crazy!? I can't ride a motorcycle! I'll die!" Twilight practically shrieked. She was shut up by Crash putting her hand over the banshee's mouth with a comforting smile.

"Well... it's either that or eight bucks in an old, smelly taxi," Crash stated. Twilight sighed in relief at an option, though her panic rose as Crash spoke again. "Though it doesn't matter, really. You're riding my bike anyways."

"I can't! We'll die!" Twilight screamed. Crash just chuckled at her mental break down.

"What, you don't trust me?" Crash asked.

"Not really, but it's others I don't trust the most!"

Crash was disappointed to hear Twilight didn't trust her, but knew that would change soon enough. Now, she felt bad for pushing the worry further. "Hey, hey... if you really just want a taxi... then get a stupid taxi. But I'd go slow if you rode with me, as much as I hate driving slow."

Twilight felt even worse at the sight of Crash's disappointment. So, she smiled slightly and sighed. "Only if you go slow," Twilight stated. Crash's annoyed expression with a smirk and her sparkling red eyes showed her excitement.

If her bouncing leg and tense stance didn't give it away first.

Author's Note:

More Twidash-fic references! Haven't even finished Mare Do Well vs. Professor Nightshade, but I liked the names.