• Member Since 31st Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen May 2nd


Comments ( 58 )

That, was freaking amazing to read.

Is the scene if Geralt fighting that female vampire in a barn an iconic Witcher scene or something? Because I have seen it in another Witcher-related story on this site.

Nice job. Hail, fellow Witcher fan!

It is indeed.

Very glad you enjoyed! More will be coming.

Hail and well met! The ride begins.

love the start. NEED MORE!!!!!!!

Ahh Spike, never lose that..

Gaunter o' Dimm...I knew it! I had a idea to do an crossover with the Witcher universe, with Gaunter as the villain, but if somone has alredy done it, I need to wait two years so that no one will say I copied it.

Make it good!

That was amazing chapter. Hoping to see more.

Looking forward for more. Hope luna is ok.

Fixed some small errors. Equus for Equis and all that. Working hard on chapter 2 and plotting out more. Should update soon.

Really, really good. The fight was perfectly paced and exciting. However, the dialogue at the end needs to be separated for different speakers. Remember, new speaker, new paragraph.

Excellent critique! Updated to reflect that. Glad you enjoyed!

Glad I helped. I can't wait for more.

Is Gaunter O'Dimm really that much of a threat? I mean, he can manipulate time, so I guess he is.

yes, yes he is. You wouldn't fully understand the full scope unless you had played heart of stone.

He's basically the devil, so yeah.

Wow, that bad, huh?

this first chapter was enough to make me reinstall and start where i left off in my Witcher 3 game never got to far cause my completionism got in the way. I only got to the city where Yenn is hiding and trying to find Ciri, I forget the name the zone with the 3 hag sisters the main city in that zone.

My work is done.

Basically, yes. Gaunter is on another level of villainy, as Heart of Stone shows, and shows exceedingly well. I'm doing my best to do him and The Witcher stories justice. I look forward to more reactions... because Gaunter has plans. Big plans.

He's like the owrst kind of genie you could even encounter. He would gladly fulfill any wish you desire, however if you don't word it correctly, he'll twist it into the worst nightmare you could ever have. Time manipulation? That's just his past-time. He's ruthless in collecting the debts owed to him. One tried to trick him into not giving his soul unless they both were standing on the moon. Gaunter did fulfill that part of the contract, by making his victim come to the old ruins of a temple, where a giant mozaic of a moon was on the floor, and was well in his rights to collect the soul promised to him. Another time, he disguised himself as a begger, and asked for a spoon of soup from a well known noble woman, but was met with scorn and disdain, so he cursed the woman into becoming a hideous monster, making the curse into a twisted riddle to basically make it impossible to reverse. Also, he doesn't want anyone trying to reveal his true nature. A professor tried to find out and not only he was blinded, but Gaunter also added another game to it - as long as he didn't step outside a circle made around him, the old man would be safe. Then O'Dimm filled the man's dreams with dreadful nightmares, ones that would make any normal human run away in fear and sorrow, however, when the professor would even approach the edge of the protecting circle, he would be filled with dread before death. One step out of the line and only death awaited him.

Devil? No. Gaunter O'Dimm is much more powerful. If anything, I would call him an Evil God. Since we are in the realm of Witcher, where many religions and gods exist together, not only the devil could be evil.

I'm Polish, I read the books, played the games and am an overall fan of the Witcher. Geralt of rivia is one of my favorite characters of all time, and I'm glad that someone has made a good story about him crossing into the land of Equestria. I really can't wait what's next to come!

i have my own witcher story.. but it focuses on Ciri. Doing witcher work in Equestria

I read and enjoyed it! Have it tracked, myself. Its one of the ones that lead to me writing this. I intend to have Ciri play a role in this one eventually. After all, she is the only one who will be able to track down Geralt and Yennefer when they arrive in Equestria. Thanks for the comment and hope you enjoyed my Witcher in Equestria take. Got some more work to do on chapter 3.

i am having trouble thinking of what job Ciri could take next after chatting with Twilight, before ending her first day. I also planned to have her meet the Princess much later.. also her reaction in seeing the train. [since they won't exist yet]

Looking forward to writing that sort of thing myself. Geralt and Yennefer's responses to the train will fun.

what do you think of "Nilen"? or probably should think of better name for it. Dimeritium has heavy resistance, can seal magic to some extent but not nullify it entirely.
Equestria has a true anti magic metal, that even Celestia couldn't grasp it with levitation. In my story the Sword Zireael is made with Dimeritium and Twilight had some strain levitating it but she still can.

It worked out well. Not sure if I'm going to have a similar metal in my world, but Dimeritium is definitely very important. It is a good little scene and section of worldbuilding though.

Yeah, also how else the Timberwolves stayed dead? Dimeritium in the sword is enough to snuff out the latent magic inside them.

after reading the first two chapters I went back to playing Witcher 3 and just recently (like 2 weeks ago) beat the heart of stone dlc so O'Dimm's character is just that much more frightening.

This is an extraordinary piece of work, please take all the time you need to do it justice. It's been a long time since I've seen an enemy so uniquely chilling as master mirror, and I hope to be reading more of him very soon.

You really manage to capture just how sinister and foreboding O'Dimm can be. Glad to see this story still going.

Comment posted by Ookami88 deleted May 13th, 2018

Good sir, if I could I would give this story 1000 thumbs up! You have captured the essence of terror that was introduced in Heart of Stone, you have the full grasp on the world of Witcher, you managed to keep Gaunter O'Dimm and Gerald in their respective roles perfectly. I have no idea what could Gaunter want from Geralt, other than this mission is going to take place in Equestria, a world where Master Mirror already placed seeds of doubts and fear in the ponies of the Hunter and the Beast. I really can't wait to learn more!

Because that's the terrifying beauty of Gaunter O'Dimm - the more you learn about him the more terror you feel because of him.

One of the best game villains you can ever encounter. And one that you can never truly defeat.

I’ve yet to read this story, so I’m curious as to why it seems Gaunter O’Dimm (one of my favorite characters, ever) seems to be involved with sending Geralt and Yen to Equestria. Did your Geralt save Olgeird in HoS?

Also, is Roach going to be in this story? How will she be affected? Will she be able to talk again?

I look forward to finding out.

Thank you very much! It means a great deal to hear that. I'm trying to do my best by both characters, and get as much characterization correct as possible. Still have some work to do, but very glad you're enjoying it!

I look forward to sharing with you Gaunter's dark plans.

And you are very right about Gaunter. I really look forward to the things I'm going to do with him.

He did indeed! As for why Gaunter is doing so, you'll find out soon enough! This Geralt is pretty much the 'canon' ending Geralt. Best ending Witcher 3 and all the DLC, with the better choices made, and Yennefer chosen of the two. He saved Olgierd and received Iris from him, and has kept it as his favored Steel blade for the rest of his adventure, augmenting it as money became available and time passed.

As for Roach, why yes, she will be part of this story. How could I not add her? Her involvement and presence will be rather fun in Equestria. As for her talking again... well, Geralt is still convinced that was a drug trip. He might be in for a surprise.

I'll definitely be answering more questions as time goes on.

Thank you very much! Gaunter is one of my favorite characters in the Witcher series for a very good reason.

Feels good to read that, both vindicating and uplifting, and definitely helps me drive to write more. Thank you! I will!

It makes me glad to hear that too. And yes, yes he is...

The images of Gaunter O'Dimm make him look so... normal. Unassuming. Like there is nothing special about him and you don't need to spare him a second glance when you pass him on the road. And yet when you actually stop, think, and recognize exactly what he is capable of...

Guess there is a reason why sometimes the most dangerous threats are those that look like no threat at all.

So very true. I can't wait to have him roaming Equestria.

He looks like that because he wants to be seen as a harmless person. His speciality is deception and cruel games he plays on his victims. Gaunter may grant any wish you want, and exactly what you want, but it always comes with a price you won't expect paying. And you can't kill him. A certain professor tried to uncover O'Dimm's identity, and not only he went blind from looking at the scrolls and lore books too much, Master Mirror has paid him a visit, congratulating him on his discoveries, and gave him a gift: as long as the old scholar didn't leave a circle O'Dimm drew on the floor, he would be safe. No harm and not even death would come for him. Then he left. It was a twisted game. Whenever the scholar tried to leave the circle he would feel the chill of incoming death. So, he had just sat there in the circle, getting food from some soldiers that were assigned to him, etc. And when he fell asleep, he was haunted by nightmares so vivid and disturbing, he wanted to run as far as his legs would let him, but he couldn't leave the circle.
That's only one example of how O'Dimm plays with his victims. There are others, and all of them met miserable fate.

I may not have played the games, but this story, This Story, is one that I will like, track, and even add to my Favorites. Good job and keep up the great work.

Why didnt' Geralt ask what the offer is first? He should know what he's into before agreeing into it. Sure he kills.. monsters. Sweet Faust, don't tell me he'll go after the Vamponies! They don't deserve it, especially after that dream.

Or changelings, hell Chrysalis might be evil but shit, she shouldn't be put to death by a Witcher

He mostly didn't ask because he decided, after the last time, to never deal with Gaunter again. The whole events of Hearts of Stone was a terrible tragedy, and Geralt still feels guilty over his involvement. Yes, some things went for the better for some individuals, but on a whole there was nothing but suffering involved. He managed to do some good, but in the end, it was a matter of luck on his part that he even survived and managed to save Olgierd, give Iris peace, and so on. It showed him that Gaunter, despite his genial words, was a force of terrible evil in his world.

So when Gaunter reappears and asks him to perform another job for him, he immediately leaps to 'No, no, and HELL no!'

As to your question... You'll find out!

curd monkeys, also you could do what i do and use the author's note to write down Geralt's inventory, equipment and his current funds. Crowns won't really be useful in Equestria.. well they could since they're gold coins

A bit of editing, clarifying, and fixing things up in the first three chapters. Hope it makes them read better. Chapter four is on its way! I've been working hard coming up with ideas, brainstorming, and outlining. I have more motivations, plans, and details underway.

Things are going well! More to come soon.

Okay you have peeked my interest. I do have to admit I know nothing of the Witcher series of games yet this caught my eyes and peeked my interest after the first chapter. Looking forward to reading more.

More is coming soon. Glad you enjoyed!

Luna, shivering and trembling, clutched at her sister, "It- it was so evil, Tia. Worse then anything I had ever known. Worse then any of them... Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek... even the Nightmare. It... It tried to make us hate him, sister. We can't do that. Whatever happens. We'll be playing right into its hands."

It sounds like Gaunter O Dimm is doing this

I just got to the authors note and I'm so glad I was right Gaunter was one of my favorite characters

The grand castle of the Toussaint Monarchy, Beauclair Palace, looms above the sprawling capital city; beautiful and majestic. It gives the fable-like atmosphere of the land all the more legitimacy, for it appears like it emerged straight out of a storybook. Sparkling white stone greets the morning sun on a world where none see to its rise, the orange rooftops shining and standing tall in the wake of such destruction that has been known in the land of late. The Beast of Beauclair was dead, and there is peace once more in the land.

I was really said that I had to kill Detlaff I really liked him

Into his hands came one of his two blades, the other dropped from the baldric as the long, curved sword so elegant and deadly spun into his hand in one fluid movement. It was foolish. It was stupid. But it was all he ever was. Defiance in the face of death. To walk his lonely Path and deny the darkness its due. And before him now was everything he had ever fought exemplified in one being. And with all that fury, with all that righteous rage, he attacked. The blade to hand had almost chosen itself. The sword given to him by the one who previous owed debt to this madman, this thing with a liar's face. The blade of Olgierd Von Everec, Iris, named for his beloved, glowed with a red light all its own beyond the runic enchantments etched into the blade by skilled artisan hands. If any blade had a right to taste the flesh of this man, it was this blade. The sword of the family that was utterly destroyed by Gaunter's machinations. It held within its steel length powerful enchantment, but also the vengeance of all those who had died to its edge, and the suffering, grief, and madness woven by this being before it all born in a solid length of pure steel vengeance.

My favorite steel sword in the whole game

The sword from the Lady of the Lake is my favorite silver sword I think it's called aerondight but I'm not sure correct me if I'm wrong

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