• Member Since 19th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen May 28th

2 Liter Leo


Well Read had a peaceful life in Ponyville, He had a steady supply of blood, ponies didn't have a problem being around him and, he was still alive. He lives by a set of rules, these rules help the ponies feel safe around the blood drinking pony among them. Being what he is, he can make others like him. What if he had to save somepony from death, would he change their life, just to save them?

Warning: This story contains Blood, You has been warned.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 17 )

I simply do want I am paid to do. [ what] Typed with garlic scented fingers. I hope that will hold Vinyl off long enough for you to kill this typo. Otherwise they breed like parasprites.

I fixed it, thanks for pointing it out. And yes, she stepped back two steps while I fixed it, then came right back once I was done.

Good story so far! I eagerly wait for more. My muse has mailed some garlic, a cross, and a sunlamp. Don't know when they'll get there, though....

I don't think the cross and sunlamp will work, but the garlic might deter her.

Very old joke. Man is confronted by a vampire. He whips out a cross fully expecting the vampire to recoil and flee. The only reaction, to his dismay is the vampires comment. "Oy Vey, do you have the wrong vampire."

I know it is an old and sometimes overused joke, but eh I always like to think how vampires/stories work and make my own version. For example, the cross will not have an effect on Vinyl, unless she has not drunk some blood recently, then it would have the normal effect it would have on Vinyl.

How did they go this long before having this discussion?

It seems weird...

Maybe change it to with all the trading around of blood this is the first time he was imbalanced enough for his trait to kick in?

Also, some mention of investigation by the authorities (Twilight?) into the death of the one who actually died would be good. He knows Twilight we enough from being her lab-rat to actually tell her... At which point she would probably ask why they didn't come to her and/or AJ and tell them what was up, since those two are tough enough to be some of Celestia's elite trouble-shooters... Is there some sort of Vampire ethical rule against bringing in non-vamps in such matters?

Your comment has gotten me thinking, I might just change a few things in the story to better explain why that conversation happened when it did. Thank you for your opinion on the story, comments are helpful in improving my writing. Keep an eye out for some changes.

The investigation of the attack Well Read was there for has been going on, you will hear more in the next chapter.

You are welcome.

I still think that some of the Bearers might be in the right "weight class", but I'd have to reread to be more sure. Dash is fast in several ways and speed is no sure protection against The Pink One, plus forcefields are good for sealing off a target if our main characters can foil the initial attack.

Then again you can always say those three don't have time for stake-outs.

I have been thinking about Pinkie, Twilight, and Rainbow being in this story. They might just be in it, maybe. I don't know.

Thanks for the thought question! The next chapter will be out soon, once I figure out how to nerf a unicorn-turned-alicorn enough to be fair...
(I am not going to make her "disappear" for another 5 chapters danggit!)

This is the final chance to guess who Rare is, take your guesses. I bet nopony will guess who they are...

-Decent way of demonstrating that vampires are hax enough that the three I mentioned wouldn't outclass them.

“You are pretty quick, for a pegasus relearning to fly.” Her gasps between words and sweat down her face told the story better than her mouth, we had gone fast and hard. I was so exhausted that Twilight had to tell me when she was done running her weird tests.

-The jump to being in the testing rig again should perhaps be more explicit?

Picking up what was left of the vial I had been preparing, I took a seat and asked, “Why me? Why not Vinyl, or as you call her; Bass? You know, the pony who made me.”

-In an earlier chapter you had it asm"bRass" I think? Which probably makes that previous thing(s) the typo, since "Bass" fits Vinyl pretty well.

-Why our main character would allow it to be POSSIBLE for the villain to just waltz up to his house eludes me... sorta a major tactical blunder. He should be hiding out, even leaving town if necessary rather than that.

She placed a hoof on my table and gave me a stern look, “Your actions against me have not been as strong. In fact, the last five didn’t have any vampires there.” She waved a hoof in the air while rolling her eyes, “My superiors have been pushing me to find out what big threat to their plans. So, what have you and Bass been up to?”

-Both the underlined sections should probably have their grammar improved. The first might be okay, but the second is worse.

Should I tell her? She will not believe any of it, and if she does it just lets her know that I have an ability, “Training, that is your big threat, me still learning to be a vampire alongside my spawn. Happy?” The straight face I gave her told her everything, I was not lying to her.

-Giving away your capabilities to an enemy is dumb. I thought the transformation made them a bit childish, not brain damaged...

“Well, it is complicated. I don’t even understand it fully myself. You saw that race earlier today, right?” I decided to rake a drink while she was replying.

-"take", not "rake".

“Yes, how does blood have anything to do with your ability to fly?” I simply told her how I found out about my ability, with the vile and the green aura, “So you’re telling me that you can use magic, like a unicorn? But only if you have been drinking a unicorn’s blood for a while?”

-"vial" not "vile".

Stepping into the room, “So, did you kill him?” Came the voice of my employer sitting in a chair facing a wall of monitors featuring pictures Well Read, Vinyl, NightShade, Starlight, and Twilight.

-I think this needs an "of" after "pictures".

Rarity would be the obvious phonetic guess...


-Why our main character would allow it to be POSSIBLE for the villain to just waltz up to his house eludes me... sorta a major tactical blunder. He should be hiding out, even leaving town if necessary rather than that.

He wasn't home to watch her walk up to his house she went there and waited for him while Twilight had him strapped to her testing devices after the race...

Ugh... this is basically a small-scale pony-hunt/SWAT situation. If he can't expect to have a reasonable chance to defeat the major threat (who didn't even bother bringing along any back-up) alone then he shouldn't go anywhere alone. He might not realize that on his own, but Vinyl should have told him that much.

Come to that, if they have had multiple confrontations without managing to stop the threat, they should have called in other vampires for back-up days ago.

Wow, when was the last time I was even online to look at when I last added a chapter?

Don't worry, that will soon be fixed, I hope

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