• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 2,598 Views, 17 Comments

A Surprise for a Tatzlsus - LucidDreamer

  • ...

This shouldn't be that hard

It's rather cool this morning. A light breeze tickles you ears and makes them twitch. The red and black Digivice attached to a string around your next lightly bounces against your chest with each step you take. It's accompanied by a jingling pouch of bits that are also hanging around your neck by a string. Your tail sways gently in time with your steps.

Ponyville is rather quiet, with very few ponies out and about. Then again it is a little past seven in the morning. As you plod through the market you see a few ponies setting up their stalls. You give a nod and a wave to Applejack.

"Morning sugarcube." The farm pony calls as she waves you over.

"Hallo Applejack." You greet in a voice that has always reminded you of Stitch for some reason, as you walk over the the smiling mare. "Morning."

"Where are ya off to so early?" The cow pony asks as she starts setting out different types of apples on her cart.

"Sugarcube Corner. Breakfast, among other things." You respond, suppressing a blush as your stomach audibly growls.

"I gotcha." Applejack nods. "Oh, and before ya go Applebloom and I will be able to make it tonight."

"Great" You grin. "Be there by five-thirty, that's when I'll be getting Scoots."

"Will do." The mare smirks at you as your stomach growls once again. "Now y'all better get out of here before you start eating my livelihood.... again."

"It was one time!" You snort a complaint as you turn and begin your way back towards your intended destination, Applejacks laugh echos in your ears.

Within minutes into your continued trek, your nose catches the scent of baked goods on the breeze. Your mouth begins to water as you pick up the pace. Rounding a corner, your eyes fall on a massive gingerbread house.

Sugarcube Corner, The Ender of Hungers.

You virtually break the door down as you rush to the bakery. The inside is bright, the dining area empty, and the display case fully stocked. A shiver runs through you as your eyes rove the various cupcakes, muffins, and breads in the case. As if in a trance you slowly walk towards the counter, eyes still locked on the display case.

"Like what you see?" A feminine voice asks from behind the counter.

"Yeah..." You say stupidly.

You blink.

You're not alone.

With a yelp you jump as your head snaps over to the counter.

Pinkie Pie is smirking at you with half-lidded eyes as she props her head up with a hoof. "Morning." She says in a voice that's downright sultry.

Your heart skips." M-morning." A hopefully unnoticeable blush burns on your cheeks.

Pinkie sighs dejectedly as she puts her fore hooves on the counter and stretches almost languidly. "It's been so dead since we opened, I've been bored to tears. Tuesdays suck." Her smirk returns as she returns to her relaxed posture and looks at you. "Can I get you anything?"

"Pie." You respond without thinking. 'Shit! Freudian Slip!' Your eyes widen as you try to stutter out a response. "I-I mean bread! Uhh- Something for Breakfast!"

Pinkie raises a brow. "I'm not sure pie would make the best breakfast. Then again... if you're hungry enough...." She giggles and you swear you see a blush on her cheeks. "Do you need a second to decide?"

"No!" You blurt, shaking your head as you snap your vision over to the display case. "I'll get ummm, two dozen glazed donuts, A Lemon Surprise muffin, and one of your peanut butter filled bread buns."

"Oh, someone's hungry." Pinkie giggles as she pushes off the counter in ducks behind the display case to retrieve your order.

"It's not all for me." You whine with a slight blush as you fight to get the string with the bag of bits over your ears. "I'm walking Scoots to school and I wanted to bring Scoots and the other orphans something for breakfast."

Pinkie pops back up behind the register as she slides a couple of boxes and a pair of bags onto the counter. "Well aren't you the sweetest guy." She rings everything up as your begin fishing through your bag for bits. It's surprisingly difficult with only three claws.

"That'll be fifteen bits." She looks back at your failed attempts to retrieve the needed bits. "Need some help there?"

"Yes..." You say, defeated as your ears pin back and your shoulders slump.

"I gotcha." Pinkie grins as she retrieves the needed bits and pushes the bag back to you. "Say, if you don't have anything going today after you drop off Scoots, you could come by and keep me company. Nobody comes in on Tuesdays because.... it's Tuesday."

You have a sneaking suspicion that Pinkie's planning something. "Well, I'm going to check the edge of the Everfree, just in case, but I don't really have anything planned until this evening."

"Right!" Pinkie perks up, pushing herself up straight behind the counter, probably sitting on her haunches. "I have everything planned for this evening. We'll just need to get everything set up, but that shouldn't take more than half an hour, if that."

"Then I'll make sure to come by after I check the Everfree." You nod with a smile. A thought pops into your head, causing you to frown and briefly glance around. "Where are the Cakes? I'm surprised they aren't out here."

Pinkie simply smiles. "They went out of town to visit some relatives who haven't met Pound and Pumpkin yet. I've got Sugarcube corner all to myself for this week."

"Can you do that? Isn't that a bit much for one pony?" You ask, feeling a little bad for the mare.

Pinkie's smile softens. "Yeah, I need to get up early, and it does take a lot to do this solo, but it's worth it."

"If you want, I could start helping you." You offer.

Like that, her smile returns in full force. "I'd like that. So long as you don't eat everything."

"Just bake enough bread to keep me going." You chuckle as your lean over the retrieve the boxes and bags of foodstuffs.

As you do, Pinkie leans in. You freeze as she whispers in your ear. "Don't worry if it's too dead when you come in. I can come up with something for us to do." She finishes by nipping your ear.

Your whole body shivers and she leans back and smirks at you. "I-i uhhhhhh... I gotta go.... Gotta go get Scootaloo." You say stupidly, stepping back for the counter somewhat stiffly.

"Have fun." Pinkie grins. "Tell her hi for me." Her smirk briefly returns. "I'll see you later."

With an audible gulp you turn and quickly leave the bakery.

You have a hard time keeping your mind off the pink mare, and you near Ponyville's outskirts. You do your best to repress the certain feelings caused by the mare as Cloudy Skies Orphanage comes into sight. Shaking your head clear of thoughts of Pinkie, you adjust your grip on your boxes and pick up the pace.

You kinda feel bad. You wanted to eat breakfast with Scootaloo however, you ate your peanut butter bun within moments of leaving Sugarcube Corner. Curse your digimon metabolism and your addiction to carbs! With a frown, you snort and steel yourself against what you know is coming.

On pushing to front doors open, your gaze falls on a few milling colts and fillies (of various ages) that are in the foyer. It appears you caught them getting ready for their days. The seven of them freeze at your entrance, staring at you like a deer in the headlights. A forgotten toothbrush clatters to the floor from the mouth of a small grey unicorn colt.

"Morning." You say while trying to maintain a convincing smile.

They just stare. You can see their noses twitch.

They cry as one. A single voice filled with joy, excitement, and ravenous hunger.


In a breath, they are upon you. Your vision is briefly obscured as you feel the boxes get yanked from your claws.

A breath later you're standing there blinking in bewilderment, now only holding the bag containing Scootaloo's muffin, as the colts and fillies seem to have disappeared. However you hear excited voices and happy nomming coming from an open doorway to your left.

There is a trickle of colts and fillies from the stairway to the upper level in front of you, no doubt called by the exuberant warcry.

A burnt orange coated colt, stops at the foot of the stairs. "Hey Guilmon." He says with a grin. "We let Scootaloo sleep in. She should still be in bed." He went to move, paused and looked back at you. "Oh and thanks for the donuts."

"You're welcome." You blink as the colt does his best not to look too excited as he bolts towards the dining room.

A shiver runs through your spine as the shock from being briefly piled on fades. You sigh, take a glance in the direction of the dining room, shrug, then slowly plod your way upstairs. It's a tad difficult, the steps feel a bit too small for your feet to get real purchase. Then again, everything is made with ponies in mind, thus your larger feet would have problems with something made for the smaller pony hooves.

On reaching the upstairs landing, you take a right, and pass the various open doors of the other residents on the orphanage. Finally, you come to a door with a sign at about chest height that reads, "Scootaloo." As quietly as you can, you grab the door handle and slowly open the door, Thankfully the door doesn't squeak. On pushing the door open, your eyes rove over the room.

A window with half-pulled grey drapes lets in a sliver of sunlight that runs across the room to fall on the rather large bed at the other side of the room. Posters of Wonderbolts hang on the walls. A stack of neatly organized books lay in the middle of a desk that sits beneath the window. A green trunk sits at the foot of the bed. The lid is open, revealing various tools for fixing the scooter that lay folded right in front of the trunk, as well as a few small gardening tools.

Within the bed lay a small form, the sheets almost covered it completely, however you can see a shock of purple-pink mane and a pair of fluffy orange ears.

Tip-toeing forward, you freeze upon reaching the bed, as the form stirs and rolls over. The peaceful face of a sleeping filly greets you. Two streaks of fur, resembling small red lightning bolts, run from the corners of her eyes down to the center of her cheeks. You note the divot running from the center lower lip down to her jawline. A single black tendril-like tongue lolls out of her mouth, hitting the sheets and immediately wetting them with drool.

'Hmmm. What to do?' You think, while trying to come up with the best way to wake the sleeping filly.

Lowering yourself, you gently rest your head on the bed. "Scootaloo." You whisper quietly.

"Mmmmnnnn." Comes the grumbling response.

"Scoots... It's time to get up." You whisper again. This causes the filly's face to scrunch up.

"It's your birthday, you don't want to be late for school on your birthday, do you?" You can't keep the smile off your face as the filly stirs.

A pair of hooves, ever so curved so as to appear like small hoof spades, emerge from the sheets as the filly stretches. A pair of sleepy violet eyes crack open and lazily blink at you, showing the barest hints of awareness. With a little more shifting, the filly slowly pushes herself to her hooves and stretches, causing the sheets of fall of her fully. A pair of small wings fan out as she stretches. A tail of orange scales emerges from her flanks, sticking out strait. The tuft of red fur at the end poofs in all directions like a tree from a Doctor Seuss book.

Scootaloo's eyes squeeze shut as she yawns. Her lower jaw splits open revealing a row of sharp teeth on either mandible. Three long black tendril-like tongues stretch out of her mouth and wave lazily as she yawns. Only to retract back into her mouth as the mandibles close.

Smacking her lips, Scootaloo sleepilly blinks and turns her head to look at you. "Morning." She says somewhat incoherently.

"Happy Birthday." You says as you rise back to your full height. You lift the bag. "I brought you breakfast."

Scootaloo sniffs and blinks sleepily. "Thankth."

"Want me to wait for you downstairs so you can wake up and get cleaned up?" You ask the filly.

"Yeth, pleathe." Came the somewhat monotone response as said filly rubbed the sleep from her eyes with a forehoof.

"Okay. See you in a few." You nod and turn around, plodding out of the filly's room. As you do, you hear hooves hit wood. 'At least she's not going back to bed.'

On reaching the foyer, you find that is a bustle with colts and fillies getting ready for their days. Weaving through the small ponies, you find your way towards the Orphanage's main office. Sky blue mare, with a white unicorn mane, blue eyes, and a cutie makes of a raining cloud, sits in a rolling chair behind an office desk, nursing a cup of coffee gripped in a blue aura, and looking down at a file. Ironically, you see Scootaloo's picture attached to it by a paper clip.

You knock on the open door. "Knock knock."

The mare jumps, but quickly calms down on seeing you. "Oh! Guilmon, speak of the Tirek, I was just looking at Scootaloo's file."

"I see that." You nod, entering to room proper. "Sorry for startling you Cloudy."

"Eh, it's fine." The mare waves away your apology.

"Is everything set?" You ask, trying not to sound too hopeful.

With a bright smile, Cloudy nods." Everything checks out. The only thing you need to do now is ask her."

"That's... That's great." You grin feeling your heart soar. However, you frown as a twinge of doubt enters your mind. "What if she says no?"

Cloudy gives you a flat look. "That filly adores you, stop being stupid."

Weak a weak smile, your rub the back of your head with a claw. "I can't help being nervous."

"Everything's going to be fine." Cloudy smiles warmly at you, then adopts a stern look and shoos you away with her forehooves. "Now get out of here, before she comes looking for you and you ruin the surprise."

"Going, going." You chuckle as you make your way back into the foyer.

As you stop on the plush red carpet in front of the stairs, the sound of hooves coming down stairs grabs your attention. Scootaloo, with a still slightly damp mane, a pair of full saddlebags, and holding her folded scooter above her head with her tendrils, trots down stairs. As she hits the landing, she unfolds her scooter and sets it down, hoping up onto it she eyes the bag you're holding? "Breakfatht?"

You hold out the bag and she takes it. pulling it open, she pulls out the muffin. "Ooooo, Lemon thurprithe!"

"I know what you like." You smile. "Ready to go?"

"Yeth." The filly says with a mouth full of muffin. Whether the butchered yes was from a full mouth, or her normal speech impediment is anyone guess.

You turn and make your way out the door, Scootaloo rolling along beside you while swiftly devouring the muffin.

"Sleep well?" You ask, glancing at her and you turn onto the road leading towards Ponyville Elementary.

"Yep." Scootaloo nods as she stuff the now empty bag into a pocket of her saddle bags. "You?"

"Decent." You shrug. "Got to sleep a bit late, some timberwolves were acting up, so I had to nuke the pack leader."

"It'th what they get for trying to thtart tuesday early." Scootaloo giggles. "Tho, how did getting breakfatht go?"

You frown a little and look at the smug looking filly. "Good..."

"How'th Pinkie?" Filly's face is downright devilish.

"She's good..." You respond.

"Thhe hit on you?" Scootaloo's raises a brow.

"I think you know the answer to that." You say with a small pout.

"Thee wantth you bad. The entire town hath been pretty much thcreaming 'Do her!'" Scootaloo giggled. "What'th thtopping you?"

"I don't know..." You groan. "Nerves, self-esteem issues, irrational fears... you name it."

"You know what would really help?" Scootaloo's devious grin returns.

"Noooo." You snort a warning while narrowing your eyes at her.

"The caketh are out of town, tho thee'th there all alone. Poor mare'th probably all pent up from working tho hard to tear down your defenthes." Scootaloo continues, uncaring of your warning.

"Don't you say it." You growl.

"Tho the perfect way to break through your barrierth is to break through her barrierth." Scootaloo grins evilly.

"I hate puberty." You faceclaw.

"You know, thee'th in the kitchen.... You come up behind her and..." Scootaloo completely ignores the growl growing in your throat. "Pound her tho hard that thee can't uthe her hind legth for a week."

"God dammit Scootaloo." You groan, the growl dying before it could fully be born.

"Thee wantth it, you need it. It'th a win-win." Scootaloo point a forehoof at you.

"Can we change topics please?" You groan somewhat weakly.

"Oh hey, look we're here." Scootaloo virtually chirps as you lower your claw to see that you are, indeed, in front of Ponyville Elementary. You see numerous colts and fillies playing and talking amongst themselves, clearly getting their energy out before school.

"You go have fun. I gotta talk to Cheerilee real quick. I'll be by after school." You rattle off as the filly trots into the school yard.

"Later." She waves. "Remember what I thaid! For a week! Get Thome!"

You let out an exasperated groan as you watch Sweetie Belle and Applebloom rush up to greet her.

Shaking your head, you walk into the schoolyard and make a beeline for the schoolhouse proper. Once inside You Cheerilee sitting behind her desk. Her eyes are closed and her hooves are holding onto a steaming cup of coffee. She looks pretty relaxed actually.

As you approach she opens her eyes. "Oh, morning. Sorry I didn't here you come in."

"No problem." You shrug.

"What brings you in?" She asks with a smile.

"Well, I want to preface this with the fact that I know you don't play favorites." You say smiling weakly. Cheerilee raises a brow and gestures for you to continue. "I'm not sure if you know or not, but it's Scootaloo's birthday."

"And you'd like me to be on the lookout for Diamond Tiara." Cheerilee finished with a sigh. "Diamond should really know better than to antagonize a Tatzlpony... Seriously, there are laws about challenging a predator species. Namely don't do it unless you are in fact another predator species." She chuckles humorlessly, shakes her head, then looks back to you. "If I actual catch her saying anyth-" She was cut off by a cry from outside, causing your head to snap towards the doorway

"Come on Diamond, leave her alone!" Came the voice of Sweetie Belle.

"Speak of the Devil." You groan as you turn towards the door. As you begin to walk outside, a clatter of hooves signals that Cheerilee is joining you. Once outside you clearly see a loose circle of colts and fillies surrounding five ponies. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to the left, and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to the right with Scootaloo just behind them. While the four filles looks of anger were a tad concerning, it was Scootaloo that drew your attention.

He posture was low to the ground, with her hind legs spread out. The tip of her tail slowly flicked back and forth. Her hooves slowly dug small furrows into the ground in front of her. Her lower mandibles twitched open and closed while her tendrils flicked in and out of her mouth. Lastly, her eyes had changed. Instead of her normal almost human-looking eyes, her violet eyes had shifted into slits that seemed more at home on a reptile.

You recognised that posture, you'd seen it a lot from predators in the Everfree.

"Really?" Cheerilee groans and you hear an audible facehoof.

As you move to stop whatever the confrontation is. Cheerilee stops you. You look over at her with a frown. "They're my students." She replies as she steps out into the schoolyard. Somewhat concerned and confused, yet interested, you follow her.

The students immediately freeze upon seeing their teacher. The five in the middle of the circle however are too focused on the argument.

"She's a freak!." The venom in Diamond's voice actually makes your jaw drop. Within seconds a growl rumbles in your chest as your eyes narrow at the tiny pink terror. "She doesn't deserve to go to school with us normal ponies!"

"Are you serious?!" Applebloom snaps in response. "Yer pulling the race card? What's yer ma' been teaching' ya?"

"At least she has a mother, farm filly." Silver Spoon snaps back.

You blink, stunned. Your jaw hangs open as an eerie silence descends over the schoolyard. Movement catches your eye, and your head snaps over to look at Scootaloo. Her hind legs are tensed and a hiss escapes from her mouth.

Your eyes widen and you bolt forward and grab her the moment she leaps. She struggles against you, hissing and spitting. "Lemme go!" She manages to get out through her tendrils and a twitching lower mandible. "I'm gonna-"

"Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon." Cheerilee says icilly.

Diamond and Silver both stiffen, as their eyes simultaneously widen. A look you can only describe as "Oh Shit" dawns on their faces.

Suddenly everything seems that much colder as the surrounding colts and fillies appear to think that the schoolhouse might be the best place to retreat to. Applebloom however stays, now sitting on her haunches. She looks to be on the verge of tears. Sweetie Belle sits next to her, with a foreleg over the small applefilly's shoulders in a hug.

Scootaloo seems to have calmed down, as she's stopped her struggling. Glancing down, show's her now normal eyes to be on Applebloom. On setting her down, she trots over to Applebloom and also puts a foreleg around her.

Returning your gaze to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon reveals that they're sitting on their haunches before an abjectly pissed Cheerilee.

"Did you know that inciting a predator species to violence is classified as a Hate Crime under Equestrian Law?" Cheerilee states coldly.

"Then what happened?" Fluttershy asks as she flutters over to refill your cup of tea.

You groan and your flop back onto Fluttershy's couch and cover your face with an arm. "I had to go get all their parents and/or parental figures, and temporarily play substitute, and get the class started on the lesson for the day. All while Cheerilee had a conference outside. The plus side, if you could even call it one, is that Diamond and Silver got suspended. I'm pretty sure even Spoiled Rich was shocked by what Cheerilee told her. Might, make her and Filthy reevaluate how they act around Diamond. Silver's parents reacted pretty much the same." You sigh drawing your arm down your face until you can rubs your temples with a claw. "Tuesday's suck...."

"I agree." Fluttershy says softly as your hear the clink of porcelain. "What are your plans now?"

"Eh, I'm going to take a quick run by the Everfree, see if anything wants to test me today. Then I'm heading back to Sugarcube Corner for what I hope is decorating." With a few small pops in your back you roll back up into a sitting position and look over at the butter yellow mare. She's smiling weakly at you. You do your best to smile back. "Sorry for dumping this on you."

"It's okay, I'm always here to listen." Fluttershy nods as her gaze roves over you. "You know if your back ever bothers you, you can come see me. I know a few techniques that might help."

You chuckle. "If I ever get back problems, I know who to come to." Standing up from the couch, you stretch briefly, making sure no to bump anything with your tail. "Thanks for the tea."

"Your welcome." Fluttershy says as she follows you to the door. "I'll see you at the party latter."

"See ya." You say as you step outside. The sun is nearing its zenith. Not quite noon, but close. You take a breath, then walk down the small path away from Fluttershy's cottage to the main back towards Ponyville. However instead of turning back towards Ponyville, you veer right and head towards the Everfree Forest. A growl grows in your throat as some of the days events replay in your mind.

All this stress can't be good for you.

A growl grows in your throat, you pick up the pace. Instead of going into the forest proper, you veer left and run along the treeline, ears alert for sounds from the forest. You feel your eyes shift subtly, causing you to see everything with much more detail.

A twig snaps and you see a paw step of of the underbrush.

With a throaty growl you skid to a halt as a manticore step out of the trees. "No you don't!" You snap, causing the manticore's head to snap towards you with a look of shock and confusion. "Get the fuck back in there!" You thrust a claw at the forest. "I am not in the fucking mood!"

The manticore's jaw drops. It shakes its head and points with a paw. With a snort You look to see where it's pointing. It just so happens to be pointing at Fluttershy's cottage.

Your brow furrows. 'Why would it- Wait...'

You look back at the manticore. "You're the manticore that Fluttershy pulled the thorn from. Your name's Manny right?"

The manticore grins and nods happily.

You let out a sigh, close your eyes and rub a temple with a claw. "Sorry, it's just... been a day.. At least it feels like it's been a day."

When you drop your claw and open your eyes, you notice the manticore looking at you in a way that could only be describes as, "you wanna talk about it?"

"It's not that big a deal." You say with a light huff as Manny steps out of the forest proper and plods over to flop onto his haunches next to you. Manny cocks his head to the side with a raised brow and an expression that read, "really?"

"Ugh...." You groan. "I really shouldn't be this worked up. I've got a mare interested in me and I can't find the balls to actually tell her how I feel. I always end up panicking and running off." You sigh for the umpteenth time today and flop onto the grass.

Manny looks down for a second then gestures to all of you.

"Yes, I know I don't have any actually balls, it was a metaphor dammit!" You glare at him, causing him to huff in a way that reminds you of laughter. "That's not the only thing though. There's a filly I care about. It's her birthday today and we've got a party planned. I just want everything to go right for her today, and so far a fellow student at school pretty much committed a hate crime."

Manny's jaw drops at 'hate crime.' He blinks in shock and confusion.

"Oh. Right." You glance at him as you remember that an animal from the Everfree may not know certain Equestrian rules and laws. "It's the one where a prey species uses inflammatory language to try and get a predator species to attack them. It plays off the assumption that the predator species will get in trouble for attacking them, when the opposite is true so long as the language is witnessed." You take a breath and continue. "It's actually surprising how few ponies actually know predator-prey species etiquette and laws. Hell, go back far enough and you find that it's legal for a predator species to fight another species, so long as they don't kill the other species. This is due to the actions or language being interpreted as a threat or a insult to their strength. Thus, as the Griffons would put it, it is an insult to to my honor and I must show my dominance. Things have calmed down enough that many predator species, most of all griffons, will now participate in honor duels over real, or perceived insults, instead of just scrapping in the streets."

Manny looks thoughtful, then nods.

"And I've gotten way off topic. Sorry for the impromptu history lesson." You chuckle.

Manny shrugs and gestures a paw for you to go on.

"So back to Scootaloo. That's the filly by the way." You say with a quick clarification. "Her birthday happens to be today, a Tuesday."

Manny winces.

"Yeah. I don't know what the deal is with Tuesday's being this level of supernaturally shitty, but I'm trying to prevent shit from hitting the fan during her birthday party. Which is why I'm out here now. I'd like to try and head off the shitstorm if I can. It may be some kind of friendship problem, which Twilight Sparkle can handle. But I'd rather check, just in case it's a monster attack."

Manny appears to think for a moment, then nods.

You let out a slow breath then smile at the manticore, feeling like a weight has been taken off your shoulders. "Thanks for listening... I actually feel quite a bit better now."

Manny grins toothily at you and nods happily.

Straining a tiny bit, you manage to get to your feet. Manny rises to all fours without much effort. As you go to speak, a scent of rotten wood and decay assaults your nostrils. Manny seems to notice it too. A growl leaves your thought as your head snaps to the forest.

A pair of vile green eyes glow within the shadows of the treeline. I greenish haze exudes from the forest as a paw made of rotted wood steps out of the brush. The grass around the paw immediately begins to wilt.

The large Timber Wolf steps fully into the daylight. It's frame composed of branches and shards of rotted wood. Slimy tendrils resembling a kind of fungus appear to hold the wolf-like Decay Elemental together. Within a tangle of fungi and brambles in the wolf's chest, the same vile green light as the in its eyes pulsed like some obscene heartbeat.

A echoing, hollow growl left the thing's throat.

"Fuck that!" You snap as a heat builds in your chest. The heat rushes up your throat and you snap your head forward as a sphere of crackling bright red light erupts from your jaws. The sphere tears across the gap with a reverberating hum, and slams into the Timber Wolf's chest. Its chest ruptures like tissue paper as the wolf immediately bursts into flames.

The one major downside to Timberwolves in general is that they're very, very flammable.

Something inside the Timberwolf bursts in a gout of flames and the whole thing collapses into a pile of debris, somehow simultaneously dousing the flames.

You snort, causing smoke to leave your nostrils. You glance over at Manny. Manny simply shrugs, nobs at you, and turns to begin walking in the direction of Fluttershy's Cottage.

"Thanks again." You call out to the leaving manticore.

Now you have two options. Continue along the edge of the Everfree, or call it quits and head back to Sugarcube Corner.

"And then what happened?" Pinkie giggles from her spot on the ladder.

"The choice is pretty obvious Pinkie." You say, finding a spot on the very fascinating as you hold the ladder for the pink mare. You made the mistake earlier of looking up. Even though you know Pinkie did it on purpose, you still feel embarrassed about it.

'Get Thome!' Scootaloo's giggle replayed in your head.

'Maybe Scootaloo is right...'

"You forgot a couple things by the way." Pinkie's voice pulls you from your thoughts.

"Hmmm, what?" You blink and look up at the mare hanging streamers from one of the candy cane striped columns. Pinkie'd pulled some of her mane back into a ponytail, and for some reason was wearing a pair of goggles on her forehead.

"Yeah, your Digivice came off when you were struggling to get the bag of bits off your neck. Also you left your bag of bits here... probably because you were flustered." She smiles. She appears to think for a second, then her smile turns devious. "You're cute when you're flustered."

"S-sorry for leaving them here..." You stammer out, looking away with a blush.

"It's fine. It's been dead anyway." Pinkie shrugged, her smile softening. "Hey. Catch."

Blinking, you briefly let go of the ladder and hold your arms out for whatever drops. Only to stumble as Pinkie plops right into your arms. "Ah! Warning next time!" You snap with a small growl.

"I did." Pinkie sticks her tongue out at you.

You then realise just how close Pinkie is to you and a shiver runs down your spine.

Pinkie bites her lip and gives you a sultry pair of bedroom eyes. "Hey there."

"H-hi." You stammer as your heart pounds in your chest.

Suddenly Pinkie darts forward and kisses you on the nose.

'Guilmon.EXE has encountered an error and needs to close.'


You blink owlishly at the now very smug looking Pinkie. "I've been wanting to do that for awhile." She says, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

'What are you so afraid of?'

'She might say no...'

'What that nose kiss a no?!'

'Well.... no.'

'there's no downside here!'

'Just do it!'

"Something on your mi- mmmph!" Pinkie's cut off as your head snaps forward. Her eyes briefly widen then flutter closed. Your eyes do the same as you feel her forehooves wrap around your neck.

After what feels like hours (but was probably meer moments) you break the kiss. On opening your eyes you see Pinkie giving you a goofy, very happy grin. She's blushing so hard most of her face is red. "What took you so long?"

"Eh heh..." You chuckle weakly. "Better late than never?"

"Hmmmmm... True.... " Pinkie looks thought full as she taps a hoof against her chin. Her eyes return to yours as she bites her lip and her blush returns in full force. "We may have to try that again... See if it's as good the second time."

A goofy smile plays on your lips. "S-sure."

You move your head forward once again.

Only to freeze as a feeling of imminent danger fills your mind. You snap your head up, looking around wildly, eyes twitching for any noise and nostrils flaring for any scents out of the ordinary.

"Dammit it was going so well too!" Pinkie growls as she pulls herself from your grip.

Your eyes snap to her.

'Pinkie's in danger!'

"I've got to go." You say as the feeling of danger bares down on you.

You don't hear what she says as you dash outside, almost taking the door off its hinges.

The street is completely empty. An eerie silence fills the air.

Suddenly a sound of buzzing makes your ears twitch. You look around wildly, but can get a bead on where the noise is coming from.

The buzzing becomes louder in an instant.

There's a lance of pain.

A feeling of weightlessness.


Groggily you come to. There's a pain in your side and your ears are ringing.

Shaking your woozy head, you realise you're laying in the dirt. You hear growling and a loud buzzing. As well as-

"Oh fuck no!" Pinkie sounds pissed. "I just got this coltfriend and you're not taking him away from me! Got it?! Buzz off!"

"Pinkie." You wheeze as you sit up. Cracking your eyes open actually hurts. Pinkie's a few feet in front of you. You see your Digivice dangling from around her neck.

The loud buzzing is coming from what in front of her. It was a massive black and white bear, with four arms, a pair of black and yellow antenna coming out of its head, four yellow wasp-like wings (the source of the buzzing sound), and a massive stinger where a bear's tail would normally be. A pair of solid crimson eyes stare down at the pink mare and a noise somewhere between a growl and a buzz leaves it's throat.

"Pinkie." You try to shake your head clear of the haze as to get to your feet. You stagger briefly, but manage to right yourself. Though you're still a bit unsteady.

"You heard me! Fuck off!" Pinkie snaps thrusting a forehoof down the road.

The Bugbear growls as it rises into the air.

Pinkie stands defiant.

You stagger forward. "Pinkie get out of here!" You manage to yell.

Pinkie spins around, briefly looking surprised, before a look of determination settles on her face. "Nuh uh! Not happening! I'm not leaving you here alone with that thing!"

You see movement. Glancing up reveals the Bugbear speeding towards Pinkie, tail first.



For a moment you see a flash from your Digivice.

Then everything goes white.

The light fades an you can immediately tell that you've changed. For one you're taller. Much taller. The Bugbear also doesn't seem as big now. In fact it looks quite confused.

You blink. Looking around reveals that you are now taller than Sugarcube Corner, and all the other building around for that matter.

"When I was talking to myself earlier, I wanted you to get bigger. This wasn't what I meant!" Pinkie yells from somewhere below you. Looking down you note your three-clawed feet. Pinkie Pie is staring up at you looking somewhere between surprised, mad, and excited.

"Is now the time for this?" You ask, noting that your voice has deepened slightly, and has a noticeable rasping growl to it.

"I'd say now is the perfect time of it! He's too scared to do any- Oops! I was wrong! Dodge!" Pinkie yells as she looks towards the Bugbear.

You look up just in time to see the Bugbear barreling at you. You have enough time to set yourself for the impact as it slams into you. You feel the wind get knocked out of you as your feet skid against the ground. The Bugbear's claws rake your chest and sides, eliciting a grunt of pain.

With a grunt, you shove your claws forward but only succeed in pushing the Bugbear off you. It roars and flies back. While giving you room to step to the center of the road, it also allows for the Bugbear to get range enough for a charge. As it arcs around to charge at you, stinger at the fore an idea enters your head.

After all. It's better to end a fight quickly.

You're briefly thankful that Ponyville has a lot of open space.

You widen your stance, locking your knees and holding your arms out wide. You then use your tail as an anchor by slamming it into the ground.

Right before the Bugbear hits you suck in and hold your breath.

Pain lances through your gut as the stinger pierces your stomach. A roar of pain rips from your throat as your arms fly forwards and grab the Bugbear, pinning its own arms to its sides. Your eyes burrow into its own as a look of confusion contorts its face.

A smirk plays at the ends of your mouth as something pops into your head.

"Omae wa mo shindeiru." You growl out.

The Bugbear blinks at you.


You lift the Bugbear, raising it over your head and with a roar bring it down with all your might. It smashes into the ground spine first. It hits so hard that a spiderweb of cracks erupt from the impact. The moment it hits the Bugbear locks up.

Letting it go, You rear back as a familiar heat builds in your chest. The heat ripples up your throat. "Pyro." You feel the energy crackling between your teeth. You snap your head at the Bugbear "Blaster!"

A beam of red white light erupts from your maw, engulfing the Bugbear. It doesn't even have the chance to roar as the light burns through it.

Your beam of incandescent death dies in your throat and your stand up strait panting for breath. You feel very tired all of a sudden.

Once again, everything goes white.

Something's wrong.

You clearly see the carbonized remains of the Bugbear. However they seem... bigger.

You blink.

'Oh no.'

"That was ama-" Pinkie's cries of jubilation are cut off.

With a sigh, you use your four stubby legs to turn around. Pinkie towers over you. A grin of pure joy is on her face.

"Get it over with" You squeak.

Suddenly your lifted onto the air and smashed against Pinkie's floofy chest. "OHMYFAUSTYOUARETHECUTESTTHINGEVER!" Pinkie babbles.

"This is emasculating." You whine.

"You're normally not this small! Let me have this!" Pinkie says in return as she pulls you away from her chest so she can stare at you. "We're going to have to feed you so you can go pick up Scootaloo later."

"Pinkie!" You hear a familiar voice cry out. "What happened here?"

Pinkie shifts you around and ends up plopping you on top of her head. You see Twilight Sparkle not far away, racing towards you. Where the others are, who knows.

"Impromptu bonfire." You squeak as loudly as you can.

Twilight skids to a halt, blinking owlishly at you. "Guilmon?"

"Gigimon until I get enough food to Digivolve." You huff.

"You're even cute when your mad." Pinkie cooes.

"Back on topic!" Twilight snaps. "What happened here?"

"Well this weird wasp-bear thing sucker punched Guilmon. So in response Guilmon got really big, pounded it into the ground, blew a hot load all over it, and then got really small." Pinkie rattled off.

You wriggle forward a little and look down at the mare. "Did you have to phrase it that way?"

"I've been pent up all day, so sue me!" Pinkie snapped back.

'Huh, Scootaloo was right.'

"But look what you did to Twilight." You gesture a tiny foot at the seemingly catatonic mare. Her jaw hangs open and an eye twitches.

Then Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia, faints.

"Did thhe really faint?" Scootaloo giggles from her spot on your shoulders.

"Yes, she really fainted." You roll your eyes as you enter Ponyville proper. Scootaloo's scooter and saddlebags are slung an arm.

"Ha!" Scootaloo giggles. "Tho, how long did it take for you to Digivolve?"

"Almost forty-five minutes straight of feeding me bread." You grimace.

"Oof, that thoundth painful." Scootaloo winced.

"It wasn't too bad. What was worse was Twilight freaking out about me breaking physics." You chuckle. "That bread's the size of you! Where is is going? Where is any of it going!?"

Scootaloo bursts out into riotous laughter.

"So, how was the rest of your day? I know it had a bad start." You ask, glancing up at her.

"It got better." Scootaloo smiles weakly. "Diamond and Thilver got Thuthpended. Tho that'th a thing. I actually heard both of them getting chewed out before we were told to go back to clath." A wicked smile crossed her face, befoer turning to a more thoughtful look. "We did get an interethting lecture on predator and prey lawth from Cheerilee after you left though."

"Huh, funny. I kinda did the same to Manny earlier." You note.

"Who'th Manny?" Scootaloo asks.

"The manticore Fluttershy helped during the Nightmare Moon thing." You explain.

"Hey, why's Thugarcube Corner'th lightth off?" Scootaloo asks, attracting your attention to. "You'd think it would be open." Scootaloo hummed in thought. "Then again, It it'th Tuesday, and there wath a monthter attack. Pinkie might've closed early."

You do your best to remain stone-faced. "We'll have a look."

As you approach, you smell the scents dozens of ponies, as well as the scents of baked goods. You reach the front door and push it open. The outside light does little to illuminate the interior.

"Well, that'th not omninouth at all." Scootaloo comments.

You step inside. Scootaloo looks around. "Well it'th probably-"

The lights turn on, blinding you. Scootaloo lets out a surprised yelp.

"SURPRISE!" Come an almost deafening cry. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOOTALOO!"

The party's in full swing. Ponies play games and talk amongst themselves. You sit at a table, simply watching as Scootaloo regales her friends with the days events, and your involvement in them.

Pinkie trots up next to you and gives you a brief nuzzle. "Hey."

You glance at her. "Hey."

She looks over at Scootaloo. "You know there's one thing that can make her birthday even better."

"Been trying to psych myself up to do it." You say with a shaky breath.

"Just do it." Pinkie giggles. "You faced down a Bugbear today. This should be easy."

"You're right." You nod as you get up from your chair. "You're right." You take another shaky breath then look back at Pinkie. "Wish me luck?"

"You don't need luck." Pinkie says as she steals your seat. She grins and points over at Scootaloo. "Get over there and do it ya wimp."

You gulp and turn towards the filly. With slow, plodding steps you walk over to the cluster of colts and fillies. "H-hey Scoots." You say, trying to keep a tremor out of your voice.

"Hey Guilmon." Scootaloo smiles as she turns around. On noticing your nervousness she becomes worried. "Whoa! You okay?"

"Y-yeah." You kneel down in front of her. You notice Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Dinky all talking animatedly to each other as they glance between Scootaloo and yourself. "I just have something very important to ask you."

"Oooo-kay?" Scootaloo's brow furrows. "You know I'm too young to marry, right?"

Scootaloo's question makes your brain short out. You accidentally inhale spit and immediately begin coughing. "Wh-what!? No! That's not it at all!"

"Thought tho." Scootaloo smirks at you. "thtill nervouth?"

You blink. "A bit."

"Better than nothing." She nods. "Tho, what's up?"

"Well, I-I. I was wondering if you'd like- err... i-if you w-wanted to come stay with me." Your heart pounds inside your chest. Your breaths become shaky.

Scootaloo blinks. "What wath that?"

"Scootaloo, I-I'd like to adopt you." You manage to get out. "W-would you like to come live with me?"

Instantly the wind gets knocked out of you, as the filly plows into you. She buries her face into your chest as her fore legs squeeze you for all they're worth. "Yeth yeth yeth yeth!" She babbles. You feel wetness on your chest.

Taking in slow gulps of air you shakily pat the exuberant filly. "G-good." You wheeze out.

Scootaloo pulls away from you, tears still in her eyes. She sniffles as she stands on top of you.


"What was the pot up to?"

"A thousand bits!"

"Who won?"

"Pinkie Pie."

You blink in confusion at the various groans of disappointment around you. Scootaloo just giggles.

Pinkie comes bouncing up, a bag of bits in her mouth. She gets to you and drops the bag to the floor. "Yes, there was a pot for when you'd end up adopting Scootaloo." The pink mare ruffled the filly's mane.

"And you won." You say, finally able to breath normally again.

"Yepperoonie!" Pinkie grins as Scootaloo gets off your chest so you can sit up.

Scootaloo's smile turns downright evil. "Hey Guilmon, you know what would make my birthday even better?"

"Hold that thought Scoots." Pinkie says. Before you know what's happening, Pinkie wraps her forehooves around you and kisses you. Instantly you go limp.

Pinkie pulls away, leaving both of you gasping for breath. Shaking your head in an attempt to clear it, you look down at Scootaloo. Her face splits into a wide grin and she squees.

"Does thith mean that I get a dad and a mom?!" She bounces on her hooves giddily, her wings buzzing like a hummingbird's.

Before you can say anything. Pinkie responds. "Yes. Yes you do."

Unable to take much more you flop against a table and faceclaw.

"Hey Scootaloo, you dad looks like he needs a hug." Pinkie says, you swear you can hear her grin.

A small form impacts your chest. You feel Scootaloo nuzzle you. You hear a clop of hooves and you feel pinkie envelop both of you in a hug.

'Nope. Done.'

You feel the first tear fall from your eyes as you wrap your free arm around Pinkie and Scootaloo. You're happy just to hug the two ponies most dear to you. The two ponies you love. You're perfectly fine sitting he-

"Dammit! Really?!"

"Okay what was that pot to?"

"That's two thousand bits."

You take a shaky breath. "There was another pot wasn't there."

"Yep." Pinkie simply responds and nuzzles you.

"And who won that one?"



"Why am I not surprised." You groan.

You hear Scootaloo squee and feel her wings buzz happily. Pinkie giggles as she rests her head on your shoulder.

"Can I-"

"No you cannot spend it all on food."


Author's Note:

Brought to you by:

cute tatzlpones

a smug Scootaloo,

a thirsty Ponk,

and a pissed off Growlmon.

Comments ( 17 )

This was a incredible read man. I freaking loved it and DAMN that's one thirsty Pinkie! we need more of that kind of Pinkie... wait why am I now getting the image of Pinkie hanging out with a version of Abridged Cell and they just mess with everyone with all their innuendos?

Glad you enjoyed it.

Also, I now want to see a Cell/Thirsty Ponk story.

throw Cadance into that and there'll be so many innuendos's that even Celly will have a hard time keeping a strait face. :trollestia:

You got a few giggles outta me, nice one! Now to get my fic done, lol.

Seriously though, that was an awesome read. You might want to go back and fix a few wording errors though, I would point them out my ps4 is limited as all hell when it comes to typing.

I've been going back through and fixing errors as I go. I'll probably give it another one over tomorrow.

I said it once and I'll say it again... That was amazing. I swear my heart exploded when I clicked that Scootaloo squee link. Well played.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

The amazing thing is that Scootaloo squee just popped up when I went to look for her scream at meeting Rainbow's parents.

talk about lucky find.

Story about adorable Digimon death lizard? Yep.
Flirty Pinkie with inuendos? Yep.
Scootasquee? Yep.
This story? This a good one.

The large Timber Wolf steps fully into the daylight. It's frame composed of branches and shards of rotted wood. Slimy tendrils resembling a kind of fungus appear to hold the wolf-like Decay Elemental together. Within a tangle of fungi and brambles in the wolf's chest, the same vile green light as the in its eyes pulsed like some obscene heartbeat.

Timber Wolf "I shall reap a terrible bounty from the death that I sow in your name, Father Nurgle..."

Guilmon "Nope we are having nun of that!!!"

that is all

Somebody better pick up the phone, because I fucking called it!

what did you call?

Another adorable and cute story by the write of characters.

I dont get why using or what is enjoyable about 2nd perspective.

It just adds a lot of 'you's' with little to no variety and doesn't draw me in, since I know what I did or didn't do or would do different...

Not like a game master on a board game in which I take turns ... Hm

Not for me.

I demand a sequel. I must have more pissed of Growlmon and thirsty ponk! Wait... Pissed off and sexually active WarGrowlmon?!?!

Good story funny references though thhe tung thing is sligghtly creepy

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