• Published 23rd Mar 2018
  • 1,400 Views, 63 Comments

Of Light and Darkness - Dragonfire2lm

A Displaced Gatomon runs Day Court in Princess Celestia's stead and a Wizardmon from a far off digital world studies magic under Princess Luna. This is their story.

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Digimon Origins- The Salamon Saga

Author's Note:

Welcome to the first chapter for the Of Light and Darkness Rewrite!

While a small amount was carried over from the original the majority of the chapter has been done from scratch.


She awoke to the sight of a cave wall, light streaming in from an exit to her right. She blinked as the world was slightly fuzzy, everything not right in front of her face was blurred around the edges but she could still pick out shapes and recognize objects despite the less than stellar clarity of her vision. Everything looked bigger and she found it odd that she wasn’t panicking at the fact that her arms, legs and indeed most of her body was gone.

The sound of water dripping from the ceiling startled her out of her daze and she attempt to turn towards the sound, only for her small round body to tilt forward and with no understanding of how to move as a round blob her face quickly met the ground in an undignified faceplant.

She grumbled and rolled onto what she assumed was her back, her large round ears twitched at the sound of another droplet of water hitting the ground and she sighed.

“God damn it…” she groaned and after a bit of wiggling and sussing out how exactly her new body worked, the tiny creature known as a YukimiBotamon got back up and took a proper look at where she found herself.

She was in a cosy alcove nestled beneath a cliff in the middle of a forest. Herbs and other plants grew in cracks in the stony ground and water trickled in from a small, unseen stream as well as dripping down from the ceiling. Near the back of the cavern was a large crystalline tree with several colourful gemstones resting in its branches and images of the sun, the moon and a six-pointed star displayed on its trunk almost as if the tree had grown to look that way naturally. A marble white glasses case and a strange four sided device with curved indents where the edges of the device met sat at the base of the tree.

The small device was white, attached to golden thread and had a small screen and several buttons. The YukimiBotamon bounced over and inspected the device.

“This is a Digivice from the Digimon Adventure anime,” she said breathlessly torn between curiosity and excitement, until she remembered her lack of limbs. “…If I had arms, I’d be pressing all the buttons right now…”

She glared spitefully at the glasses case. “How the hell am I supposed to use this when I can’t open it!”

She sighed in frustration and turned her gaze to the tree. She looked thoughtful as she took in the symbols on its trunk and the gems in its branches.

“The Tree of Harmony huh? Well the Elements have been returned to it so either this is way before the show or after season four,” she mused. “I’ll find out once I don’t have to bounce everywhere.”

“I mean,” she continued, talking simply for the sake of talking as she glanced around nervously. “I’m here in Equestria… as a Digimon after, a-after that car- “

She started to breathe deeply in an attempt to calm her nerves as existential fear rooted itself in her mind and her last memories of home resurfaced to the front of her terrified mind.

She walking up the driveway she shared with her neighbours. The roaring of an engine and the screech of a cars breaks was the last thing she heard before she was lifted off her feet and overwhelmed and blinded by pain, barely noticed the pavement of the drive rushing up to meet her…

I died.” she whispered fearfully, her small form shaking as she blinked back tears.

Her memory was hazy, she felt like she was having a lucid dream as strange yet familiar figures crowded around her. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak and could only watch as a white, winged equine with its head, chest and legs covered with white armour stood in the forefront of her vision.

“My name is Arbiter and you died before your time,” he stated sorrowfully. “My partner and I are working to catch the one responsible for your death but we couldn’t just stand by and do nothing, we were able to transform your consciousness into pure data. Your body may be dead but everything that makes you who you are, your soul, has survived thanks to our efforts.”

“You’ll be sent to a new world with your memories intact, in a form that will allow you to survive,” Arbiter explained. “I can’t bring you back on your home world, since you have no body to return to so this is the best we could do.”

“Mum…?” she forced out worriedly.

“She’s fine, we’ve got under protection in case she’s targeted, needless to say, you won’t be seeing her again…I’m sorry.”

Alone, scared out of her wits and reeling from everything that had happened in such a short amount of time, the YukimiBotamon sat crying at the base of the Tree of Harmony.

She spent her days eating the herbs that grew in the cavern, drinking from the trickling stream and spending entire days watching what little she could see from the cavern exit to avoid boredom. The cavern offered food, water and shelter yet it lacked the mental stimulation she needed, so when sleep eluded her, she took to meditation.

She found it easy to look within and tune out the world around her, the quiet nature of the cavern certainly helped and it was during these sessions of introspection and meditation that her curious mind learnt the most about her new form. She could feel how everything worked and came to understand it all as her “stats”. Her stats weren’t something she knew off the top off her head, she had to focus on them as if she were focusing on a part of her body to identify pain or discomfort and had to actually seek out her stats to know what they were at any given time.

My overall health is well, my health and… Oh my mental health dictates how many times I can use a move so if I’m mentally fatigued or worn out or even hungry I won’t be able to defend myself as well. She mused as she took all the new information about herself.

Wait I have a hunger bar? That’s nice to know, if I can figure out exactly when I get hungry I could plan accordingly and it looks like I generate and store energy as I go about my business, Ah I see, if I have enough I digivolve to the next stage.No set attack or defence stats but I guess those are covered by my MP and HP anyway and having exact numbers would just be complicated.

Interesting, it feels like something’s off or different to how it should be, no wait- my normal isn’t a YukimiBotamon’s normal so my messed-up vision is some kind of glitch?

I wonder what would happen if I tried to train or something…how would I even go about that?

A few days later, she woke up to find herself slightly larger, with pointed ears and a tail.

"Looks like I digivolved in my sleep," Nyaromon muttered and moved her tail around as she tested out her new form. “I wonder if I can use this…”

She bounced over to the glasses case and wrapped her tail around it as she attempted to use her tail tip to pry to case open. She grunted with effort as she shoved and pushed at the case but it remained closed despite her efforts.

“I miss my hands,” she grumbled and looked over at the digivice. “I should be able to get this working at least.”

Carefully, she pushed one of the buttons and the screen not only lit up but displayed a hologram that listed her stats as well as the current day, time and she even noticed a small icon in one corner to indicate the weather.

“Cool!” she exclaimed. “My Digivice is awesome!”

Days turned into months and months bled into years as the small Digimon simply lived. Now a four-legged, puppy like Digimon called Salamon she hid the glasses case under one the tree’s roots and awkwardly slung the digivice around her neck.

"I wonder who my partner is?" she mused out loud as she stared out at the forest. "I'm a digimon now and I have a Digivice, that means I have a partner, right?"


She sighed and looked back at the Tree of Harmony, it was beautiful, inviting even as it stood a place of sanctuary and safety in the unknown.

“I need answers or at least more information, ok I can do this. I just got to make sure I don’t get lost,” she said, a smile that was a reflex more than a display of confidence gracing her face. “It’ll be fine...”

She stepped out of the cavern and made sure to look long and hard at the are the cavern was in. Once satisfied that she would be able to find her way back, she headed out into the depths of the forest. The creatures of the forest left her alone for the most part and she wondered if her nature as a digimon had to do with it. Eventually she reached the forest's edge and stared slack jawed at the world beyond.

It was as if a child's imagination was brought to life, the ground was a mix of plaid hills, rainbow polka-dot pavements and checkered square plains as chocolate milk rained down from pink clouds.

"...I'm back before the Princesses defeated Discord," she realized and turned around to head back the way she came. "Nope, not dealing with this."

She left the chaos and madness behind her and paid no heed to the sounds of the forest as she walked on the path back to the cavern. She could hear the thumps of something large and wooden racing through the forest and the pounding hoof bets of whatever the larger creature was chasing. It was only when she heard a human sounding scream that the rookie digimon took action. She moved as fast as her paws could carry her and bust out of a bush to ram a timberwolf in its wooden head just as it was about to pounce. Both her and the beast tumbled backwards from the impact but the Salamon was the first to recover.

She felt it, a gut instinct telling her to fight and to protect whoever it was that the wolf thought was an easy snack. She stood her ground as the beast growled and darted forward.

"Puppy Howl!" she cried out and let out an ear piercing, high pitched howl that stunned the timberwolf and with the creature dazed, Salamon turned to face the person she was rescuing.

Oh yeah, I’m in pony land. She realized as the blurry shape of a pony stood in shock before her. The pony’s mane and tail were pink and she could make out a horn but not much else from her short-sighted and blurred vision.

"Run for it!" she exclaimed and her outburst spurred the pony into action, they scrambled to their hooves and took off into the woods with Salamon not far behind.

"This way!" the digimon called out.

They tore through the forest with the little digimon leading the way and after several panicked minutes, they skidded to a stop at the entrance to the cavern.

"You'll be safe here," Salamon explained. "Nothing ever messes with this place. Once you feel ready to leave I'll guide you back to the forest's edge and you can make your own way from there."

Now that she could see the pony up close, she noticed that not only did the pony have both a horn and wings but was a young mare.

“T-thank you,” the pony said as she stumbled into the cavern. “I owe you my life.”

“I dunno what happened, I just felt like I had to do something,” replied the rookie. “Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.” The mare replied and their conversation was interrupted by the growling stomachs of both pony and digimon.

“I hope you like herbs, that’s pretty much all I have here, I’ll try and see if I can find enough for you.” The Salamon stated.

"Thank you, um...?" the pony trailed off.

"Salamon, just call me Salamon."

"Thank you, Salamon."

"I've never seen something like you before, may I ask what you are?" the mare asked as the pair shared a pile of herbs for a simple meal.

"I'm a digimon, a Salamon," replied the rookie. "Once I digivolve, I'll be called something different though."


Salamon scarfed down a few herbs before she replied. "Over the course of a life digimon store energy in their bodies. When they reach a certain age or have enough energy, they metamorphize into the next life stage, we call that digivolving."

"Right now, I'm a rookie digimon, when I get strong enough I'll digivolve into a champion digimon." she continued.

"I see, it sounds complicated." the mare replied.

"That's life." Salamon stated and shrugged as well as she could.

They continued eating as they talked. "You live here by yourself?"

"I'm waiting for someone," Salamon replied.

"Waiting for who?"

"I don't know," she stated and showed the mare her Digivice. "It's connected to this, whoever is supposed to own this becomes my partner and it'll be my job to protect them."

"May I see?" The pony asked, Salamon nodded and the mare reached out a hoof to grab the Digivice. The Digivice's screen glowed brightly as pony and digimon stared at it shock.

“I uh, guess that means we’re partners…” Salamon said. “What was your name? I don’t think you told me during all this mess.”

“I’m sorry, it slipped my mind with everything that happened,” the mare replied sheepishly. “My name is Celestia.”

Go figure. The digimon thought. “Well from now on, not only are we friends but I’ll be here to protect you and stuff, if ya know, you don’t mind…”

“Then perhaps you could help my village?” Celestia asked. “My little sister and I live in one of last strongholds against King Discord’s rule and we’re running out of food…”

“Shouldn’t there be bucket loads of food out there?” Salamon asked and the young alicorn shook her head.

“No, it’s tainted with Discord’s magic and anypony who eats it becomes twisted by his powers,” Celestia explained. “My teacher, Starswirl has been working day and night with an ally of his to try and purify the cursed food Discord creates but it’ll be too late if we don’t find an alternative!”

I’m probably going to regret this, but….

“What if you just defeated Discord?” Salamon asked.

“How? He’s too powerful!”

“Do you trust me?” Salamon asked seriously. “Because I know a way to defeat him…”

“Yes, I trust you, I’ll do anything to save my sister!” Celestia replied, almost pleading with the rookie digimon.

“Grab as many herbs as you can from here, dig up some to grow if you can and don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Get these to your village,” Salamon explained. “You need to live, save as many lives as you can. Learn as much about magic as you can and once you’ve learnt about the Elements of Harmony, come back here.”

“You won’t be coming with me?” Celestia asked.

Salamon shook her head. “I can’t risk drawing attention to myself, who knows what Discord would do if he found out about me,” She smiled encouragingly. “Not matter what happens or how long we’re separated, I’ll be here waiting for you.”

“I can’t move...” Salamon moaned. “I’m so hungry…”

She was lying on the cold, stone ground, not a herb or edible plant in sight nor in reach of the starving digimon. A shadow fell over her and she struggled to look up to find a familiar armour wearing, winged digimon standing before her.

“You’re that white Pegasusmon. Arbiter, right?” she asked drowsily.

The larger digimon unfurled his wings and dropped a fruit basket in front of Salamon. “Here, eat these.”

She forced herself to sit up and practically shoved her head into the basket, devouring everything she could get into her jaws.

“Thank you!” she happily replied and took a bite out of an apple that had a smiley face on it.

“You need to be more careful, you may be a digimon but death from starvation is still possible.” Arbiter chided.

She swallowed a mouthful of grey mushrooms. “I know but, I thought I’d be fine. What are you doing here anyway?”

“A Wisemon has been working with a prominent magic user in this world for many years now and since its my job to watch over digimon from the digital world he came from and with my partner working to save people from the thing that killed you, I thought I’d drop by and see how you were doing,” He explained and shrugged. “I was on my way to visit Wisemon anyway.”

“So, I really was murdered?” Salamon asked. “What exactly happened?”

“Your world is one where techonology and automated systems have become interwoven with every part of society, a Digimon known as Diaboromon has been hacking into that technology and using it to kill people,” Arbiter replied. “My partner studied how Digimon function as living beings and found a way to convert humans into data, we’re now using that to try and convert the minds of Diaboromon’s victims before they die and give a fresh start in this world as Digimon. You re the first successful conversion and the second we have sent to this world.”

“Why this world?” she asked. “And what happened to the other attempts to save people?”

“This world is linked to my Digital World through it’s shared use and understanding of magic and the level of technology Diaboromon uses for his crimes is non-existent in this world which makes it a perfect place to prevent more unnecessary deaths,” He explained. “The first Digimon we sent here was… incomplete. Diaboromon had taken control of a smart house and set it ablaze, killing the family within as well as preventing us from extracting all the data in time due its security measures. So, we took what we had and merged it all into one complete packet. There was barely enough left to form a functioning mind and no trace was left of the humans that it once was.”

“At least it gets a fresh start and we have strived to do better since then.” Arbiter stated. “It goes by the name Omnimon now.”

“I just, I don’t know what to say… that’s horrible. Someone just killing others because they can.” Salamon said as she tried to process everything.

“That’s why we’re trying to stop it or at the very least, save as many lives as we can,” Arbiter replied and turned to leave. “You can use your Digivice to contact me should Diaboromon somehow find its way here, or in case you need my help.”

Years passed, Salamon went from a small, cream coloured, lop eared puppy with a golden holy ring around her neck to a slightly larger white cat-like Digimon with a slightly pudgy figure, large pointed ears with tufts of purple fur on the end, blue eyes, large paws and a long thin tail with purple strips near the tip and topped with a tuft of purple fur to match her ears.

The Champion level digimon fiddled with the small holy ring on her tail as she watched the outside world pass her by in the cavern. Her muzzle twitched and nudged a pair of spectacles back up from where they slid down.

Hoof steps broke through the ambient sounds of the forest as two ponies stepped out of the brush and into the cavern. Gatomon smiled at the familiar face of her partner, though the mare had grown a fair bit since the pair last met. The digimon tuned out the conversation between Celestia and her younger sister Luna and looked out at the world beyond.

Time to go… She mused. I just hope I’m doing the right thing.

She looked over at the two alicorn sisters as they finished gathering the Elements.

I hope I’m doing the right thing, I want to help them but I don’t know if everything will happen the same way as in the show. All I can do is hope and try my best to be there for them.

For their sake.