• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 4,075 Views, 80 Comments

The New Dawn of the Setting Sun - The Crazed Werewolf

Sunset Shimmer rediscovers the family she already has. Can she protect those she loves from the Demon that once lived inside her tormented soul?

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Chapter 6: Family Discussion

Sunset was understandably nervous. She sat on her bed thinking of what she would say. She knew that both Celestia and Discord were waiting for her downstairs, she just wasn't sure how to explain it to them. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Scootaloo was giving her a hug again. She hadn't even noticed the younger girl come in.

"Scoots?" Sunset asked confused.

"You looked scared," Scootaloo said, "Celestia and Discord need to know what happened, Luna's right."

"But what if they decide that they don't want anything to with me?" Sunset said.

"They aren't like that," Scootaloo answered, "they gave both of us a home, we might not be family yet, but we're working on it."

Sunset looked at Scootaloo and sighed.

"You're right," Sunset said, "I haven't acted like a member of this family have I?"

"You aren't alone." Scootaloo answered standing up and taking Sunsets hand, "I could have been better."

Scootaloo started to pull Sunset towards the stairs leading to the living room. Might as well get this over with, Sunset thought.

In the living the two girls found both Celestia and Discord seated on the couch already wearing their pyjamas. Celestia had her feet tucked under her with her head on Discord's shoulder. Celestia looked up as Sunset and Scootaloo entered and took a seat.

"Celestia, Discord, there is something I have, no, need to tell you," Sunset began before telling them what had happened earlier that day and everything she had told Luna. Celestia looked shocked. Discord was harder to read. At first he seemed calm, but slowly, all three women present saw a fire ignite in his eyes.

"Someone tried to hurt my girls." Discord said quietly.

"Scoots is ok, and I learned how to deal with people like that," Sunset answered quickly, she hoped that no one could see how nervous she felt. She wished that the A/C would kick on.

"Sunset," Celestia replied before Discord could answer, "no one, child or adult, should have to deal with that... Discord, who are you calling at this hour?"

Discord had his cell phone out. Even though he designed video game for a living, he insisted on using an archaic flip phone.

"Shining Armor," Discord answered, "I know that he'll help me get rid of the bodies."

Celestia snatched the phone out of Discord's hand.

"None of that now," Celestia said in a no nonsense tone.

"Yes Kay-Kay," Discord answered.

"Sunset do you want to get counseling," Celestia said, "I think you should, but I won't force you into anything."

Sunset looked around the room and though about Celestia's offer. The only sound that could be heard for a little over a minute was the tick-tock of the clock mounted over the fireplace. Finally Sunset looked at Celestia.

"No mom," Sunset said, "I've been dealing with it on my own for so long, and now I have something I didn't have before."

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Friends," Sunset answered looking at the younger girl, "and more importantly, a family."

The next morning, the first thing that Celestia noticed was that it was much quieter in the house than was normally the case. Looking into the kitchen, she saw both Sunset and Scootaloo seated at the counter eating cereal, and Sunset was helping Scootaloo with her homework.

"Good morning girls," Celestia said as she entered the kitchen, "any plans today?"

"Basketball practice." Scootaloo answered.

"Are you sure you still want to do that even after what happened yesterday?" Celestia asked.

"I can't be afraid of those bullies all the time," Scootaloo said, "plus I have Rainbow Dash and an awesome big sister to look out for me."

"I'm glad to hear it," Celestia said, "what about you Sunset?"

"After school, the girls and I are going to visit Rainbow Dash," Sunset replied, "she wants to put together a band for the Showcase."


Sunset sat at one of the picnic tables in front of CHS waiting for her friends to arrive. She noticed that most of the students that passed her by were giving her sour looks. Instead of worrying about that she watched Scootaloo practice some tricks on her scooter.

"Mornin' Sunset," Applejeck said derailing Sunset's train of thought, "did ya really break Hoops finger?"

Sunset looked at Applejack, Pinkie Pie was standing with her.

"What!?! No," Sunset exclaimed, "I didn't even dislocate it. If anything is will be sore for a few days."

"Well I believe that he deserved worse," Rarity said as she walked up, "going after Scootaloo like that!"

"How did you hear about that?" Sunset asked the girls, "Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle were the only other people there."

"Well, Sweetie told me," Rarity answered.

"It's all over MyStable," Pink said, "haven't you logged in?"

"I haven't used MyStable since the fall formal." Sunset answered.

"That's probably a good thing," Applejack said, "people have been sayin' some pretty hurtful stuff towards ya on yer page."

Sunset pulled out her phone and logged in to MyStable and immediately began reading the comments on her page. Most of them were the kind she expected, calling her a she-demon or a bitch, a few however really go to her. Particularly the comments targeting Scootaloo and Trixie.

"My my, look at what the entire school thinks of you. Oh even Flash Sentry left you comment. Such language." Sunset heard the familiar voice of her demon self say soothingly inside her head.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said as she walked up and saw Sunset trying not to cry. Rarity sat down next to Sunset and wrapped her arms around her.

"There, there darling," Rarity said.

Sunset shut off her phone, she knew she was stronger than this. She had to be. She looked at her friends. With their help she could overcome the darkness that she was certain was still inside of her, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"So do you guys have any idea what Rainbowlicous wants to see us about after school?" Pinkie asked.

"Ain't she still sick?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, um, I spoke to her last night and her fever had broke," Fluttershy said quietly, "her mom is just keeping her home today so she can get an extra day of rest."

"I'm glad she's feeling better, she didn't sound so good when I spoke to her yesterday afternoon." Sunset said.

"Most likely she wants to talk about the band." Applejack said.

"Oh," Sunset said, her friends hadn't asked her to join the band.