• Published 17th Mar 2018
  • 476 Views, 10 Comments

Alicornae - BirdBodhisattva

Alicorns. Their origins are fraught with mystery, yet their abilities and roles are undeniable. But as Equestria begins to face dangers it had never seen before, perhaps the time has come for the veil of this final mystery to be lifted.

  • ...

Encroaching Shadows

Dear Princess Celestia

I know this letter might come as a surprise, especially since we have met not long ago after Star Swirl’s return. But I still wanted to convey to you some of my recent observations on a particular field of magic.

It never fails to surprise me how much magic there is around us. From the magical properties on a pegasus’ wings that allows him to manipulate weather, to the mysteries of the cutie marks.

And recently I’ve been studying the properties of specific magical objects, and my studies couldn’t help but to point that they could all be tied to a single source, maybe even the magic of Equestria itself! Just take as examples the Friendship Map, The Elements of Harmony and many other things. I mean, according to the “legends” (which we were able to confirm to be true) Rockhoof himself was “imbued with power” during a moment of need, and proceeded to perform all the deeds he became known for. Seeing this much evidence I can’t help but to theorize there could be some kind of greater force at work here.

It also never fails to annoy me how few books there are on these subjects! How am I supposed to make a research on something without the minimum of ground theory?!

Anyways, I’ve decided that I will focus my studies on the magic of Equestria itself. I have the feeling that there are so many other magical events that could be tied to it, as a focus or origin perhaps, that I can’t help but at least give it a try!

And because of this, I will spend the next few weeks on the Crystal Empire in order to conduct some research on the Crystal Heart.

I will be sure to relay any of my discoveries to you. I’m so excited about this!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

You can send the letter now, Spike

Celestia chuckled as she read the letter, for a number of reasons. The silliest of them being because she could almost imagine the scene as the letter was written, Twilight merrily (and methodically) preparing her luggage while dictating the letter that Spike was writing. No doubt excited over the chance to see her brother and sister-in-law, and of course her niece.

The mental image of Spike discreetly crossing out the last line was also amusing. Celestia briefly wondered if Twilight was aware of how often those mistakes occurred, the baby dragon being much more prone to simply scratch them out rather than to start another letter over.

Best that she didn’t know, she concluded quickly, knowing full well about Twilight’s perfectionist streak.

But most of all, she felt especially glad to see how her young student had grown, like she did with all the letters she had received from her.

Twilight might not even be aware of it, but Celestia had already seen that pattern time and again. That drive to research and discover, that curiosity about the world that surrounds her. There was not a single doubt in Celestia’s mind that very soon Twilight would be writing the very same books that “annoyed her didn’t exist”.

And the fact that Twilight Sparkle would live much longer than the regular researcher made it all the better.

“You have already done much greater things than Star Swirl, my dear Twilight, although you might not have noticed”, Celestia said, magically folding the letter back and teleporting it away to her room. “Although it would make me happier if you started signing it as ‘Your dear friend’ instead of ‘Your faithful student’…”

Breaking out of her reverie, Celestia heard as the wooden doors of the room were gently opened.

Nopony had been announced by her guards, so it must have been the guest she had specifically called for.

“Excuse me, princess”, with a short bow a nervous and aging earth pony entered the room. He wore a simple suit with a bow tie on his neck, and clearly had put his best effort in looking presentable for that occasion.

Celestia couldn’t help but to smile sweetly as he entered, bidding him to sit in front of her with a hoof.

She smiled because everything about that pony was honest.

His suit was something at least decades old, hoof knitted with a technique that had long been outdated by the use of sewing machines and the likes. It wouldn’t surprise her if those clothes had belonged to his father, passed down as a treasured heirloom. His cutie mark as well, on his slightly wrinkled flank, was of a hammer and a farming hoe, immediately declaring him to be a simple worker at heart. Although simply looking at that pony’s eyes would have been enough for her to understand that much.

But most of all, she smiled because she had known that old pony when he was a little foal. It was on occasions like these that she noticed how quickly time flew.

“Thank you for coming all the way to Canterlot, Bristle Plains, I trust you had a pleasant trip?”, Celestia said, gently pushing a cup of tea she had asked for beforehand in his direction.

“Ah, please princess, just call me Bristle. And it’s my pleasure, us small folks being called by the princess herself is a gift on itself”, he said, the characteristic accent of somepony who lived far away from cities clear on his voice.

She smiled encouragingly as the earth pony picked up the cup and tentatively sipped it, levitating her own cup towards herself shortly after.

“I’m glad to hear it, although I wouldn’t agree with the ‘small folks’ part.”, she said, noticing the earth pony get slightly flushed at her remark.

Bristle Plains was the leader of a small village north of Canterlot. It was almost located on the territorial border of the Crystal Empire, near the base of the mountains that cut off the frozen north from the rest of the world.

The village itself was mostly self-sufficient and completely ordinary, the occasional traders going to nearby cities to buy tools and goods going completely unnoticed by the economy of Equestria at large.

“Well, if the princess says so…”, Bristle answered in a low tone of voice, “but still, can I ask why your highness called for me? It was awful nice to ride on the carriage that brought me here, but…”

He couldn’t hide the worry in his voice as he said that. Although Celestia had instructed the guards who brought him to be as polite and reassuring as possible, she still wondered had crossed his mind with such a sudden summoning.

She quickly recalled the fact that the last time she had visited their village, they had been worried that she would declare they were supposed to start paying taxes or tributes. Truly they were simple, honest people.

Granted, her last visit had been when Bristle Plains himself was a foal, decades ago. But she knew that way of thinking wasn’t something that disappeared in such a short period of time.

“Well, if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to discuss the future of your village”, she said tentatively, carefully choosing her words and observing the pony’s reactions to them, “I understand that your family has been in charge of that village for many generations, right?”

“Well, me father was the village leader before me. And me grandma was before him… But what do you mean about our village’s future, princess?”

“Well, I have a proposition…”

“I’d like to thank you for your time again, princess. I’m sure my folks back at home will be mighty happy with your idea!”

“Thank you again, Bristle Plains. I will be looking forward to your answer once you have consulted your village.”

Having accompanied the earth pony out of the castle, Celestia nodded as he bowed deeply (too deeply, Celestia thought) before getting inside the carriage. Considering how distant his village was, Celestia had arranged for him to be picked up and taken back through her own means. Moments later the carriage was being taken to the skies by a pair of strong gold-armored pegasi, heading northwards with increasing speed.

Turning around with a satisfied smile, Celestia began walking back towards the castle.

Only to see her aide approaching her.

“I take it the meeting went well, my princess?”

Dressed in an impeccable black suit, with a long mustache that didn’t seem to move even when he spoke, the respectable looking unicorn walked towards her while floating a long parchment by his side.

The parchment, she knew, contained her official schedule.

“Indeed, it went quite well. He seemed a bit intimidated by the idea at first, but I think he warmed up to it quite quickly.”

Her idea had been a simple one at first. The Crystal Empire had reappeared just a few years prior, with Cadance assuming leadership over them almost immediately. It had taken a few years for them to organize themselves, both culturally and technologically, but the Crystal Empire had finally begun asserting itself as a national individual.

And that was particularly relevant on the economical scope.

The gem industry, along with various others, was being slowly but surely changed by the sudden increase in competition, as well as by the unexpected increase in demands caused by a whole empire literally popping out of thin air. And that was a good thing, Celestia thought, as she recalled the economic spur that washed over Equestria when Manehattan became an economical potency.

But said progress, in this particular case, was grinding to a halt due to the sheer distance between the Crystal Empire and other large cities.

So why not use this predicament as an opportunity to encourage growth on an even larger scale?

“Bristle Plain said he would convene with his village, but I am confident that they will accept being added to the rail network expansion we are making towards the Crystal Empire.”, she said, walking towards the castle with her aide by her side.

The project she was referring to was a massive train rail expansion, which would link several of the existing cities with other small villages, and would converge on the Crystal Empire itself on the frozen north.

Despite the apparent simplicity of it, the project had been through months of planning. With Cadance herself, with governors of other cities, ministers and nobles, and obviously the engineers who would work on the project itself. And the difficulties had ranged from budget, to petty politics, to the daunting tasks that would be to dig tunnels through the Crystal Mountains Range.

But still, for some reason she felt that she had been more motivated on tackling this task than she had been for years in doing anything else!

Cadance’s rule over the Crystal Empire, Luna’s diplomatic projects, Twilight’s studies, everypony had been working so hard towards the improvement of Equestria that she couldn’t help but to review her own actions these past decades. And although the kingdom had been growing at a steady and peaceful rate these past centuries, it had struck Celestia just how much more she could get done with her own hooves.

To the point that she didn’t even notice that she was humming merrily as they walked.

“If I may, princess, your meeting was concluded a bit earlier than expected. And the minister of internal affairs has been asking for an audience with you for some time now. Would you like me to arrange for it?”

Snapping Celestia out of her thoughts, her aide patiently waited to write down on his long parchment as she pondered. The “ministry of internal affairs” was basically something she had created while she was struggling on how to free some of her time. Between the avalanche of papers she had to face daily, and the need her people had for her personal attention, she finally came to a conclusion that she had known for quite a while, but had never really wanted to face.

That if she wanted to start doing things more efficiently, she wouldn't be able to please everypony.

So, she started delegating some of her less important duties. And among other things, the tasks that had involved her presence (such as opening ceremonies for new buildings and public appearances) had been given to her minister of internal affairs.

Consequently, she was pretty sure that the audience he was asking for was probably to tell her how it was "impossible for a single pony to attend so many duties in a single day!", or how "everypony would much rather that a princess went on the public events, not some official representative!", or some other complaint of similar nature...

For the fourth time.

With an internal sigh, Celestia concluded that she at least had to grant the pony his audience, and patiently hear him out. Although it would be rather pleasant if that same pony realized that she had been doing his current work (and many other things) for the past few centuries.

“Well, if we have the time then have him sent to the throne room. I’m sure he has important things to bring to my attention.”

“Very well, princess.”, she heard her aide answer, followed by the scratching sound of his quill writing down on the parchment.

Celestia also heard the small chuckle he gave at her last remark.

“A-are you sure about this, T-twilight?”

Spike’s voice was shaking, and it wasn’t because he was carrying four travel bags that were at least as heavy as himself. The young dragon was far accustomed to such physical activities.

No, Spike’s voice was shaking because of what he was looking at.

“Of course I am Spike. Now get up here and let’s do some science!”, Twilight Sparkle answered with an excited tone that he had only very rarely heard. Usually with unexpected results.

With a hesitant “gulp”, Spike walked towards the Map of Friendship, his mind flashing the events that had led to this moment like (as he had once read) a movie might flash before somepony's eyes during his final moments.

It hadn’t been at all hard to realize, Twilight had explained to Spike earlier that week, that the Map of Friendship (or rather, the table upon which it was relayed) was the most magically fascinating item of the castle. Up to the point that Twilight had been exhaustively studying it for the past few days.

Studies which had finally come to the conclusion that the table (along with the castle itself) could be classified as one of the “items” she had mentioned to princess Celestia, on the last letter she had sent a few hours earlier. In fact, she had even omitted on that same letter that she already had a grimoire's worth of notes on the subject, as well as the fact that she had built a prototype for a magical measuring device specifically tuned for that subject.

Actually, the last few days had been quite enjoyable, with Twilight on a "research spree". Things were usually like this when a new subject came up that interested her, and it was a characteristic that he particularly admired on her.

But still, the scene that Spike was looking at was somewhat scary.

Twilight was standing on top of the table. The Map of Friendship was not being displayed, instead there were several concentric circles, arcane symbols, and other mystical shapes floating over the table.

In simple words, a magical circle. A very complex magical circle.

The circle had been magically drawn by Twilight over the last hour, after she had finished packing her research material and their things, and every last line had the characteristic purple hue of her magic. Even now her horn was still glowing as she kept the whole configuration stable.

Twilight looked around her as she waved Spike to come over with a hoof, and the dragon slowly climbed up to the table, carrying a sizable amount of luggage with him.

Apparently satisfied with her last once-over, Twilight’s eyes incidentally rested on Spike as she finished her inspection of the magical circle.

She had the excited expression of a musician about to perform.

Another audible gulp went down the young dragon's throat.

But Twilight noticed Spike's apprehension. Actually, it would have been impossible for her not to notice. A wave of sisterly thoughts washed over her as she looked at him, and her face slowly calmed down to that of the caring friend Spike knew well.

“Ohh Spike, are you really that worried about this?”, she asked, her tone mellowing down as she realized just how nervous he was, “I know this is a spell we have never tried before, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a spell.”

"I know its just a spell... but still...", he said sheepishly, unsure of how to express himself. In fact, Spike himself wasn't so sure as to why he was so nervous. He even recalled how she had meticulously explained to him how the spell worked while she developed it, he knew there was no reason for him to be feeling that way.

That spell was heavily based on her theory that there was a “source” to the magic in Equestria. “Sure there is magic all around us”, she had said out loud, dictating for him to write on her notes, “but this magic could be like, say, the warmth of a sunny day. And if there is warmth, there must be a sun.”

She had no idea of how to prove the existence of this “sun”, as she would say, but she could start drawing a map of sorts if she discovered places or things that were connected to this theoretical source.

And since she had a very strong feeling that the Map of Friendship and the Crystal Heart were two such items, she had devised that spell.

“It’s just like a teleportation spell Spike", she said softly, trying to calm him down even if just a bit. "I’m just going to try to tap into the link that the Map and the Crystal Heart could have, and see if we can teleport between them through it. I mean, it won’t even work if there isn’t a link to begin with, then we can get the train like you suggested”, she finished with an encouraging smile.

Spike already knew all of that, he had heard that same explanations several times already, in different ways mostly while Twilight was mumbling to herself. But still, for all the confidence and care that Twilight had put into that spell and her words, he still felt that nagging sensation that he simply... didn't know the source of.

“I know, I know…”, he finally said. “It’s just that this spell feels a bit… scary. It kind of reminds me of the one Starlight Glimmer made. The one that messed up with time and all...”

Twilight looked around her, and realized how right Spike was. Even the place where the spell was being cast was the same.

The more analytical corner of her mind wrote down how much that corroborated with her theory. But the part of her that cared for Spike was much stronger in that moment, and she quickly shoved those mental notes aside.

“Oh, I see what you mean… But don’t worry Spike, I promise nothing like that will happen, okay?”, she said, gently floating the luggage he was carrying to the table, and covering him with one of her wings in the warm equivalent of a hug.

Spike still seemed a bit apprehensive, but he seemed to have finally made his mind after a deep breath.

“Okay Twilight. I trust you.”

"That's the trustworthy assistant I know so well!", she said, her heart lightening upon hearing Spike's words, "Ready to meet the fans of 'Spike the Brave and Glorious' again?"

"Heh... ready", she heard him answer. As well as she felt the young dragon grab her wing, like a young colt would take her older sister’s hoof.

“Alright then, lets do this!”, she said with a boost of confidence.

Letting her experimental excitement wash over her again, Twilight focused on her horn, it’s glow intensifying in synch with the magical configuration surrounding her.

The spell (if her theory proved to be correct) was supposed to open a portal, and link it with anything that shared certain characteristics with the Map of Friendship.

Naturally, she tried to be specific as possible, and had taken several security steps. For example, a great majority of the magical spell involved trying to make the portal link with something that was crystalline in nature. That, and several other sub-enchantments in the spell involved avoiding linking with something that had (lets say) too much elemental magic associated to it.

After all, who knew just how many such places that were magically relevant existed all over Equestria? How many Trees of Harmony, Statues of Discord, or other forgotten places existed that nopony knew about?

As much as it would have been the magical discovery of the century, Twilight didn't want to find out that there is a great magical temple buried deep inside a volcano. Had she made a simple and broad linking spell, there was a possibility that the exit gate would “link” with something like that, so she had been extra careful for this first test.

Focusing her magical energy on the base of her horn, she began powering up the magical circle step by step, following the same order as she did when she prepared it. As Twilight focused, she slowly worked her magic towards the tip of her horn, the magic circle now shining a bright violet as it stored more and more energy.

Finally, she expelled her magic in a spherical pattern, igniting all the power she had gathered in the spell at the same time.

She had closed her eyes to concentrate, but could feel the magical geometry of her spell weaving into itself, and forming something that felt like a perfect circle in front of her. And as soon as that circle was formed, she felt as if a great pressure was building up, pulling her towards it.

It all happened in an instant. Twilight Sparkle felt as if she had traversed through a tunnel. A great and vast tunnel.

But her hooves touched solid ground right before she opened her eyes. A rather familiar feeling crystalline ground.

“Spike… Spike, we did it!”, Twilight exclaimed happily.

As she opened her eyes, and saw right before her the Crystal Heart. Floating at its rightful place in the middle of the grand hall of Cadance’s castle.

“Okay Twilight. I trust you…”, Spike said, trying to reassure himself as much as he was trying to give Twilight some confidence. The magical circle's patterns floating around both of them like a trap about to spring.

It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust her. In fact, there wasn’t a single pony in the whole of Equestria that he trusted more than Twilight.

The problem was that he just had a bad feeling about her spell. Something that he had never felt before, and Spike had admittedly been through a lot over the last few years.

But if he didn't know the source of his fear, he would just have to tame it with his courage like the brave dragon he was.

And this was Twilight's project he was talking about, so he would bear with it for her sake.

"That's the trustworthy assistant I know so well! Ready to meet the fans of 'Spike the Brave and Glorious' again?"

"Heh... ready", Spike answered, his voice lower than he thought it would be.

He didn't feel brave. At all.

“Alright then, lets do this!”

In fact, the feeling Spike had in his guts became almost unbearable when he heard her say that.

He held on tight to the wing Twilight had around him, as he felt her magical energy flow out of her and into the circle around them.

She was right about one thing, he thought, it really was just like when she used teleportation magic, it just felt a bit slower.

And with the suddenness that every magic has when it is finally activated, a great wave of violet light washed over them, its light being reflected in the crystalline walls of the room.

An instant later a great circular portal appeared before them, and Spike felt himself and Twilight be pulled into it.

He only had time to think about one thing before the invisible energy dragged them through the portal.

That the great circular portal was black, like a puddle of tar seen from above.

No... He realized as a chill ran down his spine.

The portal was dark.

From then on everything happened too fast, as if he was inside a dream, or had just woken up from one.

Spike and Twilight were flung through the portal, and suddenly found themselves within a transparent tunnel, made of something that resembled the surface of a bubble. He could see, all around them, that there was an entire maze of those bubble-like corridors. Some of them grand and vast, others thin and small. An entire complex, almost, connecting nearly everything.

But those tunnels were also transparent, and he could see through them as well. He could see so far that he had no idea if this place had any limits.

And his mind nearly turned inside out when he realized just what he was looking at.

He could see Equestria. Spike would never be sure if he could comprehend what he was looking at, but he was “seeing Equestria” as a whole, the entirety of its area connected by those same tunnels. He could see the entire world in which he lived as if he was outside of it. Perhaps from below as if Equestria was over a plate, and he was underneath it. Perhaps from above, as if he was flying higher than any dragon had ever dared to fly. But he could see all of Equestria from inside that tunnel.

He could see the space near Equestria as well, the Sun and Moon floating around the land like two spheres perfectly balanced on a weighting scale. Their harmonious dance making the place around which they orbited much more alive.

And he could also see beyond Equestria. Far, far into the distance.

All around him, in all directions, as if there was a great spherical barrier surrounding Equestria on all sides.


But it wasn’t any kind of darkness, it wasn’t like a dark room in which there simply was no light, or the darkness of space like he saw while Twilight was studying astronomy. No. Spike knew, he simply knew thanks to some instinct he didn’t even know he possessed, that he was looking at something alive. Something that could think.

Something evil.

His mind was going in circles as he tried to understand just how massive was the thing he was looking at.

After all, he knew that great dark thing was far away. Impossibly far away. Farther than the farthest star was from Equestria according to what Twilight had taught him. But still, the simple fact that he could see that Equestria was completely surrounded by it showed just how utterly massive that thing was.

A great dark. Titanic. Thing. Larger than anything that could ever be possible to exist.

He felt all of his senses be assaulted at once.

His eyes told him that he could see mouths, great gnashing mouths with teeth that were each larger than the whole of Equestria. His eyes saw mouths and forms, even though they also told him that the thing was absolutely black.

His mind told him that whatever it was, it was far more intelligent than anything that had ever existed, and far older for that matter.

His heart told him that it was looking back at him, the same way that Spike was looking at it.

There was a strange sound ringing in Spike’s ear, a faint sharp noise that felt like a needle in his head.

So overwhelmed his mind was by what he was seeing, that it couldn’t even process that the sound was his own screaming.

And as quickly as they had been pulled into the tunnel, they were pushed out through another circular gate, this one made of pure white light.

Spike didn’t even register Twilight’s joyous commemoration as he collapsed onto the ground, the world -and his consciousness- mercifully fading around him, making him forget about the great darkness he just saw.

Comments ( 4 )

I suspect this is not going to become a popular means of long-distance travel. :rainbowlaugh:

8831135 "Are you sure this is safe?"

"It sure is, sir! Aside from the hellish darkness of doom that'll temporarily surround you - completely safe."

At least it wasn't The Jaunt... :rainbowlaugh:


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