• Published 24th May 2018
  • 1,149 Views, 27 Comments

Shards of Sunset - fmriver

This is where I will keep orphan chapters and writing experiments until they either prompt me to begin writing them in earnest or get adopted by another author

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Sunset vs Common Core

"Sunset Shimmer, do you want to tell me why you're in my office right now?" Principal Celestia asked the freshman in front of her.

"No, I don't actually." Sunset slumped in the chair across the desk from Celestia, refusing to make eye contacts as she crossed her arms. In other circumstances, Celestia would laugh at how hard Sunset was trying to make it clear she didn't want to be there.

"Sunset... you're not in trouble alright? Can you just tell me in your own words, what happened?" Principal Celestia usually didn't take the time to meet with students simply for causing a disruption in class, but with who the student was, she felt she needed to take a personal hand with it. The teen continued to remain silent, forcing the Principal to prod her some more.

"From the report, you had a breakdown in the middle of your intro to Physics class... Time Turner even mentioned that it seemed like you may have even hurt yourself with how hard you kicked the wall on the way out." Celestia stated, trying to keep her voice as neutral as possible. This last year had shown how volatile the girl could be.

"I'm fine! I know how to kick." Sunset grumbled out, taciturn but finally using words.

"Well... That's good to know. "Has this happened before? Can you recall what may have triggered your reaction?" Principal Celestia asked, continuing to attempt to get eye contact. In reply to the question, Susnet Shimmer almost seemed to flinch.

"...no...?" Sunset's reply came out far less convincing than she hoped. Principal Celestia didn't even dignify her response, simply letting the silence drag until the teen gave in.

"ugh fine! The heliocentric system model he showed... it irritated me." Sunset exclaimed as she burst out of the seat and began pacing in front of the desk. The sudden amount of energy took Principal Celestia aback fro a moment, which distracted her for a moment from Sunset's reply. Once she thought it over however, she simply felt incredulous.

"Sunset... are you telling me you got angry that the Sun is the center of the solar system?" Celestia arched an eyebrow at the ridiculous excuse the teen was trying to use.

"Well of course you'd say that!" Sunset pointed at her before seeming to deflate and dropping back into the chair. It seemed that the Principal had said the wrong thing, as Sunset clearly was unwilling to speak any more.

"Sunset... it's clear there is something underlying this that is what is truly upsetting you. I just want to help you."

"Sunset... you are doing so well in all our classes, you've joined clubs, are an active participant in all the school functions... so why do you keep doing this?" The teen kept up her silent rebellion as Principal Celestia loomed over her, her patience almost completely gone.

"Can you tell me why it felt like a good idea to call your biology teacher an 'ignorant bucking ninny' after disrupting class AGAIN?!"

".... he was wrong..."


"He was wrong, ok?! He said that mammals never have feathers, but there clearly must have been for the number of them captured in historical chronicles!"

"...historical?... Sunset are you serious?... there has never been any proof of a mammal having avian features such as feathers. Even flying mammals like bats have a completely different wing structure.

"But what about-!"

"-I'm not trying to infringe on your personal beliefs Sunset, but there is no proof of winged people ever existed in nature. We've never found the body of an angel or Pegasus ok? We focus on proven scientific fact in our curriculum.

... is that why you've been having these outbursts Sunset?


Sunset, why are you pacing in front of my doorway now?

I want to lodge a complaint against Mr Turner! He is not teaching all the angles, and expects us to take what he says as gospel!

Come into my office please... alright, what exactly is it that he is forcing you to take on faith?

The Mass Balance and Energy Balance equations!

... what?

They're clearly missing basic universal variables, which have been piled into these constants, and he won't go into those so the class knows this is all hooey!

... Sunset... this is our best current understanding of the world, and it works for any situation larger than a quark. What exactly are you debating here?

It's missing a place to manipulate the Thaums! Without that, the universe would have a constant probability field across all of reality!

... ok... so... what kind of energy is measured in Thaums?

...uh...heheh... riiiiiight... ugh... ...

... principal Celestia... what if I told you I thought the world was 6 thousand years old?

oh joy...she's a young earther too miss Shimmer in a bit busy but-

What if you had folks with wings and a sun that was propelled through the sky by the mental force of your people, and there was proof that your whole world came to be, just 6 thousand years ago?

None of it makes sense... we don't even build our homes in a way that makes sense... principal Celestia... I think we're a runaway terraforming project...

Author's Note:

This is a ROUGH little WIP about Sunset during her time learning about how... different our universe is to Equestria.

Just a fun little exercise trying to get myself to actually write.