• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 2,660 Views, 27 Comments

Shattering Ascendance: Book 1--Quest for the Tree of Life - Myrlin

Princess Celestia and Luna mysteriously fall ill and cannot wake up from their deep slumber. Twilight Sparkle can only think of one pony to help her save the Princesses, Twilight's friend and Celesita's previous student Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 5

Author's Note:

Hello everyone its been a while, hasn't it? If any of you follow my tumblr you might of seen that a few days after the last chapter my mom had a stroke. Luckily it was a small one and she recovered enough to come home pretty quickly. But she still needed a lot more care than before and I used my free time to work on commissions to make up for money lost.

Finally it seems everything is calming down and basically returning to normal so now I can try to focus on art and fanfic again.

Hopefully yall like it and if you do, please leave a comment or share it with a friend. It only has 48 likes and 3k views so any help will be appreciated!!

Sunset awoke slowly her consciousness struggling to awareness. At first, she noticed small things, she was warmly wrapped in a down blanket; had she ever felt something this soft? The next thing she noticed was sound; the rustle of fabric on fur and gentle steady breathing.

With an effort she almost thought too much, Sunset struggled to open her eyes and almost immediately closed them back from the bright sunlight streaming into the room.

Giving her poor eyes a moment to rest she tried again to adjust to the glare. Everything was blurry at first, just a lot of glowing purple--almost violet in the sun--as she blinked the sleep from her eyes her vision slowly cleared. There in front of her almost muzzle to muzzle was Twilight still slumbering in the bed next to her.

Sunsets mind--still not fully awake--chose first to notice how long Twilights lashes were how soft they looked as they brushed her cheeks. Also how Twilights silky midnight hair was disheveled but with the backlight of the morning sun it illuminated her like a halo.

Sunsets lips turned up into a small small smile as she closed her eyes, she began to snuggle back into the covers and thought to herself ‘This dream again….I love this one…’ she was about to curl into twilights neck as she usually does in dreams like this when a loud throaty snore ripped through the still air.

Eyes shooting open Sunset was now fully awake and sat up not at all gently and glared around the room to see who was it that ruined her dream? From the ornate wall hangings and opulent drapes she knew without question, she was in one of the royal guest suites in the Canterlot Castle and in the right corner of the room tucked into a plush-backed chair was Starswirl, asleep with his broad-rimmed hat covering his eyes, his arms folded over his middle.

Once again his raucous snore tore through the silence of the room finally causing Sunset to remember all the events causing her to be in this situation. The princesses, their past, the tree, and Twilight. Her head dropped down eyes wide to find her dream moments ago was not a dream but in fact real, very very real.

A fearsome heat rose to her cheeks as she scooted backward without a thought. Her right hoof found only air and less than a second later she found herself on the floor, her back and head stinging from the impact.

The thud and her responding curses woke at least one occupant in the room, the other snored once again. As sunset was gathering her will to sit up, motion on the bed caught her eye; twilight with her hooves crossed under her chin smiled down at Sunsets form sprawled on the floor, her hind hoof caught in the blanket.

“Good morning Sunset” Twilights voice was soft and held the sound of suppressed laughter.

Sunset snorted and jerked her head to the right hoping from this angle her friend couldn't see her blush returning. “Morning Twilight.” from the corner of her eye she managed a glance back at her friend on the bed and began to smile too. “Hey stop laughing at me Twi i-its not my fault I fell out of bed.”

“Oh? Who was it then?” Twilight smirked and stifled a giggle behind her foreleg. Tired of being made fun of Sunset twisted and rolled till she was on all four hooves and gave an indignant shake.

Now, eye to eye she could glare at Twilight properly but with her over exaggerated frown, it was easy to tell it was fake. Her sour expression only lasted for a moment before they both locked eyes and began to giggle, before being interrupted by another loud snore. For such an old stallion Sunset was surprised how loud he could be.

“We should-Aaah-wake him up.” Twilight yawned as she stretched her wings to their fullest until they shook with the effort, before hopping down from the plush bed.

Sunset hung back, letting the other unicorn walk ahead to have the honor of waking the elder sorcerer. Gently twilight lifted a hoof and placed it on top of his crossed forelegs shaking him softly.

“Starswirl… Starswirl wake up… ” Nothing. Twilights left ear flickered back in annoyance before she tried again with more effort. “Starswirl Wake! UP!!”

A snore caught in his throat as he sputtered awake, sitting up so fast he knocked his hat to the floor. “Wha-who?? Oh, girls, you've finally awakened, yes good. Did you find what we were searching for?”

The two mares shared a look ears drooping downwards, it was Twilight that spoke up first to explain to him what they found. Although the magic had taken a full day to get them into the past and back it only took a few minutes to tell.

Celestia and Luna as earth pony fillies, Discords attack during his reigning years, then finding the Tree of Harmony and their miraculous ascension into Alicorns. The rest Starswirl knew of, he was there when those events happened. Finally to the moments right before the present, finding out the cause of the blight to the sisters magic.

Starswirl was pensive and had grown quiet during the explanation stroking his beard slowly in thought. “Like a tree cut from the roots they are unable to naturally absorb magic like all ponies do at some level, causing this slow degeneration.”

Sunset having been silent during the exchange except for the occasional interjection felt the need to finally ask. “Starswirl what do we do?! We have the how and why but still no clear answer to save Luna or Celestia!” She felt her emotions rise as her quivering lips twisted into a rueful grimace. “We can't just plant a new Tree of Harmony…”

The room fell silent and once again and Sunset cursed herself for speaking up, she was only a third wheel in this, only dragged in by Twilights good graces.

Her own negative thoughts were distracted by a sound to her right. Looking up she noticed her friend was mumbling quietly, her foreleg placed above her lips, it was Twilights thinking pose. Other clues that her friends' thoughts were racing a mile a minute was the way her ears twitched back and forth following unknown sounds and thoughts as her violet eyes were intent on the ground, tracing out unseen notes. Her fit only lasted for moments before her wings popped outwards with a snap fully splayed out.

“That's it! What if we CAN plant a new Tree of Harmony and a tune the Princesses magic with it instead! Like--like a transplant. If their source of magic cannot support them then we need to find a new one.”

As quick as Twilight exuberance flared up it died down just as fast. Much calmer with her wings tucked tightly to her side meekly she asked “Starswril do you know anything about the tree that can help us? Growing a new one is the only choice we have.” she then began to the babble. “I can’t think of any spell that creates magic, all of the spells I know draw on my own source of magic and to keep the spell going it would drain me. So following that same thought we need something that works on the same fundamental level as the Tree of Harmony to produce the amount of magic that it must take two alicorn pr-”

Sunset giggled as Twilights gushing thoughts were halted by a hoof on her shoulder from Starswirl. “Steady young princess. I must do some research. But I have an idea, be it a small one.” he looked over to include Sunset “You both have done much so far, and the spell must have been tiring. Go down to the kitchen grab breakfast and meet me in front of Celestia's room before the noon bell, hmm?”

The brass bell atop the tallest tower rang out with high clear notes, alerting the citizens of the time of day. Sunset and Twilight both now very full entered the royal wing of the castle.

Julienne Carrots a large mare who was in charge of feeding the whole castle took one look at them, tired and weak from so much magic used, and fed them until Twilight complained she might pop. But after walking through the immense castle both of them agreed they felt so much better than they did this morning. After the adrenaline of informing Starswirl faded they could barely make it to the kitchens.

Sunset noticed with sadness that the lavender bundles Luna would put up every night had begun to wilt and turn brown on their edges.

The old Stallion had already beaten them both to the hall that held Celestia and Luna's private quarters. Twilight began to walk towards Celestia's door when Starswril shook his head negative and continued past it. The hallway came to an abrupt stop, the stone wall before them was barren except for a single unlit sconce casting this area in shadow.

Sunsets ears flickered as she heard mumblings that sounded like a spell from sorcerer as he tapped one stone than another and even more, drawing out a complex pattern in the silver color of his magic. He said a final word in old Ponish she didn't understand as his magic flared. There before them was not solid stone anymore but a darkened doorway with stairs barely visible leading upwards.

The gray stallion picked up his wizard hat with magic and flapped it at the opening waving away spiders and cobwebs that fell as the door opened. “Sorry ladies my rooms haven't been used since I was sealed away and I have had no need to visit it since I've been back.” Giving his hat a final shake Starswirl placed it back in its place and entered the stairwell. “Mind your heads I don't know what crawlies have made their home here in my absence.”

Her ears tightened against her hair, she did not like “crawlies” as Starswirl put it. Sunset was happy to see Twilight had an expression similar to her own as they grimly made their way forward side by side.

They must have entered one of the towers as at the first landing the stairs led to a circular room that seemed like living quarters that had a tornado run through it. But before she was able to pick out what any items were from the mess up the stairs they continued. The second opening showed a large room with bookshelves lining every wall with one side completely covered in windows facing one of the many inner courtyards. Sunset even noticed in surprise a small area another story up that held a telescope.

As they entered the room proper she noticed that this area and the one below it was devoid of the inches of dust they had just walked through, when the stone door first opened. With a fine thread of magic, Sunset found that there was a barrier about the room to preserve its contents and dispel decay and dust from developing.

Twilight mouth agape took all this in, eyes wide, Sunset guessed it was just from seeing one of her hero's private study. But Twilight whispered excitedly to herself that this “Looked just like her room..”

Funny Sunset thought, her old room used to be connected to Celestia's own...she never made it to an adults room like this.

Starswirl nodded picking up on her not so quiet whisper “Once Celestia decided to take on promising unicorns as students then who best to model the cradle for those young minds than his own study.” As he spoke he walked towards a desk nestled against the wall still cluttered with books and scrolls.

“There are many tales across the land, stories from ages past. Bedtime tales parents tell their children. I grew up in the northern lands near the crystal empire and we told stories while the winter nights were long. My favorite of my mothers was about the Tree of Life. Said to grow at the top of the world and from the Tree all beings were created and all things good too. But to protect it from beings of darkness it was guarded by fearsome creatures whose forms were an amalgamation of all those who lived in Equestria and beyond.” He chuckled to himself. “I used to scare my brother, saying the monsters will come down from the mountains if he was bad…”

Starswirl coughed into his foreleg and continued. “The Tree was beyond the furthest mountains, farther than anyone dared to travel except for the hero in our stories. And so I thought it to be only a foals tale. Rightfully so…Oh... where is...it? There it is!” he exclaimed as he yanked out a yellowed scroll from between two books. “Until I found THIS in an old tea shop framed on the wall.”

He motioned the two over as he unfurled the scroll, holding the edges down with items from the desk to lay flat. It was an old map of Equestria, not showing any of the large cities Sunset knew of. There was the Everfree Forest and to the north a tall mountain with a river that flowed next to it was were current Canterlot was located, but on the map, it showed nothing.

“This is a map of pre-Equestria, even before Discords rule.” He pointed to the mountain in the center “Here is Canterlot, he moved to the northwest this is where the crystal kingdom is located.” his hoof moved more north “Then Yakyakistan past the Yaket Range is Mount Everhoof.” Then once more he trailed upwards. “and past that is the Crown of the World”

Sunset gasped she hadn't noticed but there a small but unmistakable drawing of a glowing tree. “Is that it? The Tree of Life you were speaking of?”

Starswirl nodded “I believe so. Back then mapmakers did not draw these for only art but to depict facts, but over time, our scholars forgot and what once was fact turned into rumor and then legend. But I believe this map is accurate, do you see these lines?”

All across the map were spider webs of lines converging in places like spokes on a wheel and spreading outwards. A cluster was located on the Everfree Forest, then another on Canterlot and from Canterlot one of those lines hit the Crystal Empire, and there at the top many many lines converged at the Tree.

Twilight spoke first “Are those leylines, sir?”

He smiled it seemed happy that she got it right. “Yes, I think so. These are the lines of magical energies that crisscross the land sometimes overlapping, and where those lines meet there are great wells of magical energies. Who do you think advised Canterlot be built atop one of the largest crossroads hmm? But it seems here as if all of them originate from the tree.”

Now he looked worried “This is only an idea but I theorize the Tree of Harmony must be related to this Tree of Life and somehow ended up down here. This is only speculation, but if as you said we can replace the source of our Princesses magic with a new Tree we can save them. But we have no real knowledge of this Tree, and what we do have is only through stories. This might be naught but a wild goose chase. Wasting time.”

Twilight had a stubborn look on her face “Well its the only lead we have and Luna and Celestia are too important to not take risks on. You have already tried all the magic you can think of to help them, this may be the best chance we have.”

Sunset stepped forward. “At least we can say we've tried everything.”

Starswirl seemed to perk up and gave a wry smile. “You've given this old stallion hope girls. If we are to act on this lead we must do so fast. Pack your bags for winter travel, the mountains are cold all year long. Be ready by sunset I need time to create items to help you on your journey.”

“Aren't the other girls coming with us too?” Twilight asked confused. “I can't just leave without them.”

Starswril shook his head. “I believe its best not. The pair of you will travel much quicker, and they are needed here to keep peace among the civilians who I have heard may already sense something is amiss. If the townsfolk see the heroes of Equestria acting as if nothing is wrong it will aleve their concerns for a while. You two will be boarding the fastest train to the Crystal Empire. I will send a magical letter to Princess Cadence to let her know of your quest. Tell your friends but no one else, we can’t let rumors spread any more than they have already. Go pack you have a long journey ahead.”

True to his word just as the sun was setting both her and Twilight boarded a train with only one passenger car just for them. Apparently, he also had the pull to close the station early so when they arrived no one was there, only the conductor and his crew.

The wheels squealed to life as they stowed their laden travel packs above the seats, Sunset balancing on her hind legs almost fell from the sudden movement. But she didn't, thanks to Twilight bracing her below with a wing and a hoof, Sunset looked down and gave a small smile as thanks.

Without talking they both settled down on the plush seats across from each other, staring out the window as the scenery rushed by in a blend of orange and red light.

From the moment she woke up this morning it felt like all day had been a rush, and now finally sitting quietly with nothing to do but wait Sunset finally relaxed. Not completely, but as best she could.

After picking this course of action with Starswirl, Twilight and her left right away to inform their friends--no--Twilights friends.

These weren't the same girls she knew in the human world, the names and personalities were the same but not the memories. She felt like she knew them so well but--when they looked at her their eyes just slid off. They didn't know her.

So even as they cried or laughed or confidently told Twilight they can handle it here. Sunset hung back.

She used to think that was the reason she continued to stay in the human world...even after Celestia annulled her exile. But now that high school was over for her she couldn't use that lie anymore. Yes, she loved her friends obviously but she could never shake the feeling like she didn't belong.

Because she didn't.

Sunset always knew, even after being accepted by the girls and Twilight. After finally being able to live a ‘normal’ life in that human world she still felt like a puzzle piece in the wrong puzzle box. She could twist herself to fit but it wasn't the same.

Her home was Equestria, her form was not that of a human but pony. But, but how could she come back and just act like her past never happened? She was once Celestia's prized student but her arrogance and quest for power drove everyone away.

Sunset didn't have family, not like Twilight. She was found by Celestia when she still lived in the Canterlot orphanage, just as she was beginning to show signs of her power. It was after one of her tantrums that summoned a bolt of lightning, did Celestia herself arrive. She determined that the power the young filly had was such that it needed to be guided. Sunset would now attend the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns.

And the rest...was history...

Sunset didn't have a mom or dad or brothers or sisters or even friends that she missed after her exile, she was just filled with bitter hate and resentment. It was only after meeting Twilight and finally admitting herself did she notice all the excuses she had made. That living in the human world was a good future, that it will all work out, that this was her new home.

But this tragedy had finally made her realize that she couldn't stay there. After this trial was over--whatever the outcome--Sunset would go back to the human world, gather all Equestrian magic and close the portal.

Even the Sirens: Adagio, Sonata, and Aria if they agreed. Foreign magic in the human world was only a source of problems for everyone.

Sunset had to balance the worlds back out, and that included, meant returning herself. Even if she didn't fit in this world either…

“..un..set...Sunset..?” Twilights voice cut through Sunsets spiraling thoughts, her face was as gentle as her voice.

Sunset came to, sucking in air as her ears perked forward from the low position they were just at, and after a few blinks, she righted herself to look to her friend across from her. “Yes, Twilight?”

“Ah, um. If you don't mind...can we sit...together..?” Her voice was so fragile. Like if Sunset moved too fast or talked too loud it would shatter something. Without speaking she nodded, got up, and walked the two steps to be next to Twilight.

Within moments the other unicorn was leaning against her left side, her head resting against Sunsets shoulder. Although Twilight was normally half a head taller than her, to Sunset right then she seemed so small.

“Sunset...I...I couldn't have done this on my own. I couldn't imagine. The girls are all my best friends. I love them...but..its not the same.” She spoke without looking up. “So thank you, Sunset Shimmer. For being here for me..”


Sunsets eyes moved up from looking at her friend to the window. The sun was drifting behind the hills that span most of the track before reaching the Galloping Gorge, only a sliver of the sun was left visible.

‘An average train ride to the Crystal Empire,’ Twilight had said before boarding the train ‘is normally 7 to 8 hours depending on weather and how many stops the train has. But with just us two and no other passenger cars to weigh the train down it should only take about 5 hours.’

‘5 hours huh.’ Sunset thought to herself as she turned her head downwards to rest her horn against Twilights, releasing a gentle wave of magic passing from one to the other--just like Celestia used to do to her--before placing her head against her friends. ‘I can do this for 5 hours…”

Lastly before closing her eyes completely Sunset moved oh so slowly and placed Twilights hoof under her own.

The repetitive sound of the train moving swiftly along the tracks lulled both unicorns to sleep as the sun with a final flash fell beneath the horizon.

Although the shift from the fast pace the train had kept for hours to the slower one was gentle it was still enough to rouse Sunset Shimmer from her nap. The train car was dimmed for night time travel but was lit well enough she could see her and Twilight had barely shifted from the position they started in. Sunset felt something move to her side, well except for Twilights wing that now went behind her back to cover her right flank.

Outside it was very hard to see the black on midnight difference between the ground and sky if it were not for the aurora glowing overhead. From the barely illuminated silhouettes and her review of the map before leaving Sunset could tell they already passed the mountain range that encircles the valley of the Crystal Empire and now was traveling through the open plains before reaching the city center.

With her snout, she carefully nudged her sleeping friend telling her it was time to wake up. Twilight must have already felt her moving as she responded right away and disengaged herself. Sunset thought she noticed a flush on Twilights cheeks but dismissed it due to the dim lighting of the cabin.

Sunsets ears flickered back as she moved away, a quiet thought whispered in her mind that now she was cold and she already missed the other unicorns warmth. But she was distracted as the rumbling of the train and the screech of the brakes signaled they were here.

They both grabbed their saddlebags and exited into the midnight air. It was much crisper in the Crystal Empire but the magical shield surrounding it kept it from being freezing. The train station was just outside the city limits and the vast disk of crystal buildings stretched out before them, glittering like a jewel.

Sunset followed behind Twilight, her breath clouding before her as she looked up. There the aurora shined like ribbons in the air above it all--blue, purple, green and pink--to a backdrop of millions of stars. And cutting through the center a shadowed and towering castle pierced the sky.

The long night was just beginning.

Comments ( 5 )

Not that that's a bad thing.

This was a ready fun read. Hopefully one day you will return to it I would love to see the world beyond the north.

Hope to see more of this soon its lovely.

a wee bit sad this was abandoned but it was beautiful!

Sad to see it incomplete; but it was quite enjoyable while it lasted. a really cute story!

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