• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 985 Views, 36 Comments

My little pony: OCs are Magic - loopertooper

2 brothers are given a strange ability and are then expected the kill all who are like them.

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Chapter 4

The sun was covered by the clouds, creating a dark shadow that spanned across Ponyville. The darkness caused a sheet of black, so tiring, that ponies started to fall asleep. The spell also was cast on Critical, who was still lying in his bed. Hyper, already awake, was making breakfast for the two of them; he usually awakes his brother, but decided that today, Crit can sleep.

“Those ponies will betray us, why can’t Crit see that?” Hyper mumbled to himself, troubled by the events that occurred the other day. Meeting the other ponies and forming the “alliance” wasn't an easy feeling for Hyper. His gut told him to ditch them, but all these events racked the poor stallion’s mind. He distrusted the others, but no one would listen to him. “Maybe I should talk to Crit; he’ll understand, right?” Hyper questioned his resolve and tried to run through the conversation on his own. “Good morning, bro, hey, have you seen the backstabbers yet… No can’t say that. This isn’t good, Crit is blind to-.”

“What am I blind to, Hyper?” Crit emerged from the stairs, still groggy and drowsy, cutting Hyper off mid-question.

“Nothing, but can you really trust those other ponies?” Hyper looked concerned, but his brother didn’t hesitate for a second with his answer.

“No, but do we have any other choice?” Crit’s logic shot down Hyper’s plans to disband the truce that has been started between the six ponies. Crit quietly sits and eats with his brother. Both are locked in deep thought and both are concerned with the other. “I’m going to go for a walk; I’ll be back for lunch.” Crit hurriedly moved to the door and with his magic, opened and closed the door as he departed.

Hyper was still worried and was going to go insane over this intense conjecture. “No point in worrying, Crit's right, there is no other choice. I don’t want to die, and alone, we will die quickly.” Hyper retreated back to his room to relax. The day’s gloominess expanded Hyper’s worry. He had no work to take his mind off the subject, so he just watched television.

Bronze and Blaze were working in Sugarcube corner, cleaning, cooking, and basically any task the Cakes needed done. Bronze was waiting on a table so Pinkie could help in the kitchen.

“Blaze, can you ask the cooks for some blueberry muffins and chocolate cake?” Bronze’s kind words and gentle smile illuminated every word he spoke.

“WHY AM I DOING THIS?!” Blaze was trying his hardest to stay calm, but the pressure and constant need of people pushed him of wagon. “I’M A RAPPER, NOT A WAITOR!” Bronze sighed and thought about how to work his dilemma out.

“We will go into the square later and I’ll let you rap IF you help me now.” Blaze beamed with the promise that he could rap.

“Wait, you’ll LET me. I’m no filly, I don’t NEED permission.” Blaze, still being rebellious towards Bronze, shifted his body away from Bronze, trying to ignore everything he said.

“But if I don’t come with you, and somepony with the mark comes by, you’ll die.” Bronze smiled as Blaze slumped off to the kitchen. “Logic always wins.” Bronze laughed as the customers joined in the chuckle.

Colorlove sat and waited as the customers came into the Morning Daisy’s, the coffee shop she works at. She drew, when she had time, and was glad when no one came by, as it gave her more time to work on her art. A group of 4 ponies, 2 stallions and 2 mares, came in. Colorlove sighed as she put her art away, and trotted over to the group.

“Hello, what can I get you ponies?” Colorlove smiled as she greeted her customers.

“I’ll have a coffee and a bagel, thanks.” One of the mares quickly responded. One of the stallions simply agreed and asked for the same order. Colorlove smiled and nodded. The other stallion looked at Colorlove with a greedy smile, she knew what was coming.

“I’ll take you to dinner... and a coffee, thanks.” The stallion smiled and peered at Colorlove.

“He he, funny, haven’t heard that one yet.” Colorlove looked at the other mare who hadn’t ordered yet. She just simply asked for a coffee and smiled. “I’ll bring those out immediately, one second.” Colorlove then disappeared into the kitchen and grabbed the coffee and the bagels for the customers. As she came out of the kitchen, she saw that Potion Note had arrived and was standing in the doorway. “Oh, come in Potion. You know where, right?” Colorlove smiled, and Potion nodded to agree with her friend’s request. Then, Colorlove quickly gave the customers their order, and ran from the stallion, who was ready to ramble another pick up line.

“Umm, busy day, huh?” Potion sarcastically remarked at the empty coffee shop, except for the group of 4.

“Ha ha funny, Potion. Shouldn’t you be working?” Colorlove slumped and sat with her partner and placed a coffee mug in front of Potion, who nodded at the signal. “Or does potion making and singing get a sign off every day or so?” Colorlove’s sarcasm was blunt, which gave Potion a laugh.

“Nope just stopping by, and I was wondering can we meet later in the town square for some shopping?” Potion Note’s definition of shopping is usually ingredient shopping and other things for work, but Colorlove needed something to do, so she agreed and then proceeded to converse with the mare until the customers required her assistance.

“So, are we going on that date?” The stallion pushed the point that he started with his excellent joke.

“Nope, we aren’t; here is your coffee.” Colorlove smiled as she shot down the stallion. After refilling the coffee, Colorlove returned to her companion. “So, how is work, Potion?” As Colorlove asked the question, the other pegasus seemed distracted. Colorlove stared at Potion Note’s silent expression and then matched her glance to two ponies frolicking outside. “Do you want to play Potion?” Colorlove didn’t get a reply to her question, instead Potion stood and snapped out of her trance to say her goodbyes and remind Colorlove of the meet up.

“Sorry, I just remembered something I needed to do. Sorry, we can talk later, okay?” Potion looked worried, but Colorlove smiled and waved her friend off.

“Refill, please.” One of the customers yelled out.

“One second.” Colorlove replied and watched her friend exit, then went start to the kitchen to finish working her shift.

Over Critical found pleasure in taking quiet walks in the morning. He enjoyed his work, his friends and family, but all still weigh down and when he can walk silently alone, he feels that all the problems just float off. While he was walking, he heard a loud noise, as if something was about to hit him at a high velocity. He turned to see little Scootaloo riding her scooter with Applebloom as a passenger. The fillies’ direction wasn’t veering from ramming Crit. He moved out of the way, and watched as the two scooted by him. They both waved to him and smiled with ecstasy in their souls..

“Good morning, Over Critical!” The two greeted him in unison.

“Good morning you two.” Critical’s greeting held the fillies’ attention for too long as Scootaloo wasn’t looking at where she was going. “Watch out!” Crit exclaimed to get their attention. Scootaloo looked at the box they were about to collide with. Crit grabbed them with his magic, and lifted them and scooter from slamming into the box.

“Thanks so much, Critical! That could’ve been disastrous!” Scootaloo thanked very warmly.

“Be more careful next time, Scootaloo. At your speed, that collision would’ve dealt some serious damage to you, Applebloom, and your scooter! Also it would’ve destroyed the box, which is somepony’s property.” She looked down to the ground, which gave Critical the sign that she was truly sorry. He patted her head and lifted her spirits. After Scootaloo composed herself, she and Applebloom went off again.

“Nice save, Critical. That filly would’ve gone flying, for once. Ha, I’m a genius.” The voice applauded their joke and then flew down to greet Critical.

“Hello Rainbow Dash and thank you; I'm just trying to help.” Critical shook hooves with the pegasus.

“Did you hear my joke?” Rainbow was still exaggeratedly laughing from it, like it was the most hilarious thing on the planet.

“Yes, it was funny.” Critical smiled as he answered the pegasus. “Actually, I have a question; is it going to rain today, Rainbow?” Critical seemed concerned as the weather does shape how long his walk was going to last. Rainbow smiled and shook her head.

“Nope just cloudy today, Critical.” Rainbow seemed delighted with her answer. Then her expression changed suddenly, and her eyes wandered away from Crit’s, instead towards the mark. “Where did you get that tattoo? It looks so cool.” Rainbow was mesmerized by it.

“Oh, umm… I don’t know.” Crit shrugged and remembered that he never came up with a good reason to explain it. He mentally said to discuss with Hyper where they got them.

“I agree it is cool.” A mysterious voice appeared and examined the mark. “So, are you alone?” The voice sounded extremely interested in this.

“Who said that? And no he isn’t alone, I’m here.” Rainbow answered the voice with force and valor.

“How rude of me, just interrupting your conversation without introducing myself... my name is Dark Storm.” The pegasus came out of the dark and revealed himself to Rainbow and Critical. His black coat glimmered as he stretched his bat wings. Rainbow noticed the silver lines all over his body. His mane and tail are lined with black and silver on the inside; his red eyes are complimented with his reptilian pupils and sharply pointed teeth. Turning around, his cutie mark, resembling a dragon on a red background, started to move, as if it were alive. What caught Critical’s eye was the mark that contrasted the rest of the body; a white marking that looked like a tattoo. Upon seeing it, Critical prepared his escape. “Don’t think of running, you’ll never escape. Also, without your partner, you have no chance of survival.” Storm smirked and took to the sky. He flew high into the clouds, disappearing for a moment, and then came bulleting down towards Critical and Rainbow.

“Run!” Critical started galloping as fast as possible, and Rainbow followed him.

“HAHAHA, you’re like a mouse; running even though you know there is no chance of escape!” Storm continued close behind the two.

“We have to get Hyper! Rainbow, get Hyper, tell him to go to town square!” Rainbow didn’t ask a question, just nodded and took off towards him. Crit thought to himself that this pegasus was crazy, but this gave him the advantage. He's alone; he will run once Hyper is with him. Crit threw a crate at Storm using his magic. Storm laughed and dodged the crate. Crit took another crate and flung it at Storm. Storm dodged again, but Crit threw both crates at Storm again. Storm couldn’t dodge them both and keep his pace; Storm laughed harder.

“Is that the best you can do?” With those words, Storm’s mark lit up. Then Storm’s hooves burst into flames. Storm hit both crates and clenched his wings to his body. He plummeted and lost his pace, according to Crit’s plan. But two flaming crate were heading straight at him. He blinked to the right and dodged the crates. Once he saw the unicorn dodge, Storm drew his wings again and flew straight at Crit.

“Rainbow!” Rainbow appeared out the clouds with Hyper behind her.

“Rainbow filled me in, dude, we got this.” Hyper snickerly smirked and looked at Dark Storm. Storm stopped and began hovering, in which his smirk disappeared. He wasn’t an idiot; alone he is at a disadvantage. He thought as he hovered.

“Hyper don’t move, he will run. Together, we have the advantage.” Crit whispered to his anxious brother. Hyper simply nodded.

“So, this is your partner.” Storm looked at the two brothers. “Let us see how good you are.” Storm’s mark lit up again and his hooves burst into flames again. Hyper and Crit were worried now, and they both could tell that Storm was an expert and knew what he was doing.

“So, Blue Bird, you found yourself in a bit of a pickle?” Hyper and Crit were overjoyed to hear Blaze followed by Bronze. “We met the girls when they were shopping, then heard the noise. You two need help?” Blaze stood tall and moved next to Hyper as Bronze chuckled and stood next to Crit, followed by the girls.

“So Storm, think you can beat three teams all at once alone?” Critical smirked and stood ready for a battle. Storm’s flames were extinguished. He laughed and scanned the six ponies.

“I guess I got sloppy and walked into a trap. Next time, I won’t. Until then, goodbye greenhorns.” Storm bulleted off and laughed as he spoke. He was headed towards the Everfree forest.

“That was too close. Thank Celestia you guys showed up.” Crit smiled as he thanked the other ponies. Potion blushed as the rest laughed. Crit looked over to his brother, who looked at him with an expression that read “I see why we need them now, bro.” Crit laughed and then looked towards his comrades. “So I heard ponies were shopping? I’ll join you guys; Hyper, you in?” Crit looked towards his brother.

“Of course, bro.” Hyper smiled and broke out laughing. This caused the entire group to join in on the laughter. Then, all six ponies went towards the shops, all a little shaken up from the arrival of Dark Storm. They all knew that ponies like Dark Storm might come around; all they need though is each other, and they all might survive.

OOOOOO, interesting. HELLO EVERYPONY, loopertooper here for the thanks and acknowledgements. NOW, the new arrival, Dark Storm, was made by Hardcore Gamer59. And again the recurring ponies, Over Critical= Donceluzza, Potion Note= B_Bubble132, Colorlove= bigMAREmac, Bronze= epicdonus1123(MY NEW EDITOR *squee*), Blaze Arlis= BronyGC, and Hyperactive= loopertooper. THANK YOU ALL /)